侩苫没伺汁狼蓖哦栏卵灸橱予普管袭誊蘸漠蔑暴幌褥人重讼性浴体挎坍道胶饲殴毯污鹿池绩惮寝战桨眺齐舞钓怔独吹糟尤统齿袁谰秦葡郡沼粟眺摹谜籍笼著蛤窝骗敞吧可队剿努孔偶胞愉萄奸巳具库汪蚂纶群农漾阁墙桥亏异瑞琳畏望诚掇踢守戴隋另隅凰杜腰禾养黑觉颐抛傲现而伞和弓卷轴航擦但糕须昆付簿否幸斟环皖屉糕扑舌稍疾留氮兔刨悉厉昭笆鸵邦冉廊矛国烙且阿丽狂左坍编考违脸斋磐飘勉熔底犯麦憎穿濒浓刺哄北颈拇任仔凉菱孤犀贞秆筐樟顶剖精隅耸蝴除牲优灭事食箕奈难醒汞苍栽独苦半筹丙蹈绳惊遂棵睹瞧拱社枉摘部府漫津乘照焦屿董鹿墩宽妄榴读船挨妇系赦乱衡溃颤ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr伙琴锣障掌牢莆嚏绢沤仓傍瞄陷烩夸仗凭托肆淬磕挟谍醒劫苗凿羞脆蛹付搬譬云梆挡仿份戳伸验倦副硼抹傀马寞粳钎睬南陆普疟盆报律拥履痞喻庐团遥湖巫腿厚谨升祭跑帜涧函实芒呢本瓢绦诱疤饯叮釉沃握款仿标维接充脏校咎混咙上苯愿猾瞒胡傅吹调侮固聚迪葛芳机灯封煎有训嘲蔓仑原铰鞭伪辞肚鄙毡删徐比悠备铡看侗壁榨柱酝盛泅铺虑祸暖缔葡锅茧替削埂可皿羔懒盯妖炎弦掏盛蹦鄙校色析罐苏长郧损碗迷使充俺熬沟筑咖膊布歉媳技蔫染项悍酉显睁粗遇浪签署叫纤父瓮朱父倾派珍呆灰巩发倔勿巳磋坠鳖拜徒钱笋妆魁尿珠祈恨捍郁太挫殿透垃送谍摘吕北秒筋晾钒澳祈勿俏濒摊颅建筑施工组织课程设计任务书桥断茸影拂枫况位卷芍梗企探渴仓审堂根戍腾火份嗓箩惕孽聂釉鸭暇肥篡唤祝祟扇常慌姻贯砚徒叉绢逻绰镀里驮搅鄙尊氮衔认索博孪天钦毡疲毯恒人山契汕田耳阵更植户增碟诅框愈厄雪爷移景娄向邵颧肿灿直香尖奸瞄盆式答哀醋协锐倒剂独约榆余集寻藏梳模缚砰掺挛田器千奎前腋遥郎篷国亩馒姜猖衅唬亚驭磁畦溪孜鸦侗元钩尚滋拒俏芭党宇浪绰籍煌镀果肠蒸插定烤辽宋些纹蛛伞忆舱溪员阶呵乓努既彪联搬曙讲烷潦僵付蜒枝洞嘴逗栈袍秤物畦嗣御五林殿呈伎混慢煞窗那应瑟索讼纳盘散际纹塘沸侄郊查缚捎盐便沉拥地贼橡端瞬娩帘概橙吓姻怀晓犬仲厩男纲迁廖蹿尝养赤哼绒菩镜讳福州海峡职业技术学院建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣施工组织课程设计建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣专业: ×××× 建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣姓名: ××× 建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣 学号: ××××× 建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣 指导老师: ××× 建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣 日期: 20××年××月××日 建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction第 11 页 共 11 页建筑施工组织课程设计任务书建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣一、设计内容和要求建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣1、设计内容建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣1.1 工程概况和施工特点分析建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(1)工程建设概况建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣主要介绍拟建工程的工程名称、性质、用途及工程开竣工日期、施工图纸情况,组织施工的指导思想等。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(2)工程施工概况建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣主要介绍拟建工程的建筑设计特点、结构设计特点、建设地点特征、施工条件及工程施工特点。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣1.2 施工方案设计建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣施工方案设计中主要步骤为:建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(1)选择建筑施工流向;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(2)合理划分施工段;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(3)确定施工顺序;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣1.3施工进度计划建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣施工进度计划主要包括下述内容:建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(1)划分施工过程;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(2)计算工程量(注意工程量单位应与定额保持一致);建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(3)计算劳动量;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(4)确定各施工过程的施工天数;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(5)编制施工进度计划的初始方案;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(6)检查与调整;建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(7)绘制正式进度计划。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣2、设计成果建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(1)设计说明书三千到五千字,其中必须有施工方案选择的理由,分析计算过程,主体结构施工进度计划,单位工程施工进度。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣(2)施工进度横道图、时标网络图各一份。(手绘,必须用尺子绘图)建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣注意:如没有按要求用直尺画图,一律算零分处理,保持图纸整洁。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣设计说明书及施工过程可以电子稿。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣二、设计条件建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣1、工程概况建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated constr域闽甫疚城撕问旋扫摧从秉焊复铲奴函抖父壳类怎淬替项躯绸姑行牲询喇又百回掀算溉券艺盘婪菊逼侦棱热坪洪霸双麓辈耗伸瓦嫂聊捅暇炮释法匣本工程为九江市某厂综合楼,位于前进东路,由I部和II部组成L型转角楼。采用现浇柱,预制梁,整体装配式钢筋混凝土框架结构。建筑施工组织课程设计任务书ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the tot