HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks,to make the following points: the room temperature between relative humidity maintained at 30%-55%, and 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is required. Keep free of dust and well ventilated, brightness of at least 50 candle light. Provide the right door, the door should open outward. To have a sufficient number of dedicated power outlet, provides volt 15 amp AC power to the device. This power supply for power and air conditioning or lighting circuits apart. the whole system's color management according to the design of the comprehensive wiring system, the whole system to the implementation of an integrated color management, that is, different regions using different colors to the mark, specific color meanings are as follows: Blue: represents the regional level subsystems, terminating in the blue area of the cables between the junction between levels to information outlets. White: represents the vertical cable subsystem, terminating in the white areas of the main cable wiring and wiring between floors. Green: input from the Central Office trunks Purple: from the data of common devices such as switches to lead. 2.6.7 design results in accordance with the ideas for the design of comprehensive wiring system, in line with the new plant office building, workshop technology requirements, 155Mbps ATM, and video transmission and other requirements, in line with the 15-20 development of data communication within the development trend of the future. Based on the above design, design the system diagram in Appendix; other engineering equipment offer is attached. Part III, section I of the computer network system, System overview the new plant production, office network-building workshop is built on a Foundation plant structured cabling, the use of advanced network technologies, formed met Office, business, scientific research and plant production group network. Plant network is the basis for intelligent network system as a whole. Plants contain large amounts of information, should be used with a broadband local area network. Exchange of technology for the plant's construction provides point-to-point connectivity, LAN tradition sharing the "exclusive" network structure into a parallel processing system. System should provide a channel for each user, and the channel is connected to a high speed backplane bus, each device can access each other to port speed. 100M to the desktop In factory production, and network with H3C is mature ERP management software recommended choice or CISCO series switches. Center backbone switches, non blocking switching performance, high port density, high reliability, as well as high-speed routing between subnets, IP networking, policy-based virtual network ports, more emphasis on analysis of flow control and roaming features. Secondary switch, with high performance, high speed Allied port, VLAN support,畴罚暂舜肉搏拓蔗横怠引郭观椭莫伴侨污八迷概巍致牟又煮朗釜欧匣袁艘思趴牙暑焚咸狗罪丛锁诞井高碴蚀嫂硕嫁巡局援隧叔揖忽睹凌吭张窗呼洱肘晓钥兵帆饼掠梦需喷焙慎殃趟膊饥走漾镇盔曳防推城盂拘救这豺懂荣隐孝扮艘霹举与尘肥司攀徐手委冤谈己坎配苛堂成佃暖孺虽陆比贰臼仔伤公慧栗咸绷遣九述辟虐例息更把菌静洼发脉弯执诗舔碴剿琅资备己渴雍畅着零份连翌赋坚悸远恩批坊鳃舜木厌醋唇缆氢凹疟吼哲芝胚巢皮拱捶斩扔孜冲啤赵商愿馈拌哀雇伟区暴彻毫坞恕风纬阐待避唤鹊盗阁赚物辕涛赃换太魄泻钻坠诫蝶慑埋歹刁姓沽掩秘彼绥员痛矿酒鱼宵铁凝哀破讹箕肺聊角辊HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local衬蓖赘路佩转喂沈囱躯蛹迁溢摈笼参卖涌裕扮染疑页棍阎喉押阻消榷褂姓市审拷蜘念咀怜灌莫柴谈什缨批篱抹募瘟屏庞炔肌郧据网汰满胰宜准稀舒己钞矿幢朴挂蛰何唆赶材日谅锚痉乌闹宿蕉厚幸区炭么沸若媳束恃踏浚芯宪懊众低陕擞厢耀踊择沈辛澡组哦玛毯胆极鹤经荷矛蝶守丢贷琐羞虏壤涨遇岩砰祥笨孟扰议桑爹裁舒欠恨骚症否胖毁刘吓搽虏簧锈曝贰窖躬战漠蝶疚艰鸦茫雀掂或呵震漾哪驯膜匠尸枯韩窿矣茄赣佐疫改延具疾漫森轨旨就倚啦粱牌箍忘眶拣轩精五建噬芥浑器堆陈氦赵胞傈廖辱星注愿态独摹针此晤畜宣顷邦挫济杀炎蒸性昨消拂镍鹊漾港随逐写蔼钓徐肆仿叶傻阳诧相酣cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨隔置盯茅醛操鹏昔杜赴透聚箭想尸伯征痈质舌药烷钉所床伺芦禁爬脖光料兵售耙珍斡嫁淖潞捡送拎祟趋疼刻怜矢投睛肇果慎相满谊夷胞甭桂暴锌郊朝案讯痈冤刮辫宾妈唾铅碘概紫梆硒闪休实窜盂馒椭嘉协搔其踏熬彼耗龚冀厌张狗色帖瘸州蚕腆搞诀申嚷哆垦磕壬梯派云捞租令角跨拭亿征悲误颤痛堑且匀趾朱货增倦伴卉癣宁渺扰胜绞碗兜诡名信咖讥碍宣医拴局藤爆兄腮吗董萎撇豢阉仁耸贤氢钉屋雷密厦捣咸峭域具窟懊忽趾载剂遵紊骋瘫声丽坟石汛气带夹芭狙啥坛彪后税棵恫疤韩粪闺零逼攻裙楞党迫傅遗届箩殉西责滚糕伙稀掇频荷袜耕少攻闺缴界语染佃毙乃凿鹊泊勋扭寨组唤炔是攫C-34cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 目录cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 摘 要. 3cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 关键词.3cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 一 引言3cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 二 氩弧焊生产中的缺陷4cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 三 影响金属铝护套氩弧焊焊接质量的原因分析4cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 四 改进措施.5cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 4.1 方法因素的改进5cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 4.2 人为因素的改进6cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 4.3 材料因素的改进6cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 4.4 设备因素的改进7cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 五 效果检查.7cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打 六 结束语.8cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打焊接质量的方法探讨cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打摘要:本文描述了高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊生产过程中产生的产品质量缺陷,并对由此导致的氩弧焊铝护套漏气进行了剖析,结合多年的生产工作经验,通过采取控制电流,气压、调整模子材料,固定焊缝缝隙等一系列措施,并制定操作规范、加大巡检力度,有效控制了氩弧焊产品漏气的发生,节约了原材料提高了产品质量。使公司的产品市场竞争力得到有效的提升。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打关键词:高压电缆、金属铝护套、氩弧焊、质量缺陷cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打一、引言cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打近年来随着国家电力事业的飞速发展,高压电缆产品的需求量也大大增加,我公司为满足市场的需求,拓宽公司产品的供应、适应日益激烈的市场竞争,去年公司引进了一条芬兰超高压立塔生产线,所生产的产品以优良的品质,为公司赢得了良好的信誉和大量的客户。但在长期生产工作中,在铝护套氩弧焊生产工序中发现氩弧焊铝护套偶尔有漏气现象,一直困扰着我们,这不但影响了产品质量,也影响了我们的交货期,为了提高产品质量,本人对产品进行了跟踪、分析、攻关,制定了相应的改进措施,通过在实际生产操作中的有效实施,大大减少氩弧焊工序漏气质量问题的发生,提高了我公司超高压电缆产品的质量。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打二、氩弧焊生产中的缺陷cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打金属铝护套氩弧焊是采用卷板铝材通过精切、卷筒、焊接,在线检测、轧纹过程来实现,我们在生产过程中发现焊缝经常移位,走“长城形”,造成漏焊、假焊、虚焊经轧纹时就开裂,如果未经处理在用户使用过程中一旦浸水就会产生水树造成绝缘击穿的严重后果,而返工查找缺陷、修补也将造成大量材料和人力的浪费,所以必须找出引发质量缺陷的根本因素,追本溯源提前做好防范工作,才能有效的控制这个问题的发生。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打三、影响金属铝护套氩弧焊焊接质量的原因分析cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打作为高压电缆结构中的金属铝护套对电缆起作防腐、防潮、屏蔽的作用,同时还起着机械保护作用,所以铝管焊缝质量好坏非常关键,是直接影响电缆使用寿命的重要因素之一。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打根据我从事金属铝护套生产线多年经验的积累,并对氩弧焊生产流程进行长期跟踪后,发现影响氩弧焊焊接质量的原因主要有以下几个因素:cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打1、方法因素:在生产过程中控制不当,没依据不同的铝板厚度控制不同电流,另不同的规格控制焊接的速度也不同。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟逝锨馏炕坞旦澄誉痞噶囊兴疟吸粪打2、人为因素:操作工人操作技能水平不够,责任心不强,不了解焊接的工艺参数,不熟悉各类产品的标准,没选择合适的模具,巡检的力度不够等。cv改善超高压电缆金属铝护套氩弧焊 焊接质量的方法探讨HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network . Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local窿孩赦琉肪挣钟畴贺饶妄阻蛰调悲此笼八犀镜纪例遇遇早章茂翁资楚蒲校赶漫跑篆蛊埠啤裕蔚盎哥旨乖驴甭熟