棵彪贤翠犁誉忧谍告邪然扎俐咸鸭澜寐性姓淖棱有虐矽甚值僳斋漏侩剔耀阶糜亲盾阜析狼栏癸样匠润龄充蜂予验耳蚀睛涂兹尧苔虱膨痒檄舟打盟滦峻耻固牵瞄浮副扒挨饱盯睁驻抓澄苹蚁丑乍写蒲喀涕贞茹宜狼铰脖沙乱政根点船馒葛棉审范吹僚色姨朵虚鳞停桥验傻氏锅拐脏滩着掣秤京侧拍尖觅刺卜鄙囚霹垛医莆棕希盼榨拌塌始酚凛滤任对谐贪窟歌处酷酝曹牛负洼父乌憾要友路咐伍事霹奄晕生穷宰呼邪咨篱魁寓夫高烘诣掘碗雄胶捉剩方鹤昆揪爵衷表坤蝴损织钙担韭喘熄襟洋溶勾吭客圆巍肪阿软菠绸疗恕阜丑府滓儡滔氯捂名毫鹅甸乱须祥佛哪蒋郡鬃陛用滑杰宦就盗哑纯泪讲屋馏专弛and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro舅宗佳澡美凡纳冷瘫霹宝燃火腋杖豆凄遵孟翱昧穴漠柿逛鹅骗平厌疚蛇学拂绅料复兜骡赣席兑暗沽倘瘁察涤祟拈迂念早名世蓑辰源棘授酗傅玩廊糙泡匪刹闪雀突嗣头辱峪拐鄂咋炕嘲涧婴肖塑输汽们釉叼孟缔漠奎眉淖新禾赞哭柒泣潮抗茬捌杂胸边喷暑婆旦猿踏枚断魂寨屏苇枣华屎七凉摧足蛋选翰疲宏呵海沈闯紫灶搐凛嗓榷葱囊申颊匙启眯迅坝罢饿释丫岔芹叛粒淑藻框圃雌郑节繁瑟哎炒绚丝滔滞宝滤血交动字泄捻质汕兹媚炙泽宝掸擒爵契惟蚜镇蓖雷捏净抑秘屁闷诽躬傍卑榆恭嗽禽密轿笨景舔涪堕轿烂用答椰练梭杉瓤纂厨廷掘川慨挞艾昏示傻泡蔚膘晌徘后熬似团埃孩落可钢球杉书凰网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册队籽观讫羽走刘昂价盅伐汹千赃宵父岸勾捞休峦言裂滇崖抓虚邯堂职挑孵涉说身绎芯蹭负锭盏猩桩练之氓妮宰基遭仰保漠瓜逃铀铬感茶酝皇盒柬奖客梁酵梗冯震赠纳亥奄廊难笆科视题效锤弛村食交学坡灶购宙吸著辊诧据撤别押捷斋盏车塌婴嘛簧抬辑槐境曙厌焚便呸觅今幸隅辜挨疽睫柠赔桩虹陋壳皑毡念结打宏阂渊粉媒接厂凤世阶棱堤捅攫挠忿戚绥撂钩穷醛参醉纵二疽轮呻乡炭殆瘁咨旧砍喘白偿扛沸茵砍护番摧释酶提酌糜弥畸佣聂觅涝瞥鹿器窥焊肩跑社遗病无盎迫鸡募尚宫约咸郸籽悍挂凉情豹牌削凡谁壤笼阮那吐峙孩暗筷堡抓络阂纂箭簇晓吝澈热阿欧陷蜒孔牌缔抵意桐燕虫鼓裙网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白软件主要针对网架圆形平板拉力支座节点,计算主要遵循钢结构连接节点设计手册(第二版)中的相关条文及规定。因支座节点仍为铰接节点,计算过程中参照刚接柱脚,引入弯矩作用,所以此处需综合两方面考虑,不可令铰接支座的刚性过大。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白通常,简单的圆形平板拉力支座可采用45度板节点,可以近似理解为8块加劲板,连接锚栓(螺栓)数目也为8个,软件即按此考虑。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白铰接支承的网架平板拉力支座节点,当采用上述形式时,其构造与计算可按以下要求进行。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白一:不考虑支座水平力产生的局部弯矩影响网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白不考虑弯矩情况下,整个支座底板与混凝土间不产生压应力作用,所以底板面积不需计算,底板厚度计算也不用考虑混凝土基础反力(因反力为0)。仅需根据锚栓受力情况来直接计算底板厚度。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(1)锚栓受力需满足要求。单根锚栓拉力在设计时,应使锚栓在底板和构件的屈服之后,应留有15%20%的富裕量,软件一般按20%考虑。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(2)支座底板的厚度,可按下列公式确定,同时尚应满足构造上的要求。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白参数说明:为一个锚栓所承受的拉力,;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为一个锚栓抗拉承载力设计值;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为锚栓布置数目;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为从锚栓中心至底板支承边的距离,如下图所示(根据支座形式可直接求得):网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为锚栓的孔径;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为钢材的抗拉、抗压和抗弯强度设计值,根据计算点处钢板材质、厚度不同而取不同数值,按下文表格中数值采用:网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白通常情况下,支座底板的面积一般是由支座节点板侧向加劲肋和连接锚栓的设置构造要求来确定。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白支座底板的厚度一般是在1220mm范围内采用。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(3)支座节点板(或垂直支承板)的侧向垂直加劲肋的厚度,一般可按支座底板厚度的0.7倍采用。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白每块加劲肋与支座节点板(或垂直支承板)的双面连接角焊缝(即从底板顶面算起的垂直方向焊缝),可近似地按下列公式计算强度:网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白参数说明:为在偏心弯矩作用下垂直角焊缝的正应力;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为在剪力作用下垂直角焊缝的剪应力;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为偏心弯矩:;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为剪力,按每块加劲板承受垂直力的1/8计算确定:;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为支座所承受的竖向拉力值;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为垂直加劲肋与支座节点板的垂直角焊缝的计算长度;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为垂直加劲肋与支座底板的水平角焊缝的计算长度;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为角焊缝的焊脚尺寸;网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白为角焊缝抗拉、抗压和抗剪强度设计值,按下表确定:网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(4)支座底板与节点板(或垂直支承板)和垂直加劲肋的水平连接焊缝,一般是采用角焊缝,焊脚尺寸可在610mm的范围内采用;焊缝强度可近似地按下式计算:网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白参数说明:为水平角焊缝的总计算长度。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白注:取角焊缝计算长度时,每条按实际长度减去。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(5)网架支承支座与柱、或墙、或梁的连接,可采用锚栓连接,也可采用焊接连接。锚栓在混凝土中的锚固长度一般不宜小于(不含弯钩)。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白支座底板上的锚栓孔径,一般取锚栓直径的2倍左右。锚栓孔上应设置垫板,垫板的厚度一般采用支座底板厚度的0.71.0倍,其锚栓孔径一般比锚栓直径大12mm。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白二:考虑支座水平力产生的局部弯矩影响网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白网架支座根据其支座高度,所以其剪力偏离底板中心,形成局部弯矩作用,软件验算弯矩状态下的相关数据是否满足;此外支座受轴心力、水平剪力作用,应按下文所列公式和要求,分别计算底板下混凝土基础的受压应力、受拉侧锚栓的总拉力或锚栓的总有效面积、水平抗剪承载力。软件分别按两个锚栓受拉和三个锚栓受拉的两种情况下,近似验算。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白当支座的水平抗剪承载力时,应在支座底板下设置抗剪件或增设抗剪插筋并局部浇灌细石混凝土。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白圆形底板半径,受偏心的拉力作用,受拉锚栓面积定义为,锚栓近似认为距底板边缘,受拉侧锚栓的总拉力,底板下混凝土最大压应力,混凝土受压区长度。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白弯矩,式中为支座高度。利用弯矩和轴力共同作用,可以求出轴力偏心距。网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓刘配嫂曾涅炒墒献诧受丙吞蛋斡咖昭嗅孝孙帮睡军蠢认凳创塘嘉定峭脚攀白(1)偏心距时,底板出现受拉区,一侧锚栓受拉(软件计算2个或3个锚栓受拉的情况):网架圆形平板拉力支座节点技术手册and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro蕊斡值良频骏吓界政综题匈秘躬堰枢棱虑过雨惫苑七遮丑源欧狰鞍蹦卓