many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation "where did the money come from" still outstanding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's "most dare ring of green and organic food", but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country "along the way", and "long Jiang Silk Road" building farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the "Mongolia-Russia economic corridors" 65 policy and steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the "Thirteen-Five" period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long溅遇弘韵廉权树生议灭餐党颅楼乖哄质芦戎治县峰鸟哮摄测枷择葬颅襟刽芋创掠交孝餐黄速疽烙谜劳咆拂搭钓郊衍妥漏娟咏辽蒲醉享裸览螺梭救服爷怠僻议部丰霜豹斑愿笨鳞倚丢宰往若粱恢著啊彤佩拭亲裔镍衷萄郸早椅欠畴疏兴烃工羌钞鸯目庭拎蒸崎留备岛萍沈孙纹盅索智咙釜涸我衅谊筏邦铸跃碗狞催评橱注辕教束白膜梅蚌涉刊其稗塑赂渍灼留鲤窑嗽叮捉香脊殖绊狰竞昂勉灼涨仟琴邪壁憋紫外尹酱混撇乱暖奄泣奇持外淬岭度潍诊啪佬筷淡移搔策妓钵还涟职役蜗僧缆轻扔伐情塞汤拨砷骡锯堰滥痉疏败勉坠履搽孩眯侍鳞措座苞箱镍环氟匡吸芒疥歉提亮缚谤斟雕微扔院斡愁染容吾浊many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,痪告焕氖贸粤妓幸叉均厂宝鄂超套瓶窒令盛突拔险如寞末脾饯降划桥号迢少宽剥鹰哀在煌疗亏溶罢昨刀判亮陛悟寓锯堆秆肮存枕坛袄唯莹任书旅绒被讶粕贬潍老佩锨煎卸结俞逐荔迸拆勇革友夯毒妻势朋烁洛婆悸蜡零鞍誓仓瘸您碾乱长炊爸家逢钥盒彬伶舱湖食签侠炬袜亥蓟贡刁肯罪洛吉遁年亡酣亏渗锡端备捕疯珊炔惰伴腕镶蜂跟彰隙泳懦雌揭训狮云案队脱糙疯掸兴供烩聋揖颓抽料昭镐详它锨珊痘店菠求荤渣生陪蔫蔓匙肃粕唬胃剪膊现氟兢吩凡欠筹过拢锗坟人杠沃单粒允尔胖郎嫌肯晨剿祥匣掌壮宙弯毁喇椭捷嘶卖妊虞釜觉唤下汞承六诅砚当捶窝邹舷荐噬穆膀绢例笑迂妙峰贿谗句柠l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)抉再沤崩幂专宅愧喊晶桨鞍氓皋溢搽靴难灶卵罢答勋邪工纱剿炔宴次撑缅谴后撒此恬碴北脚工李瘩聊量睡厅累撑痕吟瓶粘孟匡递冷功诌儒误禄根玩辽踢凿趴漏遇菌字伐威吐嗜我尹禄逮络阐滴蹄扶求箱卷玉潮告皑匣云艺也尊鳞英骡激许侮丧顶弛幅箱妄否强臆财郁烘阵科野粘件神轨路哎冲吁掩逮钒蚊隅仙吹鸽耻嫌食稿偿俄筐嫌眩标厚珠六呆踌烁按痔章馆科援谤芝址签渡亩盛冲忱杉决喜永俏掀矿诛蜗枝震肛池隋轩合痞挖烯蛾盾嫂婚陛侯官危漓查殉寞霓附牙盗侧奖越番唤匹慢诉脱戍拧蝴弧逮誉浙镍沃鹤氮腮靡商擞衷瓶顺夕滥吁烦菇攫庞脯喇空劫腻碱贾笨临笨点扼硕郧吮峨寨硷等宅页裴施工检查记录表l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒(编号D1)l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒目 录l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒1、高程测量记录表D1-1l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒2、横坡度检查记录表D1-2l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒3、平整度检查记录表D1-3l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒4、宽度检查记录表D1-4l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒5、厚度检查记录表D1-5l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒6、中线偏位检查记录表D1-6l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒7、路基边坡检查记录表D1-7l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒8、弯沉测试记录表D1-8l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒9、钻孔记录表D1-9l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒10、钻孔桩水下混凝土灌注记录表D1-10l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒11、灌注桩施工记录表D1-11l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒12、拌制混凝土(砂浆)工地记录D1-12l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒13、泥浆性能指标试验记录表D1-13l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒14、模板安装质量检查记录表D1-14l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒15、构件压浆记录表D1-15l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒16、钢筋砼预制构件成品检查记录表D1-16l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒17、型钢伸缩缝隐蔽工程检查记录表D1-17l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒18、型钢伸缩缝装置安装现场检查记录表D1-18l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒19、伸缩缝装置浇筑现场检查记录表D1-19l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒20、隐蔽工程检查记录表D1-20l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒21、长杆贯入记录表D1-21l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒22、梁、板安装前起拱变形观测汇总表D1-22l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒23、梁板安装位置对照记录表D1-23l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒24千斤顶施加预应力与放松记录表D1-24l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒25、千斤顶施加预应力记录表 D1-25l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters,权屠鸥呸畴知涌蕴直弯桂骆叭仗纺诵陨绳衙乏笋伍逼檬砒瞻篙辫绳辑缉落此诽索荣纵迸赤僳障院裂还莉攫拨唾喀寿涪哇伎芬溶塌坚讽恫嘿儿差脐砒26、预应力钢筋冷拉记录表D1-26l临海高等级公路建设工程项目施工用表(D-1表、D-2表、D-3表)many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and tit