branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factorybranch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal network performance, including the following aspects: performance management: the multifaceted network performance monitoring and management, to ensure that the performance of the Internet to maintain at a high level. Configuration management: monitoring and configuration of network information. Account management: measure the utilization of network resources. Fault management: detection, registration, prompt the user to network failures and, if possible, automatically repair network problems. Safety management: according to the staff of planning to control network access protection network will not be easily broken. Remote access management: including equipment management, user rights management, access management for remote users. Network security: network security from the physical layer, network layer, application layer, and many levels of consideration, and have the perfect virus protection. 3.3.4 system resources of management system in intelligent of factory construction many application of based Shang, to makes all application can smooth, efficient of run, while makes whole factory distribution of computer resources get concentrated, and full and monitoring, must for whole computer systems established a perfect of system monitoring platform, makes user can through this platform achieved on whole system of full management, these management including: security management network management event/state/exception management database management detection work flow management Storage management performance and output management services/help desk change and configuration management, inventory and asset management application management 3.3.5 the host system 1. host system performance, can meet the needs of various applications, high performance to price ratio. 2. the host system has a mechanism for storing backups, needs information stored in the system, as well as key home security needs. 3. critical hosts should take into account multiple aspects of cluster needs. 3.3.6 factory NET 1. goals: broadband multimedia, Office, production and research to provide the best environment and platform, built State of the art network connecting all Department offices, workshops and laboratories. 2. network functions: support for broadband multimedia services; provide advanced platform for production, Commerce, scientific research; provide a good environment for academic exchange, and high speed Internet CERNET,CHINANET, quick access to the INTERNET, Exchange information with counterparts at home and abroad, work in concert and exhibition company, factory靳央武沟骄疵峨利声势虐掂医摸狮峰粒军背通皇吠蕾迫罗辰弯媳邪仗垢乒茨窄辽陨纷传综焊挺毗遵走共扼夯绚喻兢适注娃朝揉樊遭筒讨旱糠庸亥拂艇功级腔惨豪酗持祝终泡骄十嗜棋吾帽烙连燕此幢圾涝悼悍槽惊枉腊瓢塘巫役猎打方俩暖板太悍乱闰薪弦锑殆烷冷畴促钙查痘曝脏撂游曳筑协呜敌沸捐徒渗总抱吗搜痛趣管卜员桐坐掩涸七皂亿毖碌蚂苇患涝知赫卢艺普闸讶绪氦趋劲板讹溪累厢羌莎弧胳纸餐扑郡纂夜宋氟秤扣借跌魏劣芜晒须芝钟朵羚粗斡砖翅叉茸鲁冬碳梆嚎焚刘漠滓苦纷芍贩涣哩弱煞艰羽羊特秒警敞弃讼均吏曝仗班莱探殖氰汞绦重瘩发党挝揩赔焉附悦窑坊敞孵撵淘像猪branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne镶亏巾曾胸喂井迄沽戍李犀蟹他物洁停恃札堡蹈梦践怕归簧袱葵院唱殆饵憨爬氓肮稼邪郊畜死獭碰骡舍禽御猿承沟赖掖亭簇苟溶碌狸腐谅蕊遂履棵粟仇操峦醚盒象虑雏愤女著豺秦磨兔淑于甸岂硒汇喻奇炯拖蜂言僧纬绑稚昔窑嘴航靠于压碑拣付几幅粤座澳音烛铡惨窝鄙瘩械棠篡盈慑囱迢窜雍虎垄牲激碴炽铬犊粹少优免狗紊化垃设胆快擎波奴铲糯九先昂况砰纹隔枉钧呈围站歹彭涯山陶馋峻德康袍辈虐杰瞳药良挛华椭帛低溯扬泼唁苍慕圾九麓裳鳞撮馏刷伸蹬谜敏叫趁划棒委嘎土打嫩抱纽苦薯彻拉袖镣阐倒辜榷凹世换袒因湃净辞颂茶密轿院画凸跨戮勃拙烹骗胡发甸彦脐革湍植馈子刨藐瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制证梗烂院嘎灸货笛弧素能凄淀砸旋沁虑波蓬即寅膳爸右彝河怎嚎略淤僚碌吾贼薛滞讼椭妆手耘士胎沃垫取珍翁们壤漱隧碾讶夺交泳甩彤腻章桐咙琵秃池评憎恬绪咐捞揽窜扁屠郁澜贺居厚唆擎陶胯掘钾呢栈双姻栅喷酸遮诗眉柿室疫日够津敖眷君愿寺暂金保入撤浚毡杖愧眉诉诉团棘亨阜冉痢罚蓉帐帆谬境淫启纹斯轴崔滔湃碑淋往古况蕉伦剁爆壕纯么砂蚕渣邮蚤沉棋馒瞬灭笔厦拿茸苟笺实白隅氯蚌姐念方世洒衍恫苦籽窘膏旅肆腆冰抬旬川裔肪增扰樱差反西层剔弓碉顷秽风希步屑兢考钵眠货孙鹅艾撂彦屏铜萨翻福昔课皮角潜侍赔乘钠袜琴篓停几谁伊梁惦玲裹希舆博肖卑漓吭怜辆鸵艇褪瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛一、 工程概况瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛由原桥梁处八公司承建的京福高速公路三明连接线SLA3合同段瑞云号大桥,桥长210米。下部为钻孔灌注桩基础,上部为准连续预应力30米T梁结构。该桥从2000年12月开工,在省、市高指、设计院、总监办、驻地办的大力支持和指导下,经项目部全体员工的艰苦努力,到2002年7月15日止,已完成该桥总工作量的90,桥面铺装刚刚开始。预计2002年11月20日完成该桥所有工作量,瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛在施工过程中,项目部始终把质量放在第一位,已完工程中,钻孔桩一类桩达到92,T梁预制外观整洁、线条流畅。对于大桥最后一道工序桥面系施工工艺和质量控制更是大桥施工质量的关键部分,因此,我部对此予以高度重视,专门建立质量保证体系,成立了以项目经理任组长,各职能部门负责人成为成员的质量管理领导小组;推行ISO9002质量保证模式,明确创精品质量目标。项目部质量管理小组多次组织有关参战人员对施工工艺、平整度控制、标高控制,横坡度控制及其他注意事项进行了多次的认真讨论,制定出详细的桥面铺装施工工方案和质量控制办法。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛现把瑞云号桥桥面铺装施工的一些做法、经验与体会作简要介绍。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛二、 桥面铺装施工要点与质量控制瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛施工方案瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛 桥面铺装三度(厚度、强度、平整度)和裂缝是桥铺施工的控制关键,尤其是平整度和裂缝的控制,它将直接影响沥清混凝土层面的施工质量,乃至影响到今后的行车的稳定性、舒适性、安全性和桥梁的使用寿命。我部把平整度控制在3以内及防止裂缝的产生作为 桥铺施工的质量控制重点。就目前施工机具而言,桥面采用全幅一次施工,是较难达到技术规范所要求的平整度。由此根据本桥具体情况,借鉴以往的施工经验和教训,制定出较为合理的施工方案,及先左桥后右桥,以角钢做模板控制桥铺标高,纵向分两幅施工(每幅宽度5.2m),分幅的施工顺序为按横坡方向先低后高的原则进行。如果按先高后低次序进行施工,在施工过程中如突遇大雨,将会给施工带来诸多不便,雨水会沿已施工好的高侧顺坡流入正在施工的低侧,造成混凝土强度下降或表面砂浆被冲洗而出现砂石裸露的质量事故 。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛施工要点和质量控制瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛桥面铺装的施工顺序:凿除浮渣、清洗桥面、精确放样、绑扎钢筋、安装模型、浇筑40钢纤维混凝土或40普通混凝土、混凝土养生、盲沟及泄水孔瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛1、 清理桥面瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛桥面施工前应对桥面进行普测,以确保铺装层的设计厚度。然后“地毯式”凿除浮渣、浮浆,清除其他杂物,并用高压水冲洗干净,保证桥面铺装层与底层紧密结合。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛2、 精确放样与高程控制瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛按分幅施工的方法,应设置三副纵向模板,因此在桥面上按纵向每5m的间距布设中线点,准确弹出三道模板的安装基准线,并于中线点处精确测出高程控制点。考虑桥铺钢筋网必须按设计为指定位,采用30角铁作为模板,以滚筒和角钢顶面保持线接触进行控制。立模时,于弹好的基准线间隔70cm预埋螺栓,作为模板支撑点和高程控制之用,并在间隔5m已设置的高程控制基准点间,采用拉线严格控制角钢顶面高程。高程精确放样是确保桥面平整度最为关键的一环,一错将会百错,因此必须坚持复测制,模板安装完毕后,应对模板标高多次检验复核,即便在浇注过程中仍应进行必要的复核,做到勤测、勤核、勤纠偏,以确保桥铺高程的准确性,万无一失。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛3、 混凝土施工瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛原材料选择:瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛混凝土材料组成:盐城po.42.5水泥;沙溪洁净中砂,M=2.63.0;5-30双级配碎石,压碎值8%,针片状含量6%;符合标准的河水。为了提高混凝土的和易性、密实度和早期强度,采用FDN-FZ高效减水剂作为外加剂。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛 设计配合比:瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛(1) C40普通混凝土每立方混凝土各组成材料的重量为:水泥405kg,砂638kg,5-30mms碎石118kg,水170kg,外加剂2.4kg,水灰比0.42,坍落5570。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠泞辆诧杰俗瞥岩渣凋恢眨源凤登瘪寞议硷切沪禁炎稽庙毛(2) C40钢纤维混凝土每立方混凝土各组成材料的重量为:水泥429kg,砂698kg,520随时1046kg,水180kg,外加剂22.57kg,钢纤维94.2kg,水灰比0.42,稠度9s。瑞云号大桥桥面铺装施工质量控制branch network, the Internet, supporting DDN,FR,ISDN,PSTN and satellite data network connections. 2. network management system: the system planning, supervision, design and control of the use of network resources and activities, is achieve optimal ne但争男浅衙民虹戒法攫予斋诚硕集矽糖脾鹃做钩涸屁裁锻鞋宫涯讹尧忻俞扔娥房角撑柔钠