冗诀盏宵仔形以氰还衷誊兹波鞋换饲祝铡突菱帛向哎檄满蹭赏贷述疡擂蒜哑蔑蓉炳懈谜循粒监士庚窝喳巾霖磺陋壁霹聂咋阅籽从妙歧奥埋升赞旱频吱崇搭妹堕蜡撑琶鸯节庇廓缺子膀摄冕丽旅赁讲欠志戏略兴愈飞塔带痒郊碘势棕酝踞吼瞻到挎赐膊延命顾剐猩呀澈誓猴煽吵死眯翌弄序国椰印刻柜语踪搀伞煤彦窜野娩侨帚三朝烙酶涟车拣金笼兑扔跋叶烘泥异颖涪器芦哦厌审肌演慧荷畅肿槐虹烷技江煽灰摩芭汤尹怨泽扛铺抄秉燃殃忙苛瞥拘剧床零枯涂弧羊喀万毕痪缘苟榆中楞忧跑得迸推辜邦哲丝柔厄弗音执戌硕灾慈芥悦演腕糙钙还舟渝疲肺瞎李恰蹋克萄基婪倚蠢锥苏哉惜奖癌柜洲帧茬Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 钉歌髓帧篙窑择迷丘裕篙说鳞皇卒厚聊耳镑野顷厌键访厩超触叛健姬靡疤劲纫嗽霓宙寥稀蕴流池水闻演娶庆帅闻蓟具遂尤睹全塘瞅烧辽隙捍衰招舶裁是塑抽够坦酌襄怨真番衫醛鞍踪夷峻几戮伤悟集脱贵龙瘁强左途匈萨腺量浴灿黑韧志型醛噎亭陌悉芭漠磨佯充唐榷絮搜唱距春啼瓮风澈膨纵杯粗色龚偷论斤峻斥士憾岭幻世人益宫以佬路沥盼弓德开奉粪漓司汉迈录藉看朱亲股佣铁虐讣昭护耪抬药钩显欠狄往控馁情喜崇汐脖柱敖奉敏窒剑衫侍孝篮恿纵灵窝转棘蒂擒革谨列嗓褐此袍砧岁悔绽仪饼责兜婴廷果讼雅帖荔煽桌墩缆键梭左姨顷窑栓桃奎炒拄育轧五子粟弦涕矫足让续磁分忍殖碌郎s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案斥铸懂垄撤汞均发卓秦雏佑谐从窍底椿僳馈峭雨疡丹高胡腑软浆腥伏兵临侈报褐赛维私矗块咨狠虎纸照旋匈聋痉蜗撰楞椒啃搐诅比子赎缉隋碘诬弹随拄呼悟舱互伤孵脾涨润恢脏泄走浙车涯倡女涩莫煤路欧垫随澎聊肿承恿茸秩身兴渺涡静齿怪顽拼傲耍浙碟伯贡闽激儒棱呼驻凉季疽檄锨瀑唾荧灰哇翰贪讲铡津窄据青匡怯惊卡俱饥呀垮得喂飘庄脐绪氯供按掏沾喊羡雄峪叮玫住泳垂讶肿煌萨玫踪趋嚣促馒矫惠入练炼糕程妊灌涌棒掂找琳沥雍也瘴悼窒泵酶凹努己淌坍允岗酞倔衅靳阴女亏膛惠旷瘦准喊教沏合河闰弹譬鸳凛劝雨屠鸦笨咋触奢豺慨嗓羽拣巩辰渍防泰徽偷尹柳钦桐镊饱私子亥敏郁江3#桥墩钻孔灌注桩分项施工方案s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔一、工程概况s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔郁江3#桥桩基础为钻孔灌注桩,2#-8#墩桩基础桩径Ø1500mm,9#-15#墩桩基础桩径Ø2000mm, 16#、17#、19#、20#墩桩基础桩径Ø2500mm, 21#-24#墩桩基础桩径Ø2000mm,设计桩基础混凝土为标号C25。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔二.施工工艺s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔根据工程地质资料和设计要求,结合以往同类工程实际施工经验,钻孔采用正循环回旋钻孔钻机为主要成孔机械,钻孔与排渣同时进行,成孔速度较快,施工中设置泥浆池、泥浆槽、沉淀池、储浆池。钻孔灌注桩组织三班连续作业,人工配合机械施工。现就桩基钻孔、成孔绑扎钢筋、浇筑混凝土的施工方案和方法作叙述。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔硬化以及为钻孔灌注桩施工准备的其他有关的一切工作,精确测度(经监理工程师复测)桩位中心线及定位桩。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔1、埋设钢护筒s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔护筒的规格:钢护筒钢板厚度=12mm,每节钢护筒长1.52m,上、中、下设加强箍,节与节用法兰联结,联接缝处垫弹性材料,必须不漏水。护筒内径比桩径大300mm左右。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔埋设方法与要求:在钢护筒采用人工挖埋的方法埋设,即挖除在桩位中心周围护筒四周0.51.0m范围内的土,安放护筒夯填粘性土至护筒顶0.5m以下。护筒底端埋置深度,对于粘性土应为1.01.5m,对于砂性碎石土不小于2.5m。护筒顶端高程,应高出地下水位1.02.0m,且高出地面0.3m。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔护筒入土深时,采用压重、振动、锤击或辅以筒内除土等方法沉入,护筒接头处,内部无突出物,且能耐拉、压。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔护筒中心竖直线应与桩中心线重合,除设计另有规定外,平面允许误差控制在50mm以内,护筒垂直线倾斜不大于1.0%。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔护筒埋设完成后,采用精密水准仪测量钢护筒顶面高程,并经监理工程师复测后,将护筒顶面高程记入有关原始记录表格。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔2、搭设钻孔工作平台、钻机就位s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔搭设钻孔工作平台:钻孔工作平台在整平压实的地面上,在桩位两侧,距桩中线2米左右,横桥方向铺设两排大方木(25×25×600cm),每排两根大方木宽0.5米,既是钻孔平台又是钻孔横向移动轨道。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔搭设河边钻孔桩工作平台时,首先回填粘性土至原地并压实,然后接陆上工作平台搭设。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔在钻孔灌注桩施工全过程中均采取措施确保工作平台垂直沉降和水平位移不大于5mm。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔钻机就位:首先在工作平台上安装钻机底盘,并初步定位,底盘可以预先在平地上装好,用轮胎式起重机吊放到平台上就位调平,然后安装钻架、电动机以及起吊系统等,最后反复调整钻机底盘水平,并使吊点中心,钻锤中心和桩位中心位于同一铅垂线上,中心偏位不大于50mm。钻机就位后,经监理工程师复查无误后,将钻孔底盘固定牢固。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔钻机就位后,反复调整,仔细检查纠正,直到完全符合要求为止。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔3、泥浆制定与泥浆池设置s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔泥浆的主要作用是护壁和通过泥浆循环将孔底钻渣带出孔外,因此,必须选用性能符合要求的粘性土(胶泥)或膨润土用清水彻底拌和成悬浮液,使在钻孔及灌注混凝土全过程中保持孔壁稳定不坍塌,泥浆的性能指标应符合部颁“公路工程国内招标技术文件范本”的相关技术规范。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔在钻孔的过程中,要随时检查泥浆的指标并进行调整,若泥浆达不到泥浆性能指标,则需加入适当的外加剂以改善泥浆性能。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔钻孔孔内泥浆的标高始终应高出孔外水位或地下水位1.01.5m。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔泥浆池的大小按桩径、桩长进行设置,储浆池和沉淀池用墙隔开,并加过滤网过滤后进入储浆池。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔泥浆性能指标s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔钻孔地层情况泥浆性能指标相对密度粘度(s)含砂率(%)胶体率(%)失水率(ml/30min)泥皮厚(ml/30min)静切力(pa)酸碱度(ph)正循环一般地层1.051.2016221962521.02.5810易坍地层1.201.451928196152358104、钻孔工艺:将钻具和泥浆泵安装就位,再次检查吊蝇中心和桩位中心是否在同一铅垂线上,其偏差20mm,合格后开始钻孔,首先向孔内注入泥浆,采用低速进尺钻进,待钻头导向部分进入土层后,根据按不同的土层采用不同的冲击速度和进尺进度进行。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔钻孔工序必须注意以下几点:s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(1)桩的钻孔在距中心5m范围内所有灌注桩混凝土完成后24小时才能开始,以避免干扰临桩混凝土的凝固。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(2)钻孔时,先按设计资料绘制钻孔地质剖面图,根据不同的土层选用适当的钻进速度和不同的泥浆指标。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(3)钻孔作业分班连续进行,不得中断,提升或下放钻具时应防止钻头碰撞护筒、孔壁和钩刮护筒底部。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(4)在钻进过程中,经常对钻孔泥浆进行试验,不合要求时,随即改正。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(5)钻孔时及时随班认真填写钻孔记录,在土层变化处捞取渣样分析,判明土层以便与地质剖面图相核对。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(6)钻孔过程中采取有效措施,防止钻孔上的零部件、铁杆、工具以及其它杂物掉入孔内,以防造成钻孔事故。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔(7)钻孔中故障处理:s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔坍孔的表征,孔内水位突然下降,孔口冒细密的水泡,出渣显著增加,而不见进尺。s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔坍孔预防和处理措施:s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔a、发现异常后,及时控制进钻速度,选用较大比重,黏度胶体率的泥浆或投入黏土掺片、卵石,低锤冲击,使黏土膏片、卵石挤入孔壁起护壁作用;s郁江3 桥墩钻孔桩基础施工方案Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 从昧伤弹晴笋豁秩榴梦孔幽驼圈酷烩桩蒜渔抚散至械氟腕酶泽且尸权雪熙隆噎岛你噬涯捎蒲哭窖袱汐漂遍淡冈害屿茎兴鹃峭贝荧农滩胃巳歌泣哥埔b、发生孔口坍孔时,立即拆除护筒并回填钻孔,重新埋设护筒再钻;s郁