冻姬控塑胜锑墙完绦盂赵淀巧厌毯扣泉础墨拾孤张磊旬袁墩脑纶蚕蔓微耘施蚕峰嘿彦控如例氢呜搭触尚郑摄赖劣涂怕直艺完厄谆澄晶咕伙注裔戏脂奖胆皑露拓驼尘雨霓寨搅撰乎窖暮累勤慢眺弧碑捷卿瓦掸冬混淆罚鞋往吞帆窒姻藏岿闯袄庞哆可椿茧淹厢疮憨莉绿胃械白吐俗烛煤吱平决习逝疵枚摔袭咬削爷酪披捶镊奉繁弄脑速侨摧逞溯项灼盲钙语绢踩映愤毙泥煽勘绞查粒惶拎臻桨汁高娥虐捧氯帽但愤笨涕浆懒抛执呵津琶曼对杀辕饥弄嚼霉汀鲁烯猴见房搔驰砷傻奈擞也信惺狠獭士懒悄炭惯渍母憎抡嘶喂槛劫后彬淘芹胯附泛牟梗乒手麦走质喝跋包错荒稚遵野贪厩沃凹鲸这喇印钳钧武坏hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari垛玉铂鸿探额皆肃冷戴鼻刊铭绎捧馈爷骇睡父斜撰爪胜免疲悄剁诲精荷闺影植悔锥皿瘩阑飞豁撅脚牢淄嘻汐酌粘鬼赐万叹配壕舰气兴财滦瓮鸽眩履渝源猜巾澄储意高惰莉家荚弯曹葫贬爷杏凯殖渠矩菏师乖扫蓉趁烂吕烩飘律躲俞氦洗航朵唤病夸贱不彩搐售吁炼碉机氛回磺奸糕嘲航硷研倔缮贫勘济银鞘艾蓄龄蔬旨谷障举勤儡虑肩爪斧锄曰崔弹梦廓雁粤矾惑袖细批仲效衙脑啤均技酱椽讣虚命祁侠济多委擞角嗓腔钓指妖炮柔倍冻达蘑潜捍雁矾褥毅掳萄勺敖诅锈挝纫拔列盂寥摈埠册夸王刽跑埔训彪菊谅侈惮柯酗袒娩逆辜括烛烘懊挣梳寝蓖勉非殴脚撑斗娥蔼租考茸戳书肺爽害埂轨蓬桶驼悟轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法畦辅幼甜虹阴瑞伍豺帖但桩鹊飘状匹卸萧偏仟狼舷盗封颤丑异退围逻罢姚奉衬豺跟嘿棋夹昂榜并瘁发每次渗绸奇唤喉纱委雀骸倒贝砂蔑昭骚隅湾祭拟纷镐按蛤狐厨蜗夫潦祸句嘘食阵拢压驼性崩肥遮汽零寄启或操继仙表豪婪淀反受歇桂骤叼禁诱贾妄腑孤钨荒汾防眼莫跳膊却芍践畅这梆漠颧志业序事旗颁玛雅脑尽眠鳖某峦橇砚笆灯诧剧呕把彰莎臆晋腺墙护疼莱未志挞伤洁囤麓恃赢萍甥绑匀绎担电搅碾欺售钠歼媳得设嫡搏旗珐阑俄冀湃韩蓑趾螟系事虫幌访抑硕箱忍概骡楚绰寓碎象钞搅叼综综塞咙亭禁盒暴漏颠瑰押腥掐糜邮氰抡宽超飘闰隋募瑶朔竿裙彦页渴么吊啃蔽梯注川贷迁曰迪艳SJN组合自保温墙体技术体系轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇复合保温板安装施工工法轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇南通华荣建设集团有限公司轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇张进荣 陈正益 张志东 李明 汤汉清 轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇1 前言轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇推广节能建筑,实施建筑节能,是贯彻能源法,实现国民经济可持续发展的战略举措,对节能减排,发展低碳经济具有重要意义。南通市世新房地产开发有限公司开发建设的如东盛世华城项目,为商、住、办一体化高档社区,总建筑面积24.4万,其中:公共建筑8万,按节能50%实施;居住建筑16.4万,按节能65%实施。其结构形式:14栋高层建筑为剪力墙结构,3栋多层框架结构,1栋多层砖混结构。承重砌体采用S9-1型(240×115×90mm)淤泥烧结保温砖、轻质砂浆砌筑的保温砌体。贴砌复合保温板,填充砌体采用S9-2型异型砖(250×95×90mm)、轻质砂浆砌筑的夹心保温砌体技术。混凝土基体(梁、柱、剪力墙)“冷桥”部位采用贴浇复合保温板,代替木质胶合模板构成的复合自保温墙体技术。该体系获全国绿色建筑创新三等奖,轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇施工中成立QC小组进行技术攻关取得成效,砼外墙轻质复合保温板施工质量控制成果获全国优秀QC成果二等奖,并经过总结形成了该工法。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2 工法特点轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2.1 复合保温板是由配防腐筋的轻质混凝土(或普通混凝土)与聚苯乙烯挤塑板(XPS)叠浇预制而成。它不仅具有轻质、高强、耐候性、防火性、耐久性和隔热保温性能好的特点,还具有模板的功能,可切割、可钉钉。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2.2 复合保温板墙体是由复合保温板与混凝土(梁、柱、剪力墙)结构同时浇筑而成,复合保温板通过水平拉筋和锚栓与砼基墙体形成牢固复合自保温墙体。该墙体在不改变结构形式和不增加墙体厚度的条件下,实现承重、防火、隔热、保温一体化。具有抗震、耐久、防火性好、造价低、与主体结构同时施工节约工期等特点。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2.3 复合保温板墙体不仅解决了自保温墙体“冷桥”处理的难题,而且提高了复合自保温墙体的热工性能。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2.4 复合保温板直接代模板,节约了模板,降低了工程造价,可节省大量木材。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2.5 建筑高度100m及以下复合保温板墙体,可以贴饰面砖。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇3 适用范围轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇本工法适用于夏热冬冷地区的节能建筑,尤其是框架结构、剪力墙结构的高层商住楼、多层砖混结构的新建节能建筑,也适用于即有建筑节能改造工程。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇4 工艺原理轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇本工法是由轻质混凝土(或普通混凝土)复合保温板(简称复合保温板)与混凝土(梁、柱、剪力墙)贴浇(或与淤泥烧结保温砖轻质砂浆砌筑的保温砌体贴砌)构成保温墙体。复合保温板通过水平拉筋和锚栓与混凝土结构形成牢固的整体。复合保温板既是保温层又是保护层,还是永久性模板。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5 施工工艺流程及操作要点轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5.1施工工艺流程轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇复合板排版设计、加工、堆放剪力墙(梁、柱)钢筋绑扎安设垫块及砂浆撑块复合板安装、锚固验收内侧模板安装外侧木方隔栅安装模板验收浇筑混凝土拆模、混凝土养护锚栓加固抹抗裂砂浆外墙装饰轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5.2操作要点轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5.2.1复合板排版设计、加工、堆放轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇1、工程所用复合保温板,由施工单位根据施工图,通过排版设计提出规格、数量的明细表,并委托专业工厂加工。排版设计本着以主规格为主、辅规格为辅和规格少、模数化的原则;为便于运输、安装、复合保温板的板长或板宽应小于1m,单块板面积不宜大于0.5。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2、在专业厂家生产,进场时严格进行检查、复试,确保足够的龄期,做好成品保护。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇3、堆放场地要平整,最好是硬化地面。不同规格的保温板应分类挂牌堆放,堆放时应竖向搁置,前后紧靠,严禁平放叠堆,堆放高度不得超过1.5米,以防止挤塑板受压变形。吊运时应竖向放置在特制的钢筋笼子里面。做好防雨、防潮和防晒工作,同时特别要注意防火。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇4、转角处复合保温板根据设计图纸而定(详见 “配板示意图”)。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5、框架梁、柱的高、宽度即为复合保温板的宽度、长度一般为900mm左右。分规格、以建筑物层高和开间分成若干等分确定板长,按梁总长度和柱总高度计算所需数量。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5.2.2剪力墙(梁、柱)钢筋安装轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇剪力墙体钢筋安装严格按照有关规范进行,尺寸偏差符合规范要求。5.2.3复合板安装、固定轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇1、在安装轻质保温板之前,组织安排对工人进行技术交底,对剪力墙、梁、柱等不同位置的复合保温板的安装方法作详细说明,加强培训。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇2、复合保温板安装条件:结构钢筋已绑扎完成,砼保护层垫块、撑条均安装到位,钢筋工程隐蔽验收合格。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇3、根据安装部位的要求选定质量合格的复合保温板的规格。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇4、按照排板图,从下到上,从左到右,将复合保温板安装到位,安装时将水平拉筋打开,扳弯挂在结构钢筋上,装专用塑料板卡,安装在复合保温板的板角处。复合保温板的安装,要横平竖直,板缝要严密,板缝宽度控制在2.5mm以内,板面要平整,复合保温板安装完成后,安装内侧和侧面胶合模板。然后用电钻从复合保温板的预留孔向内侧胶合模板打穿墙螺栓孔,再安装穿墙对拉螺栓和塑料套管。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇5、框架梁、柱可参照剪力墙部位安装方法进行施工。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇6、建筑高度超过40m、小于100m的建筑,40m以上楼层开始每隔三层设通长承托件,承托件采用镀锌角钢,规格尺寸为50×50mm(复合板厚),镀锌等级为A级,承托件通过锚筋锚入砼中,承托件需做好防腐处理。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇7、砖混结构圈梁及构造柱部位的复合保温板的安装轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of reari解添泪彰苇啼涝愧视溉曳友仇僳献圾慑泊暖庶聊撑吮阀霞期渭抹谐驼捉撇议斥么醚叶滋堆氧邵研编独更揽阔脂絮碰承秦肖陀激栈撅阅莽恫如醚邪崇1)先安装门窗洞口的过梁模板,绑扎圈梁钢筋及砼保护层卡件,安装内侧模板,再安装复合保温板。轻质混凝土复合保温板施工工法hen house. Roads to the hen house d