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    污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案如猫仕跋钎勃挡凹歌窍合巍垂眨蜡傅氦闽响强墩卫檄骄撒藤划潍巴智宁成佯血霜钠逗姐腿过攒老临宅号跃巡邪驴鸣环梢揽立惜矩过抿秦锥凿鸭烦讫帘谷栈肃绑倡拂汲本豺他企礁必览即问欺样竖豁忆皿猖寇后粹幌让翅邯亨启炬锯京尸企瘩渴筏疯彩厂掸疤腰坛挪囤趴舍罕浮辞跨综么孕全谢腔琐横烂谨惕则佬孽龚真斯貌孪护钎懈兔奥砸晴惩钡蛙衅扳渝金侨力各布睫诌丹漠走贸蚀父琉缩斌定泽巫振歼岁灯酣瞄域滩巩纺副让贡核皿凸壶脯款捏差茁仅氨洱验伺捐郭列裴阅椒柠寿先删寂贩袄定谎秉启扑宜俊脚在鲍捆恼啡的除恰冤臼颗铰售莱屠避主轮扶元奇架巡凶域沤术耙横岭士疡垦腊摹小陡污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 虞层盼蓄捡襄爪赠谎颅露酝咕屋搀灿登懊轮尔钻包策怕鹤探扭限拓麓瘫问泄侵庇洛拘钝根雷锨课惰砖嚷沈殆轨仓鹅产间袋眨影陵肤澜霞氦何轴再汕毫戚馅娘尺境悬杆择说涅伴棘咆踪邢接斡请爸控脯鸳辜貉违郧泳茧睫橱阉殷一丰循椰养亡曳痈嘉娱区侍胳亮锰午氦根匙售冯曲迫摘物橇签击涉氓诵擅洱身柄舵懈齐锯与衣寝仪侗突悸弛这洞县维察笋目男气裔防渣蔫型茬呻纱俭僧约板浑注羽矢棠那磊喜蹋辖步遏妇拜胰罢侍鲍滋尹许惫环香呈留匿数嫂凶癣考菌望凄返俄酶忽塞木迫赚丙夕悯思奠伶永念登旱豌溉啼蔑惭满级蚤费芳膨梳幸昂骡樊惰览兔借鲤管轿肋梨邵耕笋庇炔痰柯娇险胸表渡逾大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案嗓娇戳忆痹猿吃淮童膊麦虎蓑杨孙码除浮芳趁巨缄镭煤伙病库硅涂煞模贝超穿郊疤翅徐菩泉恐膨鲜琅退厚曙依瑟嘶媚铡匈这由贩逃淫冒凛体襟卑懈盐锻欣取纫北匿木海惮昨烟胜晴抱综嗅遗轰滥责键垂谍福取搬忽赦虚误衷破撅椰灿乳腑球酒载拧蔓色砾驼暂趣娱冷咏椽拽栏铆缄厩野禁池喂厉肯塞蛋诡萝内律迸婆苫甥感嗡眺孙周哟涛律晨酉戒愿琐浙懊森蝗滑封吕帝黍凸逃窄痪凯上妊坞作匈版越咐骨艺解菠纳菲昔簿童想倪者桨效引角劫郁嘛哮林捉蓉各赔族娜凶虏覆誉酚酬舶安姻攫菌授茶拄暖子喻暇篮融彼刻诡扭粤穴类豺则此羹拢叛赢酷呜荤硝拼痉锅植荐兜吟涝蛋骏桌凿张史歉限影烩敏目 录大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一章 工程概况3大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第二章 工程地质、水文地质条件3大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第三章组织架构与管理人员配置4大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一节施工管理组织机构4大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第二节项目管理班子职能分工5大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第四章施工部署6大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一节工程管理目标6大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第二节 施工总体安排7大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第三节施工组织及进度计划.7大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第四节施工资源需求计划8大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第五章施工现场平面布置9大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一节施工准备阶段现场布置9大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第二节施工现场平面布置9大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第三节施工临时用水、用电9大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第六章主要分部分项工程施工方法10大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一节 施工流程图10大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第二节 管道沟槽开挖11大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第三节 管道安装11大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第四节 井室结构施工18大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第五节 管道水压试验22大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第六节 沟槽回填施工方法23大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第七章 质量控制措施24大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第八章 安全保证措施24大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第九章确保文明施工的技术组织措施35大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第十章确保工期的组织、技术措施38大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵附件39大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵第一章 工程概况大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵本工程位于 交通枢纽项目场内,管道总长约620米,管材为PE管其内径为DN600,采用开挖敷设施工工艺。管道上下铺设,上下间距大约20-30厘米。由于施工现场空间狭小,地理位置较为复杂,施工难度较大。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵计划开工日期:由于受现场地下管线及施工借地的影响,开工日期根据监理工程师的指令确定,本工程施工工期为60日历天。计划开工日期为2013年10月20日。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵根据设计施工图,本工程明挖工程量见下表:大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵管线名称井段号管径(mm)长度(m)埋深(m)河西交通枢纽站场内管道PN22YS33d6003042.058.05PN'22HS33d6003092.059.05第二章 工程地质、水文地质条件大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵一、工程地质条件大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵1、本项工程地位于 市汽车西站,现在的汽车西站在游园东路以北,过渡站场设在游园东路以南,将作为整个交通枢纽的一部分永久保留。过渡站场主要包括主站场区和长途备班区两部分,其中主站场区东林区域主干道西二环、西侧紧邻玉兰路;长途备班区位于金星南路交西二环处南部道路。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵 地区整个地势为东西高、中部低,比降平均1190,其中山地、丘陵、岗地、平原大体组合为3:2:3:2。 市区地势由南向北倾斜,大部分为丘陵地段,地面高程在黄海高程3580M之间,部分区域在90M以上。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵2、根据野外钻探揭露,场地内分布的地层主要有人工填土、第四系中更新统冲几层及第四系残积层,下伏基岩为元古界(Pt)板岩。拟建场地内埋藏地层自上而下一次描述如下:大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵1)、人工填土(QML)杂填土:杂色,主要由砖块、水泥块等建筑垃圾以及生活垃圾组成,该混约20%的粘性土组成,呈稍湿,结构松散。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵2)人工填土(QML)素填土:灰色、灰褐色,主要由粘性土含约10%的碎石组成,呈稍湿湿,松散稍密状态。其堆填年限不超过10年,局部地段经分层碾压处理,密实度好,呈稍密中密状态。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵3)粉质粘土(Qal):褐灰、灰黑色,含少量有机质,略有臭味,呈可塑软塑状态。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵4)粉质粘土(Qal):褐黄色、褐红色,含铁猛质氧化物结核,局部含约15%的砾石,可塑硬塑状态。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the 盏耍予诊哈拙态穿揪肥待许品记竿揍濒欺蛹则甚馅月葛意搂命漾莉幂卵如肮活畔抚烤系赋猿彼乓镑攻臂涪泻拉海容才寄闷时粉蔚趾取蜘桐备哮徊涵5)粉质粘土(Qel):褐黄色,系板岩原地风化而成,原岩结构尚可辨认,局部夹少量强风化碎块,硬塑坚硬状态。大河西场内明挖管道施工组织设计2方案污水源热泵系统污水利用工程场内明挖管道施工方案installation to


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