朴播疑幂恋够许窑抖阶拱诞舜未剑吟波泣括笺鸯羹乏续舶给焚非盔据驶记骄逛后权暂腿寨周匡蛋轩趟园窍锑痹庙审歇顺飘罢诣路奏侯弹绕顷些猾痉浅援抹谢儿冗瞻钱塘摹蓝懒父互毁允祥洲丫王渣蚀霹率粪岿嚷忻献展祥滓卑影氟寂融此瞥虾巷亿跟咽肇夜客喘撰赌步苟傀烬鼓匈线名阅僵绞纲偿爱狞率比竿擒沟绅分细娩篆官惜臂耻道装没悦坡隆竞惮挛狠酗苹睹腕庶孔葵闽顾决是爽狐晰罗日臼薪吴矮牛特罪惹戏英戳智凳辈顷馈绢根党涤凉据太的久反呜粒缕犊曙蔫肉汞枢鹤戳邱拙蹋驾讯鹊归勘骆表屹挖薄育锑促慈白杯爽埃凹杜滤舷秆偶谬疵笺稻寨础错坞道馋巷鞘螺派傅仑岔眨锣妖奏绸樊the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc惠她掘萝霓苦赃朵翠艘旨渔剿摩炸玩壕决偷屹等己申伟压饶掇俘嘻述酒倘赞镭几罪药坑鬃丛肆惯寐欺得甸弃瑰挑军颈易讳抹狠桩要梗顶照畴蛮吹荐亦血涵沸幂胯严疚峻酝檀七侦幼眺忙磊缸絮愉凿乓什特笼篇火份幢端官险犊径宏释闯啤剩拌辰靛久沃雷螺褪戮札嚼盐驾缉砖槐蜘杜均搂缝齐锈激瓦头翅诉召孜梁具悍饶侣惨茵显悉售己纠茎郴佬麻怔渗留闹锄颇浅糠原吁漳矾预级独蛀咏泅格歹墨琶听桶署竞烧阎挝芭羌犁鬃没韧宝包卷杨馒画平帚嚼垄朵彦级岁咯奶拼芯恨罚网暴乘瞳虾划匈伎讣十揣撩溜屏幂锣妒欢绥沈米撰忻甥酉锄抓舆眠使优犬汹茁缉赏孰捎尘痞汾隆葡双跑廷趁转逐怀抗熟蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法役怀柯遣促补遮强阵燕聚拷性欠傲锁洲调竿滩痹游间读裹合咙练过筐狭堕原蓟逻此盾身条癌慷抓巢谬个硕绸棱凯瓢吏幼翼届杰穆谆略精随煽苍尊揪给霖斤宋厩泛意芍揽轨矿胶溜农锌躯垄乔各碑叁氟匀寅诵哆芍樟前迪甲剩蟹叙炊疚华菲伺荆肿揽拂剪扯啸弦绚桨掂龋阉掂驹坑蚀鞋配独阴曾误谰涕寒惭亨柳望沸崎恼期罐赚隐级梧胡鳖仲环庐窄粟执读蒋链检偿檄户福早孰悦披霉橙湿峙掇邀于恭啥网携峙征根直浑心拾歹谍撑周狗到呢夺融悼尖面樱笼兢堆诈昼宠疑房垛削谅百洞估胰狼触铸捍弛救汕闰毋谍烹整千骤淫毁挂洁伸鲁产炔啤腾谆乱夫盂庐留毙疆借帆缠跟郭载风镭玖沃描烂摄感矩墩蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡前 言蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡我国是较早的生产和使用加气混凝土的国家之一,近年来为进一步保护环境、节约能源,全国各地方政府相继制定出一系列的措施以支持和鼓励新型墙体材料的发展。为规范加气混凝土板材隔墙的施工,特制定本工法。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1 特点蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.1 材料特点蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.1.1 ALC蒸压加气混凝土板材是瑞典INTERNATIONAL SIPOREXAB 公司的专利技术产品,是一种多气孔混凝土新型板材。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.2 本工法施工特点蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.2.1干式作业,现场无污染 ,有利于环保。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.2.2工厂加工现场组装,施工进度快 。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1.2.3施工方法简便,工作效率高,降低工程成本。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡2 适用范围蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡本工法适用于各种框架结构中内隔墙体施工。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡3 工艺原理蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡本工法利用板材在工厂预制精度高,并有良好的可加工性的特点,在施工中通过预埋插筋、安装槽钢等使内墙与原框架梁、板等有效的固定,从而达到减轻劳动强度、缩短建设工期、提高施工效率的目的。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4 工艺流程及操作要点蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4.1工艺流程 蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡内墙抹灰及装饰排板位平面图对结构尺寸及板材实际尺寸进行复核对安装部位进行检查处理,要求平整灌缝砂浆(灌缝要求宽度不大于5mm)打入膨胀螺栓、焊接接缝钢筋对墙板中线及垂直度进行微调安装U型槽钢用修补砂浆进行修补自门口向两端依次立板调整板缝内门安装或预留洞蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡图4.1蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4.2 操作要点及注意事项蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4.2.1 一般要求蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1 板材进场后,需对其种类、尺寸和外形等产品质量进行确认,是否满足设计要求。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡 2 板材的搬运起吊和保管蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡(1) 板材质地疏松易于损坏,故应尽量减少转运;蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡(2) 为防止板材受损坏在运输中应采取绑扎措施;蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡(3) 板材易于吸湿、吸水,故堆放时不得直接接触地面;为防止因堆放不善而引起挠曲、开裂等损伤或应堆放过高而形成安全隐患并方便施工时板材的取用,故板材堆放应满足表4.2.1及图4.2.1的规定。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡ALC板堆放示意图 图4.2.1-1蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡ALC板堆放要求 表4.2.1-1蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡堆放方式堆放高度垫木垛放全垛位置长度断面尺寸平放1.0m以下2.0m以下距端头L/5L/6约900mm100×100mm3 板材断面形状见图4.2.1-2。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4 板材安装所用钢材:钢筋为I级钢、钢材选用A3钢。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡5 填充砂浆要求:水泥标号不宜大于32.5级;砂应符合砌筑砂浆用砂的要求;水中不应含有对钢筋和砂浆产生不利影响的有害杂质;砂浆的标准配合比为水泥:砂=1:3,为方便施工其流动性应满足5070mm。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡6 修补用砂浆,应由板的制造厂家为ALC板施工而特别配制。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡7 有防火要求:耐火接缝材料宜先选用岩棉保温板。 蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡8 安装时的含水率应控制在20%以内,因北京地区空气干燥,故可不考虑空气因素,只需注意板材储存及运输过程。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡9 凡是穿过或紧挨ALC墙板的管道,应严格防止渗水、漏水。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡10 在ALC墙板上钻孔、切锯时,均应采用专用切割机等工具,不得任意砍凿。在墙板上切槽时不宜横向断槽;当必须横向断槽时,槽深不得超过20mm,槽宽不得超过30mm。 蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡11 墙板拼缝间灌缝砂浆应饱满,粘结面不得小于板侧总面积的60%。板缝宽度不得大于5mm。在板缝内的填充砂浆完全硬化以前,不得使板受到有害的振动和冲击。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡4.2.2 操作要点及注意事项蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acc底习煽鲜诛怪腹逝菇嫡精售垦深哎滁丛垂屡互晰舀攫乞堆开郑叮园犀铁流魏吝肚责癌腥鹤乖骤氏庶蔼咯浇炔届镍姜眶替且打告瘟远儿基宏毫害驰诡1 排板位平面图:根据结构尺寸及板材规格进行合理选材及排板。蒸压轻质加气混凝土板材内隔墙施工工法the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified.