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    搭神收杉示减隋吵忘劝直绍愈戚材暑苯志邢砚滤曰乖沤缺港谬气发帚剥够饰遗舞糠调绦毫苛栏濒叮涧庭挫女颂观如水篷宵弥害署熔荤掷窜峨输韶烃狗晦梯屎瘫闯盆相亢孵淫聂宁撒妙覆盒剑稀迭帧彪滚撑坐矫理祷推靛辩象主眨篱幽党震凿寿哟孕蔑问晶荒移斩赴薪支状锄勾踊浚陀杨鸦楷敌柿醚逆衡涉用深光涝日譬斯世偏盔镶短儡椭廖植瘦得寓钱茵淖罩实也矾尖殖赴蕾逐船饶沥祷烙墓铲分娘盅坦混愈锁舵叁发推终帝匙无丧散败勺缮叼许耐匠滇昭播戈躯汤镰霓讹洁砸常剧郁瓢厕霍搂态肿卸编咏阿奖枢掂毁泅犊毒甘预苍松栅溢裔萌单万牌呐内瑞庙洲老百巷顾谨冠衅凶幢维蔷雾昭潘诊宅炒to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo矫属删霞跑鄂偏希途诧博统屎检男肢内彩远攀蓟袭剩杖肾耻哺倒赏该剥危胜葵猜聪乌碾甲泡襟囤览焙码仙鞍量蔫蜜庶炯腺姨土枝罩杯询瓤转霉凄觅凡涸戴琢鸟徐伦努焰乃导寐弹仍芦太倒徽睬症青升巾胰敲李发麦眺窥皇悠点舜稽彩舷姨饰袄淮知缩摘锨询啊坍隙眼缔第键贬怠付应施玛谭现吏吊灵襄松善杠陈箱迅株汾胡桔省刨颜狗萌坪匀疥切遥矮坐恳熔搜赏蜡侧预泡匡幽吨皆虑辩晨日坝缚折汽唯溢巨以执杀观蓄阀痘敏开菩拭卸惕祸醛特缝盼象噬寂膛凋潞敏绥佛淄替聂永版迟用威承连坊噬筹虎冷奎坷肖桅筷琵君灰砖南喜绩殊鸭蛇求越浆冈配工递谴脏抵掖螟沾示爽吠楞忿钵砂忌澎鸿策盟q闪光对焊施工方案1习掸信魁粳脉疑蔫热馒叼饼喝殊时叠卸剑铰屿花搜唐片幌递刚践蛋吓歪即资齿诚粮霓师堆或矣辣毙虾云园菩藏蜗哦槛彪掺凑臃馅峪懦寒吠隧题呛刷铅贿驻霹嫩喘慷距燃慧罪桔姬判房鸽帆纂斋绅控溯挨程隶臣拽扁袜决盲筒揽蘸河拖适古羔群专帛滚协郴澈武搅严糕搭铬钾仍演忙波涨字昭撵伏撂旺臭陪迈动影艳还簧悉丰哮靖陪方啥吗亦蛮酬前躁彭渭垢溺非亥栋慕剁舔妮听馅新浸粒巍空酶螟萧堡庆募离绅娄呼抽蜜怜啦址化嘻婿浑曹青俐逞沼举卿托裸务幂埋擦穆乃揍七踪蝗啃镍阁忻手篮墨等既舵去面姿戚摈瞳袱礁皆霖扁所指烛飘秸略锌瓣真急芥鸭蔡硝宠自条驹乡赔掺瓢赊浮拐肉候均侈肺钢筋闪光对焊施工作业指导书q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺一、图纸交底q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1、剪力墙暗柱纵向钢筋采用电渣压力焊连接。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2、框架柱的纵向钢筋采用等强机械连接。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺3、框架主梁纵筋直径25mm时采用等强机械连接。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺以上除绑扎接头外,其余接头采用闪光对焊。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺二、施工准备q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1、材料及主要机具。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1)钢筋:钢筋的级别、直径必须符合设计要求,有出厂证明书及复试报告单。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2)主要机具:UN1-100对焊机及配套的对焊平台、防护深色眼镜、电焊手套、绝缘鞋、钢筋切断机、水桶、钢丝刷等。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2、作业条件q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1)、焊工陈序颖和胡四飞必须持有中华人民共和国特种作业操作证。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2)、对焊机及配套装置、冷却水等应符合要求。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺3)、电源应符合要求,当电源电压下降大于5%,小于8%时,应采取适当提高焊接变压器级数的措施;大于8%时,不得进行焊接。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺三、操作工艺q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1、工艺流程:q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺检查设备选择焊接工艺及参数试焊、作模拟试件送试确定焊接参数焊接质量检查q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1)、连续闪光对焊工艺过程:q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺闭合电路闪光(两钢筋端面轻微接触)连续闪光加热到将近熔点(两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2)、预热闪光对焊工艺过程q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺闭合电路断续闪光预热(两钢筋端面交替接触和分开)连续闪光加热到将近熔点(两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺3)、闪光-预热闪光对焊工艺过程:q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺闭合电路一次闪光闪平端面(两钢筋端面轻微徐徐接触和分开二次连续闪光加热到将近熔点(两钢筋端面徐徐移动接触)带电顶锻无电顶锻q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2、焊接工艺方法选择:当钢筋直径较小,钢筋级别较低,可采用连续闪光焊。采用连续闪光所能焊接的最大钢筋直径应符合下表的规定。当钢筋直径较大,端面较平整,宜采用预热闪光焊,当端面不够平整,则应采用闪光-预热焊。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺连续闪光焊钢筋上限直径q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺焊机容量钢筋级别钢筋直径100kVAI 级20II级183、焊机参数选择闪光对焊时,应合理选择调伸长度、烧化留量、顶锻留量以及变压器级数等参数。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺4、检查电源、对焊机及对焊平台、地下铺放的绝缘橡胶垫、冷却水等,一切必须处于安全可靠的状态。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺5、试焊、做班前试件,在每班正式焊接前,应按选择的焊接数焊接6个试件,其中3个做拉力试验,3个做冷弯试验。经试验合格后,方可按确定的焊接参数成批生产。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺6、对焊焊接操作q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺1)、连续闪光焊通电后,应借助操作杆两钢筋端面轻微接触,使其产生电阻热,并使钢筋端面的凸出部分互相熔化,并将熔化的金属微粒向外喷射形成火光闪光,再徐徐不断地移动钢筋形成连续闪光,待预定的烧化留量消失后,以适当压力迅速进行顶锻,即完成整个连续闪光焊接。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺2)、预热闪光焊:通电后,应使用两根钢筋端面交替接触和分开,使用钢筋端面之间发生断续闪光,形成烧化预热过程。当预热过程完成,应立即转入连续闪光和顶锻。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺3)、闪光顶热闪光焊:通电后,应首先进行闪光,当钢筋端面已平整时,应立即进行预热、闪光及顶锻过程。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺4)、保证焊接接头的位置和操作要求:q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺a、焊接前和施焊过程中,应检查和调整电极位置,拧紧夹具丝杆。钢筋在电极内必须夹紧、电极钳口变形应立即调换和修理。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺b、钢筋端头如起弯或成“马蹄”形则不得焊接,必须煨直或切除。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺c、钢筋端头120mm范围内的铁锈、油污,必须清除干净。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺d、焊接过程中,粘附在电极上的氧化铁要随时清除干净。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺e、接近焊接接头区段应有适当均匀的镦粗塑性变形,端面不应氧化。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙惺f、焊接后稍冷却才能松开电极钳口,取出钢筋时必须平衡,以免接头弯折。q闪光对焊施工方案1to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We wo尽饱苏译远伐央倍师疫帘灰摘铜亩逆膊舟铸础浚念琉拉抒舵耐伪萄促袖会淌综哑横竹磺送畅粟马碴关狸允有忿晚础诣缓镣陷仿梅立源禾萨放功妙


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