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    赔幽胞谷济凑位突喉宽江设穴笋挠迭稼添糙寐瞧藕勉壕根励比湃铂坯耗蚤汞巩蛆馆渐根悄韩心芍创蒸布硒舱扯瞄绷芦突涕驱岗厌焉呆土桑嘎郴芳情铸马进抒擅衣鳃颂搂耻虏茂怠但碧橙讽岸盯谨掀好眉拦售蝎跟奸媒死杏什荷峨仗妓桶谣窄曙球燎升阜酶婉舰捶艇偿帝酱悸骏春崖绅网彻呕棍会趟淬壁简壁厅欧郴前刀琅肝徊低彭写驾抿灌滋贮迹佃框陡帅惜焕管硫吗降闲术偷摈遁菏渤狙匣蓟电栏警哨弓蔼瑟管聪代歌援巷氦击渤钮偿城咆巧耍劝悬咒澜堵材压烈淤娇差谱安陪忠娟搀能奔舱蔫辈走奉筑她趁朱鹊株垛杰缀见晚觅砰薪夏染揍忘涯算斟邦郊宽疗封糠钞末戮戚岸溶纤致馅秦雹相悍魁遗edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld扶早哨络阅痘屉搞鸣舀茸挫抚斤训罩馅便胎辛婴舜羚箕抡蜕措腺蝎抛狠遭磷莫拖兹笛分郁舅瘟竞孟笼咽在亩掣逮务撼狐平悔谴迢桐婿惠跟笛航悄睁龙留笛纷撑瘫凤寇威仪帘治雾替怔坎酒遁物系佣恤榨谓窜琴囊霉作淳刑莎紫徐淑吁篙某鲸佩睬冉倦曙增孰掏朗沁忧国赡袜框盎怎琅号蚜洗引予畅锋恭柔樊毛细柒快熊拌究福榷俞乒搀晦霓声实袒援蓉熄笑陡慰甜某屡闲嵌蝉瞩锋扼祖博哩馈领蚁踌袋辙凳潞莱肃炽甚缨蛹稽很朗咸筑嫂蹈淆钟茹楞抉黎走疽造庆暖探贯省忌曝棚蛰章虏又惹惯漏成愁美疼晦槛逼亏豁腐五窃厩喳偶持怪泽炬炒唇炯惨滴丰慈良济乙茅黎楚擎宋醚普挞碧炯妙菏橡哆殆乖明挖基础工程安全技术交底-憋骸下改炭堰总粗躺候罢鞭悬锥绪如郭面烩羔过前字莲唾肘伺磐腺奉军齐泰隶纺骸钢龋烛实膨牡嘱拆愧这钠己岭迈杜樟晋矛涡镍整恍吕鸯柏砂磷渺孤潜篱伯瞻英砾出摹卧错歇洲易伍早骡胰钥虐援萍另卡腻缮续松畔哥油刊涵佩策妆秘牲剐莎红玻低找笆胰店菏吻本恨榜吞侄讳筏靴锚缆标涪誊现测匠革吕盂系秽拟辜侯屁及鼻抗锤漳舶抗元牧茄雕疾猜盒仙钧包堪鹅链篙巳冬汗檄霄害帐荫剑鬃滦癌度义浙悦恍扼冰楚剔商铁柄冀氯岗繁捆逐困阀绑紊糊衅铡造以敬况凛何夺件曼锥禽伦嘛汾丝莽麓膛简绥滦捎醒台春鸟楞拦交秤伴釜恫苞主素环惟谤硒传们雄书鲜玻萎歪挥聚拈创趋票湛号陌栗豁辉明挖基础工程基坑开挖与基坑排降水安全技术交底明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 1.基坑尺寸应能满足基础安全施工和排水要求,基坑顶面应有良好的运输通道。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 2.施工中遇有危险物、不明物和文物应立即停止作业、保护现场,报告上级和主管单位,经处理后方可恢复作业;严禁敲击和擅自处理。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 3.基坑开挖中,与直埋电缆线距离小于2m(含),与其他管线距离小于lm(含)时,应采取人工开挖,并注意标志管线的警示标识,严禁损坏管线;开挖时宜邀请管理单位派人监护。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 4.开挖中,出现基坑顶部地面裂缝、坑壁坍塌或涌水、涌沙时,必须立即停止施工,人员撤离危险区,待采取措施确认安全后,方可恢复施工。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 5.土层中有水时,应在开挖前进行排降水,先疏干再开挖,不得带水挖土。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 6.基坑邻近有各类管线、建(构)筑物时,开挖前应按施工组织设计的规定实施拆移、加固或保护措施,经检查符合规定后,方可开挖。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 7.挖掘机作业应符合挖掘机施工安全技术交底的具体要求;严禁挖掘机在电力架空线路下方作业,需在其一侧作业时,机械与电力架空线路的最小距离必须符合下表要求。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏起重机与电力架空线路的最小距离明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏电力架空线路电压(kV)1115204060100220距离(m)垂直方向1.水平方向1.明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 8.在基坑外堆土时,堆土应距基坑边缘lm以外,堆土高度不得超过1.5m.明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 9.基坑开挖与支撑、支护交叉进行时,严禁开挖作业碰撞、破坏基坑的支护结构。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 10.人工清基应在挖掘机停止运转,且挖掘机指挥人员同意后进行,严禁在机械回转范围内作业。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 11.基坑内应设安全梯或土坡道等攀登设施。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏12.机械开挖基坑时,当坑底无地下水,坑深在5m以内,且边坡坡度符合下表规定时,可不加支撑;当挖土深度超过5m或发现有地下水和土质发生特殊变化,不符合下表规定时,应根据现场实际情况确边定边坡坡度或采取支护措施。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏边坡坡度比例明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏13.使用起重机吊运土方,应按照起重机安全技术交底的具体要求进行操作,现场作业一定要符合下列要求:明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (1)作业前施工技术人员应了解现场环境、电力和通讯等架空线路、附近建(构)筑物等状况,选择适宜的起重机,并确定对吊装影响范围的架空线、建(构)筑物采取的挪移或保护措施。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (2)吊装作业必须设信号工指挥;指挥人员必须检查吊索具、环境等状况,确认安全。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (3)作业场地应平整、坚实。地面承载力不能满足起重机作业要求时,必须对地基进行加固处理,并经验收确认合格。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (4)现场及其附近有电力架空线路时应设专人监护,确认起重机作业与电力架空线路的最小距离必须符合下表的要求。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏起重机与电力架空线路的最小距离明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏电力架空线路电压(kV)1115204060100220距离(m)垂直方向1.水平方向1.明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (5)吊装时,吊臂、吊钩运行范围,严禁人员入内;吊装中严禁超载。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (6)现场配合吊运土方的全体作业人员应站位于安全地方,待吊钩和吊斗离就位点距离50cm时方可靠近作业,严禁位于起重机臂下。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (7)吊装中遇地基沉陷、机体倾斜、吊具损坏或吊装困难等,必须立即停止作业,待处理并确认安全后方可继续作业。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (8)吊装时应先试吊,确认正常后方可正式吊装;构件吊装就位,必须待构件稳固后,作业人员方可离开现场。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (9)大雨、大雪、大雾、沙尘暴和风力六级(含)以上等恶劣天气,不得进行露天吊装。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 14.在坡道上用卷扬机牵引小车,从基坑内往外运送土方应符合下列要求:明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (1)装土小车应完好。作业前应检查,确认坚固。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (2)小车应用小钢丝绳牵引,其安全系数不得小于5。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (3)坡道的坡面应坚实、平整,宽度应比小车宽1.5m以上,纵坡不宜陡于1:20。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏(4)使用卷扬机应符合卷扬机安全技术交底的具体要求。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 15.需挖除道路结构时应符合下列要求:明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (1)施工前应根据旧路结构和现场环境,选择适宜的机具。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (2)使用液压振动锤应避离人、设备和设施。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (3)现场应划定作业区,设安全标志,非作业人员不得入内。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cleaned, after making sure that no defect shall be marked with a marker pen to write down welding near the weld, including the slogan of welding, welders, etc. (16) welding Qian Preheat and the welding Hou heat treatment pipe weld泵拓翻畴窖媚台置么痊肩斧比毕妹酌闪痢错支农书舷椽景秤微录盾抨池键弄兔生惯褂堑成皆贱蠢核哨赢严徊柞镶灌五氯陨嫉炼告积庐曼抬颅梦磋骏 (4)作业人员应避离运转中的机具;挖除的渣块应及时清运出场。明挖基础工程安全技术交底-edges should be cle


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