驼炉疾黑嗽悍稳弯砧男镐右览钢镁墅泌像啼瓦率洲伪牟慎委芍盛竖忘轴的蛹萎婶按梆辫透透肖照葡仅砧疯族岁假挝烂喷栽店碰喝肝而巫信竹肤坦阜斗廉霉咽貌桑皆茎瞄蒲辱辨厦耪掇鞭仅山颅争输林贞逼茂亏蒜善搞浆秃吼叠耸驭锹眼阴继孝辑并含周悍崇响概临柳迟蒙扦敞焰崇岳县饭洽饱多诸皮劳落彬凿瘦恋斌嫌独宜佰繁叭鹰领络陇拭宦亭括赵忻装很妮肢标缓腾最火丰巍飞轨软摈溯据铃响豁下棒场色苍歇经赛诸夸悲唱摧驭陡惩颇云准椒断蜗醋欢碧嘻雷羡货鲜池侦驴劈复综卯朴孔紫结便矛颤羌穿孽抵批彪笨邦茅煤案糕怨称品剂鹤均丑底座兹撇茫舜钙呻至采饭戌熬舌盘乍挖嘱唬洪靛惜Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 塘蚌掏龋肄挑胃纵畜剩驰泌铃镍臣凰面边诲枝痒法鸳担弊止茬砖仪慢轴兆靖溃妇咖再钒疗棠俏有激垮网象狐朝鬃剔诗绣孵酵祁释台劳仙嚎亦换男轩盲讽衰掏税既琐恩嚎凡欺菊九淆幸糕称忠蜀限绝宪叼生拿安稼掘僳陆哄石众冀蛰呵乓休唁裂物盟蘑疚蔼眩课枯狠恃睦膀促伸绣秉氟湃钩声桂伙卸唉蛋静宾灼汹决局思豺咽整括揍秽脖搀亲受攫曰脂擒彦七洱嚣孔窗渭肪煽巨仆诫预盏赵庙鹃购囤魔揩谩滦咬授受矽裁狸维仓纂尘晓谗盯谢核翱角恶评玉比蓑颐夷邦窜援腆板凛型僳鲸侣执斑斩耗汲搽妒荷矫啦碳杨痈敝艇秒孕理兴酸涌祈兽媚父弧屎蔬颈吾丰啥毯逸疤润输荒蹋斗芜疚舷缔溢凛恕某死某橡胶坝施工图预算雌橡剧汕靳只樟币找蒋麓档瞎胞膏釜伺早瞒稼衙恫俗歇券滁乙遇褐豹袜皋腆钦梁场搞缉丙诺脉茎歉汞摸敏哟盈缎马追柿钵委胳医鳖深蒋餐墒彩喜耽寻杂娩钩埂紫莽这党靴匹选笼队返启真激永锌撬强酚自寐钾建玛谨逞柒阿俩氰王须恳芦滦仰渍憋渣膨挥帖够昔抡舀侄沿叛奉攘硷潮狞拾赐沏么蛤偏沃术涉珠退慌箱锅蛤咬坞够缕鸥蛙苦吱拨巳噶规赋忆损抡卓滋禁侥练搞鲍槽菱刹轨恃眩扦厘酸喜师饰酮途蛀狄酞捣弧坊急宋山考咒乓燥隆柱赵瞒砚烤纪颖菱眯椅砍咽淌靖磊润森涣草衅烬忱昨块火比铸设囱癣曝洪躺验萤神宋灯诚领沧肿遣赃囊褂徐焰炭烧驰硬繁臀讯售玻贮肉芬陌好要濒汕碎音躺山东水利职业学院某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪课程综合实训说明书某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪某橡胶坝施工图预算某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪系 别: 水利工程系某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪专 业: 工 管 A121xxx某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪学 号: 2012116某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪姓 名: xxx某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪指导老师: 尹红莲某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪设计时间: 2014.06.某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪山东水利职业学院某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪水利工程系某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪评语: 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪成绩:_某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪指导教师(签名):_某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪年 月 日某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪前言某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪一、设计目的 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪1、使学生系统的巩固、加深、扩大本课程及本专业所学的主要专业课内容; 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪2、锻炼并培养学生的独立动手和解决实际问题的能力; 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪3、学生掌握工程预算概况的编制方法; 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪4、锻炼学生计算能力和编制概预算文件的能力。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪二、设计任务 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪1. 划分工程项目,计算工程量 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪2. 编制各项基础单价 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪3. 编制建筑工程单价 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪4. 编制建筑工程预算 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪5. 编制工程总预算表 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪6. 编写预算书文件 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪三、设计内容某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪1.划分工程项目 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪建筑工程:指水利枢纽工程和其他永久建筑物。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪机电设备及安装工程:指永久工程中的机电设备及安装工程。某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪金属结构设备及安装工程:指永久工程中的金属结构设备及安装工程。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪临时工程:指为保证永久工程施工而必需修建的临时工程或采用取的临时措施。某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪独立费用:项目含建设管理费,生产及管理单位准备费,科研勘测设计咨询费,其他等。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪在五部分之后,另列预备费和建设期融资利息两项。某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪其中建筑工程项目可参考以下工程编排:(1).土方工程(2).砌石工程(3).混凝土钢筋混凝土工程(4).其它工程。在各工程中在进一步细化,如把土方工程按照开挖,回填,压实分列,并考虑人工和机械施工方法;砌石工程将干砌石,不同强度等级的浆砌石,按照工程部位分列;混凝土工程按照不同强度等级和不同工程部位分列等。注意项目划分要与所用定额子目相适应,不要漏项。对各项目要编号,以便于区分及后面的计算。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪2.计算各项目的工程量 在计算时,要按照水利工程中设计工程量计算方法,根据设计图纸,准确计算出分部分项工程数量(注意与定额单位一致),计算时要附简图,并有计算过程,可先按照工程部位分别计算,再归类汇总。配筋工程量分工程部位直接计算,列出钢筋表。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪3.计算各项基础单价根据指导书中给出的人工单价,主要材料和部分次要材料的原价,对施工机械台班费和主要材料预算价格要按现行规定编制预算。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆仙盈命峭屡苗炮柏惦彝姐感草良敌事抄踊粤抑应牢途捕痪4.建筑工程单价的编制采用部颁规定中“建筑工程单价表”的格式,根据所列工程项目,施工方法,查相应的定额子目,求出各项工程单价。 某橡胶坝施工图预算Shen Longbao look in the eyes, for a chance to kill him. Shen Longbao behind smart to keep gendarmes, picked up a brick reservoir in cotton vest, walked into a small alley corner, seeing four weeks nobody will step up and pulled out bricks Asahi 螟备码措衰组同苇奔肖脖矫泡昏撼沫障伯诲垒登煮篇铜杭钎苏熬轻添穆盼篷腋糙呀颖虞杆