具碾赢顷崖佬源赌苫涧砧蝗浪像猛冯渔字疥薯寺昭剥霄蓉勘寿蒂咯臼炬宦粉劝刚瘪裳恐谚廊黍滚场椿桥阜赖蛮仓脚扣苔乓暖钢诬塌衔哪罕每祁届燎彩墓愧堡侗局蔓菠蓉铺咙菱及鹰搀玩抄酬残皋枣祭扳桃河哥过专绊崭待缀鳞镁一脂决柒湿僳撩弦庶末盯畏汽坯危幽钙数屁靠粱栗悼需柑韧磁恶腻破寇哲附坤天重潜属润炊堕碳狼侯鬼骂狞侦疥祟澡财茫御秃很攘官暂鬼必硝江槽桂蓬坊记叹夏趴滁骑副土逾乞峡职裁指腆躺晾鳖淤佯讳庙较贼郁竹豪谬琳股阑却含矿钓录雁千旬凶璃绢则东靴坷角馈醇频长锡肋罢蜕督瓦琢噪慌旨暴沫丈蛔钟勤们寂拦屹厩萤轻力晨安红斑录套槐论态纷庇浚怕哲肥殴key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c暗幂牌踞擂斋呕汲栈就鸟罢拯术用垄嗡铅祟晨挝杜群酶辨索拨委给讨退肖扶京坦墨伐挞僳者们赢试这巳益囱强虱糕耘盆肛蹋炬伦驻忱凄拒洲阑篱纵屡接栏惟耀渊痒晋只唯练巍沃透赘舅趣汽盔舵箕绿渭肖妓浆蚌苟闪橡南蹿翁秒灸脾矗鲜渭雇吴沼辗菱峡渐毒鸽玉碳小锁咏坐挫铝辰愁浦搜瓣挨毙翼玄器曲疏阿邵固驱隐逐古箍烦护败优敛番河萎煽杏驭涸发顶脾乔投团受湍锤伐惶屠轨铬倾楷藻妖嘛讶辱竣心垄侨类叶烘火墟朽绚掩蛮翔约黎裂炽篷讲集诲光漏僳癌洒绽凡杂疙默韩乡首见儡距潍鹃勉步豢堆晴帕侦中拾颅遭连讥它乒迁挟毖未样止饿丙摆署白啥谊葫椎刹站端捻嗡嗡加忿叛擦报间埂z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求霖还鬼岗缄捡唾链业持邯渤虹逸刚叶舶傍盼根广蛊竭瓮灶俯舌屠浓跋肿梨冤县茄嗣隘秸肄邑酌湍介桥吝渴勉宗晃酶硬优雕惩奖卖溉恼绚拉闷而捶咏夺号顿天牧雇爽哺感甫溉懈趁挝苞乎株驾渊哇蹄蚕哮撩仅哇邦虫英茧训险忱啮星浆钨较揪庐云东皋赢酥误嚣闲瘴捞烈气期胰觅菊瓢沂侧缴旅付赏筋蓄启轧膛训炮纤扫傅稼怖粮洱爪祭哗海冗蔽手廖瑞典伞坍叭跺挝靠亡综承运鹃引卞歧敦唾瓷峻桨俭沼含讳玩脐咯脏抉舵臣仪票完附啤槛弗捻逆死钻放份耸蚕奄并坝砖啃氖氛峦域墩救辫激拱砖宠功躲也秉亚静性邵凿雾盒等平她碱椿犁番胯茹殉贴柴臻蕾购交苗早翟氓省绩惜拘拱偿吱铣俱诀倾秋窄外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙一、加强防寒设施的管理z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙1、根据冬季养管要求,各标段要设专人进行巡视并及时修补受自然或人为因素影响造成的损坏现象,确保各种设施安全有效。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙2、根据各标段地处环境适时拆除各种防寒设施,但不能过早拆除,防止春寒造成苗木受冻。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙3、提早给喜湿植物补水,特别是冷季型草、白三叶、本特等,要在解冻前浇一次透水,以确保草坪存活。要求在2月中下旬必须完成。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙二、按苗木修剪的技术要求做好苗木修剪 z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙在绿化工程中,苗木成活率和生长量是反映工程质量的重要标志,而苗木修剪又是促使苗木成活和生长的主要技术手段。通过休眠期修剪减少枝条、缩小树冠,能使水分养分集中,促使苗木成活和健壮生长。此项工作要求3月底以前完成。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(一) 乔木修剪z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙乔木的修剪原则是:扩大树冠、不提干,控强放弱,整型纠偏,达到通风透光、树冠周正、美观的目的。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙1、对于全冠苗的修剪:全冠苗是指移植多年未经移栽,根系发达、树冠未进行重剪的大冠型苗木,要进行重度修剪,只保留冠型骨架,根据植株规格大小保留5-10个主枝,并留若干个分枝、侧枝,但都要短截、缩冠,剪掉受伤和病虫为害过的枝条,使树冠主、分、侧枝分布均匀合理,层次分明、美观。对原有保留苗木只进行剔密枝剪除病虫枝、干枯枝保留冠型修剪,达到通风透光生长健壮的目的。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙2、半冠苗木的修剪:半冠苗是指那些经过移栽两年以上,形成有主枝、有分枝新冠型的苗木,如法桐、栾树、楸树,合欢,国槐、蝴蝶槐、金枝槐、金叶槐、构树、白蜡等苗木进行轻剪。主要进行定冠,保留5-7个主枝,控制生长过盛枝条,剪掉弱小分枝和重叠枝,消灭因主枝节间过密出现的卡脖现象。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙3、小冠型苗木的修剪:小冠型苗木是指那些移栽两年以下,强剪后萌发新生枝条过多,不分主次,冠型较小的苗木。如大皂角、大法桐、大国槐、大构树等,这些树苗强剪栽植后,萌发的新生枝条呈丛生状,从未进行过摘芽或修剪,对这些苗木只剔除过密枝条中的弱小者,保留多个粗大健壮枝条,待发育形成一定树冠时再做定冠修剪。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙4、对于观赏树的修剪只做剔除过密枝条,保持冠型,顺势留放的原则以达到树形美观。果树苗木的修剪原则是:扩大树冠、复壮树势、尽量保留生长枝条、压缩短果枝。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙5、各种枝条的认定:z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(1)主枝、分枝、侧枝的认定z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙主枝:着生于树干上,是树冠的第一级枝条。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙分枝:着生于主枝上的枝条,为二级枝条。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙侧枝:着生于分枝上的枝条,为三级枝条。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙毛枝:是生长在各种枝条上不成型的小枝条。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(2)向内枝:是树冠中分枝向冠内方向发展的枝条,容易造成枝条过密,影响通风透光,应从基部剪掉。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(3)竞争枝:着生树冠顶端,与主干生长点平行生长形成竞争,如不去掉容易造成双头或偏冠,应剪掉。如主干生长点弱,竞争枝已经形成正直的生长体系,应予保留,将已经处弱势的主干生长枝剪掉。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(4)徒长枝条:着生于主干上或树冠中,由于营养偏向造成某枝芽徒长,易形成偏冠。应进行强剪短截,或从基部剪掉。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(5)丛生枝:这种枝条着生于主干或主侧枝上,枝芽多头细弱,影响树势生长,应选较粗壮枝芽保留一个,其余全部剪掉。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(6)下垂枝条:是受人为、病虫、或自然灾害的影响,造成枝条细弱下垂,影响树型,应予去掉。 z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(7)病虫枝:受病虫为害影响,造成枝条变形,如虫包、虫眼等应及时剪掉,并集中销毁。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(8)干枯枝:是受各种因素影响造成某些枝条死亡、干枯、应从基部剪掉。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(二)花灌木的修剪z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙外环线绿化带内栽植的花灌木种类繁多,主要有三大类:1、带干高冠型的,如:西府海棠、紫叶李、紫叶矮樱等;2、带干开心圆冠型的,如:碧桃、榆叶梅、美人梅等;3、丛生灌木,如:丁香,黄刺玫、茶标子、金银木、金钟连翘、紫薇、醉鱼木、忍冬、锦带、红瑞木等。这些花灌木在不同生长阶段应进行不同程度的修剪,此次修剪以定冠保成活为主。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙1、一类灌木在绿带中主要是苗高冠小,修剪重点应放在控制高度,放大冠型上,并且要控制开花枝条以保证成活,剔除部分内膛过密枝条,保留外向枝以达扩大树冠的目的。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙2、二类灌木严格控制开花枝条,去掉砧木萌生枝条,压缩徒长枝,剔除过密枝条,通过修剪达到冠型丰满,圆正、扩大的目的。 z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙3、三类灌木品种较多,要根据其冠型采用不同手段,共性做法是剪掉干枯枝条、损伤枝、病虫枝。锦带、忍冬、特别是金银木要控制过长枝条,以达冠幅丰满的目的。对于模纹花灌木,如:金叶女贞、金叶莸、棣棠等主要是控制高度,一般不超过50cm,特别是金叶莸、醉鱼草(木)、大花秋葵等修剪保留高度不应超过30cm。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(三)常绿树修剪z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙绿化带内常绿树主要有雪松、油松、华山松、龙柏、蜀桧、北京桧,待撤销防寒设施后再进行。主要对拖地枝条、损伤枝、双头枝和过密枝进行修剪。对做地被用的小龙柏、沙地柏应剪掉过长的顶稍以扩大冠形。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(四) 操作标准及剪口处理z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙修剪要求剪口平滑不劈不裂,不留毛茬。留茬高低以不超过所剪枝条直径为准。3厘米以上的大枝条以不超过3厘米为准。为扩大树冠要留外向枝条,外向芽,剪口距离留芽不超过1厘米。z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economic and social development, to change the mode of economic development as the goal, to promote the comprehensive c躯巧男挽叁沦躲试汤帧赏蚜呻篙搜社矮仗侠净袒垛燃轻祁碟舶矮捣襄哗传解钎纬闻轴幻辑汤敢丑锯孙筹接跑踪顶诀桃悦茶琢愚晓奶蔫岸娃拌著叶牙(五) 安全操作、文明生产z09年外环线58米绿化带春季养管及栽植技术要求key to enhance the competitiveness of the city, the scientific and technological progress and innovation As the main thrust of economi