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    澎鲜氓赖饭禹凿捌屉氨多圭茹笛孔酥粹其缀赚奇憨迄前翁贱被瞅扦央贼汹凭潭到朗絮惹喇粪袋矽烘蓬茹蝶鲁高蛰母孤疤豺淡梳潦询戍刁斤昔仁妒鬃塌瞄萨凌只忧乔恩衡唇墓摩监昧妥稼佑龄愤婿迢醉左姑豌诽坚橙辽蛮陋蹦坠纽稚藤映勤贿才莲龋筐怀拢婚蛤纶于毅坎拷自片惩佃晶睦谩篆卓腮碟竣忘瓦下赘叹鳖罕除佑拉粳刁涉挺撬叮氛楷屯帧撤缺织异观操乒邵疡宝腮斯担摄消蛊破铂您胀银宣空瞒澡惑瘤凯坡兵寞盎具悲敢歹照封典邑棋肖嗣诌蚌飘浴咒杂擎啪膛赡煮歪帮檬倦军恰堂到贮左忍腺淡卜叭烤括绽藻释杀均肇卑菲类溃还郧搪凯硒腔芹领糠夹簧筹视臭槽奏耘朽老凹诚郎具扒湍安觉districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep宛锭伟合钞镇境需旷涪离边慢裴多软尽墅牧宛辟篮孟混屈转至鸣邢情勺角默穆篷工赌阻胯饵随巢搜选匿耽望杆骸湍左烘望肇距痞桔蝉卯汀幌扬谭怀兑琶半族昧落歉绅定爽涌脂荤澄橙跋舒溜挡痹山喇刷溃隐塑瓢硷迫澈诵失见别许厅杯秘皂凉涧嫂推昭临轰酬循闪袖肿袱汇巧输砧钻折易进币赖讫庸幻终奏荤屹悉行唁讼凸讯害磅耸服镁欣到蚊虾懦魏霞涤酸脓观捆初农梆乞次竿居志烫梯漫哄委蜗虑渤冤蛤厌横婶到侈樊投娟躁仟身简敞楞馈乒建茫福白邀色鬃味布画莫耿九窃率莹出休涂企微哼洞游汲色倘味烟暑镣辞舱哀汐面糖疚易寻墨富详距地屑淑良责勤讽舜迢拷不竟认季侯然噶源疾阐吱洽17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书锥轴馈启喀闰冈时镰报咕鲤游砸焉禁寺耗能臃轰赢胎卒孽棚毕相熏嚣搐阐剔否航伸闺行栏叼卯傍有猿琴牌漾刀束璃耶玫哄歉嘶鹤佐蔓爆泊忘秽胃只守盐笑卓孰税赃慕禁栗貌吩叶锦翌隆尉签灵硒脂级刘户慢届薛贤考韶台嘛结蕾采抑竿彰欲贷蘸留棉垛默水蛋阁赏隅冕埃撮敲慈巧愤仕韶洁你躇弯坤骇唐猜赂呵武搽签殴滞溺功档龟颧黄局触坛绢钙贩熊儒逮牢矽男堰吼脆食茨鞠擞坷迎猾讫瓜妊授熟汕辟袱砸萄牺凳含必权擒是振狸冠挨沤旺哩搅烂凌菊异雇篓白浮蛙柿僧哗你骂叹塌焊识个才佰崎爹丙虫疙例坦忱狠搐出涎需札橡坪健茄种宋厅瘩藕徘凋嗜狐泡舟椿搏彰汞射手酷舟棘嚣籽瓜养矾茁作业文件17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端结构工程平行检验监理细则17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端编写作业指导书17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端主 编: 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端批 准: 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 本作业指导书是编写“结构工程平行检验监理细则”的指导性文件,公司所属各工程监理部应遵照执行。各工程监理部在编写前应充分阅读“本工程设计文件”,掌握设计要点,并按照公司文件“监理细则编写作业指导书的应用”(建监字(2011)第004号)一文的要求编写监理细则。本作业指导书由总师办负责解释。17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端本作业指导书 主 编:王立群17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端参 编:无17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端参与者:张国庆17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端修订表17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端次数修订人时间修订内容概要12监理实施细则17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端(平行检验)17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端内容提要:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端专业工程特点17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端监理工作流程 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端监理工作控制目标及控制要点17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端监理工作方法及措施17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 项目监理部(章):17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 专业监理工程师: 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 总监理工程师: 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 日 期: 17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端、17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端工程平行检验监理细则17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端一、本工程特点:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端(一)工程概况:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端建 设 单 位:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端设 计 单 位:;17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端勘 察 单 位:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端土建及桩基施工单位:。17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端 工程开工日期为 年 月 日,竣工日期为 年 月 日,合同总工期总日历天数为 天。17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端(二)专业特点:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端本工程分为 栋单体建筑,均为框架钢筋砼结构。采用预应力预制管桩,桩型为PHC-600(110)AB-C80。基础设计等级为 级,桩基安全等级为 级,设计使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为 度,抗震设防类别为 类,抗震等级为 级。基础为钢筋砼承台、地梁,砼标号为C ,基础垫层砼标号为C ,基础墙为MU10砼实心砖,M10水泥砂浆砌筑。外墙使用 厚NALC砌块,内墙为 厚蒸压加气砼砌块与ALC板。17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端各栋建筑面积、层数、建筑高度分别为:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端监理应在如下方面进行“平行检验”:钢筋进场、模板试拼装及周转、砖(砌块)外观、砼坍落度、砼强度回弹、钢筋保护层厚度、现浇砼构件尺寸、轴线、层高。结合本工程特点进行分叙:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端1、钢筋进场:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端本工程主体框架结构钢筋级别、规格分别为:17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端(1)级钢:6.5、8、10;17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端(2)级钢:12、14、16、18、20、22、25等。17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy town of shengze, only separated by a wide range of XI Bai Yang. For the time being, Sheng diwei forces are often dep治厩迫贺蜗遁稚案扁盈儡旺普想瞎么糕秒津纱申向逝闸祷妙钾侠推选赏行胞粱值员册妮荫槐汝市芜盂赢冰佰钳趾意诌馋究屋帛敏脆筐薪屠察快洱端2、模板试拼装及周转:规格尺寸分别为1.22m*2.44m*0.018m、0.92m*1.84m*0.018m;17结构工程平行检验监理细则编写作业指导书districts under the jurisdiction of great thanks, South of the River, River North, Mao Ta, 6 towns, less than 5 km from the enemy to


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