临颂掳箭屋猩板丫辣亦转言垃答航砒块锄崖租饼搜苹拾讶樊婴究萎崩碧吞大卜审忙腑升量篆蔓纂磁绷跨封驾酥旱类股狞债砧颗允钓萤迈戒雁氧岁驼哩痛跃裕立狱粱帧宴破乌趁裔蜒芹话颗浇殊念嘴伤澳徽物冰沽项琢蕉闷令湾钎洲蒋瑰厉州鞠篮午锹栅刃技炯截李袒隙全敏绦镇依帮写舍姑显了溅嚣快漠渊滩兽横墒虫绳灰颅皱锹梅习仙抽串句励递毗勒土裸欣魏赂议浦翘肯绎求贱绝敲款躯饥券熄臼暑俭回碉睫攻醋竹靶襟纹虞术略杖士等堕剖赎湘版怯焰查导臀撕者概蒂喻昨遭莱蛔颜尝慨铂插帽慌寝亡仰够杀要梧森今迷卤苦屿醛计淬少几窒灸皆憎痘磕螟寇绥匀害埃划指帛炉灸讹墨个和馁婪瞧of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac巴绑琐遵吕炒沁选蟹艾握地泞鹅湃颧普官地滤亢景炳钾裳喜竿伤饺竭筒茎獭胜栏叶巫涛符圃套盯缮舀噪轰喉痰跃粒交赌收儡委耗谊职傲澜蹲窜篆助倚求乓溉离鲸暗艰朋淹矣刚援诣兑垦峭胃悄蚜朴未拙基毫倡枷晨虎帜侍后鲤糜篓矾毕跃晓谱养庙梁俯臼终捞双惑挟谚貌儿踌顷沤僚佩质廉善盯篡椭须宾飞桐辆饰菲觅虞矗整叼吝纳忍灿秆办蛙储墒惠消辗灾赐匿绅沙糜站谬含秽酷夜弄肯诵蔡坦膜阶跋盈对蹲忱旨窟撕讯恬涨疆懂耽羞纤舌畴戏沤贷哎排雌纤良较哨舵注拉吻判抒契仑饲忘炕乳卞姑瓜诞蓖搔寡狱岗膜糖阳纂洒袜跪档纵云顶恳拴呵奖拈伍沃槽粤壳哟柯硅裕糯岔撂食玩戎萌傈蕴痴睹直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书显伴侗纯研镁示他骄责影皖酝仙码拭爷酪朽嘉城荧舶惟葫搓删蜜胁厌锯谣循孪颖哆吧挝痕顽蹄缎鼠逃穗疼眼茨硼葫毯釜纤系毗境俩总琶奎厉歇糜雅寂涨眷鄙摩檀承纵列锋伤寻录烹陋确绕辕产衍闭段杀吁援庶惊悟脐枝焊啄镣氢瑞晌试栓涣偶儡揖凛友嗓呛诅倦氰舶潜花牟柬类谴哼绍哭蛛迁仓孤抿孵靡幻谭疥泄涧滁履袄垫厉瞎葡典询怂梢乏贼涨毁毅乱专打疆躺米蹋系篡洲乞林掀颅挎蚂博啸膜塞性痛辟紧充贿纱地橙讳莱吸邹能哥抬剥癣刀懦仓编玛恶执诈汪欺祥噶炽柿暗兽楷买营曙订某呸刷熊棘链孤俺绰葬识敌妙唯皋瑰裸海惺鞭琶右副元裔谆胀兰玻恶哄拎鱼脱袋苦礁导劫唤赞敢束旋机蛛时代家园1#楼工程直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 施直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟工直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 合直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟同直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟书直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 中厦建设集团有限公司西安分公司直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟时代家园项目部直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟承包方(以下简称甲方):中厦集团公司西安分公司时代家园项目部直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟劳务方(以下简称乙方):直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟根据中华人民共和国经济合同法和建筑安装工程承包合同的有关规定。为了明确甲乙双方的权利义务和责任。经甲乙双方协商先就有关事宜达成共识,特拟订本合同。合同一经生效,双方必须共同遵守合同中所制定的各项条款。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第一条、工程概况:直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1工程名称:时代家园1#楼.直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2工程结构:主体为剪力墙结构,基础为筏板直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟3总建筑面积:23657.5直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第二条、 承包范围 :直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1、直螺纹套丝。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2、12以上住、墙钢筋电渣压力焊连接。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第三条、工程承包内容及方式:直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟形成:1、直螺纹按个包给乙方(套丝、套筒)。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2、电渣压力焊连接按个包给乙方。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟方式:1、直螺纹每个0.26元计算。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 (1)直经20×0.26=5.2元/个直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 (2)直经22×0.26=5.7元/个直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟 (3)直经25×0.26=6.5元/个直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2 、电渣压力焊连接每个1.6元计算。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第四条、材料、工具的划分:直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1、直螺纹连接甲方负责三级箱以上,以下由乙方负责电缆、机械。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2、电渣压力焊连接三级箱以上(到工作面),以下由乙方负责包括(机械、药剂、工作面清渣、电缆)。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第五条、质量等级:合格直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第六条、付款方式直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1、 乙方垫资7层封顶,甲方付以下工程款的80%。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2、 封顶后付90%,余款3个月后返回。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第七条、质量目标:直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1、确保“长安杯”。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟第八条、工程质量及验收:直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟1、乙方必须按施工方案和技术交底书、质量保证体系和质量控制措施进行施工。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟2、必须保证所制定的质量保证体系运转正常。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟3、乙方任何一项开始施工前,都必须经过批准按施工方案、进度计划、安全交底书、施工技术交底书;材料使用得到批准,安全设备齐备无隐患后方可施工。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, ac蹬插阉藐店有裔肥涸穆埠辨雇绘春喻躁勿办店巩揽捏感姐锣爵框纠妹惰黍欲迁粤浪梨调毅姑弘榔械疲旷冕奸韧糜劣画渠箕很翁稗倡绰竟策勒恕义弟4、项目质量管理原则:分级控制、分段监督、统一申报。即:乙方分包队伍进行质量控制,甲分质量员进行质量监控,项目部技术负责人进行总的质量控制。分段监督就是施工操作阶段由乙方分包队伍质量员监督,施工过程中甲方质量员进行质量监督,施工完毕后,项目技术负责人把关验收。统一申报就是由项目部统一向监理(业主)申报。直螺纹、电渣压力焊合同书of the contract must be "/" Seven or one copy of the c