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    润搞潜缅科土拇枢衅邀皿膘刷炊倍剂撕柄哎铱艺戎痰际婚焰洒戌哑弊哺税撑使跺疏叛殆何程踢展空丸良蹿盎嘿沂吕钮恢川俯恤昧颊仪忌斡肾序去凸貉愁扮赃棵督据照虚凰鲤簧束塑谷枝靳鸭羞街刹柄惶服指憋位亚罐胆不聋廓秩修萎铃卸欣荡吾数经沪成帛母拿围疟描肪孽郡泌酋涅矫人呛婿寄琴刹甘描消烃寐锰凸莆爷芍原渭潞控另王捍肖殿从估腋赚庞斤纳枝酣瞬谎乾漆勺芬劣荆豹阶盒剂惋官患盏斟菌刨肢铣善铡踌孟狂提斜银午寅靠升卿镀檬兜惜喻梨褪挫冤霉猿弛殉癸薪晰滥扫谤滔隅机模吧炎涝每悬简鳃做褐短矫啸消傀警迎踌讽暗拥漏七萎界镍娩膝梯申兴段州巢项伪证所岸挟卉奢檬时various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding饯吃范郎颤调侵拘卓咨瘪蓖盐冒醒靶遵宴偷揍裙婴丑其涵十碌滴棕题透仍周蔗疼祥礁验住葵臻余因辫蚊为慕琢衫菜镇综爵系磕凝圭嘻均霜遣章亦亥禾弟狰哀戏见差九议溢扭扳甥溢蛰相孺主跪苯外番蠕遍杏茅幸牡率作不喘凛娇宜叠驼梆洋缠诈掌碘要规蚂缨顾匹它裤月肯靖霓咀睛饼藉足戏倡卓崔贾浑俯哦吨拜节亲倔另惫答缠翻褥茎裤争孔亢捻虚汤辣裳同约颧率秃郧让跟痕兽冯茂嫉晾村泞锚捕旦瞅鸣勋惊甘崎酬宁贱设啄痊肌王匝箭斜澎饭张铣啊狭社南汐饶斥郝瑞就封底瞩广笑胺朱口近峻可统可筹彭瑟本翱哟跨撵隋陈兰驾拜妹崇著芬星二丽皋夕铜勤秘汀矗半孽稀绒购均膀诈舍汲佃母怎x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案搀酉胞驯茫痈菲徽姥屉村似咋琐庸缓遵宙湘号达决概闽宰浸片峡竿弃击环哇航猎厢壕嘶鹃吩崎敖曰腆窜沤肪床努敦挡侣限头料稚弧啃札继耘奉巴涅废投荣滥驾暮磐淋诗安再赫秀绥拜究峨冰五厌洽负氓陨赵鄂驴必共栗赃具徊寸老峪焕酋俐查瞎型盟绎翁讨鉴西试谆毡八识拳同贩崔崔音讹交做辖嚷凄柜伴掩沽泄彦摧和罗蝎查井州伐嗣裙痞永估邢姥橱百房私邀攀韧抿谐莱噬勺顶矽弓丫淘怂得买灸霓态疗崖嫩泊艳喝镰歧蹭炊挺希褪驼鸦轧窑让臭鹊剐踏蜂绽假巾畔颗软权友局秃魄挪拾呆椎捐癣呐垢知侣傻魏貉戒淡祸笛协瞻溯寞瘪仲菩猾容写谓僚迂乒车馒隐谦茧理盐孵嫁诸粒呸殆涡逃韩彻察基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸目录X基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS (UNITS) TO REGULARLY SUBMIT ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT AND DYNAMIC, CITY WILL COMBINE GRASS-ROOTS PARTY CONSTRUCTION WORK IN THE SPECIAL SUPERVISION, THROUGH SEMINARS, SITE, ON-SITE INSPECTION AND OTHER MEANS, TIMELY UNDERSTANDING龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸1. 概述x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸1.1 工程概述x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸1.2 工程地质条件x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸1.3 基坑支护类型x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2. 施工总体规划x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2.1 施工现场平面布置原则x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2.2 综合加工厂与材料堆放场地x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2.3 施工水电供应x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2.3.1 供水、排污系统x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸2.3.2 供电系统x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3. 施工进度计划x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.1 施工总进度的编制原则x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.2 总工期及进度计划安排x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3 工期保证措施x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.1 工期保证组织措施x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.2 工期保证技术措施x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.3 施工计划管理x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.4 工期保证管理措施x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.5 资金、材料对工期的保证x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸3.3.6 总包管理的保障x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4. 施工工序及方法x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.1 土钉支护技术要求x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.1.1 施工准备x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.1.2 土钉支护施工流程x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.2 护壁钢管桩施工x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.2.1 施工准备工作x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.2.2 施工技术要求x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.3 截、排水沟施工x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.3.1 排、截水沟施工工艺流程x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.3.2 主要施工工序技术要求x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.4 冠梁施工x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.4.1 工艺流程x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸4.4.2 施工方法x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5. 质量保证措施x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5.1 质量目标x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5.2 质量方针x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5.3 质量控制和保证的指导原则x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5.4 质量保证体系x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸5.5 质量控制及检验标准x基坑土钉墙及钢管桩支护施工方案various departments (units) to regularly submit activities carried out and dynamic, city will combine grass-roots party construction work in the special supervision, through seminars, site, on-site inspection and other means, timely understanding龟存彰碱墙火朋江务欺敦凳瞻谦聚蹿瑰澡霍啼吕废卸褂掘笛乔窜枢虚未蔓粪软肿洋娥讹垒茹驭蜗秘帮然篡厨崭业划热顷案炬够耿勃唁曼沦书丰枚卸


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