EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,http:/,茬妒又讽靶态述厚室豺沫肾岂软敝丫言枉抹俄瘤观淤贺蹲鲜炼腮春英帜紊【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,Overview,Objectives Potential KPI Cause and Effect DiagramKPI Impact Interaction MatrixKPI Reporting GuidelinesExamples of Recommended Methodologies*KPI Development Progress ScorecardSummary,*The root causes included in this presentation and in the KPI guidelines are examples only and are not based on actual root cause analysis data or results.Each situation is unique and should be addressed accordingly with the Root Cause Analysis Tool provided as part of the Working Hours Task Force toolkit.,http:/,是猾仿矩竟邻印柄牵释掀屹针隙腐咬淀滞集漓复巢玄铂棍励碳晒裴杜骗砍【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,Objectives,Provide high-level understanding of the various Key Performance Indicators that may be of value when addressing possible root causes of excessive working hours.Provide an understanding of the interactions between departments within an operation that may impact working hours performance.Recommend review process for KPIs.,http:/,柯莽痹墒瑞鹤坚续袜坠网金垛哲祝供恤鲜宁册积俭报竹臃鼠但绿败月取轮【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,Return,Impact,Reporting,Root Cause,Orders outside of lead time,Material delivery/safety stock level,Resource planning accuracy,#of workers exceeding working hours limit,#of workers without 1 day/wk off in 7 days,Overtime pay,Attrition rate,Productivity,Training cost delta,Total cost trend,Satisfaction rating,High-Value KPIs:Excessive Working Hours,Cause and Effect,http:/,缺稳勇梨燃卒韧些通捂棵浙量刘充不溺厚加盅仰吼淬矣许纫逛贩攻自昭术【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,KPI Impact Interaction Tool,http:/,搞跪跟纬捣蕴唱卿卖郴吃彪疲珊颇蔷耗惹谬今比俊绣惮梁触聊相适急叫社【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,KPI Reporting Guidelines,http:/,守镐貌刮频灌丹钻有泻河郁蛆韦睡庞陷蕉纳晒臂玫惮袍挛碱嗣毛炭涤链衅【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,Three Examples of KPI Development Tool in Use,Identification of working hour overages or lack of rest days(includes both EICC and China OT legal requirements)Potential excessive working hours created by material shortage Potential excessive working hours created by life cycle volume inaccuracy,The following examples are intended to illustrate use of a KPI Scorecard to track specific indicators of,or contributing factors influencing excessive working hours.,http:/,蒜酉绥际艺罐边退拉瞥毅仪抖某华扬歇纳工浙恶肢碉播轻到少琵盐教宫佃【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,KPI Development Methodology Example Working Hours,Elements of KPIPrimary owner(for reporting metric)HR,Finance Method Trend AnalysisManagement Influence Sales,planning/forecasting,HR/workforce planning,operations,materialsType of Indicator LaggingPotential Causes Orders exceeding capacity,unexpected demand,lack of required workforce resources,material availabilityComments Requires accurate weekly/monthly data reporting from time and attendance system,Steps to takeEstablish methodology to extract time implement plans to address root causesContinue to track performance against EICC/local legal requirements and address overages,Work hours and rest days meet EICC requirement,but fail to meet China OT legal requirement for Feb Sept.,http:/,推漾稻该蛤炳午焕短融忠返朴晴颂楼滩垮矮怨妈抽圃俯浮魂挠铣岗抠烫舒【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,KPI Development Methodology Example Material Availability,Elements of KPIPrimary owner-Suppliers Material Management and Brands PurchasingMethod Waterfall Chart,Trend AnalysisMgmt Influence Sub-tier suppliers,PlanningType of Indicator Leading Potential Causes Force Majeure,Cost Pressures,Incorrect or poor data inference.Comments Impact to working hours occurs when material is not available and then a catch up schedule is introduced to match revised availability.,Steps to takeEstablish%flexibility of production in contractEstablish material lead timesEstablish%material to be held in buffer/safety stockEstablish material delivery planTrack performance to plan Measure results using number of units short of plan and time to recovery with and without over time Determine course of action keeping in mind elimination of excessive working hours,Material shortage begins to drive need for additional work hours,http:/,例恢驹渐屏荡辽散枷赔夺疟坎排徒拧陈矩恨瓦朔腐镭伍帜坏渣其联繁谤焦【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,KPI Development Methodology Example Life Cycle Volume Accuracy,Elements of KPIPrimary owner-Brands Sales and Marketing&Communications Teams,Retailers,End Customer,Suppliers Production and Shipping TeamsMethod Market Research,Trend Analysis(historic,present and future),Communication of Demand(Brand)Production&Shipping(Supplier)Management Influence Brands Planning Teams,Retail Forecasting Teams,Suppliers Production,HR and Purchasing TeamsType of Indicator Leading Potential Causes Fluctuating Retail Demand(Retail/End Customer),Overly Aggressive Forecasting(Brand),Inadequate Resource Planning(Supplier),*Unusual or Emergency SituationsComments Requires monthly reporting of clearly defined and agreed upon metrics,Steps to takeEstablish a trusting business relationship with clear and transparent communication between all partiesPlan to EICC working hours requirementWith the Code in mind,define terms&conditions for the Retail/Brand relationship and the Brand/Supplier relationship(upside flexibility,lead times,committed capacity etc)Establish agreed upon reporting metrics(forecasting signals,production planning methods,shipment plans)Ensure adequate resources are in place to meet demand(Supplier)In an*Unusual or Emergency Situation,Supplier tracks any excessive working hours as a result(per worker,per week)Set up formal review of excessive working hours KPI data(Brand and Supplier)Supplier develops a recovery plan to meet EICC requirement for excessive working hours,*Definition of Unusual or Emergency Situation-Per EICC Working hours Guidelines:Unpredictable events that require overtime in excess of legal or EICC limits.Such events cannot be planned for or foreseen.Equipment breakdown,power failure or other emergency resulting in prolonged shutdown of a production line.Unforeseen raw material or component shortages or quality issues that shut down production.Excessive overtime is then needed in both situations to recoup lost production time and meet customer commitments.,http:/,协揣播瓦昔傍缕坞犁懒翱倡限栋抡涉扎胶免跳哨陇州工脚魏狞雇薄磺迂反【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,Sample Scorecard for Implementation of KPIs,Indicators:,Implement-ation Steps,Responsible for reporting,http:/,购耙毕间蔽糖姚诞垃雪心根腆雇澜饱栏厢射纂播工吼三耶族潍莉钵斜吼绘【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,How Do I Start?,Be proactive!Engage senior managementIdentify the root causes of excessive working hoursSelect KPIs and gather dataEstablish a regular,formal KPI review process to create accountability across the organization,monitor progress and take corrective actionEnsure that all departments and organizations which contribute to the conditions for excessive overtime take ownership for reducing working hoursShare your challenges and progress with your customersCollaborate with customers to address brand-related factorsThe most important thing is to get started!Establish your baseline,and track your progress.,http:/,吝棕核拟谍扮当蓑焊群己痪痒芍宇贫臀秦引唐山砷侈腆葵寓梗帘苦瘟续辖【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard【英文资料】EICC Working Hours Taskforce KPI Scorecard,