Marriage,谁篇厚来网猎汁赢笛赞萤统礼髓颜加印标战鄙换系泳霉液艺控贺柯饲份静英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Below 16,Between 16 and 18,Over 18,Illegal,Legal,Parents consent are necessary,Legal,Parents consent are unnecessary,Age,弱竖传割挛节灰缉厩哉髓督褪恐溶罐在渠视舵播臭惯惑辟遍晚民土皋洼革英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Permissive society,Now British society is considered to be permissive,which allows a considerable amount of freedom,especially in matters concerning morality.,Freedom of expression,It is the political right to communicate ones opinions and ideas,include freedom to seek,receive and impact information and ideas of all kind.,定腥纫秤齐涯挚细盆卑祖架罪温辩圣髓炼查诣阐示倔兴丫山陈蚊喜铃捂庙英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Dont like control,A girl goes out with a boyfriend is normal and acceptable.Kisses and embraces(hugs)are natural behavior.make familiar with parentsBring home ask permission make private promise to marryTradition engagement ring,left hand third fingerPeriod change return contrary replaced by wedding,ring of plain gold,仇屑勤仇设士习胚疲扑蹄溃筷辖沿腹层医嗽催寻汹网盅继饮戚寂灵屿须唉英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Wedding Day,most couples Church For the ceremony,the bride dressed in a long white dress and attend by her close relatives and friends.Steps:1.churchmans question 2.promises of loyaltyOther couples Registry office less formal and more purely legal other couples registry office,less formal and more purely legal,惦舜釉戈雍矗待含辰佩绰掷爪硫疆捉吗氛焚坪打李哄轨越赏搁剃崖革蠢羚英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Marriage marks the beginning of a new and independent family,which means leaving ones parents and starting ones own life for both the man and the woman.The newly married couple will have o lot of problems to deal with,such as purchasing house and raising children.,光提站溜喊妮使钵缎泞峭冤存咕夹叭迅捎众斟洞淖捡肺化亩闯洪馅瞥铂溺英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Social Contact,Much social contact in Britain takes place in peoples homes.,On Sunday afternoons often families have friends or relations in for tea,and some entertainment in the evening,too.,Some people like pubs,may talk with the same people there week after week.,No definite arrangement,Middle and upper class people favor dinner parties and cocktail parties.,Degree of formality depends on the circumstances.,After dinner,people often play cards,usually bridge.,魂坪秀瘴凸榷窄澈休证醚粹蹬惋垮堕赁磐饵撞景旺锻砚基疤酒鸿黍登转尝英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,Among the middle classes Childrens party,20-30 children before and after the Tea,Fruit drinks,sandwiches,ice cream and cake,Many parents dislike such parties in their houses.,魄憨挤座贼仍与惶谢茁透躺劳姻式谣惰部梭辅民边辫幂律仔雄浇祟祟鲸桔英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件英国家庭婚礼概况PPT课件,