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    四年级英语教案 Unit1 Hi, Tony! Hi,Jenny!Teaching demands 1. Learn the new words in the vocabulary 2. Review the drills :“These are Gogos shoulders.” 、“Touch Gogos toes !”、“What are you doing? Im moving.”3. Grasp the following sounds “g”、Teaching important points 1. Grasp the following sounds “g”、“j”.2. Use the following drills to communicate “These are”、“What are you doing? Im”.Teaching difficult points Use the following drills to communicate “These are”、“What are you doing? Im”.Teaching tools Tape ,Multimedia Teaching Procedure:The first period 1. Revision : Say hello to the students Sing a song which they have learned in last term . Go through the parts of the body .2. Presentation:l Present the pictures with the computer .( T: Whats this ? Its a shoulder . Listen to the tape twice ,then repeat , thirdly, spell the word one by one . at lasrt chant together just like : “ shoulder shoulder touch your shoulders .”l Use the same mean to teach other new words . Read the words together .l Let the students to read the words by themselves freely . l To test if they can read the words . l Comes to “Review” T ask a student to come out and present a sentence :“This is ×××”s shoulder .” ( Make sentences by the ss when a pattern drills is presented . )l Continue to presented the target language by that way .3. Practice :l Open the books and read after the tape twice of “Conversation”, secondly read freely and read together . divide the ss into 2 groups and read together .l Let the ss work in group and play a role . A few groups to demonstrate .l To review the parts of the body and read the lyrics together and listen to the tape twice . Sing a song after the tape and do the action . A few ss to perform at the front of the classroom.4. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5 .Homework : l Copy the new words four for each . Read the text to their parents The second period 1.Revision : l Say hello to the students l Sing a song “Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes ! Dictation 2.Presentation: Ask and answer questions .l Ss to make sentences after the modern . To listen to the tape and do “Practice1”3. Practice : T make a dialogue with the student and then let them practice by themselves .l A few pair to demonstrate . To do Page 6 Item2 .4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5. Homework :(1)To make sentences of Page5 “Practice2” (2)Read the text to their parents The third period 1.Revision :l Say hello to the students Sing a song “Head ,shoulders ,knees and toes !l Ask and answer questions with “What are you doing ? Im .” Etc. .2.Presentation:l Listen to the tape and find out what the features are . T demonstrate how to pronounce “g” .l Ss read it one by one . Ss read the words freely, secondly ask them to set up more examples .3.Practice : Listen to the tape and chant together . Group work then make perfomance .4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5.Homework : Copy the words of “The sounds and words” (4 for each)l Read the text to their parents Teaching thoughts :_ Unit Two Are you dancing?Teaching Target: Are you dancing? No, I am not. Im thinking.Is he practicing volleyball? No, hes not. Hes practicing basketball.Teaching key: New words:exercising working shouting thinkingpracticing talking cutting coloring etc.Sounds and words: ing The first period:1.Presentation The teacher holds a baskball and say :(1)T :I am playing basketball(Say :playing) Pass the basketball to one student and ask :T: What are you doing? S: I am playing.(2)The teacher makes another action,Ss ask : T: I am exercising. S: What are you doing?T: exercising. exercising (Repeat). S: exercising (Spell the words three times )(3)The students make the same actions and say :exercising.Teach the other words in the same way :working , shorting , thinking , practicing,talking, cutting , coloring.(4)The teacher ask the Ss to open the books to page 10 listen to tape and act.(5)Free talk. Make a dialogue with the new words.Ask the Ss to read the target by themselves Role play 2. Homework Copy the words in Unit 2 Recite the target The second period1、 Revision (1)Check the words 。 (2) Ask Ss to recite the target 2. Presentation (1)Learn the conversation. (2).Role play (3) .Make a conclusion 3 Exercises (1)Ask Ss to open the books to page 11 and finish. Practice1.(2) Finish the practice 2, Cheek the answers and correct them.4.Homework : Read and recite the conversation The third period1:Revision Dicatate the words in Unit 2 Do some exercises :(1).Finish the exercises in the workbook on Page 13(2).Open the books to P12 and listen the song: Whats everyone doing now? First listen to the tape just listen and then listen to tape and act it last sing by themselves and act it.(3).Finish the “look and write” Check the answers and correct them. 2. New presentation Sounds and words.(1).Listen to the words: egg、 hug、 mug 、jog、 bag、 dig. (2).Teach the words above 。(3).Make conclusion 。 (4)Read “Look 、write and say”3.Homework : Copy the words Teaching thoughts : Unit 3 Im washing the carThe First PeriodTeaching demands : 1、Learn the Vocabulary 2、Learn the target and can use it to communicate Teaching importmant points : Vocabulary,Target and conversation 。Teaching difficult points : can use the drills to communicate in a real situation . Teaching Process :1、Revision (1. (The Ss makes an action )Ask and answer.T: Whats sb doing now? S: He (She) is -ing. /Im ing. /They (We) are ing.(2. Chant: Whats everyone doing now?2、Presentation Learn the Vocabulary(1、Create a real situation and ask : T: What am I doing? T: Im sweeping the floor.(2、Show the pictures :sweeping the floor and read several times (3、Put the pictures on the blackboard (4、Teach the other phrases in the same way : cleaning the dishes making the bed folding the clothes watering the plants dusting the furniture washing the clothes (5、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. (6、Play games.3. Learn the target (1)、Group work : Do it like this T: Is she/he cleaning the window? S: No, she/he isnt. Shes washing the clothes. (2)、Pair work : Acting T: Are they cleaning the windows? S: Yes, they are. T: Are they reading? S: No, they arent. (3)、Books open, listen to the tape and repeat. (4)、Ask and answer Is he/she doing ? Are they doing ? (5)、Play games: Guessing 4、Summarize 5、Homework (1、Recite the Vocabularyand the Target (2、Copy the new words and drills.The Second PeriodTeaching demands : 1、Review the Vocabularyand the Target2、Grasp the following drills :Whats sb doing sth.? Is sb. doing sth?这。Teaching important and difficult points : The present continuous tense and it answer 。Teaching Process :1、Revision(1)、The Ss makes an action, ask and answer :S1: Whats sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth.Or :S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isnt.(2) Learn the Conversation1、Let the students read the conversation by themselves. 2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Teach the new words: busy cant breakfast wait4、Read around the conversation by themselves, then act it out. 5、Role play 3. Chant activity(1)、Talk about the pictures, then ask and answer. T: Whats the girl doing? Is she washing? S: No, she isnt. Shes folding the clothes. T: Is the boy dusting? S: No, he isnt. Hes sweeping the floor.(2)、Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat. (3) Competition 。(4)、Chant together and do thwe actions 4 、Exercises ( 1) 、Show the pictures in Practice 1&2 and 18 Look and write , say the phrases (2)、Play games: Workbook (3)、Finish Practice 2 & Activity 2.5 、Summarize 6 、Homework Finish the following exercises : 1、What _ you doing? I _ _(读书)。 2、What _ they _ ? They are _ the floor (扫地).3、Is Jenny _ the window (擦窗)? _, she isnt. She _ _ _ _(整理床铺)。 4、Are they _ the clothes (折衣服)? Yes, _ _.The Third PeriodTeaching demands : 1、Continue to learn the drill :Whats sb doing sth.?and Is sb. doing sth?2、Learn the Sounds and words。 3、Finish the exercises in the Workbook。Teaching important and difficult points Sounds and wordsTeaching process 1、Revision(1) Show the pictures ,ask and answer : S1: Whats sb. doing ? S2: Sb. is doing sth.Or S1: Is sb. doing sth.? S2: Yes, sb. is. / No, sb. isnt.(2)、Show the pictures in P19 Activity and use the drill to communicate 2 .New Presentation Sounds and words(1)、Show the pictures and teach the new words , pay attention to the pronunciations:ck and ke。(2)、Listen to the tape and imitate (3)、Recite the words (4)、Pair work 3、Listen and chant.(1)、Look, ask and say : (2)、Recite the poem freely (3)、Listen to the tape and point to the pictures. (4)、Say the chant.4、Finish the exercises in the Workbook。 5、Summarize 6、HomeworkRecite the words and target 。 Read the Sounds and words several times Teachingthoughts: _Unit Four Review 1Teaching objectives 1、 Vocabulary: shoulders, teeth, knees, fingers, toes, wave, put, move, exercising, working, shouting, thinking, practicing, talking, cutting, coloring, sweeping the floor, cleaning, the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes.2、 Conversation: Teaching key points Practise A: What are you doing?Teaching difficult points Is she going to Are they going to (Teaching mediumPicture Cards 1-30, Crossword information gap WB p. 49, Matching game WB p. 50 Pictures cards 1-30. WB p. 49 Crossword information gap, WB P50 Matching game. Teaching procedure The first period1. Revision Warming Exercises The teacher holds a book and ask :T:What are they doing? Help the Ss to answer 2. New Presentation T: Now lets listen to the tape,pause and ask :。T: Are they exercising,(Sls name)? Sl: No, theyer not. Theyre cutting paper.T: Circle the correct answer. Practise other pictures in the same way 2. Put some pictures on the blackboard Ask the Ss to say the words Presentation T:(Pointing to some words )Look at the words at the top. Say the words loudly T:(Pointing to some words ,for example :the plants, the windows )Look at the words at the bottom.Say the words loudlyT: Draw lines from the top to the bottom to make the phrases.Check the answers with the students The second period 1. Revision Look at some pictures and help Ss to review some objects 2. New Presentation T:(Pointing to Jenny and ask )Whats Jenny doing? S2:Hes moving a chair.Ask Ss to finish the other exercises and check with the Ss.Answers :B-Hes moving a chair. C-Theyer talking. D-Hes thinking. E-No, hes not. Hes coloring. F-No, shes not. Shes moving a desk. Ask the Ss to say the words in this unit loudly.New Presentation (Pointing to giraffe.)T:/d /, /d /,giraffe. Lets find the sound/d /in other words. Pointing to other words :duck, jet, big.T: Duck. Jet. Big. Which word has the sound /d /?Ss: GingerT: Continue the line from“jet” to “ginger”.Give Ss some time to do other exercises in the workbook。Answers:giraffe-jet-ginger-jacket-jump;dig-big-bug-dog-mug; clock-duck-lake-sock-neckTeaching thoughts _Unit Five where are you going?Teaching objectives 1. Vocabulary: movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, beach 2、Conversation: A. Where are you going? Teaching difficult points Picture Card 31-40, realia Teaching procedureThe first periodStep 1 Review 1.What are you doing? Im 2.What is he doing? Hes 3.Dictate the following words : sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothesStep 2 New Presentation Conversation Getting ready Using the book.Extension activity: Role play (see it in the teachers book )Vocabulary Then switch.Extension activity: group work (see it in the teachers book )IPractice 1 Getting ready# Point to each picture and ask questions that require Ss to answer with the target language patterns.Conclusion Step 3 Homework Copy and remember the words in the book The second periodStep 1 Review 1、Read the conversation by themselves 。 2、Dictate some words 。Step 2 :New lessons Target Getting ready#Draw a smiling face on the board and write I underneath. Put one of the Picture Card, e.g. bank, next to it.#T: (Point to I.) Im going to the (bank).#Put up the Picture Card of Jenny (from Level 1) on the board. Write she underneath the card. Put another Picture Card from this unit next to it.#Put the Picture Cards of Tony and Gogo (from Level 1) on the board with a Picture Cards from this unit next to them. Write they underneath the cards of Tony and Gogo.#Ask Ss to make up a sentence. Using the book#Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.Extension activity: Pair work ( Make some sentences) Are you going to the _. No, Im not. Im going to the _.:Where are you going? Im going to the _ Practice 2 Getting ready#T:Look at the pictures. (Point to the first picture.)#Have one pair say the Q and A exchange for the picture.#Do the same with the picture of shopping mall. Using the book.#Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks to match the two pictures.#Have Ss practice singing with the new lyrics. To match the rhythm of the last line, have Ss sing Res-tau-rant and Shop-ping-mall. T: Lets sing the song with our new lyrics.Play the karaoke version of the song and have the whole class sing.Play the tape again. Ss sing the original song with the recorded voices, and then the new lyrics with the karaoke version. Extension activity : Group work ( ask and answer )Do to like this ? The third periodStep 1 Review: Show some pictures 1、Ask and answer 。 2、Review the drills Step 2 New LessonsActivity Getting readyWrite Where are you going? Im going to the hospital on the board.Point to are you and have Ss think other combinations. e.g. is he, are they, ect, and write them under are you on the board.Repeat the procedures to m


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