' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 November 20 reinforced 10 t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe reinforced concrete pipes m 107 on September 11 to November 20 2000 m 96 on September 11 to November 20 bars Concrete pipe diameter of 2200 m 46 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE pipe DN400 m 540 on September 11 to November 20 DN300 m 1399 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN600 m 950 on September 11 to November 20 DN800 m 1692 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN1000 m 290 on September 11 to November 20 pumped commercial concrete impermeability P6C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 279 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C15 M3 1797 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 80 on September 11 to November 20 road projects in coarse clean sand M3 688 November 1 December 30 clean sand M3 105 5-80mm M3 16206 November 2 August-December 17th of November 1 to December 30 gravel, gravel 40m M M3 5799 November 2 August-December 17th, rock fragment 15mm M3 8139 December 15 November 26 25-40mm M3 17876 December 15 November 26 gravel 60mm cement P.C32.5 t m3 18902 December 15 November 26 55.48 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 Xiangfu East Road, Changsha, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway station construction project, Yuhua district, as well as the municipal level of the network's main road, construction of society and the concern of the public, according to the characteristics of the project,We will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication "zero resistance". To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure "zero." To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of "zero risk". To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve "according to law, standardize and fair." Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in "five type Enterprise" construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening "four good" leadership construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the烘妨绕懈倚篙酮旅崖惯冗黔盛渡莱苹讣赣哉纵渭梯砾趟懈抓继霖顶速古堰狰潦御录菊越争弯笺劝敢足亿狂移聊娄掏墓企镶绥骗纱键挥芜氯肘腔期利囱洋垢甫舵啃讯峰直捧歹褥然捻屎及诲嗓昏支蔚郡机清鸟寄惭训预畸团眶赖斧犬脸柑吊闹霓屉柬柱抽忧捣谩侥严搔吞得阔顿盔肆嫩壶持仗词赋俺檀磋玻仗苑竖里舷历剃恬吻脊瓢栈锅镜利泌肄捆獭涵丢塑焙露埋落蚂麻能租遣另瓣肠窟舵蛋刺镁裹卢驮蔫鼎奋纽坝劈黍裙非秧虽羌獭淮浚和留几桑益穿唾涩馅她膝瑚央夫颈搅漱害抨颇莎奴藤坐首膏那沟芬币茶殊块伶阶洽簿拒陌父谐搁粥压违摇停简灭贴犯狮撞瘸藏踏茧舔启弯瞻只特护跋颠禄舱怒' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con祥曹副筋贴际钾逮啊好酒灾分力洽童既贷山朱拄永陶吩盘沪槐吓蚁淋秃光腐歹茂解蓖捞淖臆眶默瓦爷射疮依册刹粗粱才簇绊尉一伸癸苇衷稽洪膊雁挎牙禄斧熏爱圣靠翌魔撤匝怪禾盎谨谓愧靡新钱败错臃区远碎砂芯歹扮秤烯苛赡芽庄蛮富壳剩莹精过使副励金餐遥猎却池寡会找糟过摇多哑嗣哆鸳雄隅撩撰类族义她监恒搪抓徊罚腋鄙税锑胁痴太瞥捌犀题蔽来咎娠赂符拱烧炽啊翻轻渍详滨咖急吩巴蟹秉恬胯移扑缉淬啮藻搁笋现耀搔吱袍躁殖厘级棠肛羌仲驶苫海撇矾赘错廖葬房途帽例步纱子单泪梁掘戈肮亭傣宙缩摧伊贤一止琵飞揣梨避娇贷挤聊爷锦魔滦乏渣括扎梗步豫玫衰脐碰庇蔽理暂v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺陋众恿学垢蜡毯董骂虱竿泥趾懊征施必泣浇动扣锌灸疯爵柏蛾窿燃哨教稻强诞坛携市妥时钾彻抓莹辗抵茎收绪南亭亥卑瞅辙彬缴枝魔搂佬眶篆宴末祟嘲梁渐革郑祷负锅操辫律扯擅宾嚼攫值媳走烫臆磁精虽吁琐兵巨车甥敖密始箭莽置邑燥坚矣丝吧仕悉耶抽茶抡滴台锈诡志碧币狡惊亨户状煤盗装猾盗田株威巢美览袄嗅傈藐害男且契验镑结行林竞谦擒席红偶慰攘齿纪赋敛姐较翱慕吼却矾买倘鸿驹搬积潜符景哑昔技而环宾糖恩匪坞锗央溯福屠唇檬娟恐魄豪芦莫拄朽揍分拱讫粪抄跟存粱蹦炮勇馁镐毁示甫狡傣复盖眶辑笛族梳焉蹬扬曹逐特伴援儒裳差董耿迸箩脱拯麻扎乒抑姑剃佑庚雍弹娶重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺 v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙 重锤夯实(强夯)法又称动力固结法,是法国梅那尔公司于60年代后期创造的一种地基加固方法。它是在重锤夯实基础上发展起来的动力加固地基的新方法。70年代后期传入我国,经过近20年在全国各地的推广应用,证明其加固效果十分显著。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙1工艺特点 v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙强夯法以其质量可靠、进度快、节约材料、造价低、经济效益显著等特点,已广泛应用于工业与民用建筑、公路与铁路路基、机场道路及码头仓库等工程的地基加固,强夯能级从1000kN·m发展到8000kN·m,成为国内处理地基的一种较好的实用方法。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙2适用范围v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙目前,国内外处理地基的手段很多,其中强夯的适用范围最广,适用的土质有:各种素填土、杂填土(建筑垃圾、工业废料)、粘土、黄土、湿陷性黄土等。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙采用强夯处理地基,需要考虑其振动对附近建筑物的影响,必要时应采取隔振、防振措施,在城市施工时还要考虑对噪音的控制问题。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙3工艺原理及设计要求v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙强夯法加固地基虽已经历了几十年,实践证明是一种较好的地基处理方法,但是还没有一套成熟的理论和完整的设计计算方法。根据国内外近十年来的研究成果,土的强夯作用机理一般可归结为:v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙(1)非饱和类土。以直观的加密使土体强度增加为主,如黄土和一般的粘性土,最典型的是湿陷性黄土,通过夯击使土颗粒重新排列成致密结构体,减弱甚至消除其湿陷性。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙(2)粉土和粉细砂类土。夯击作用使土体加密和预液化,从而提高地基土的承载力和抗液化能力。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙(3)饱和土。强夯使空隙水压力瞬时升高,随着水压力的消散,土中自由水和部分弱结合水排出,土体变得紧密,随着时间的延续,触变后的土体结构得以恢复,使地基土得到加固,对于饱和淤泥质土和粘性土,可通过加填料(石块、钢渣等)夯击,增加土体骨架和排水通道,这一措施无疑扩展了强夯处理地基土的适用范围。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙3.1加固原理v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙强夯法是应用功能转换的原理达到加固地基的目的。具体地说,它是利用起重设备将几十吨(一般840t)重锤,从几十米(一般640m)高处自由落下,给土以强烈的冲击和振动。地基土在强大的冲击能的作用下,土体强制压缩或振密;土体局部液化,夯点周围产生裂隙,形成良好的排水通道,孔隙水溢出,经时效压密,使土体重新固结,从而提高了土的承载力,降低其压缩性。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙强夯法是利用强大的夯击能给地基一冲击力,并在地基中产生冲击波,在冲击力作用下,夯锤对上部土体进行冲切,士体结构破坏,形成夯坑,并对周围士进行动力挤压。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙目前,强夯法加固地基有三种不同的加固机理:动力密实、动力固结和动力置换,它取决于地基土的类别和强夯施工工艺。v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙3.1.1 动力密实v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙采用强夯加固多孔隙、粗颗粒、非饱和土是基于动力密实的机理,即用冲击型动力荷载,使土体中的孔隙减小,土体变得密实,从而提高地基土强度。非饱和土的夯实过程,就是土中的气相(空气)被挤出的过程,其夯实变形主要是由于土颗粒的相对位移引起。实际工程表明,在冲击动能作用下,地面会立即产生沉降,一般夯击一遍后,其夯坑深度可达0.61.0m,夯坑底部形成一层超压密硬壳层,承载力可比夯前提高23倍。非饱和士在中等夯击能量10002000kN.m的作用下,主要是产生冲切变形,在加固深度范围内气相体积大大减少,最大可减少60%。 v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙3.1.2 动力固结v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close con感谜派讯笔络蒂卖帆约吉妖焙啸蔼谓但氓狭政抵宾能跌晃酥义知氏藕汝郭十龋辞绸恩剁谗缕吊窝莱燎赌炯羞棵僵孤矮序匡窥瞥辩艾点般磐檀益膘毙用强夯法处理细颗粒饱和土时,则是借助于动力固结的理论,即巨大的冲击能在土中产生很大的应力波,破坏了土体原有的结构,使土体局部发生液化并产生许多裂隙,增加了排水通道,使孔隙水顺利溢出,待超孔隙水压力消散后,土体固结。由于软土的触变性,强度得到提高。Menard根据强夯的实践,首次对传统的固结理论提出了不同的看法,认为饱和土是可压缩的新机理。归纳成四点:v13重锤夯实(强夯法)施工工艺' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a gr