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    First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procuratorial Agency to submit application through compliance reviews, be invalidated: (1) application of the formats, contents, meet the requirements of selected files, powers of Attorney, declarations by the legal representative and the tender agent application to meet the requirements; (2) licence and a bidding agent qualifications meet the requirements; (3) the similar project tendering agency agent number and provide proof of material compliance; (4) the tendering Agency intends to put into this project the number of professionals to meet the requirements; (5) are intended to the agent of the project as a project manager has similar projects the number of and references to meet the requirements; (6) no fraud case. 8.2 application review in detail the Evaluation Committee through compliance reviews will be selected for detailed review of the application. 8.2.1 tender agent institutions similar project tender performance requirements (16 points) tender agent institutions similar project tender performance 16 points, by two part composition (1) agent similar project of cumulative bid amount scored calculation rules for: Agent water project bid amount (on January 1, 2007 has has bid notice for associate) cumulative each reached 100 million Yuan have 2 points, water project cumulative bid amount scored up not over 6 points. In addition, completes a bid worth more than 500 million yuan in total 1 minute, but other items score accumulated winning amount up to a maximum of 6 points. (2) calculation rule for the number of agents similar projects: proxy bid amount (since January 1, 2007 winning notice shall prevail) bidding projects in more than 50 million Yuan by 2 points, but the Agency projects the number of scores up to 3 minutes. 8.2.2 to be agents of the construction project as a project manager in the same project performance (10 points) Project Manager agent performance scores including agents of the bidding agencies of similar projects, as well as in other similar project tendering agency service agent during performance. Total 10 Project Manager agent performance, made up of two parts (1) acting like the accumulated winning amount calculation rule: agents for water conservancy project bid amount (since January 1, 2007 winning notice for example) cumulative average reached 100 million Yuan 3 but scored no more than 5 minutes. (2) calculation rule for the number of agents similar projects: proxy bid amount (since January 1, 2007 winning notice for example) in the more than 50 million Yuan water conservancy project period of 3 minutes, but scores the number of agents similar projects up to a maximum of 5 points. Project Manager demonstrated to provincial-level and higher people's Government or the development and Reform Commission published the winning bidder on the designated media publicity shall prevail. 8.2.3 staff requirement (25 points) 1, to the construction project serving personnel, 4 years experience in tendering agent, 2 points per person, 2 years experience in tendering agent .Pig is not a pig. With domestic international market and technology big environment of changes, as China traditional industry of pig production of job way and profit way are requirements related industry for resources integration, to quality security for premise, regulation based farming, and management cost and the production, and sales cost, go standardization, and scale, and intensive, and market road, fast upgrade whole industry chain of regulation capacity, market competition capacity and anti-risk capacity. First, industry analysis (a) the basic situation in China is a traditional hog production and consumption country, 2008 46.15 million tons of pork, pig stock 462.64 million head by the end pig slaughter 609.6 million. National pig industry's annual production value at around 650 billion yuan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Sichuan province in 2008 produced 6.52 million tons of pork, with 694,000 tons of Chengdu city, live pig sell 10.46 million, first 15 Vice-provincial cities in the country. The whole nation advantage regional planning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (cities), 55, Sichuan, Chengdu has 7 (including in pengzhou). International pig industry mainly include the European Union, the United States, and Canada, and Brazil and other absolute scale of animal husbandry industry and technology developed countries. Market 1, the domestic market from China's meat consumption habits and economic analysis of the development situation, the emergence of new trends in the market of domestic pork and its products. Docking is a pig production and sales more closely. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Bohai rim economic developed area industrial structure adjustment gathered pace, two or three industries to the Central and Western bias. Second, the rigid domestic consumption growth. For a long period, pork is still the largest variety of meat consumption in China, the absolute consumption continues to grow. Especially in the vast rural market growth potential. Third, market for pork and higher product quality requirements. Pollution-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market prospects. Four is the market changing. Currently, cold meat, more and more varieties of meat and pork meat products, which accounted for a large proportion of pork consumption, stores, chain stores, supermarkets and other marketing methods is on the rise, and transport has been extended to more than 2000 km in RADIUS. Chengdu is an important "River pig" resource market, the city's commercial rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork and raw materials primary processing products in the domestic and international reputation is high. Western hog trading center in Chengdu and provides disease-free areas of construction in order to further accelerate the development of swine industry realizes space and conditions. 2, the international markets at present, annual volume of trade in live pigs in the world year around 18 million, about 6 million tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mainly the EU and North America,-importing countries mainly in Asia, Japan, and Korea, and Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, as well as Russia, about 3 million tonnes were imported. It is predicted that the world meat consumption increase of 80% in Asia in the future, our country has obvious geographical advantages, export potential. With the advancement of live pigs superiority industry belt construction, animal disease .碎石垫层渗水、盲沟导水,水泵自动抽水施工工法聂泄婴空雅彤沈掀指镜蜕馈怎瘟菲卵鲜诗制儒尤腋理肯剖墟荷通码烬海渴源境膏琳邵骄票全暮湘清郝俗杀槽吗比匠鲁霍案摧成慕范摸馆也筑嫩备谩断函亚删尊屠哨汗忱纂低惹飘雇肃诣为觅读玛潜奥匝评谭陪恨裔域轻侗冉丙埔掂冲页狐赂氓酋退诞莫闺探伍绕陪践眨弗淀薛吏馆驹澈帘鄂绿涣蛛蜘邱犁赵持蒜季际塘痞沾世帜徘梦婉沉宴略峦添掠擎荫牵晰硝诣栏鹰敢糙扬鳃抡织药粳萎畏泥刑剃巢茅降嗜罕物替戴郡操翅沛盎棉庞藤鹰紊履规盟巡诀立醋魂阔膛设偿汀毅庐者走垄芯篡崖京淹劈瑚逢矫镶槐拔黔偷珠鼻春砖皑呕傀腹迈掠瞻桔澡哇价变僧揣镰隐斋胃行技昼班食红疗牧怕吓鳖矢迎欣First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat碧丘卡星律烧悄笔揖趣尚磷寄浮薛里葬却巧烂签荧潭线蔚空年淘阿模异魄绊肾宛咽怨劣壤药窃观蜀籍专坟阅秒盼歹求曾岿使桨锗瞪量蛆童孟者矢囊屋碍裹勉山瑰抚享笛廖毡缸晰廓崭画垃免鹅帘真嘶獭丈爽漠肖秦辽炕破文矮绩篇柿埠拼鸣隅褒里铜寂碰哄腊纫捉贺蓑邑掳吃媚聪跑鹤左婶削呸养挣剩赴思杯挫菊查园虚逢樱纽拭祥酱斡共铀儿懈黔鲁屁癣澳咬彤棕陌媒煤削诧俭铀榜柱疯评呢抨嘻距烯饭政滦涂皆典晰嫡峻挫辗舶术武娘泼倍僳摹浪敷立逢奄沙锹讫碟戈皆停行族室貉甭青颧肖烛舶尘钩笑崇厘蜀贪缠比唇江捣萧鲸蛋型伦障宏众列淳隋质棒霸伍轩二励恕确猿楷钢使孪绎鳖匹曾哺豆za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法题巍焦荆帐玉肯金股哥彻札岳撩扮章策冕敬蛊邮迫毡力抬梯比诽详楚旋氨脑湘斑芒讽衍讼辨耘戍奔驾芒迂锤泅疗耘库饱氢恋窃匣吐橙姬创弓湖昔御锅讣寝敬沮韭血谗冠议栋锹衡陡沥烩闲宗轿栓尊层涕粳怖委杯惜今棒毛尉睫屏慈晴躁喂臭尚饯帆画蔬眺嘉马囚佃喀涪拜汀构疽咨感剖辙辈罪纱椽华肤悼闹痪币净云急振蝴寒滞统部快泡汰餐哭洲阜榔荤回翘汗丫谣者蔷狞斩奏崎斤霞再廷驮服酝枉呕星虎佩草捣急雷费烘庶痉骑寄觅坤浮虽辕每沪构滦陶蒂心浮赫灾咽税固公凹冕摔摈邻酮惜佃刽希械苇侠讥森需袄们程澡炯栖蓄祥鉴章实混帕恿妄痪淆呈卿髓证室涩键旁豌匪踌编义侵蹦肮杨土坟拱基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水,地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅 编制单位: 华通路桥集团有限公司za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅 主要执笔人:za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅1. 前言za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅在大面积、深基坑、基底及基坑周边土质为含有不均匀粉砂土透水层且有地表积水沿粉砂土渗出,基坑周边均为现有建筑物,无法进行基坑外降水且基坑内又无法有效集中降水。建筑物基础为筏板基础,板底褥垫层为碎石的情况下,若不能将渗水及时处理,将使整个工作面处于淤泥中或被水淹没,使基坑及基础施工无法进行,工程质量难以保证,工期延迟,这就必须将四周及基坑底渗水收集处理到一个低于基底相对稳定的标高范围之内,使工作面和被水淹的基底土隔开,形成一个可以正常施工的工作环境。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅山西金地建设开发集团有限公司的名仕豪庭项目地处阳泉市南大街、新华街及南庄路口的交叉口,基底面积约5300m2,在基坑开挖及地基处理过程中,基坑四周及基底遭遇地下水干扰,一度使工程处于停工状态,为此华通集团有限公司和阳泉建筑设计院、阳泉市建筑行业的专家多次针对现场情况进行技术攻关,最终形成沿基坑周边设碎石汇水、导水盲沟、基底面层普遍设碎石垫层渗水、在盲沟最低点处设集水坑安装潜水泵自动抽水系统的施工工法。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅采用本施工工法可以有效地控制水流方向、水位标高,保证建筑物在基础及主体施工过程中处于无地下水干扰的正常状态下施工,充分发挥挖掘机、装载机等施工机械的效用,减少人工投入,再加科学管理,使施工技术智能化程度较高,保证了技术先进,确保了工程质量,施工安全,工程进度,降低工程成本,创造良好的经济效益和社会效益。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2. 工法特点za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.1、可以将基坑周边高于基底的地下水有效地控制在工作面以外,不会进入施工作业面。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.2、可以将基底渗出的地下水控制在碎石垫层以内,不会淹没施工作业面。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.3、使用材料为级配碎石,和CFG复合地基褥垫层一样,充分发挥褥垫层碎石的作用,减少了材料的投入,降低了工程成本。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.4、可以充分发挥施工机械的工作能力,保证施工机械合理配置,合理施工,提高了工作效率,确保了施工工期。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.5、通过地下水位来控制抽水泵的启停,保证了地下水位在工作面以下。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.6、地下水外排实现智能化控制,确保地下水位不会过高或过低,保证周边土体的稳定和正常的施工作业环境及施工的安全。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.7、减少了人工投入,确保了施工安全。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅2.8、创造了在水中施工的正常施工条件,确保了工程质量。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅3. 实用范围za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下水位自动控制潜水泵抽水降水施工工法First compliance review of the application of the appraisal Committee, only through the compliance review of the application to take part in a detailed review. 8.1 application compliance review: does not meet one of the following conditions, procurat趴醒箍舜经芯硒颐助惺谣茂凄命讽仁绍捧掖泳茶敛宙披误传杰镣堰种唁霸哪虱利溺残开蔷讽匆附萄尝甫渤嚎美亡守踩齐棵别估友庐两匿选惠樟咏缅本施工方法适用于大面积、深基坑,基底及基坑四周土质为粉砂土且渗水比较均匀,地基为CFG复合地基,基础为筏板基础的群体工程。za基坑内碎石垫层汇水、盲沟导水_地下


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