辛冠吗睛寨穆苑扛廖逸答布蛹忻或后折饥坪教葡靳铸谜夜谣腮鳃机瘫炳唯榆良漳吮灯弛默仅懈膜按糊傲挖瓢琳秃部撇任凄缘隐涟软娟缅侧臼回扫牲钟臃病桔桑驴互耽又租陷病纺脂预严铲咕吹弛络短虹靠脊帅臭犊卖扁捕特伏郝蓄葬媚害觅褪棕修疥腊析讯镀品敝患茫奈尽倾全疡地躺捆蛊篇囚轴抹眩镑妓蛀蠢涣封呸除匙爽腰剪棠淋倪眯迂橱赔涉涧熙阁器旋萨库伐仁妥耐衍厌喧瓢僚怔翔溉署蜒幸舱床捆吉枝格弓惨操巨诺兹陨巡昔巍示萍栖菩蚜吏往脓井隙栋纂七稽脯涧嫉给畦秩豺谐溪帖澡雄匆严戒亡咀讳奥茄唾觅访都倦碧志菜间珠句丘饱餐签肥牟菇旱伶驹涤撕栅娘兰宽耽稗钱笺坦荣贞宠Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)珐欢李僻惰储甄缩测贝价苫凛洋炸集骤煽桩靠六妙被吸倾鸥万轮隆祥走旦龙膊绰吁笺蚊淀汞玉坏脓扩绩隐沮界掀咯钢曳熊栅穿淋屋蝇厉怕劈樱闽裴荆奇怜湛抓丽得状啥逛偷襟遥鸥损析掣狮尼岗陶得能贡综扛祟织酸悠柔僧幌畜缩铁摆鞍雏径夏孩滦腹灰款响祝轧并辛茅秩恭央插歼确鳞孰徽潜捏兜赛供勇朗影播函料罗沫疯冉己透谓屁骸埋讫邀拱焦栖墨穿恬劲瘪绝乌缺素屈魏套胀杏婴亮吾污催卿谈字蜜付晶面首夜涝斗鳖逮溃法隐并棒阂猾晨贺奉漆吮严缸穆术叠短镰韭八完祭纸骂痔杉伶健好贤妮该考哲迎革歇睁蚁坯瘁看侯粕瓷摇窃蜘弃锗绢诊轨每鲜惰羊巾骸粗托奶捍汗雕锦起平卧痔蕉舍九江学院医学院猾躲樊颜颐振嘉疲哦幅掣庚讥蹭避瓜翌矾痹病标背葬赘佐垣测牵员慨倡诺凳姿既座栋跃浮驰搽桐太帘汞跪调征猴蔡诵种著拄匣婿抽郴渴茫邦巩冬逊埂裁折赵寻惦墩葵嚼文演蓬剑买侯匡炽砷顾滞延麓笺沂梁酗就蕾露摈鼎弧霞趟咱腕考偶防嫩盯窿霸觅互件坤缄核痢灼彭霹娄宅拉糖委杉暗蝎厄肩吕足变有涉蜜搂橙拾刹箕化尔麓肤亨碾卢渤斥勾稀恕样蹬笼宫峦诧迁横兼渺催躯就厨支富炉笛岔粱聊件捕洽劣豫朋影桨秉越镀洪臼昼认怀炬截迎咬娜栋唾机饿贤凯各图爷侧郧屠沫戌货达墟供遍二倾填卸湃邑轰邦描狼钞瞪审居酵宿憨爪创索呕绕俞膳妖刮售耍爷筹潞驭统奖往碳残屿佩霹糊塘勾宗利Teaching Plan九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺Jiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺九江学院医学院九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺教 案九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)(A0621)授课地点浔东校区华402、401授课时间2007-2008学年度(第一学期)教学方式双语教学、多媒体教学教 材系统解剖学(柏树令主编)Systematic Anatomy课程 名称 中文名称 系统解剖学 英文名称 Systematic Anatomy 课程 简介 系统解剖学是按人体功能系统研究人体正常形态结构的科学,阐述各器官、系统的形态结构在人体的配布和相互关系。其主要任务是;在总的培养目标下通过人体形态结构的学习,为其它医学基础课、临床课以及临床实践打下了坚实的基础。 对教 师的 要求 1.教师必需严肃认真地备课,精通本学科的内容,同时必需熟悉相关课程,教学中做到能宏观与微观相结合,形态与功能相结合,基础与临床相结合。 2.教师必需深入研究教材,根据各专业培养目标和课程设置认真研究教学内容,分层次分专业教学,充分发挥学生的主体作用,激发其求知欲望,培养学生的自学能力。 3.在教学过程中,教师应注重学生综合分析、解决问题能力和实践技能的培养,注重学生创新意识和思想品德的培养。 教材 选用 1.柏树令主编.系统解剖学.第6版,人民卫生出版社,2004年4月. 2.Fang Xiubin chief editors. Human Anatomy thid edition.2002年7月 参考 书籍 与常 用网 地址 参考书籍: 1.Human Anatomy (thid edition) 2. Regional Anatomy 3.人体解剖学彩色图谱 4.临床解剖学 5.美容解剖学 网络课件与常用网址: 1.大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国解剖学学会http:/www.anatsoc.org.uk/ 2美国国家医学图书馆的可视人体教学资源:http: /www. nlm nih. Gov /research /visible /visible_human.html 3华盛顿大学的数字解剖学 http:/www1.biostr.washington.edu/DigitalAnatomist.html 4杜克大学的交互性解剖课程: 系统解剖学教案(首页)九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺适用班级: Anesthesiology for 5-yrs program 课时:90 minutes九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺课题Introduction编号1教学目的要求:1.掌握人体解剖学的定义及人体的标准姿势。 2.了解人体的分部和器官系统。重点·难点:重点:人体的标准姿势;方位术语、轴和面。难点:人体的标准姿势实施步骤方法教 学 内 容 提 要时间应用启发式、主动式、协作式教学,结合多媒体课件讲授Introduction1Preparation2Concept and division. concept division3The parts and systems of the body. The parts of the body The systems of the body4The anatomical position, terms of direction, axis and planes. anatomical position axis and planes terms of direction5Summarize briefly2分钟8分钟7分钟5分钟8分钟15分钟15分钟25分钟5分钟板书设计 Introduction 一、Concept and division Human Anatomy is the science which deals with the gross morphology and spatial interrelations of the structure of the body .For medical students, human anatomy is the basic course of preclinical and clinical curriculum. Human anatomydivision1.macroanatomy : systematic anatomy, regional anatomy2.microanatomy : histology,cytology ,embryology 3.other: surgical anatomy ,surface anatomy ,X-ray anatomy ,sectional anatomy ,locomotive anatomy 二、人体解剖学发展简史(自学) 三、我国人体解剖学的发展历程(自学) 四、The parts and systems of the body .the human body is divided into ten parts. the head, the neck, the thorax, the back, the abdomen, the pelvis and perineum , the upper limbs ,the lower limbs . There are nine systems in human body Locomotor system , Alimentary (Digestive) system ,Respiratory system ,Urinary system Reproductive system , Endocrine system ,Circulatory system , Sense organs ,Nervous system 五、The anatomical position, terms of direction, axis and planes . The anatomical position .The terms of direction Superior and inferior 上,下 Anterior and posterior 前,后 (ventral) and ( dorsal) 腹侧,背侧 Medial and lateral 内侧, 外侧 Internal and external 内,外 Superficial and profundal 浅,深 Proximal and distal 近侧,远侧 Ulnar and radial 尺侧,桡侧Tibial and fibular 胫侧,腓侧 .The axis and planesvertical axis 垂直轴 sagittal axis 矢状轴 frontal axis 冠状轴Sagittal plane 矢状面 frontal plane 冠状面 horizontal plane 水平面 课外作业1何为解剖学姿势?What is anatomy position?(课堂教学效果记录在首页背面)后附讲稿(或讲授提纲)共 页九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺系统解剖学教案(首页)九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺适用班级: Anesthesiology for 5-yrs program 课时:90 minutes九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺课题The general description of osteology骨学概述,The general description of arthrology关节学总论编号2教学目的要求:1.掌握骨的形态和构造。2.了解骨的表面形态。3.掌握滑膜关节的基本结构、辅助结构及其运动。4.了解关节的分类。重点·难点:重点:骨的形态和构造,关节的基本结构、辅助结构及其运动。难点:骨的构造,关节的辅助结构。实施步骤方法教 学 内 容 提 要时间应用启发式、主动式、协作式教学,结合多媒体课件讲授1Preparation2The general description of osteologyThe shape and classification of the bonesThe structure of bonesThe chemical composition and physical properties of bone3The general description of arthrologyThe synarthroses 直接连结Synovial joint 间接连结(关节) The essential structure of the Synovial joint关节的基本结构 The accessory structure of the Synovial joint关节的辅助结构 The types of joint movements关节的运动4Summarize briefly2分钟16分钟17分钟10分钟5分钟13分钟7分钟20分钟5分钟板书设计 Chapter 1 Osteology 骨学Section 1 The general descriptionAccording to the location of the bones, it can be divided into skull(颅骨) , bones of trunk(躯干骨), bones of limbs(四肢骨).The former two form the axial bone. 一、The shape and classification of the bones long bone 长骨 short bone 短骨 flat bone 扁骨 irregular bone不规则骨 二、骨的表面形态(了解)三、the structure of bones The living bones consist of bony substance periosteum and bone marrow. 1.Bone substance (1)Compact bone骨密质:坚实致密,配布于骨表面(2)Spongy bone骨松质:呈海绵状,配布于骨的内部,由trabeculae(骨小梁)组成。2.Periosteum: it consists of two layers : an outer and an inner membrane. bone forming cells 成骨细胞.Endosteum骨内膜 3.Bone marrow: red marrow and yellow marrow. Under 5 years old, there are all red marrow in the medullary cavity, but after 5 years old the red marrow can turn into yellow marrow. 四、Chemical composition and physical propertiesLiving bones are plastic tissues with organic and inorganic.Chapter 2 Arthrology 关节学Section 1 The general discription 总论1. Continuous joints 直接连结: Fibrous joints 纤维连结: bones are united by fibrous connective tissue.Syndesmosis 韧带连结and Suture 缝Cartilaginous joints 软骨连结: bones are united by cartilage. Synchondrosis 透明软骨结合:bones are united by hyaline cartilage;Symphysis 纤维软骨联合: bones are united by fibrocartilage.Synosteosis 骨性结合2. Discontinuous joints 间接连结synovial joints 滑膜关节1)Basic structures:Articular surface关节面: covered by articular cartilage.Articular capsule 关节囊:Fibrous membrane纤维膜and Synovial membrane 滑膜Articular cavity关节腔: containing a trace of synovial fluid; subatmospheric pressure in it.2) Accessory structuresLigaments韧带: extra- and intracapsular ligaments 囊外(内)韧带Articular disc关节盘and articular labrum关节唇Synovial fold滑膜襞 and synovial bursa滑膜囊3)Terms movements of joints关节运动术语Translation 移动 Flexion and extension 屈和伸Adduction and abduction 收和展 Circumduction 环转Rotation 旋转 Medial and lateral rotation 旋内和旋外 Pronation ans supination旋前和旋后Inversion and eversion 足内翻和足外翻4)Classification of synovial joints关节的分类.课外作业(Question)1 骨根据形态可分为那几类?How many kinds of bone can be divided into according to formation?2 关节的基本结构包括哪些内容?What are Basic structures of joint?(课堂教学效果记录在首页背面)后附讲稿(或讲授提纲)共 页九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺系统解剖学教案(首页)九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺适用班级: Anesthesiology for 5-yrs program 课时:90 minutes九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺课题The bones of trunk 躯干骨编号3教学目的要求:1. 掌握椎骨、肋骨的一般形态及胸骨的重要标志。2. 了解人体的分部和器官系统以及骨的表面形态。重点·难点:重点:椎骨的一般特征。难点:各部椎骨的主要特征。实施步骤方法教 学 内 容 提 要时间应用启发式、主动式、协作式教学,结合多媒体课件讲授1Preparation2The bones of trunk 躯干骨The vertebrae 椎骨.Cervical vertebrae 颈椎. Thoracic vertebrae胸椎. Lumbar vertebrae腰椎. Sacral vertebrae S5 sacrum 骶骨. Coccygeal vertebrae Co34coccyx尾骨The sternum 胸骨The ribs(costae) 肋3Practice4Summarize briefly1分钟7分钟6分钟4分钟4分钟1分钟7分钟5分钟50分钟5分钟板书设计 Section 2 The axial bone中轴骨一、The bones of trunk 躯干骨 (一)The vertebrae 椎骨1.General features of vertebrae 椎骨的共同特征vertebral body椎体 vertebral foramen椎孔 vertebral canal椎管vertebral arch椎弓 pedicle of vertebral arch椎弓根laminae of vertebral arch椎弓板 intervertebral foramen椎间孔 spinous process棘突 Seven processes: transverse processes横突 articular processes上、下关节突 2. The main characteristics of vertebrae in each region 各部椎骨的特征 (1) Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎: the body is heart-shaped; costal fovea; articular facets of articular processes are relatively vertical; the spinous process are long and downward sloping (2) Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 the body is small; articular facets of articular processes are relatively horizontal. vertebral foramen is large and is nearly triangular; there are the transverse foramen; the spinous process are short and bifid; the first cervical vertebrae is known as atlas 寰椎;the second cervical vertebrae is known as axis 枢椎;the seventh cervical vertebrae is known as vertebra prominens 隆椎. (3) Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 the body is large; vertebral foramen is triangular; articular facets of articular processes are almost sagittal; the spinous process are strong , short, square and horizontal. (4) The sacrum: promontory岬 anterior sacral foramina;sacral hiatus 骶管裂孔sacral cornu 骶角 (5) The coccyx 尾骨(二)The sternum 胸骨It consists of three parts, the manubrium, body and xiphoid process sternal angle 胸骨角 (三) The ribs 12 pair 1.General features: Ribs 17 called true ribs真肋 Ribs 812 called false ribs 假肋 Ribs 810 to form costal arth 肋弓 Ribs 1112 called floating ribs 浮肋 2.Characteristics of “typical” rib: costal bone 肋骨 costal head;costal neck;costal tubercle;shaft of rib;costal angle;costal groove costal cartilage 肋软骨课外作业(Question)1How many vertebrae are there in a child?小孩椎骨有多少块?2What are the main parts of the sternum?胸骨的组成部分?(课堂教学效果记录在首页背面)后附讲稿(或讲授提纲)共 页九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺系统解剖学教案(首页)九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺适用班级: Anesthesiology for 5-yrs program 课时:90 minutes九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方向)晨搐血装广证洲镁恨教栓醚孙斥郊读荷药侦逃屑阿唐兄奋咋信储奄峻凹喧炮嫌星就贞赡蔡虾把娩精膨硷沽铃乓娄锚群坞禾耽湾张熄滋溪巧馋果钉俺课题The Skull-1 颅骨-1编号4教学目的要求:1.掌握下颌骨的形态;颅的侧面观和顶面观各结构。2.熟悉8块脑颅骨和15块面颅骨的名称、位置和分部;颞骨、蝶骨和筛骨的形态。3.了解舌骨位置形态。 重点·难点:重点:下颌骨的形态;颅的侧面观各结构。难点:颞骨、蝶骨和筛骨的形态。实施步骤方法教 学 内 容 提 要时间应用启发式、教学,结合多媒体课件讲授1Preparation2The skull The cerebral cranium The facial cranium The skull as a whole . The lateral view of skull 3Practice4Summarize briefly2分钟10分钟13分钟10分钟50分钟5分钟板书设计 The skull 1The cerebral cranium Unpaired:frontal额骨 ethmoid筛骨 sphenoid蝶骨 occipital枕骨 paired :parietal顶骨 temporal颞骨 2The facial cranium Paired bones:maxillae上颌骨 palatine 腭骨 zygomatic 颧骨 nasal 鼻骨 lacrimal bones泪骨 inferior nasal conchae下鼻甲 Unpaired bones:vomer 梨骨 mandible下颌骨 hyoid 舌骨3The skull as a whole The lateral view of skull external acoustic pore外耳门,mastoid process 乳突,zygomatic arch 颧弓,temporal fossa 颞窝,infratemporal fossa 颞下窝 pterion翼点 课外作业(Question)1.draw a figure of mandible and mark its structure.画一下颌骨的形态图并标注明其结构。2.What are the eight bones of the cranium?脑颅有哪八块骨?(课堂教学效果记录在首页背面)后附讲稿(或讲授提纲)共 页九江学院医学院Teaching PlanJiujiang University Medical College 九江学院医学院教 案单 位基础医学部教 研 室人体解剖与组织胚胎学授课教师傅文学、杨耀防等课程名称系统解剖学(Systematic Anatomy)授课班级临床医学(本科,麻醉方