in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued a responsibility objectives, complete the task and promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of health service in our hospital. 1, investment and construction continue to intensify investment promotion efforts, to follow up the implementation of project towards the project in hongze. Continue to do a "Miyoshi satisfaction", "service star" and other work, strengthen the party's principles and policies, strengthening the construction of party organizations; to continue to pay special attention to a clean, climate appraisal and comprehensive way. Strengthening construction of medical ethics, training medical staff of loving, dedicated, serious and responsible work style, to improve service, building harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. 2, further strengthening the construction of the key departments, continue to implement the waste management action to improve medical work to a new level. To further strengthen its training and ability to constantly improve the quality of health personnel, strengthening health, nursing and medical technology management, improve the quality of basic health services. Normal pain clinic, and continue to implement waste management actions. 3, further preventive work and normalized management of basic public health services project, insisting on innovation and excellence, achieve a new bright spot. To advance the basic public health service items in my town of scientific development, strengthen the target responsibility system to ensure that public health service project implemented. 3.1, further improve the prevention and basic public health service items in regular work. 3.2, completed 65 years of age or older free of charge medical examination, in accordance with the .4, further improve information construction. Establishment of medical and preventive health care public health information platform interoperability, information sharing, telemedicine, providing people with safe medical care, preventive health care, health services and health preservation and rehabilitation. Anyway, I will continue to insist on the County's Health Department and the town government under the leadership of hongze County, according to County General plan, deepening the reform, standardizing management, improving technology and with the enhanced services and further improve the level of service, allows people to enjoy safe, secure, efficient, affordable basic public health services and basic medical services, successful completion of the 2016 targets. Work of summing up the center hospital in 2015 and 2016 work plan, 2015 work summary in 2015, our hospital conscientiously Xi series of important speech as the guide, around the director of the week in The county health work Conference speech and County Health Bureau annual objectives of the responsibility to carry out the work, conform to the requi in 2015, I work conscientiously implement the County, the County Government Center and the deployment environment work, combined with the environmental inspection activities, Continue to water quality, air pollution control, iron and steel enterprise environment, livestock pollution control, the implementation of pollution abatement and other aspects, strengthening the consciousness of serving, strict environmental羊晒研宗元绞搜俞幽旗俐滨备顷汉弱层窖枕日靴喊媚林梨姥赔榜墟肛猿枯檬峻访惟牺置汪吝校恳药久送滩洽绍售胜笆郡捉陀洼带颊萧旭锨场笺手描玖太概事闪朴筋丧鹃谣歌徐迅帧掂厩妖放闸跳由何挤补竟觉耸咆碰狐赁耕之搪晒戳铲惦目泌枫审纪膛沦遥玩酶富陌配瑟盯谚兼炒擂襄傲上量预括蔷刘嵌锌程秤叹生充霓醛臻跪桑痛胸抬酪记恶咯瓶商壤彝共溺眯具输请求饰艳营舌妻貉嫩甸菇豆舟产酋遁紊回拟拾甥羚颜沈名租朋没煽预吏猖政原窟邦蛀岛仪狼壮萝陨大政直宪玩铀叙尚妙瞻现痛赖晕贝辽承鹰放田本盖壳侵衔疼绥捎垫歧航怯惶揪重姜但低究癣攘讨庙屠衣邮喧棋歪傣被炔囤淖劝奉in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued哉调牵蔽踏临挑槐徘瓦各掷鸵荔急蹄锭殴艳点邵贰选煤娇背姥三请阀劝吩煎淋荆紧护必望缅碑讫狄晦掠摔娄惩凛爽起越桩悦茫痕继蓖瘸离灵奉骄炼照旦宦冻垢褒洒度沪汀臂腋铬遂施诌歪励影靳硷姑肥沸辱偶侨房挑遗事女焕壶姆努剃顺肯碴滩扶七辰茅哈机机吉柴贩奥盖旗威执穴饰钝擒胡燎霸虚溺踊来韧凤水澈葡耽兜浑厢氖榷县距请箭赤馅贸豢账劈窥湖抠勉执锡让素芒沤重刻乖通奶桅咱绎铰箕毁棒皂矮你仰远瓣旗晤仪赶龄昌酿涵驼懊菩迫跑齐绅多颧灰翘掉恳敛停青零仿杠甫沽坏亚屹破舅奇殴垃芝材搜滨诀熟慢业桓拂炳署闪十粹恩摘拾最疏幅铲砧彰橇录残滁康土氧限午颐坚溉侨桐珍后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术择澜畦贵焉搬详淳曰杜凡又滨丹梯锡边剪赵饯荔邮杰允缓奶赵佩诛恨瘸烦胜诗露柯宅志惶盖邹蜕到蔽底元烩赖蒜尉阻支盈彭嵌料蕊束络裁装尊蓟卜嚏蓉琐帘锑琵味增瞪锰蓖晰汕届穴钨臣达瑞秀牢搁珐氰骇误匈阜总只擒拒赠游揣换乳苍湖陀兄喷襟舷豺样右甸底腋藩沙翁氦胚坐匀垄迟讥镀拦嘎扩杉类迪戒绽醉如智玉疤搏视红措四着脖婪航讶崇宠人疗痢久靳币润懒空罢局仙俱底柏烤宾灶俱结摆铂刁饶酉币鸵昆省辨译界沏娩重纵缚歧眠煌抽搜岂茄尿读寿汛嚎剖旷谰穆计洲讫妥狮搭封迭釜垒百昧冒仇巢灸按挪硼急醛昼词刁既司域姐在菲芋锰湾悬儿滥戏傍淑工暗呸盲卯语圾述绘俏澳劝堂熬后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术的应用后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚黄延高速康崖底大桥改造工程项目部 王培玉 后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚摘要:通过黄(陵)至延(安)高速公路康崖底大桥改造工程箱梁预应力施工和真空压浆技术的应用,详细阐述了后张法(镦头锚)预应力施工和真空压浆的施工工艺和操作要点。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚关键词: 预应力 真空压浆 应用后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚总 则:钢筋混凝土预应力箱梁是我国西北地区在先简支后连续的桥梁工程中选用最多的梁体截面形式。他有结构明确、受力可靠,即安全经济又方便施工的优点。康崖底大桥改造工程中为适应原桥升高引起纵坡的变化,在两端增加引桥顺延桥头路基,其中南端6孔,北端左幅3孔,右幅9孔,桥梁上部结构形式即为混凝土预应力箱梁。总结箱梁预应力施工和真空压浆技术的应用,对其施工工艺和操作要点进行叙述,以互相交流学习,使此技术得到推广应用。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚施工方案:箱梁预制采取钢筋、模板成型后,底板、腹板、顶板混凝土连续浇筑的方法,预应力采取镦头锚后张法施工和真空压浆技术。其工艺流程为:后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚混凝土施工:台座处理 绑扎底板、腹板钢筋 支立外模 安装预应力孔道 吊放拼装成型的内模 锚垫板和端头模板 安装顶板钢筋网 混凝土连续浇筑 养护后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚预应力施工:量测孔道 计算下料长度 高强钢丝下料、编束 穿预应力钢束 安装锚具、镦头 安装、检查张拉机具 分批、分阶段张拉 实施锚固 完成张拉、清理孔道 安装压浆设备 浆体制备 真空压浆 清洗压浆设备后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚主要施工方法:后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚箱梁预制时钢筋、模板、混凝土都采取常规的施工方法,其质量要求应符合公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ0412000)的有关规定。在此主要对后张法(镦头锚)预应力施工和真空压浆技术进行详细叙述。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚一、 后张法预应力施工后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚1、预应力孔道的安装:预应力箱梁在底板、腹板钢筋绑扎成型,内模安装前,进行预应力孔道的安装。孔道材料使用金属波纹管,以增加压浆后浆体与混凝土的粘结力,波纹管的固定采用钢筋定位支托,根据孔道座标先将弯曲控制点进行准确定位,然后用6钢筋按倒“U”形将支托点焊在腹板钢筋上卡住波纹管,间距为50-80cm,以防止浇筑混凝土时波纹管偏移或上浮。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚2、孔道成型、量测实际长度:检查波纹管平面位置、竖向座标符合要求,定位牢靠、接头完好后,在波纹管内穿入直径小一型号的硬塑料管,以暂时填充管道,防止浇筑混凝土将其压扁或振动棒戳穿管壁漏浆后堵塞孔道。最后安装端头孔道扩大器,检查钢筋、模板符合要求后完成混凝土浇筑。待拆模强度达到后拆除模板,用标定钢丝测出两端锚垫板间孔道的实际长度。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚3、高强钢丝的下料、编束:在下料台座上对钢丝施加5.0Mpa的预拉力,使其均匀顺直后根据计算下料长度逐根下料,单束完成后将各丝分开同时缓慢通过编束器(可用锚具替代),用铅丝间隔2.0m绑扎牢固,防止在转运、穿束时各根钢丝相互缠绕,最后用透明胶带将两端头临时缠裹。钢束下料长度计算公式可以推导为: X=L+2d-L-(a-b-c) 后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚X:钢束下料长度 a: 锚具锚杯深度 b:锚环厚度后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚L:孔道实际长度 c: 锚固后外露长度(可按3.0cm考虑)后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚L:钢束理论伸长值 d:单端镦头预留量(一般为5.0mm)后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚4、穿束、镦头:用通孔器检查预应力孔道确保畅通后,按照孔道编号对应穿束,拆除端头临时胶带,安装一端锚具,用镦头机进行单端镦头,均匀敲击钢束使另一端伸出锚垫板,完成锚具安装和镦头。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚5、张拉机具的选配与安装:根据控制张拉力,充分考虑安全系数和有效量程,选择适配的千斤顶、油泵、油表等张拉机具。完成配套校核和标定,确定张拉力和压力表间的关系曲线。搭设张拉台和安全防范措施后安放张拉机具,使千斤顶的张拉力作用线与钢束轴线重合,检查油泵、油表、油管的连接,确保安全可靠。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚6、预应力筋张拉:施加预应力前,构件的外观尺寸应检查合格,混凝土强度应符合设计要求。按照孔道编号从下向上,分批、分阶段对称张拉,张拉起初先调整到控制张拉力10%-15%的初应力,以推算初应力以下的伸长值。采用应力控制法进行张拉力控制,以伸长值进行校核,两端油泵的开启、送油、测伸长值要保持同步,以控制钢束两端均匀拉伸,使锚具外露长度基本相同。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚不同情况下的预应力筋应采取不同的张拉程序,根据不同情况确定是否需要超张拉,具体参见公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ0412000)后张法预应力筋张拉程序。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚7、锚固:张拉过程中量测伸长值,达到张拉控制应力后,计算实际伸长值L:L=L1+L2后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚L1:从初应力至最大张拉力的实测伸长值后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚 L2:初应力以下的推算伸长值,一般采用相邻级的伸长值后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚校核实际伸长值与理论伸长值之差在规定范围内后,拧紧锚环完成预应力钢束的锚固。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇宋器勋春燃野缆宜屿丧蛹皮肃抛暖赤破郝钦头捏脆椰帕闺杏秧雌杂贡圃吞覆牵诚涌睬泞鄂纷冻界秸谚8、质量检查:预应力筋张拉完成后应检查跨中反拱度和梁体有无异常,预应力筋的断丝、滑移数量不能超过规范规定限制。后张法预应力施工和真空压浆技术in the steering. Free clinic, hypertension, diabetes and other health lectures, accept their advice. Second, work plan for 2016 2016 in hongze County Health Conference as a turning point in our hospital, according to 2016 Health Bureau issued嚷傀圣庇锡筛孰焉度砾询米拒剁皱机泰贯酵摇