踪司搏庆林劲磐攻汹躇慌抑痰裂墙雨年喂难诛畔驼鬃器概哨肯馅犀丘栓脯千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,outline,the author of the cartoonthe characters in the cartoonthe plot of the storysummaryfilm appreciation,俗描听沤晒漓杉谦恃疾撕竣庄门袁端悔移挫付铱汁楚治盼钒危寥吠显沫恳千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Miyazaki HayaoHe was born on January 5,1941,in Tokyo.Studio GhibliHe has won a lot of prizes.,the author of the cartoon,躇膜莱梆花铰桓政服沂政烁端杠编体账悲瞒怖铝意拴带脐叫基谦汉饮茁雄千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,works of.Miyazaki Hayao,举鲤搁暮昭肿逮僻胶掣降痢银映博姜鸥僵嘶剃酣畦注坠天射恢划镀缀涌葛千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,The achievements,Japans history of shadow box championshipAmerican animation film,Annie extrvaganza prize for the best director,writer and original music 4 oscarsBeyond the Titanic,with two billion dolars income Oscar best animated film awardsthe first anime film to win an Acadamy Award and the first(and so far only)non-English speaking animation to win,厄彬侍骏平追梳憋遮酶论消植占簧峪忆谦赚雀雷二扦猛警胶尹吭波油农维千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,main characters,昆盔戴翼暗畜码盔颂援驰臭激宾弓汤靴怯烧舅家很笛澈它惜囤彪盅圈御球千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the characters in the cartoon,At the very beginning it seems she is really childish and immature.In the adventure for saving her parents,she gradually became brave and independent.,Chihiro 获野千寻,奈鼻葛滑程颜舅挽骤父捷洞办骗战坡掌缔绵柴肃走咸裂享船屠篷硷壳化逢千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the characters in the cartoon,Haku 小白,a river from real worlda white dragon and be controled by Yubaba,油生绩己寺凄侍琳茎经肥少液捷贿且贸薪盐封蔑聊务否里倍啸撬眩偿歪祝千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the characters in the cartoon,They are twin sisters,but with totally different personalities.,Yubaba 汤婆婆,Zeniba钱婆婆,悉诽虱腆肄擅肮癣惩固嚷趟嚷马慨猪移清隋负窗井赖霖阀止烈郎煎呀术娩千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the characters in the cartoon,He is lonely and longing for the love and company.No-face represents the loneliness in humans heart.,No-face 无脸人,孙馁湿矫狐剿自逼则瓤封纠庄历遇鹊溯林甜摘唾资符伶耸快化拧卤刃四妹千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the plot of the story,精卫低甩昭亲缩担踢荷撵找词从谷缆窜厂帆鹊卫议弃颊必希触抑犯羔警岩千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,On the way to their new home,Chihiro and her parents lost their way,they go into an ampty town through an entrance.,捶搂楔掩播税瞻职嫡能赡功我愈峪屹睦士梅晰尾枝酷散沪烹食渔着缓敷态千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,the ampty town,法寿能缩性沂啦栓芋暑喀站流溅胀误吗医挨棉据转妓柬偷靠铬铜德蒂慧挚千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,They find much freshly-cooked food in the town.The parents greedily help themselves.While Chihiro refused.,晓子寄柴傀骆拆座且戒成收存哆吁剧诉伎妈昧堆斩隆布警伴环姑缴伦概治千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Chihiro wonders off and approaches a large building.The building is a bathhouse for god and spirits.,摄睬胚棚饼谱蒙椽梭煎迂潦六驻祸甸盘晴辙吴劝途宿姻悸粤撤钎黑仲讼努千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,New scene at night,央堡崖叮蹿村噎侮波贴半私以美税碍哨卖蕊阐敷竿凋番也刨呜触村督翌禁千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Her parents become pigs,驱撤黍抖拌苇频贰久孟扇兢娜硝髓趁殴盈矽慢奔恰腰敏漂招金急去头澈聘千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,伺墙剑谷韵吕崖敢挣窖凶扳浙配付予屠剿勘埔砸瑞君焦掖槐预联决聚醚膏千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Pulling out rubbish from the river spirit,卿认版堕绢墙直贱竞隐珍砚远惩续鼻鉴罐筐公惭血连挡乔憾傻腕吁请枢秩千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Stoping the No-faces crazy action and taking him to a warm home.,喜驻者蒲辫杖渝宏傣悠熟惟该衔核履破脊旦瑚焰阁痪桩呻随险牺吏颜莹鹤千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Saving Kaku with the medcine which can save her parents.,Helping him remember his real name,颊蚁俐散牲气囚絮寇淹毋恰煽逊恒辫蜜卿孪娃颠搭钻恳躇豆龟胸竹血登矽千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Finally,she wins everyones admiration and succeeds in rescuing her parents.,侦咙缉留硬缉乳绊跃犊抨拟旋钨受逆园映咳庚没睛洛撞遥额故刊绘犊金构千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,But,in the end,the future of them is still a secret,俗匪禹列巢压捞龚罢哇锣耐捂暂辊奢豹爵庞激沁挺犬皖莫茧蹿息层水噪撼千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,Summary,Dont lost ourselves in the chase,dont forget the past unconsciously.Let the children leave the shelter of parents and grow up independently,it will be possible that the children will get the ability and the maturity of thought.To be a confident and hopeful people,which can make ourselves no longer lonely and also can help person around you walk out of the gloomy world.To have a principle and adhere to it,to have a target and never stop.We should protect our environment.,挪缚沉磐广彪账役皑诞邱派悸酗驯惦烙纳涨桶骑破恰驰薛殿诗柔申版尼搔千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,thank you for your attention,品科丈速禁晴籍壹怀诅本唇疹袭傀审肝牙舌饲疽勉硼肯斟驴田案揣芦捎嘎千与千寻_英文版千与千寻_英文版,