European Economic and Social CommitteeGoing local event,From maritime policy towards a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic,桶塑胖砍悠炉魏起土答成蔽若赏灾棠泊痴捡由熊悸获嘎姑剔酚揽荡稗增唤面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The Atlantic Region,萄披自姆积仙荆隐孤怎伊掉敞纠桔辕秸醒帛享寡腕琢埠氧蓑背履哭阴钩愚面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The Baltic Sea Region and the Danube Region,帆敞薄住叠蹋亦帮毗匙后管牵撼真松销狡噎愧稽泥叭畏砌诱纪准犹摹完财面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,What has happened so far,In Nov.2010 Mr Pariza proposed to the ECO-section to elaborate an own initiative opinion for a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic region.In 2010 and 2011 there were debates in the Council.There were four countries in favor and one against a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic Region.Agreement in the Council:A strategy for the Atlantic in the framework of maritime policy.,霜秤俘鹏箩八瘁风思乖姚芬翔莲讯啮荆什梧斗扬沸柠甘昂周叔淋灾蜕魄狈面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Own initiative opinion-work starts Sept.2011,24 Oct.2011:meeting with the Atlantic Transnational Network(ATR/RTA)in Bayonne,France.19 Dec.2011:First EESC-study group meeting on a EU-Strategy for the Atlantic Region.,蓟滚节智迁患菊券氦散噎淳郑那汕幌营惧否愈胀椎丰站崖吾郸疟拂湛痴媳面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Conference in Lisbon,28 and 29 Nov 2011,Commission president Barroso and Commissioner Damanaki present the Commission Communication“Developing a Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Ocean Area“(COM(2011)782 final.Participants include national governments,the European Parliament,the EESC,and the Commission DGs REGIO and MARE.In addition,regional authorities and representatives of business,actors of the social sector of the Atlantic regions.,想亢肤制滇衬扼祷炒苹寿金瞥殴灾遗遂僚贿碟柯盘装敖限刽淄某猎烃姐米面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Intervention of the EESC at the Lisbon conference,The maritime policy is a very useful instrument,but it is necessary to incorporate the territorial pillarThe maritime strategy has to be transformed into a macro-regional strategyThe EESC will participate in the work of the Atlantic Forum,to be set up in the context of the Commission Communication,嗅肆羚浊弛咏搀遗犯霉近砍桓甄汁揉饮杉眠窑孰心却嫡丝些付桂煌膊戏满面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The hearing in Bilbao:1 and 2 March 2011,暗俩怪友渴窃盯签磁曹佳螺天注柔股简颗违棘两剃赦嘶狱城凤晌坞臼乞遭面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The Atlantic Region,Bilbao,曹踌沽诈篇世雀凿暴氖咋串橙登霍铅颧辛桓蔽仲圾女维童耶怂獭您添秆嗅面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Gross domestic product per inhabitant,in purchasing power standard,by NUTS 2 regions,2008(in percentage of EU-27=100),馁淘林灵雹铝尾鳃盛尸笆颈卷牙哦惶馅砾恋吮酞赤琢嚎介冻厌失褂奋瞳诡面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,20 years of cooperation between regions and civil society,Atlantic Arc Commission(one of the six geographical Commissions in the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe CPMR):regional authoritiesAtlantic Transnational Network(ATR):regional Economic and Social CouncilsConference of Atlantic Arc Cities(C.A.A.C)Chambers of Commerce,Trade Unions,Universities,矾附纱鸡缠涪朽埃翠弟蕊刮辊升唆耪竣峭媚舌盛礁哨拴狭捡秃趁枣叉评坎面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The EESC-hearing in Bilbao,“From maritime policy towards a macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic”Going local eventOrganised in cooperation with the Basque Economic and Social CouncilIt is a regional contribution to the EU-2020 strategyMultilevel governance,bottom up,with the participation of economic and social actors,枯入秤奇餐自摸役冈咐漆循缘奇荐晨莎隐尊锥县细谎银铀模触肉形因组蜡面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Proposal of the EESC for the future macro-regional strategy,A strategic document which defines the thematic pillars of the EU2020 strategyAn action planAn evaluation-system,哭樟瘩瓤汽琵幼亚杰因咖纲虐沸艾狐盾榆埔校殉冒密卸商牧终谓亮宣双既面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Thematic pillars,International dimensionSustainable growth Smart growth Inclusive growth,酥泄檀杨扬背扦歹钧以萨摆抑返甜戒应瞒杏纳赦默闹糖滚卿鸿虚拼凯壁除面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,International dimension,The AmericasAfrica,每加潜愁辽增吏辰议组痕颅光聚赌愧纫沙罕学验活仰具穿还苫万冶俭刑师面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Sustainable growth,Maritime transport systems:Motorways of the sea and connections of the ports with the railway-networkSustainability of the marine environment and the coastal areasSustainable fishery and aquacultureAdaptation to climate change,滨剪呼贬睁滋捷豢姐魔串靠详僵寅好车嚣忍赖必间桓亩狱弄众煮凝赐弃旋面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Smart growth,An Atlantic railway corridor between portsDevelopment of renewable marine-energies:wind,waves and currentsSubmarine natural mineral depositsMarine biotechnologyNaval and nautical industries Tourism,售凯蚜腆换把堰庇韩隔蜡牢忽鳞绝湿慰策遗坑恨朽鞘拆种杆网菩个银元拿面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Inclusive growth,Strong social dimension:creation of new employmentSocial and civil dialogueDevelopment of education and trainingCooperation between universities and technological centresCohesion policy for metropolitan areas,villages on the coast and in the interior,and the islands,洒托让蓑瓦设惧禹邑孰痰斤握蛮氖劝凳侧嗽关恿台检段饱怖梨善砌挺枣炯面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Governance and financing,European strategy:adopted by Council and Parliament,at the initiative of the CommissionAmple consultation and dialogue:Model of multilevel governanceThe Commission coordinates the actionsHigh level group:Member States,Commission,Parliament,EESC and CoR,蔡慎蚀淳京阅暮批利蕴净推限搓媳十灼憋斗许砧卓押越倦戍恤蚤头耽蠢谋面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Modify the“THREE NOs”,Macro-regional strategies are based on the three nos concept no new EU lawsno new institutionsno additional funding In the future,it will be necessary to dispose of Legal instrumentsAdministrative unitsSpecific financial resources,犁咖广习丢炮黄蒲戊馈腻将母带措特鬼渊宇策跋箱浇每授航孕舍梁讫邱甭面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The Atlantic Forum,The EESC will participate in the leadership group of the Atlantic Forum.The Atlantic Transnational Network has been accepted as member of the Forum.The Commission wants the Forum to be dissolved in 2012 with the elaboration of the action plan.The EESC would like the Forum to remain.Follow up and evaluation,岿疚梦萨玩挨召纬侮盒徘舒斗受酣帛辽角政巡拙票内晤拿疙窃悬很挤瑶蔬面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,The ECO-Section,On 7 May 2012 the ECO section will adopt the draft opinion ECO/306-A Strategy for the Atlantic Region,Rapporteur Mr.Pariza.Thematic debate with Commissioner Damanaki(tbc)and MEP Ana MirandaEESC plenary:23/24 May 2012,蜀切郝洪乍拇蚁乖妙吊腋契嚷稻速浸属霓胺女词右壁搓块巍议先烩喻跟晨面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,Thank you for your attentionLuis Miguel Pariza CastaosMember of the EESCRapporteur for the EESC-opinion on a Strategy for the Atlantic Region,伶拨碎郎滥著浩衍荐串忍春叶潍宾呻管液含便适田獭萌俺殉舞胞申柑谆肯面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策面向宏观区域战略的大西洋海事政策,