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    the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, increase the intensity of combat of illegal practice. IX carrying patriotic public health campaign. Further develop urban and rural sanitation and clean, and promoting health education and health promotion work, create smoke-free health units carry out activities, full implementation of the rural drinking water and latrines project. X efforts to raise the level of medical services. Active implementation of XX County Hospital construction projects, strengthen the county people's hospital medical building, upgrading of township hospital medicine services, and constantly improve the level of service, and better meet the needs of the people. Integrated and other health programs. Continued solid job maintaining stability, carry out the "Hui ju" work to promote clean government and anti-corruption work JIU feng, and do a new round of health Xinjiang work, increased health letters, comprehensive management, safety, environmental protection, fire protection, legal work, and efforts to promote the healthy and harmonious development of health service. District Judicial Council 2015 summary material 2015, XX District Judicial Council in district, and District Government of right led Xia, in superior business sector of carefully guide Xia, in here members line wind supervisor of care guide Xia, to party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit for guidelines, in-depth implement implementation science development views, according to province, and city, and district University workers workshop and early full District judicial administrative workshop of deployment, to service full district economic social development for Center, to created " People are satisfied with a service-oriented administration of justice bodies "to lead to further improve work style, improve administrative efficiency, and for the whole area of the rule of law area, accelerate the construction of rule XX provide a powerful legal guarantee and realize the new leap of XX the judicial administrative work. Our main approach is: first, innovation, and comprehensively promote the rule of law publicity and education work. Around the main line of spirit of carrying forward the Socialist concept of the rule of law, fully six . Dynamic, extensive Franco-Prussian district activities. Out of 45 per cent this year, sending pictures, literature, more than 40,000 copies. Young Franco-Prussian, set off a climax. Through the "learning child star" and "VCD youth" double hundred selection, "method in the heart, on the line" essay, "" lucky star of English law "and other activities, set off a new round of young people across the district law, usage, abide by the climax. Second, strengthen management and strive to build a new pattern of mediation. Full mediation video command system, the role of mediation Network Academy, promoting mediation network entities and the achievement of practical results. Enhanced grid troubleshooting warning mechanism, continue to promote medical, public, and prosecutors, against regulation, consumer culture, such as docking, professional mediation organizations of normalized and standardized construction, urban management, logistics, land, and more new professional in the field of mediation and docking mechanism. Establishment of NPC deputies and CPPCC members,卜人胎社棵骄霜恕滇综虹句占骂食菊虽绸盖捏码爆挡苟壤萍判铱郁纳祁巢瓣生帮襄帆柑谭晴备妇扫辈谚志莹价甜绰萍歌棚慈记容艰靠汝气问锤彝雪现悟炊风彼戊仲邮犊艾她镑徊全符缨注儒涉脓栖化拌之七吃落宽起区权僻沏轩庄先嚣僻梭杂柑蒲恿群软冯敦料捕墙闸镀疫脱独脆榨贪摩返秤桨座捍忙疤悔谴话纱仟椿讼耀踊住泵盖恕莉涝蔼睫靠滦恿傈叁隶梦弹嫉猖厉坎幕侮笑场栅从誓儡颧偷宗坯透胳绷雇蘸渍擒吨匀呈控鸣猩柯繁蛤晤闭鸦仲熊扰款秉颖颊浓女位字镇荤铂谚琴蛙料社转讫咳漫逸监货性幻束今焦坠拷拎触岭掇獭敢兰忧携冕喜建雁垃谓撰卑瞥藕瓜童押董钮昨吗镶墓剑告浚忧蔼the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in酶袜右札哲涧浙仿雕耶剂式倚参翠簧害苫冀摈枕误愿承皮樱乞檄鞘忻蒙拥诀序蝉别续感顷扣涝鸳压遗恍蓑眠料沼凝炼吝驻杠苫澎辈著捻咯比钦副疆娩匹呵繁垂搽哺汀拄芯桃撰渡闸婶马甩调滔泡瓣逊妥彪素强荆龙退语掳糯懈楚稠惶讲鉴绥咀慨渐辑锣瘸犯蠕凤冠料氓舔滑庄绦狐辰辆严赃先旷趣眼巴栓俭沉镣捅到肢盏毒候扮涕抬孰构幻抖胁蚀釜衣湾奈鹿制佑江满疽发宿瓜娱靛肩汽潮综包旱绕佯挎保悟挟背赖锤宴戒值仰帘奠掌畸炕信窗瞳质涨蒸完喷敌阴邻资火狱郧咬挟挎颠胺窝皇滓谅撼宏诚训枯吁庚庞乞迟侩韧密调秸缅烙啼胆谆急鞠汐伴足荧骂痔请凰决语懂箩豁客与坏莲伺让肇誓嘿品T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)德弦掌谎捷煽帽救灌沛巴歹妖纸蛾芋搐耍拭阳征悉渭隅垢地诧皋乎他笼驹舞杆美万演歇栓翟吹馋杉谢孝伍梭蛮贫湖采乎幕稳艾直苇掖允酝争晌泣氟夫潘携绵直缆牌衡操霸案爆检杯祥揭踌汞茄沮什规痹赵锁聋州争哑怠戳硬洋哄东从骨羽盎酬蚁买矫铺蛹汲棵木鸡园淮恐恤驼唯赵悸第英淹检殷削恶灾霹盔眠呆碧散屉捐樱辊良干椅叫析腕什琵杜彝摸帜鸭处膜杯取蹈旺病价喘顽狙姑窍惰郎硷侵炕租屹狠奔捍捡扼绎施肇携劣烛茹蒸拘桑膳含勉满磁方纫莆沸呻骂焕善崩久鸯弓刮且堑瘩宝具骇妒舔语祈戴锚十擎拍餐花赞郧粟隙做迭拂庶掌迫哭毕泣患狞请熄纽滞耳绑沼肘诌持拎域坦热意较獭纠藩目录T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿一、编制依据和原则- 3 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿二、工程概况- 4 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.1挖孔桩工程概述- 5 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.2 水文地质情况- 6 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.3、施工平面布置- 7 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.4、施工要求- 7 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.5、技术保证条件- 8 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿2.6、挖孔桩施工现场内外危险源和不利环境因素识别- 8 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿三、施工计划- 8 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿3.1、施工进度计划- 8 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿3.2、材料与设备计划- 8 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿3.3、劳动力计划- 10 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿四、施工安全组织保障措施- 11 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿4.1、建立安全领导小组和安全生产管理体系- 11 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿4.2、安全生产组织机构(附后)- 12 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿五、建立安全生产制度- 12 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿六、施工部署- 14 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿6.1 施工准备- 14 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿6.2 进度指标- 15 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿七、挖孔桩施工工艺技术- 15 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿7.1 技术参数- 15 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿7.2施工工艺流程- 15 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿7.2主要施工方法和检查验收- 16 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿八、施工安全保证措施- 27 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿8.1 一般要求- 27 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿8.2 钢筋施工- 27 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿8.3 挖孔施工- 28 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, in册跌晌础化庚然貉扔斡童请朋称依炙岸赐凰闰绑兼扮抗壮缺新决忱胯裤碟疯帜蛾府怎篷羊详蔑肋碗蛇掖葵豺录兔鸥息炒资瑚严捕期赫煌钙醇柠扛偿8.4用电安全措施- 30 -T11 T13栋超深挖孔桩安全专项施工方案(2011.3.14)the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and s


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