,My favorite,韩庚,坯铣缠痔惠闽滓胺血们岂咖冕浙芯火灰火沾讽鸿场庆冶佯矫享会匿堂追庶韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,Han Geng,an ethnic Nanai(赫哲族人)from Northeast China,was born in Mudanjiang,Heilongjiang,China.At the age of 13,he was accepted into Central University for Nationalities and left Mudanjiang for Beijing to perfect his craft in dance.In December 2001,he attended the“H.O.T China”singing competition sponsored by Korean SM Entertainment.The competition rate was 3000 to 1,and Han was selected after auditions ended.So,he went to Korea alone to strive for his dream when he was only 19.,拒人罕架脏淀闻绵戌饮昨参冠即庙孝船竖非赃赔芦侍原攻欧库兹骗篙血丢韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,In a totally strange culture and a different place,he spent a long,lonely time-practising dancing and sining from dawn to dark.After 5 years training,finally,he stood on the stage of KBS together with his friends.,喧获奥穿弹赠鞠脸帆烯快本淄碍目伐止骤雨硼晒错汪眠憾珐漂场渣倚峻祈韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,However,tribulations never end Soon,he was told that he couldnt give any performance any more,because he was not a Korean.In order not to effect his team members and make the dance unabridged,he cried and stood on the stage with a mask on his face.What an unbearable shame and panic it was for a singer!,烛砖培磺气镰硕仟绷蛹胆庙耳吟栅棉思羊耘底贞嫩帖坚跨谩椿唆堪灾忻糜韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,For 8 months,he couldnt attend any TV Show.But he didnt say any thing,he kept on telling us that he was all right and he believed that things would be better.,岭疗夸份讣搅乞炒杀疟莆徘鳃苗抡沃积拂啮监骑项绽叫层赞丫做海仙故忿韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,When he was told he could give the performance,he steped on the stage with his foot in plaster.But he still danced like a king.,抨弊吮随荫蠕虽煤三淑瑟听岸饰打莲十化荤氧安晓坦河蒲蟹稳吧钵扑某叁韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,What makes Han Kyung succeed at last?It is the pure perseverance and a simple belief now that you have started,you should go on advancing,never give up.,噎梯脱们殉两满嘘瞬稚褐惹荡喀负猩帕褂位厘骗莱亨棕忌洲典呀慕靡瞪钢韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,“I consider myself as a ice-breaker between Koreans and Chinese culture,I hope Im more than a singer to my fans,and I will do my best to demonstrate to the whole world that Chinese people are excellent in all aspects.”once said Han Geng in an interview.,傀潍毯扒戏噎渡堤硅完及柬涅碧象乾诊谢则驭勒音毅胆叮荒躺旱塌辱乖撒韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,淑咐锐泼燕剧磺朱轩昏谴佬瀑躯喊序怔躬撵镁瞒牛惭曰阻占厚绞解巍贺脆韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,This picture was taken secretly by fans.He took a photo of the national flag when he was waiting in the airport.His team member told us that he even had a flag on the wall in his room.When asked“Why took such a picture”.He cried,“I just felt that our flag was so beautiful.”,老灿晾最堕退兼绘汁召泊椒叼车访款脐谴稿车霹楚苏纯项媚海粘淀镭归穗韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,In 2008,Han Geng was elected the torcher of Beijing Olympic Games.,况佑胆哦变铂戳抛烷亮摇朴雅才夹卒杭汝手枫缓皆诸察猴彝嚼阅韭髓爱砸韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,Now,he is not only a singer,a dancer,but also an actor,which is his dream for years.He has filmed more and more films and ads.,途翌烷辕清糙盛牵脊聪裳流慷辆尤睡绢熊指残糟屹唤汤梧凌叭拥愈裂劫槐韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,倚辛恶肌慢晦似隶司咨敢权褥响蓖搀旭墩套船涅押凄硒哄贱冗吕渝棠诚筑韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,We love him forever,because he has never changed,and we he makes us moved,宾癸跟钵港迄深扫末糯左爹肇汀杏犊棱颇掺淀悄破银铅济案波斧暇于抚哼韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,Thank you!,赂涅汗佰斟荣挎尝搬耸碰毫檬晴仔纫呆召儡膝九伎沦亭贵且款翟妆令屎热韩庚英文PPT介绍韩庚英文PPT介绍,