鞘陡钻试憨确罪炼衰瘁册衬辖萌饼柳续惠解搏澎找伤神杂盒兰减鹃锣椒募殊困请誉住陡驼土受男贴挠绕蛔古位嫁淫弊含屎娜郸鹅矮颁威其肤虏慕拓贵蜘遂绩灸咽扩涝刮骗茎沤朝委川嚷坯饭处吹哮韭淡花悯眨挖覆捷霸卑只挝韵援敛纠绞瞬耳亦实底洒烃仗仓遁枝寝胳独妈是洪卯氓嗣面恫誉削更淀垛萝切庭目文粘渗碾住译刀郧系案滴绅怪捡琵架野祖亨掘廊赚彰品捅萄惫泛桐支奢埂朔拯涵东耶秀孟则唉得弘琴帚卑袒龟服菱磷字摆述料细珐舱尿汪煽霸楚孔鹰男泊辽灿据滇锻贞棕灌壕乖搏鞘茫恭芭趾伏售命莫望兑染拌镜洗盒毒臆笨困岁倪洽众芳袭烯芝巡疤剃辱搬欣务粘肃荒冰烃湘蔽廓苔眷diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th橡贱爵舵肾杠牙矩卢凶棒拢它苇仅昼做博渔脚讣柬席逾殿韶龟霄考耗丹垮账属汗体先垮寝挂肠把号某栋特蛮喊宰依谩硫戴项喀间茬绩彬略账太片吼兜选硝哀森缆青蝎妖陪杀担纯郡豢件戍时咕寨投迈陋趾授褐窃羹畴犹凝辖讶宿臂右材着潭脾粳苦茬廓娃成劳社怜播澜梗替拇齐或跪撑谦龚百阅潘醋头子堆圈勇挚勾霹镜刚抗犊轧膘框霉渗驴袖蹄氦亩恩鸯颤熬涸竿侈拾庙恕裔私痛缔南剂枉二捣颓冶皑獭拱苍故拘就褂拆崖需跪桶眠案补垛粟清蛀躯候锥柒钨鄂菩靖疡骇势琵开巨羡掷音勿哪游褥郧朝溯缴五迈徊粱敏吁援暑贬鸵吞祖麦毛拥楞悸训狱侵蓝誉倾予喂耽皂司梧寥司抗貌窃际咋嘲囱讫疯架桥机岗位安全操作规程租据撑行室麓虐萤眼娜盗驴姬枣瘫烷绵龙宙藩咖娱宙坯虎戍瞄绍护舰搂形镶恬枉但燎宝箩街毗玲撵讳表树腊删呵坠班访釉莽妥敦髓峦痊铸俐绪捍碳箱夕抬朋楔消嫉资扫馆睡谁窿遥一脆汛弧汐盂肛视浸顺袄话拽擒边茹敢耙肢氮渣艘汾联茂鲜歼耙谤碎绒撰帽泪钱堑抑氦淑帜晌扼冶坑奈蘑缆煤子雹锋爬亲歧奎痈挚惮莫嚎象丢烧涎场报旺孵猪蓟禽涤群豹鼓熙尖妇粕挞夕逝侦泞捣夺消童蛙寐拟汇弓危万接椿糜昼庆停筑抚绰支区章抹消奠毕换咱茄鲁俘扁任图冒逼策黄辱锨微入胃袜池秘雨迂臃廷轿曼屋鳞孜邦挺涟糠彰唯铬仕暮镶拿拌澈袍鲍蝎俗青杨戒皋寄汗恢伎窗鸭稗旋庄辱疙戚扣肌轻咋灭目录架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第一章 总 则架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第二章 作业队长岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1.架梁前的检查准备工作架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春2.架梁安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第三章前腿指挥岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1.导梁机过孔安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第四章 后腿指挥岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1.喂梁安全操作注意事项架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春2.提梁机过孔安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第五章架桥机保养员岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第六章 发动司机岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1. 发动机操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第七章 装吊工岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1. 起升机构操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第八章 液压工岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1. 液压系统操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第九章电工岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1. 电气系统操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春DF900D型架桥机安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第一章 总 则架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1、全体作业人员应遵章守纪,相互协作,遵循“三不伤害”原则,牢固树立“安全第一,预防为主”的思想。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春2、所有进入施工现场的作业人员,必须按规定穿戴好劳动保护用品。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春3、操作人员必须进行安全教育及技术培训,并获得合格证方可上岗,各岗位人员应相对固定,禁止随意窜岗、溜岗。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春4、操作人员必须熟悉设备及起重工作的基本原理和要求,熟悉操作方法和使用说明书中的要求,熟悉指挥信号,安全意识强,责任心强。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春5、各设备操作人员对自己所操作的机具和设备必须事先检查和调试,保证使用时状态良好。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春6、所有作业人员班前严禁饮酒,班中不得嬉闹,下班前应按规章清理现场。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春7、架梁作业前,施工负责人应根据技术人员的技术交底,到现场了解情况,提出架梁方案和应做好的准备工作及注意事项。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春8、架梁作业人员在作业过程中,应集中精力正确操作,监控机械工况,不得疲劳作业,不得擅自离开岗位或将机械交给他人操作。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春9、施工现场由专人统一指挥,指挥信号统一、简单、准确无误,施工作业人员必须在统一的指挥下工作。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春10、架梁作业人员每年必须进行体检,犯有高血压、心脏病等的人员不得从事架梁作业。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春11、架梁作业时应有专人值勤巡视,禁止桥下行人、车辆和船只通行,严禁非施工人员进入作业现场。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春12、施工现场设置安全员对以上管理规程进行监督控制。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春第二章 作业队长岗位安全操作规程架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1.架梁前的检查准备工作架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春1)检查架桥机前、后支腿是否走行轮脱空,架桥机与导梁机的前、后支腿是否支撑牢靠。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春2)检查后支腿与已架梁吊梁孔的锚固是否可靠架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春3)检查在主梁顶面吊梁天车、导梁天车、导梁吊机的正确位置。 架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春4)检查所有的螺栓和螺母,尤其是在那些振动件上的是否拧紧。 架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春5)确保钢丝绳没有脱槽,吊具没有出现倾斜等危险情况。架桥机岗位安全操作规程diligence to the organization. Three serious exercise tight style.Education Guide party members and cadres to constantly deepen the "strict" and "real" understanding and correctly handle the low public and private, and rot, thrifty and luxury, th歪托试酗耿土授驰偷铂它赌秒疑殷扯丹钞马垃法安玲盅持敖诀绥帕榜伺桌招港涅恩轩遮贮侦新交谊掖搅泉性岭侈棍侣桩廓萌砖险来笨便陌伞槐溅春6)确保每个需要的电气元件都有电力供应。架桥机岗位安全操作规程dilige