Oklahoma City GangsEffective Transitions, Incorporated…俄克拉荷马城的帮派有效过渡纳入—….ppt
Oklahoma City Gangs,Presented by:Frank AlbersonGang Intervention Specialist with Effective Transitions Inc.,Background,Grew up in Indiana,but was born in Bridgeport,ConnecticutGraduated from Anderson University with degree in Criminal JusticeI have lived in Oklahoma City since 2000,Background,Court certified drug expertMethamphetaminesHallucinogens Heroin Came to Oklahoma six years agoStarted as a Detention Officer IDetention Officer IIMoved to Oklahoma County Juvenile Probation for approximately 1 year.Now work for Effective Transitions Incorporated as a Gang Intervention Worker,What is a Gang?,The definition of a gang according to OJJPD is:The terms“youth gang”and“street gang”are commonly used interchangeably and refer to neighborhood or street-based youth groups that are made up substantially of individuals under the age of 24.They must include at least three or more members and must engage in criminal activity.,Little Rascals,Three or more individuals who meet on a regular basis.Claim a geographical location.Engage in delinquent and criminal behavior,Why Join Gangs?,Lack of parental supervisionLack of a parent(Mother or Father)Quick and easy moneyA need to belongRespectETC,Who joins Gangs?,Adolescents(ages 12-17)WhitesBlacks BrownsBoysGirlsEveryone can be a victim to GANGS,What Gangs do we Have?,Westside 90s CripsHard Hoova CripsShotgun CripsPlayboy Gangsta CripsRollin 60 CripsMurder 1Culver City CruiserSouthtown Barrio,Rollin 20s Crips24K CripsPrince Hall VillageOutlaw 30s Bloods456 Piru BloodJuaritosSouth Side LocosGrande Barrio Central,Crips,Wear Blue as primary color.Some sets wear all blue or some sets wear blue as the main color with other colors.Are enemies with Bloods and other gangs.Profit from drug sales.,Rollin Sixty Crips,Are a“love set”of Westside 90sStarted in 1966 in L.A.(Tiequan Andrew Cox),Rollin 90 Crip,Favor the color baby blueWear Tennessee Titans,North CarolinaSan Diego Chargers,132 Shot gun Crips,Will wear dark green and blue.Started in California around 1976.Diss:snot gun or snot run132 is a street in Gardena,California,where the set originated from.,107 Hoova Crips,Wear orange and blue.Some will carry a crown royal sack.Diss:SnoovaDo not get along with 90s,60s or shotgun,or blood sets.107 comes from 10700 block of Hoover Street in Los Angeles,Blood,Enemies with Crips.“Blood”was a commonly used word among African-American soldiers in Veitnam.Started in California around the same time as crips.Diss:Slob,eating at BK.Damu is swahili for blood,Hispanic Sets,Will also wear red or blue colors.Will use Roman Numerals.Make money selling drugsRun guns.The number 13 or XIII will tell you they are sureno.The number 14 or XIV will tell you they are Nortenos.,GBC(Grande Barrio Central 23),Use the number 23Highest population in detention.Wear Red,Black and Grey.Have recently split into East and Westside factions.Diss:Cornbread,Juaritos,Use XIV or 1414th letter of the alphabet is N for Norteno or northerner.Diss:Doritos,or Fritos.,South Side Loco(SSL),Use number 13 or XIII.M,is the 13th letter of the alphabet.Are always recruiting.Largest Hispanic gang in Oklahoma City.,Graffiti,Graffiti,Gang members from MWC and the Panic Zone,Hard HooverCriminal Gansters,Wear orange and blue,Broncos and Astros,Tenth Street Playaz,Throwing up BK,Shotgun Crip,Game Tight Clicc,Game Tight Clicc,Hoover and Game Tight Clicc,O.G.HK from Murder1(Blood set),WS 60 Crip,“Bk”blood killa,Gangs use drugs and violence to obtain what they want,Gangs know no color,they may align over racial barriers however every ethnicity has some form of organized crime or gang activity.,South Side Locos,Southside locos,Southside,SSL gals,SSL,Southside Locos,Note the number 13 and the Black and grey colors,SSL,Southside Locos and most hated crew,Grand Barrio Central(GBC),Uses the Numbers 23 and wears red and blue,occasionally gray.Its the largest gang in the Oklahoma County Juvenile detention center.,Bloods,that not cigarette smoke either.,Bloods,May wear Pittsburg Pirates or Philadelephia Phillies sports apparel.Also will wear anything in all black or redMay be seen with Boston Red Sox hatsFavor the Five point star Add a K after cs to signify crip killer,example:CkrabBlood Gangs in OKC:Murda1,Bounty Hunter Blood Monsta Block,456 Piru.IFG 77 Block,How do I get help if I know a child involved with gang activity?,Call or visit Effective Transitions,Inc.245-A W.Wilshire Oklahoma City,Ok 73116(405)286-,Call your local police substation or Call the Oklahoma City Police Gang Unit Hotline:297-1193,Conclusion,Educate yourself on Gang issues,as the saying goes,“knowledge is power.”Remember:Gangs are only as strong as the community allows them to be!,