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    Unit 4 Dont eat in class.课题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. P19Period 1 教学目标:1. Learn the new words & phrases: rules, hallway, classroom, Mrs. fight, school Rules.2. Learn the key sentences: Dont arrive late for class. Dont fight.Dont run in the hallways. Dont eat in the classroom. Dont listen to music in the classroom. Dont sleep in class Dont wear hats in class. Dont talk in class. We cant listen to music in the classroom. We Cant fight at school. Can we listen to music, Cindy? We cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 3. Talk about the school rules and family rules. 重 点Talk about the school rules and the target language. 难 点Learn to talk about the school rules.Step 1 Warming up and lead-inT: Excuse me. What time do you usually get to school? What time does the class begin in the morning?T: So you are early for class. You are a good student. Can you you get to class at 8:30?So ,dont be late for class. We can also say: dont arrive late for class. This a shool rule.Please say the sentence like this: Dont . We cant. We must.S1: Dont eat in the classroom. S2: We cant sleep in classS3: Don wear hats in class. S4: We cant talk in class. Step 2 Match work(Do 1a ) 1. In this procedure,students will learn to talk about different school rules. 2. Show the pictures and say:“What can you say to him?”3. Now please open your books at Page 19Look at the words on the leftThey are words about school rulesPlease read themAnd we have 5 pictures. Try to match the words with the picturesEncourage the students to say something about the pictures and do the match workTell Sswe should obey the rules, dont break the school rules. We should have good habits. Step 3 Listening ( Do 1b ) T: If you want to be good students, dont break the school rules. The rules are good for your study. But now here are some bad students. Look! Each of these students is breaking one of these rules. Now there are three students Peter, Amy and Mick. What rules are these students breaking? Please listen to the tape and write the numbers after the names.First, ask students to catch 1bs the meanings & look at the pictures in 1a. Next, we11 listen to a recordingIn the recording,people are talking about school rules. Lets listen and number the 3 namesLets see which rule each of the 3 is breaking. Play the recorderThen check the answersAfter this,ask students to repeat after the recordingStep 4 Pairwork (Do 1c ) S.A is a new student. S.B is telling S.A about the school rules above: eg: A: Dont run in the hallways. B: Sorry, I wont. A: what are the rules?B: well, we cant arrive late for class. We must be on time. Ask students to practice the conversation and make their own conversationsSs work in pairs and practice saying the school rules. Step 5: Work on 2a. 1. Read the sentences in 1a. Change the sentences with we cant. 2. T: Now please open your books to 20. Look! What can you see in the picture?T: Yeah, the boy is Alan, and the girl is Cindy.T: What are they doing?S: They are talking.T: What are they talking about? T: Now lets listen to the tape and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.Step 6 Listening (2b) Listen again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.1) Listen and repeat.2) Check the answer then report the list. Report: These are their rules. They can, but they can-So please dont Step 7 (2c) S A is Alan & S B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a. Model: Can we listen to music, Cindy? We cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. Ss work in groups, practice making conversations. Each group reports to the class. Step 8 Homework Write the rules in our school with“Dont . We cant. We must.” 板书设计 Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Dont eat in the classroom. We cant swim in pools. Dont sleep in classDont wear hats in class. We cant fight at school. Dont talk in class.Dont listen to music in the classroom. Dont run in the hallways.Dont arrive late for class. 教学后记课题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. P 20-21 Period 2教学目标:1. Learn the new words & phrases: The vocabulary words about school rules. 2. Learn the key sentences: 3. Enable students to listen to and talk about the rules1. To master the words: gym class, uniform, have to , 2. To master the sentences: John, you have to wear sports shoes for gym class. At school, we have to clean the classroom. 3. Train students' ability to use words in contest. 4. Train students' reading & writing skills. 重 点Grammar Focus & writings 难 点Writings 教学用具Some cards 学习用具学案教学过程:Step 1 Warming up and lead-inIn this procedure,ask students to talk about the school rulesThen let them ask about other rules, eg: Family rules. Library rules. Class rules. Etc. Sample conversation:T:What can you do at school?S:We can -T:What cant we do?S:We cant-T:What do you have to do in the library? S:We have to-. Etc. Step 2 Work on 2d First, students translate it into Chinese. Second, students listen & repeat it. Finally, students role-play the conversation. Step 3 Grammar Focus Go over the grammar focus, translate it into Chinese. Then read aloud the sentences. Ss try to recite them correctly. Step 4 Write the rules for the school library. (3a ) In this procedure,students will continue to talk about some rules. They can discuss the rules in groups, write down the answers. Discuss: -Can We speak English? -No, we cant, but we can speak Chinese. Etc. Check their answers and then ask them to show their rules to the class. Step 5 Writings: Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school. (3b) First, Ss read the title, catch the meanings. Second. Ss choose the given words to make questions & write answers. Finally, check the answers; report the answers to the class. My dream School1. We can eat in class. 2.We dont have to come to school every day.3. 4. 5. Step 6 Writings. (3c) Make up 5 cool rules for your dream school. Share your rules with the class. Your classmates vote for the coolest school. Make a list. Each group shows their list to the class. Step 7 Homework1Ask students to copy & translate the grammar focus. 2Ask students to learn 3a,3b,3c again. 板书设计 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. My dream School1. We can eat in class. 2.We dont have to come to school every day.3. 4. 5. 教学后记课题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. P22 and self check 1 Period 3 教学目标:1. Learn to talk about the rules at school, in someones house and other places the Ss are familiar with.2. Learn to use “I have to ”, “I can / cant ” to describe the rules of each place. 3. Enlarge the vocabulary & patterns about rules 4. Train the students ability of listening & speaking.5. Learn to be a polite student anywhere. 重 点The listening & talking practices. 难 点Enable students to listen to and talk about some rules in some places.教学用具The recorder 学习用具学案教学过程:Step 1 Revision and lead in. 1.Ss talk about their school rules or the library rules. What can we do at school? What cant we do? And what do we have to do? Talk about school rules.2. Are there any rules at home? What can you do? What cant you do? And what do you have to do? Make a list.Step 2 Presentation 1. Lets look at the rules of the Daves family. Show some pictures and learn the home rules. 2. Lets look at the rules of the Daves family.Step 3 Match work (1a) Read the rules in the chart in (1b). Then match the pictures ( ah) with the rules. T: we talk about the rules of the school. Do you know the rules of other places? In which places we have to obey the rules? (Libraries, dining rooms, dormitories, our houses, etc.) T: Yes. In our houses, we also have rules. So everyone in your house have to obey the rules of your house. Now, open your books! There are some house rules. First, look at the pictures; tell me what you see in each picture, using whatever words you can. (If necessary, supply the words or sentences and ask the class to repeat. Say a sentence or two about each picture. What's he doing? He's doing homework. Repeat. He's doing homework. The class repeats.)T: Now look at the rules in (1b). Read after me! (Point out the list of rules. Read each rule and ask students to repeat. ) T: OK! Now match each rule with one of the pictures. Write the letter of each picture on the blank line in front of one of the rules. (Point out the sample answer.) Do as the sample do. Check the answers in class. Step 4 listening (1b) Listen & put an for things Dave cant do & a for things He has to do. RulesCant Have to/must When ago out On school nights see friends do his homework Practice the guitar Do the dishes Watch TV Help his mom make breakfast Clean his room Play the recording, Ss listen & Check the answers. Step5 (1c)Listen again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in (1b).Choose from the phrases in the box. on school nights every Saturday before dinner in the evening on school day after dinner after school every morning Ss listen carefully; check the answers with the class. Step 6 Talk about the rules in Daves house. (1d) eg: Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he cant. etc. Step 7 Report Daves rules. See who is the best?He cant go out on school nights. He cant see his friends on school days. He has to do his homework after school. He must practice the guitar before dinner. He cant watch TV in the evening. He has to help his mom make breakfast every morning. He must clean his room every Saturday.Step 8 self check 11. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 1. Ss read the passage silently, try to catch the meanings. 2. Ss discuss the answers in groups. 3. Write down the answers, check the answers. 4. Each group Report to the class. Step 9 Homework1 Ask students to do the exercises。2Ask students to copy & memorize the music instruments. 板书设计 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. RulesCant Have to/must When ago out on school nights see friends do his homework Practice the guitar Do the dishes Watch TV Help his mom make breakfast Clean his room 教学后记课题Unit 4 Dont eat in class. P23a&24 Period 4教学目标:(1) Learn to talk about the rules at school, in someones house and other places the Ss are familiar with.(2) Learn to use “I have to ”, “I can / cant ”, “Dont” to describe the rules of each place.(3) Learn to be a polite student anywhere. (4) Help students learn how to read & write family rules (5) Let students know more about different rules and try to obey the rules. Being happy every day. Dont talk in class.Dont listen to music in the classroom. Have to do homework every day. Molly must do her homework first when she gets home. At shool, Molly cant be noisy or eat in class.重 点Reading comprehensions & writings 难 点The words, patterns 教学用具The recorder 学习用具学案教学过程:Step 1 Warming up and lead-inGreet the class as usual. Let some Ss tell their family rules. 3-5 Ss to talk in class. Step 2 (2a) Discussing: 1. When you are unhappy about something, what do you like to do? take a walk, watch TV, play games , listen to musicchat with others2. When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to? Ss discussing in groups, each group reports to the class. your friends , your parents, your teachers , Dr. KnowStep 3 Reading(2b )1. Check the words and phrases. ,make ones bed, be strict with sb., follow the rules, too many rules , in the kitchen, more rules2. Fast reading. How does Molly feel about the rules? Does Dr. Know think students have to follow the rules?3. Read the letter. Underline the rules for Molly. 1. Ss read the letter silently. 通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 题目要求我们寻找有关Molly在家庭及在学校里的规则。表达规则的句子常为祈使句、或含有must及have的句子。 读短文寻找这种类型的句子。根据句意确定是否是她的规则。 最后, 再读一遍课文, 检查一下答案的正确性。2. Ask students to answer the following questionsWhat can Molly Brown do? -What cant Molly Brown do? -3. Ss answer the questions correctly. Then underline the rules. 4. Check the answers. 5. Listen to the tape & repeat it. 6. Choose 3 Ss to read aloud the text in class. Try to read it fluently. Step 4 Writing Practice (2c ) Read the letters again & complete the sentences with have to / must, can or cant. 1. Ask students to read the 5 sentences carefully, try to understand the meanings. 2. Ss discuss & try to find the answers. 3. Check the answers. Step 5 Complete Zhao Peis letter to Dr. Know using have to/must, can or cant. (3a) 1. Ss read the letter & discuss the answers. 2. Completed the letters writing. 3. Check the answers. Read aloud the letter. Step 6 Complete the chart with the rules in your home & school. Put a for the rules you think are unfair. 1. Ss work in groups, discuss the rules. 2. Write down the rules. 3. Each group report to the class. Step 7 Homework 板书设计 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. What can Molly do at home & at school? make the bed. She can play basketball only on weekends. do her homework. read a book before I can watch TV. . go to bed before 10:00. What cant you do at school? leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. be late. We cant be noisy. eat in class. cant play basketball after school. cant relax after dinner. -教学后记 Things I have to do Things I cant do 9


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