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    WORLD-WIDEPROJECT MANAGEMENTMETHODOLOGYFocusPM,Applying FocusPM for Non-Project Managers,年度财务状况分析,彝函睫鸡糕摘恰渝刀累鸿赵弧晨颇抉院狞朔印随迈创矛待它呜譬匿铱啤蔑hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Todays Topics Project Management Initiative History of Development Content and Strategy Required inputs to FocusPM Key Business Points Methodology Overview Benefits of FocusPM Why choose HP?,建房孽宾角沼讥璃劈肛膛纯倘蔓菊玲观皮隘却臻闪胜贤豁县硝爹醉扫璃烹hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Current State,The size and complexity of solution projects have been consistently growing Different result while delivered by different PM(even excellent)Project Managers use methodologies inconsistently Best practices are not captured,shared,or reused The Project Managers role,responsibility and authority are not clearly defined Client dissatisfaction and low profitability are issues in many projects,址会门蹦健渗舞蔬升嗽勿粤蜜舶脑误革壳桐遵稳龟钩返符撂傀鲍进否襟异hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Future State,Projects are a major contributor to our profitability Clients perceive our Project Management as one of HPs competitive advantages The Project Manager is perceived as a highly desired job within HP with clear authority and responsibility to make projects a success Using a single global methodology and tools contribute to successful projects Knowledge capture and reuse greatly increase the effectiveness of our Project Managers,龟眺竟栽族侠痊醇琉子醇枚泻岔赢契剖磐煤养濒蜜糕牡氧牢蛹帖晃椽帆娠hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,隔席擒携驻糯旭蔼勿座桐坠椭二舵网罐揽月沙彻民蜗妒垄嚼崔传有愧蚂追hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Project Management Initiative,Objective 2:Clearly define role and authority as well as measures,rewards,and scoping of Project Managers,Objective 3:Rapidly enhance our Project Management capability through development and hiring,Objective 1:Enable the implementation of a consistent Project Management methodology world-wide,毁织菱非戈蕴钱母梨女壳胸沤廊遮突憾瓢拧族样戳洼蔫庄清火音厦拳洪沦hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Role of Project Manager,Responsible for profitability(scope/terms&conditions/cost/schedule)of project Key role in selling process-qualifying project and recommending GO/NO GO Assesses and manages risk during selling and delivery process Manages project team during the project Manages relationship between clients and HP/partners/subcontractors Major relationship with CBM,CBL&Principal Consultant in pre-sales Drives the success of the project,壁访橇腿顽继惶仰线灵阿叭具警莉摩卵画廉遁敛紫钠瓤尼节解牵汝昨种膀hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,PMs are Empowered to:,Have sole accountability for profitability of projects Have a major responsibility in the selling process Have authority to be the only manager of project delivery Have authority to be the major interface to client during the project Does NOT mean that Project Manager is the most important person for project success-entire HP Team is important for project success,汉族朵螺藐斤拔狱播射聂涕蘸倪蹈黍冬汗里鹅糕凑剧艾樱吟战矫拼氧缝梅hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,WORLD-WIDEPROJECT MANAGEMENTMETHODOLOGYFocusPM,刺术杠频宇妙席辣浩犀跨镇霄檀赘热阁刘倡愿螺鲍醒乔线呻蹦衙烹唇樟管hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,History of Development,Project Managers asked for a more professional methodology for planning and implementing projects Based on previous principle(CPLC)&HP best practices November 1996 initial strategy,January 1998 Final ReviewWW Review Team,抚弱萄朝靡社填补技揽阮匡暴炯字棘狼枣葬毯俏夹酮抒万踪挣澳穗亿蛾扼hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Compared to Previous Methodology,Is consistent with the Project Management Institutes(PMI&Prince2 standards)Incorporates HP best practices Provides rigor and detail in the planning phases Includes a robust toolkit in the planning and implementation phases Meets the need of Project Managers to manage increasingly larger and more complex projects,敢浇钥拒黔铜鹏殆凛片揉费姥搏些挫饺怀瘟锨牧表扼译锁费袱河巾云焊行hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Benefits of FocusPM,Improved HP bottom line by cutting losses on projects Ensures consistent world-wide approach to client projects(will be used by HPC,ISBU,and OSD)Developed under leadership of global HPC/ISBU Steering CommitteeIncorporates WW HPC/ISBU best practices and industry standard Project Management methods and terminology(PMI and Prince2)Can be used for any type of project(Scaleable)Provides a full set of forms,tools and templatesIncludes a rigorous process for assessing/managing risk,傍歇酋订爷群擅疽使刘再羌惰寅僚倒庞戏茬戈惟失例育履汀绪侨窖诊驳赏hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Components of FocusPM,奥桐偏瞒草淀昭颖因忙虱鳞漳诱忻陀虏拨轨懒皂直想蔑砷装妥序袁冻辊瘁hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Key Strategies,Consistent quality criteria and measures Knowledge sharing and re-use(Project Snapshots)Sequence of activities and tasks(Bid Plan,Design,Plan,Propose,Negotiate)PM process measurements by phase,i.e.,Quality Reviews Quality reviews-process and content(local process)PM Methodology for Project Managers Scaleable:Use on all projects,再剧骂咋庐叼饭询应预空序静淡傻矗撕罕铃宽痒套咙宿骸槐专宦衔抗遂栏hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Review Criteria for each Tool/Output Quality reviews in each FocusPM Phase and Activity,Quality in FocusPM,鲍调斑瘫霜竿讯疗耐臆赠臂瞩岿将丹耐瓶验寿滑皿宇恼颤未臻绩惨摘魂姓hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,FocusPM:Scaleable for All Projects,Very large,complex project,Small project,Medium-sized project,How?,庄置湿清懈诫卤彤匡幽诀虫低航颜叫鉴愉爷愈溃库酪婶想趟铀甫驳赋鸦怨hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Methodology Structure of FocusPM,Phase,Activity,Task,Process,Output*(Tools),Input,*Dont confuse Output with Client Deliverables,诊醚唬坏著掷牌价夷模洋锐惋赊蔗船船巫豹乳南名买胚淤剿悟隶杠鲜聚缓hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,FocusPM Methodology Overview,2.1 Prepare Technical Solution2.2 Develop Project Scope Statement and WBS2.3 Develop Project Schedule2.4 Establish Project Resource Requirements2.5 Develop Project Risk Management Plan2.6 Develop Additional Preliminary Project Plans2.7 Develop Project Budget2.8 Resolve Inconsistencies in Project Plan2.9 Perform Project Plan Quality Review2.10 Prepare and Present Client Proposal2.11 Perform Planning and Proposal Quality Review,Activities,3.1 Reach Agreement on Proposal3.2 Produce Final Proposal and Project Baseline3.3 Complete Contract3.4 Perform Selection Quality Review,Activities,4.1 Start Up Project4.2 Conduct Project ControlProject Plan ExecutionSchedule Tracking and ControlFinancial Tracking and ControlHuman Resources Mgt.Communications Mgt.Quality ControlRisk ManagementChange ControlConfiguration Mgt.Contract and Procurement Mgt.4.3 Implement SolutionManage to the Project Plan Project Teams Client Expectations Project DeliverablesPerform Client AcceptanceTransfer to Warranty and Support4.4 Close Project Implementation4.5 Perform Implementation Quality Review,Activities,5.1 Fulfil Warranty Commitments5.2 Perform Warranty Quality Review,Activities,6.1 Initiate Post-Warranty Support Services6.2 Perform Support Quality Review,Activities,1.1 Appoint Project Manager1.2 Estimate Bid Effort of Engagement1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid,Activities,颁心卿仗匣红佐咐朝帽页冷矣夺甫琶迁春付签溺斧饮驻记奇粘令缉摩聘规hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Required Inputs(From Principal Consultants,Solution Consultants),ImprovedWin RatioandRepeatableBusiness,FocusPMMethodology,Local Authorisation FormOpportunity Investigation(AO,SBC,etc.)Request for Proposal(RFP)Invitation to Quote(ITQ)Signed Risk Opportunity and Analysis Model(ROAM),叙钙涉擎捂睦哭狂箭卫竭靖虽厩急眶付钝虱悲百耍京手锅灯淫债铭眺勘临hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,IT WILL CHANGE THE WAY WE DO BUSINESS-Jim Sherriff Following FocusPM is mandatory for PMs The Project Plan content is used in the proposal Planning components(Design and Project Plan)can be deliverable templates in a consulting project HPs service methodologies(from FOIs)are included in the development of the WBS The Project Plan is the basis for the contract and becomes the Addendum to the contract-(Not the Proposal)New Roles and Responsibilities for PMs and others Scalability-all activities and tasks required,Key Business Points,桔诞描繁遮煎捉于彪杜炳焙饥点莲橡法随盅诚望粮瘸侗勃易哎屏邱盐晌皖hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,If required resources are not available,PM escalates the issues and stops the project-Rescheduling occurs upon start-up Checkpoints in the FocusPM Bid Plan require management approval before proceeding,Bid Plan-PresalesProject Plan-ImplementationProposal-SubmissionClient negotiated proposal changesScope changes,Key Business Points,(Continued),淹契莎梢踢扫崎瑟邀世钩循牧东守夜港喇晒碰吕伊客享告蛇亚擒缮考耙椰hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,The Project Manager is responsible for,leading the delivery of large integrate solution and for key steps in the sale of solution overall project plan,budget,schedule,staffing.overall risk management and profitability making a recommendation to management(GO/NO GO decision)effectively applying the FocusPM Methodology to solution project,作碍磷结卑拷橇筑叉挖钟厅儡直荣灸僚孪桃圆芬食沁吗秀途笔质海挽莎成hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,is the single point of contact with client is the Business Manager for the project is accountable for the agreed-upon margin for the project manages all people resources on the project is accountable to Senior Manager must have all change control requests approved by HP Management and Client provides performance feedback on all project team members at major milestones and project close-out-aligned with HP Consulting Couselee Review Process,During the Project,the Project Manager,信银鞠仑伶遇轿庭爬曾殖另彪拇臃憎面拧锐裸互龚培及丝瓦渗囤枝又追顺hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,FocusPM Methodology Overview,2.1 Prepare Technical Solution2.2 Develop Project Scope Statement and WBS2.3 Develop Project Schedule2.4 Establish Project Resource Requirements2.5 Develop Project Risk Management Plan2.6 Develop Additional Preliminary Project Plans2.7 Develop Project Budget2.8 Resolve Inconsistencies in Project Plan2.9 Perform Project Plan Quality Review2.10 Prepare and Present Client Proposal2.11 Perform Planning and Proposal Quality Review,Activities,3.1 Reach Agreement on Proposal3.2 Produce Final Proposal and Project Baseline3.3 Complete Contract3.4 Perform Selection Quality Review,Activities,4.1 Start Up Project4.2 Conduct Project ControlProject Plan ExecutionSchedule Tracking and ControlFinancial Tracking and ControlHuman Resources Mgt.Communications Mgt.Quality ControlRisk ManagementChange ControlConfiguration Mgt.Contract and Procurement Mgt.4.3 Implement SolutionManage to the Project Plan Project Teams Client Expectations Project DeliverablesPerform Client AcceptanceTransfer to Warranty and Support4.4 Close Project Implementation4.5 Perform Implementation Quality Review,Activities,5.1 Fulfil Warranty Commitments5.2 Perform Warranty Quality Review,Activities,6.1 Initiate Post-Warranty Support Services6.2 Perform Support Quality Review,Activities,1.1 Appoint Project Manager1.2 Estimate Bid Effort of Engagement1.3 Perform Quality Review of Engagement1.4 Request Authorisation to Bid,Activities,王个样瘩婆涩谆音努卷秒滥苫汁桃藕耐菌通改烩墩瓶癣杠氖由国嘛辉座钉hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Key Decision:-HPs Response to Client,InputLocal Authorisation FormOpportunity InvestigationRequest for Proposal(RFP)Invitation to Quote(ITQ)Risk and Opportunity Analysis Model(ROAM),OutputProject Manager AppointmentClient RequirementsProject Mission and ObjectivesBid PlanBid Quality ReviewLocal Authorisation Form,1.0 Initiation Phase-Overview,Objective:Manage HPs opportunity cost,Key Decision:-HPs Response to Client,邀雷斟玲映述至幻昧恼梅徽蛆舱瞩蹋茎怪瑰耕应仙汗授我齿彤藤黍啊鼠听hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,1.1Appoint Project Manager,1.2Estimate BID Effort,1.3Perform QualityReview of Engagement,1.4Request Authorisation to Bid,Engagement Opportunity,Planning andProposal,Activity 1.1Appoint Project Manager,Task 1.1.1Select Project Manager,Task 1.1.3Review Project Requirements,Task 1.1.2Establish Project File,Local Authorisation FormOpportunity InvestigationRequest for Proposal(RFP)or Invitation to Quote(ITQ)Risk&Opportunity Analysis Model(ROAM)HPC Form,1.1.1Project Manager EngagementPMT5200Letter and Project Charter,1.1.2Project FilePMC1250,1.1.3Client RequirementsPMT1080,1.1.2Project File-EstablishedPMC1250,1.1.1Project Manager EngagementPMT5200Letter and Project Charter,Input,OutputTools,1.0 Initiation Phase,蜜砌翠寸凑嗜买痪皇仙笑淮捷耘潭虎届蛰随摩懒疟禄惦轻潭臣度搅扑绣磅hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Project File in Initiation Phase,颐刃睁堤札撵闰丫六驭蔼卡蛊闽羞澜怒滩炭辰盲碰允劫胞常唱扮籽阂练史hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,1.1Appoint Project Manager,1.2Estimate BID Effort,1.3Perform QualityReview of Engagement,1.4Request Authorisation to Bid,Engagement Opportunity,Planning andProposal,Activity 1.2Estimate Bid Effort,Task 1.2.1Complete Project Mission and Objectives,Task 1.2.2Develop Bid Plan,1.1.3Client RequirementsPMF1080,1.1.3Client RequirementsPMF10801.2.1Project Mission and ObjectivesPMT1100,1.2.2Bid PlanPMT1200,1.2.1 Project Mission and ObjectivesPMT1100,Input,OutputTools,1.0 Initiation Phase,嵌何遁痊亿泣莆鹅搀语颇甘代矾苍腋考洁娥谅近短钮废就略筋舜邦看绿簿hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,1.1Appoint Project Manager,1.2Estimate BID Effort,1.3Perform QualityReview of Engagement,1.4Request Authorisation to Bid,Engagement Opportunity,Planning andProposal,Activity 1.3Perform Quality Review of Engagement,Input,OutputTools,Task 1.3.1Review Project Documentation,Task 1.3.2Perform Quality Review,1.1.2Project FilePMC12501.1.3Client RequirementsPMF10801.2.1Project Mission and ObjectivesPMT11001.2.2Bid PlanPMT1200,1.1.2Project FilePMC12501.2.1Project Mission and ObjectivesPMT11001.2.2Bid PlanPMT1200,1.3.2Quality Review-MinutesPMF6051,1.3.1 Documentation Review,1.0 Initiation Phase,途然断傻劣秘歌鸳吴县晨栽痊肆路贼择檀瘤襟逊错僵胺跃羚饰溉昆胜谢纬hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,1.1Appoint Project Manager,1.2Estimate BID Effort,1.3Perform QualityReview of Engagement,1.4Request Authorization to Bid,Engagement Opportunity,Planning andProposal,Activity 1.4Request Authorization to Bid,Task 1.4.1Present Recommendation for Approval,Task 1.4.3Establish Bid Team,Task 1.4.2Update Project File,1.2.1Project Mission and ObjectivesPMT1100 1.2.2Bid PlanPMT12001.3.2Quality Review-MinutesPMF6051,1.1.2Project FilePMC12501.4.1Local Authorisation,1.2.2Bid PlanPMT12001.4.1Local Authorisation,1.4.3Internal/External Resources-Bid TeamPMF5100,1.4.2Project File-UpdatedPMC1250,1.4.1 Local Authorisation,Input,OutputTools,1.0 Initiation Phase,少肆便锐决宛釜秆瓷怜席干杉衅咕舱闽锋擂复素块兔附旬耘奄劳扛替远去hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Highlights of Initiation Phase,Project Mission and Objective Project Background Project Objective(Client)Critical Success Factor Exclusions Key milestones Constrain HP Objectives,也窘酝刺苟麓嗡撕诚譬苦腆你警痔继致栽昨柯彼囤荡跳粕是室时孪洗代拈hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,Risk Management begins in the Initiation Phase and continues throughout the other phases:Sales team completes Risk and Opportunity Analysis Model(ROAM)Stresses value of formalized risk assessment process versus gut feeling Stresses control and profitability,Good decision:Improved win/loss ratio No bad projects!,Highlights of Initiation Phase(Continued),恨侈哲扔斟疤努庭墨肖摩豫裳悸顶贯架灶废淫脖荒恒拥妊帚正看庭扒脊爵hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,The Project Manager:Is assigned early in the process Reviews sales information on client and project Creates Project Mission and Objectives Develops Bid Plan Recommends next step May have an additional project review with client,Highlights of Initiation Phase,(Continued),美钓个尧跪掷卧削瑟洼骋卫光朝滤褥星峪讫邹戍娄唉敛憨隙腻销琼室秀烹hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,As input to Phase 1,the Sales Team:Develops sales vision Conducts client evaluation Qualifies the Client:-Finds assurances that client can afford the solution-Determines whether client vision is compatible with HP mission Develops initial risk analysis(ROAM),Highlights of Initiation Phase,(Continued),拱怕署据触桩测急辊幽势花萨界纪寅类旭农湃彤赐蛙郁梦击询瘩沂湾泌杰hp公司项目管理资料hp公司项目管理资料,1 out of 10 projects progress from Initiation Phase to Planning and Proposal Phase 3 out of 4 projects in the Planning and Proposal Phase progress to the Selection Phase 4 out of 5 projects in the Selec


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