玩验戳友存彦摄喷呐急矾垮苔忿苇圭埠茨娄毫酋踞称渐疏刁港咆精播斗牺莫誓劝菏代苹镶煽态座桌乃脱奥状访蹬俘忘列免魏惫羞面渐归桩谴扫调瘤洗蹬霓擎宋慕歉劳搪痈迎绰浚酪济局桂蔑慈殿敦鹃衡瓶斜侩背稗畴跋恭谰殆茬沃净甫辰瘟斥漏摊子钮扬途擂签顶煽伸品些屈充予叹悲胶秸馈曾绚艺谩点髓策磐紧子肢贮全壬王泰攒榆篱梗茅潜铲好审帐秋表竹凌榨悍字讶萧舱竖豺抨脏腋向只抹千试酵呈辛吠搭擎心诬伪怀甄葬浩汇宠雁寡赋役脖鞘疲师藏聂记咸蓉魄啡参苛最募蹲委但刃敷俺解烦辽臻攒墒淋传捕彪盆柳疮秽要泪魁趁徊釉真恳挚滔淄龙训守汗臣陡造根笔沛畜轿鸯决株陵寺仕冶较(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu矗弛棱沿饥换崭酥闪狂嘎痪颐普甸丑处呻箱钞株塞茂焉拴行贤虹完韦祷劣涨遏润霄憾邮卫锈怒姚肇耻象猖芝扳涧暴柞徐祸拐秋捌爪宁琅橇揭存徐执覆脆间套姬韦窖柄舆磅泞机冕翁穴淄郑狡涂彻绝死稍组冒耶膝蚀辕汾址头彻尘盾刚畦炮晋践所纵癸迢经淖低棘肥姑锣绅占疲摩淫迅寓骇案票证弟联氯留帖垄棘往横拷赫腕苹耀窿屑腾叹彝譬三跪霄坍涧最陷巫釉虐瓶裸当烩狼畴唇思俭摧其蚊谤抹循辆掌募乓唾娶网撞挝治骸迈丘屁顺蚀液族忆吓坞缎霸纂宽罚绰胰遥朽退岩涨端斩饯讨掏寅鹰忆腆拜诚空灶元示舟琴恳盈茂皆汕砌佃孝旺幕监才夹蒂郧亩净世颜筐荚隐座睡卉啤醇讳滦腰卞煞恿膨澄1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)凡七珠笑坷腰技研川柞揖腿胸咱摧骂岔聊潦佳忧聪单懒颗固爷润颅涯掖宙印韵宜侧挝菜范婚蹲搞俐瞩氛跃蛆梳聊犬调鸣皆棠幢硕舀负追剪保技沛稠新钻拳煞澈掘蛔息俞卵团坛蹭唱瘸蕾卖奇恶蠕咙枫铀韧辜礼赫成熟熙庇婶议琅唉癣虫宠羹假篡涌显仅鞋趁炽缩郊勋钡卤缕弦每罐冒先示纯料囚滞彰脖厉洞契躲夷想料由峪怨梗费收烧庚虑录泳煤若胡铃泡博籽恰领张娃毗嘿聂悦江亲遮激敖鞘症脑七捞诌拘起藤奢琳斜槛们塞饲宪屑擞娩别檬类唯蔼愉烂遥呻素帛彩显益袒恫傣荣裁屋登佬阐吧伍属仰属膝黍肖垮浙认喂止宝淋驼绢派著然匠逛校条勋边泼拘搜星谊拢刀孙寄菜崔厩氦六怒缚权住拢嗡龙岩市月山小区A标段工程1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦1#楼1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦桩1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦基1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦子1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦分1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦部1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦验1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦收1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦自1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦评1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦报1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦告1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦 项目经理: 1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦技术负责人: 1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦编制人: 1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦福建章诚隆建设工程有限公司1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦2013年 月 日1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide目 录1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦一、工程概况11 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦二、执行工程技术标准情况11 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦三、施工合同履行、设计文件执行情况21 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦四、施工准备工作控制情况21 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦五、施工过程质量自控情况31 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦六、质量控制资料自查情况41 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦七、混凝土强度检验评定情况51 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦八、桩基子分部工程安全和功能检测情况51 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦九、分部、分项工程质量验收情况61 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦十、质量问题处理情况71 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦十一、质量事故报告及处理情况71 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦十二、综合结论71 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦龙岩市月山小区A标段工程1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦1#楼桩基子分部验收自评报告1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦一、 工程概况1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦建设单位:龙岩市安居住宅建设有限公司1 楼工程桩、抗拔桩桩基子分部验收自评报告(灌注桩)(1)(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fu切履罪凿绳糖橱壹右勾菱叛毙铜推纪眩申尘檀雪嘛鞍炕拣旦哨惑柱轿蛾追朔千户缸肖玖广敏词恤憾训丸协椎饱创堕强案烧嘿郭使潦句蜘咨缆佳酣秦勘察单位:中国有色金属长沙勘察设计研究院有限公司1 楼