Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7,Period 5,毕业典礼,菊赐贤烘椒捐冲萤胃隔亢弛仓拉墟辉肪腿币硝督贬贮恍翼寂绘仟卵赖箔肇第14单元第五课时课件,gentleman n.先生 graduation n.毕业 ceremony n.典礼;仪式 first of all 首先congratulate v.祝贺 thirsty adj.口渴的;渴望的 be thirsty for 渴望thankful adj.感谢;感激be thankful to sb.对某人心存感激,New words,枕情姿卜两泰谷瑟货箕栗菏娃忠底眩臼童啃拍唯拯蔽谣医寨淫钉怒崩囊打第14单元第五课时课件,lastly adv.最后task n.任务;工作ahead adv.向前面;在前面ahead of 在前面along with 连同,除之外还responsible adj.承担责任;有责任 心的be responsible for 对有责任;负责任 separate adj.单独的;分离的 v.分开;分离 set out 出发,启程,箩天饰岁旷沽旨栏霄薯赦渡烩裙鲁讯吱睦桅灸券消填彻屉炮医搁募狞由急第14单元第五课时课件,1.What kind of text is this?Is it a story,a speech or a notice?2.Who do you think wrote it?3.Who is it for?,Fast reading Read the passage and answer the questions,It is a speech.,The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it.,It is for the graduating students of the school.,病矿熄面呕赶缘吞攘胚识巨益淹牌帽奄遭链幂检匙充医痞居虞捻慑埃耿腑第14单元第五课时课件,1.What were the students like in Grade 7?2.How have the students changed?3.Who should the students thank and why?,Careful readingRead the passage again and answer the questions.,They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.,They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.,They should thank the important people in their lives-their parents,teachers and friends-because these are the people who have helped and supported them.,悉示迹鼻阴抉蛾飘右酝丙徊畅层匪拷蛆夕灿仔冰漱贿署厄典存愁瓮沟挚盖第14单元第五课时课件,4.What will senior high school be like?5.How should the students deal with the future?6.What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school?,Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them.,They should learn from their mistakes and never give up,choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions,and not forget where they came from.,磨捍孜沉拍莲换忧赖啪监格尹蛔魂沏坦梅刻肄想蜂箭磐穷湘霄达亚舰感茬第14单元第五课时课件,1.congratulate vt.祝贺 Congratulate sb.on sth.意为“为某事向某人表示祝贺”I congratulate you on winning the game.我祝贺你赢了比赛。congratulation 是congratulate 的名词形式。通常用复数,用于祝贺用语时,答语一般表示感谢的用语。-Congratulations on your success.-Thank you.2.ahead of 与 go aheadahead of:介词短语,指时间或空间的“在之前”go ahead:动词短语,表示同意或允许,意为.说吧,做吧.表示继续做某事,意为“继续吧.”1)He is always ahead of the age.他总是走在时代的前面。2)-May I start?-Yes,go ahead.好,开始吧。,Language points,袖浚限胞爵叛梦企令巴钻枕掇魁答粱褪宰切树酗旷矩矫彝桥米锡献赢海岩第14单元第五课时课件,3.along with 连同,除之外还1)除之外还 Tobacco is taxed in most countries,along with alcohol.除酒之外,烟草在多数国家都要征税.2)一起,连同 I sent the book along with the other things.我将书与其他东西一起寄了.4.be responsible for 对有责任,负责任1)Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?He should be responsible for that.他应该对此事负有责任。,鹿违泣圾订石沥琳迹弟亥习束稀捎赎醉莲薪萧忿骨遮盆稻逊哟呵泌枯泛慧第14单元第五课时课件,1.Remember the new words and phrases by heart.2.Read the text fluently(流利地).,Homework,硫敦抢汀狗临忻功郡揖巳娱扦傻辕眺举枝龙俄穷稗无谦靠寒例闸啄子桃厂第14单元第五课时课件,Goodbye!,乓旱勘壬姚万婪谤裂奄又哪塌偿仲触往锤滥坛填涣功孺喀床宋伏绑攀粗煤第14单元第五课时课件,