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    CONFIDENTIAL,Discussion document,December 2000,Nokia Case Study:Winning in the U.S.,枫愉旭锻掷橱腻尘腋牲假溅菇嘴藩骇链顿镀哩暑逆廊窿轨蛾壳曝匡醚铱获(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,FINGERPRINT NOKIA,Rationale,Focused on high growth categories(e.g.,mobile phones,digital),Anticipated shift to digital technology in the U.S.before competitors and directed resources to optimize opportunity;tailors products to target customers(e.g.,fashion covers for younger segment),Some difficulty to attracting top-tier local senior management due to glass ceiling(e.g.,all senior leadership in Finnish0;Finnish managers used to manage U.S.operations,Succeeds in attracting top engineers because of attractive products,Local managers have limited autonomy and accountability exists at the unit level,but head office retains final input,Difficulty translating“The Nokia Way”to U.S.(“The culture doesnt have the same richness or value as it does in Europe”),Devotes sufficient resources to local organization to win in market(e.g.,provided resources for U.S.to win in mobile phone segment),Outsources non-core technologies(e.g.,microprocessors from Intel,components form Motorola)and uses standard components to save on R leverages partnerships for more efficient R&D(e.g.,JV with Cisco,Geoworks,HP),N/A,Creates broad distribution reach through numerous,innovative relationships with retailers and distributors(e.g.,Sears,AT&T wireless services,Tandy),Develops and launches innovative marketing campaigns(e.g.,first to target consumers rather than professionals),Successfully allies and acquires to gain capabilities(e.g.,joint venture with Tandy for distribution,acquisition of Mobira to enter promising mobile phone area),HighLow,Encourages sharing of best practices but has not been very successful at doing so to date,懂领畅橱柑溃凳酵惑著袋凶呈脸兢履排妥叔殖踢楷皿占任林宦巢今梯婶票(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,NOKIA,Key facts Largest 1-3 year revenues growth of competitorsLargest mobile phone manufacturer and second largest provider worldwide(behind Ericsson),Products Mobile phonesGSM/DSC networks,CompetitorsEricssonMotorola,Timeline,1865,1990s,Developed into conglomerate(flooring,TV,footwear,etc.)until refocusing on high growth mobile phone segment in late 1980s and 1990s,Divests non-core businesses,1995,1999,Americas,ROW,EUR,Revenues$Billions,Stock appreciation(1998-99),Nokia,S&P,S&P cell and wireless index,CAGR%,Capabilities First to use mass marketers as distributors(e.g.,selling mobile phones in Radio Shack)Uses alliances for distribution channels(e.g.,AT&T Wireless Services,Sears)Adopts consumer rather than professional focus in marketing,unlike competitorsUses alliances in R&D to grow development capabilities(HP,Cisco,Geoworks),Organization Autonomy provided to senior leadership in local subsidiariesTop management is all Finnish;obstacle to hiring top U.S.talentStrong emphasis on corporate values and culture with“The Nokia Way”teamwork,innovation,production;difficult to implement in U.S.Excellent opportunities for advancement-fast career tracks,early responsibility,rotation programsHierarchy and bureaucracy reducedYoung,innovative,non-rigid leadership styleRated in Fortune top 100 firms to work for in the U.S.,ProductGrew mobile phone segment from 16%of total sales in 1991 to 66%in 1999Allied to gain product expertise(e.g.,Motorola to standardize technology,Cisco and HP to develop network products)Technology design innovator;first to market with many product innovations Tailored product to target key customers(e.g.,phones with fashionable,changeable covers to attract young segment),Background,Levers for success,19.8,6.2,Founded as paper mill,58%CAGR,Enters U.S.through Tandy JV,Grows mobile business in U.S.,1988,1983,Acquires Mobira,1981,Operates as a conglomerate,1960s,椅橙皂娶谬忱脆院锨音褂矣咯狠村羹贾翟乡默玖魏喊壹邯蚁晒捉稍绊汽娱(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,CONTENTS,Company overviewU.S.market entry strategyProductsCapabilitiesOrganization,禁杖展予企痛捏肇采蹈毫奢挺诚氯渺伐铆胆姻象硷点成魔诊嘶绳郊蓑放籍(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,NOKIA COMPANY BACKGROUND,Founded 1865,in Finland,as a pulp and paper millEntered U.S.in 1983,when cellular service was just launching in the U.S.Global employees 55,260;in U.S.10,500CEO:Jorma Ollila(Finnish)Most senior managers for U.S.:Kari-Peleka Wilska,President of Americas Rich Geruson,Head of USA Sales and Marketing for Nokia Mobile PhonesKey divisions:Mobile Phones,Nokia Networks,Communications ProductsMarket cap:$193.3 billion(as of October 27,2000)Key industry of focus:Mobile phones(65%of 1999 total sales)Number 1 mobile phone maker globallyNumber 2 GSM/DCS mobile phone networks provider globallyCompetitors:Motorola,Ericsson,蔬恐镐郡镁吴佰窃镐摈瞎烩肮亩每宜玄愧菲哪洼莆竿枕皿贬张磺距弃府虐(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,COMPANY EVOLUTION,Source:International Directory of Company Histories,1800sFounded 1865 in Finland as pulp and paper manufacturerConstructs own power plants as industry becomes energy intensive,1960sMerges with Finnish Rubber Works and Finnish Cable Works in 1966 as part of diversification planBegins to design and manufacture data processing,industrial automation,and communications systemsNokia conglomerate consists of integrated cable operations,electronics,tires,and rubber footwearMakes first public share offering in 1966,1970sOil crisis in 1973 reduces reliance on exports(timber products and machinery)to Soviet Union(12%of sales)Kari Kairamo,appointed CEO in 1975,realizes that for Nokia to grow it has to expand abroad;expands Nokia in Scandinavia and EuropeSells switching systems under license from allocated(French)Helps design worlds first international cellular system in the 1970s,1980sAcquires nearly 20 electronics companies over the decade and completes key mergersAcquires Mobira(Finnish mobile phone company)in 1981,to gain foothold in growing mobile phone segmentMerges Salora(largest TV manufacturer in Scandinavia)and Luxor(Swedish-state owned electronics and computer firm)in 1984Through the 80s,manufactures OEM equipment for Hitachi;Ericsson,Northern Telecom,Granada,IBM Enters U.S.,in 1983 through JV with Tandy Corporation to sell Nokia phones under Tandy nameLaunches first product(mobile phones)marketed internationally under Nokia brand name in 1986,Nokia has evolved substantially since its foundation,moving from a Finnish paper mill,to a diversified Finnish conglomerate to a global wireless leader.,1990sAggressively grows mobile phone business in the U.S.Buys Tandys share of JV in 1993 to fully own factories in U.S.and South KoreaSigns significant contracts to increase distribution channels(e.g.,AT&T Wireless Services),Conglomerate phase,Expands in Scandinavia and Europe,Acquires and allys into mobile phones and U.S.,Allys to strengthen U.S.position,硫屁淬倘淬滨彻瞪直霸焦批缚岔顶咆籍开呜骸危忱豺革苞拴蔷筒节议术功(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Time,Horizon 1Drive core growth,Horizon 2Build momentum of emerging growth engines,Horizon 3Secure future options,Profit,“We are now benefiting from the visionary technological solutions we made years ago;the long-term success of our company requires constant agility in positioning ourselves in this dynamic industry.”Jorma Ollila,CEO,“To identify what is required in the long term you need the competencies and the products;getting the right focus is the tough part.”Jorma Ollila,CEO,“The CEO has to understand the dynamics of each business the company is in;in order to understand where the future lies.”Jorma Ollila,CEO,Source:Annual reports;press clippings,LEADERSHIP COMMITMENT ACROSS THREE HORIZONS,When planning Nokias future development,CEO Jorma Ollila distinguishes clearly between three waves.The first wave emphasizes the continuous exploitation of Nokias core businesses.The second wave requires the identification of capabilities and products that will have impact on Nokias success in the immediate future.Finally,the third wave determines the companys future direction through setting aspirations and placing options.,躁逾陌旷序撤却跪搔串肯蔓啡竿有雀粕讥朴澡鲜烁辜迂是炬队乔谨抹主凹(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,PLANNING ACROSS THREE TIME HORIZONS,Profit,Horizon 1,Horizon 2,Horizon 3,Drive core growth,Build momentum of emerging growth engines,Secure future options,Products,Boost mobile phone sales through brand-building efforts Make product extensions such as“Swatch-like neon-colored mobile phones”,Expand product range through new features and complementary accessories,such as phone covers or different battery sizes,Create R&D alliances for product development in wireless data transmission and terminal technology,Increase sales of fixed and cellular network to public telecom operators,Win private telecom operators as new customers Launch first wireless products(e.g.,Nokia 9000 Communicator,a portable with phone,fax,email,Internet access all in one),Markets,Further penetrate Scandinavia,parts of Western Europe,Improve positioning in Asia/Pacific,US,other EU-countries through stronger distribution network,Prepare for full deregulation of telecom industry and entry into remaining markets,Time,Horizon 1Drive core growth,Horizon 2Build momentum of emerging growth engines,Horizon 3Secure future options,Source:McKinsey analysis,臆匆擎箕艳塞见比抿痴絮束耳央奄犀吁驳形精锰晓斌度怔靖毫柠直据韵刀(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,SENIOR MANAGEMENT,Source:Annual Report,Spent 6 months in the U.S.in 1999,Spends 50%of his time in Silicon Valley,伯皆吗戳琵亭嗡梳吱遣歇毯闯镰碧绩什国槛呛连畅酥揍超衰销尔哩篮傈绩(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,*As of January 2000Source:Epsicom Business Intelligence,NOKIA ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,Head office functionsCFOInternational Trade PolicyTechnologyResearch CenterGeneral CounselHuman ResourcesCommuni-cationsInternational Trade Affairs,Nokia Networks,Nokia Mobile Phones,Nokia Communications Products,Nokia Multimedia Terminals,Nokia Industrial Electronics,Nokia Ventures,Nokia Research Center,Nokia Internet Communications,Nokia Ventures Fund,Internal Venturing Unit,Nokia Wireless Business Communications,Nokia Wireless Software Solutions,Nokia IP Application and Connectivity Platform,两遥钢绢皋懂添脑尖哇罕氖獭裳颜顿雌滨洒洒亩录腐陶贰裳丽雍仙汲责洲(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,World telecom equipment index,S&P 500,Nokia,NOKIA STOCK PRICE COMPARISON,$Thousands,Source:Data stream,Value,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,Nokia clearly outperforms the market and its competition.,岿巴侩漫品屡表模宗酌密傣老酗傀推瓢脸粟变腮核懈盅限右厉设蝎蝉棕戎(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Asia-Pacific,Europe,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,NOKIA SALES BY REGION,Euro Millions,Nokias sales in North America have grown dramatically in the late 90s with a CAGR of 58 percent,while European contribution to sales has diminished steadily shrinking.,North America,6,191,6,613,8,849,13,326,19,772,CAGRPercent,34,37,26,58,Source:Annual reports,100%=,匪曲樱事浴暇烦恿吹系臼座来委涛抉希囤还筑豢敦湃碍桃噬矗随伦胚盒墒(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,ROW,Finland(676),1991 100%=EURO 2,600,ROW,1999 100%=EURO 19,772,Finland(395),Nokias sales in Finland have fallen dramatically as a percentage of total sales.,Source:Annual reports,Euro Millions,NOKIAS FINLAND SALES COMPARED TO REST OF WORLD,树寞被柴红栅浩隆奋链痒舞饺碘袒完隋遮玉呈码督侈娄从论采儒惰雄得谍(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,NOKIAS INDUSTRY FOCUS AND PRODUCT MIX,Euro Millions,Source:Annual reports,Sales by product,Consumer electronics,Cables and machinery,Mobile products,Telecommuni-cations,1991 100%=EURO 2,600,Basic industries,Network solutions,Mobile products,1999 100%=EURO 19,772,Home,multimedia,and other,Nokias productsMobile products full range of digital and analog cellular phones,wide-area pagers,as well as accessories and components for mobile phonesNetwork solutions telecommunication systems and equipment for both fixed and mobile networks;principal products include digital exchanges,transmission systems,and cellular systems,which are sold to PTT,public utilities,new operators,and cable TV companiesHome,multimedia and other includes PC and workstation monitors,as well as interactive digital satellite and cable terminals,In 1998,Nokia became the worlds largest manufacturer of mobile phones,selling 40.8 million handsets,and grew sales grew 51 percent from 1998 to 1999.,“Three years ago wedecided to create a telecom-orientedcompany.We have been able toimplement the changes faster thanwe expected.”Jorma Ollila,Financial Times,09/07/1995,魔序拷矫裙握距朝偶叉闯综泥孔女威解甄俩滴家辕旦刊宾锯岂戮嘲姐澡型(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,SUBSIDIARY LOCATIONS AND RESEARCH CENTERS,(6),Nokia covers an expansive geography.,烯坝琶茫藻鹏献憾果劲忆晶穷苑外破慢帽悼析蕊泅酞钮浑秦求驭旺咒练淮(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,CONTENTS,Company overviewU.S.market entry strategyProductsCapabilitiesOrganization,抨高屠淌抵磷伙纳欢跑韦劳观驶褪圃淌让忆泪各拧吏备述棱副讼炬莲噬算(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,STORYLINE,At the beginning of the 1980s Nokia was still a diversified company,relying predominantly on Europe(particularly Scandinavia)to drive salesHowever,the company realized that significant growth would be dependent on building a major presence in the U.S.market,in high return segmentsTo do so they acquired Mobira(Finland)in 1981 to gain a foothold in the rapidly emerging mobile phone sector.They rapidly grew this opportunity in the U.S.through a series of OEM relationships(GTE,Delco,Southwestern Bell,Bell Atlantic)and a joint venture with Tandy Corporation in 1983Nokia launched their own brand mobile phone in 1986 and pursued aggressive branding and alliance strategies(e.g.,Rooftop Communications,Compaq,AT&T Wireless Services)to solidify their presence,键她癌氮苏抵阐它票簿原对怀吧桌各极贸篇妈周羔氖足执跋极颈携遂层纯(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Nokia was the first player to use mass market distribution channels for telecommunications equipment.,Source:International Directory for Company Histories,Annual Reports,press clippings,TIMELINE OF KEY EVENTS IN NOKIAS U.S.BUSINESS,盘湃缚碱站眶换卸回辽煌悟管渗擂扒方哄潮泽诲快豆惩药腕馆哀踢分誓阑(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,CONTENTS,Company overviewU.S.market entry strategyProductsCapabilitiesOrganization,荚毅讳讹拳蕉睛放孽登尼乐阁佳柔蚁绦晌藻掀岔佩雹癌骨族勿疼导萌枯锅(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Nokia made big bets as to which technologies would emerge,redirecting resources and company focus to emphasize these categories.,PRODUCT STRATEGY,“The choice of focus is extremely important.We constantly strive to make sure we are focused on targeted markets in which the growth rate is much higher than that of the total market,Nokias aim is to grow somewhat faster than the targeted markets do.”Matti Alahuta,President,Mobile Phones,吼篷泪藐寸姐多糯曳捍拴婉希节孤吧琴鲁冒嗽粘伞摹绿位瓢竣贡赤才津盆(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Nokias acquisitions in the U.S.were primarily to broaden its product capabilities.,PRODUCT ACQUISITIONS,Source:Securities Data Corporation and press clippings,亡凑噶题其幌伶娟企饮橡仓净稠唇甫鼠贺吁谷乞绒玩吐己刑白瞩以幅忽歉(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,CONTENTS,Company overviewU.S.market entry strategyProductsCapabilitiesOrganization,棒绎腑普旭榴萌擦乔蕊膀揭同碍痪伴癸仔按币掘勇宛傍拴墓旭水评敞瓷恍(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,Alliances/partnerships providea large portion of Nokia capabilities,Nokia has developed a strong capability platform in the U.S.;primarily driven by alliances and partnerships.,CAPABILITY PLATFORM,炔拱喉爵洋萝叉裔诅母尘唱诬沛标霖颤僧终遂副割至寺涛敛鲍尉钞寇痕姚(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告(简体)NOKIA制胜美国市场报告,BRAND DEVELOPMENT,Starting in 1994,Nokia increased corporate brand awareness through


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