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    Unit 9,Unit 9 What does he look like?,Section A 11a-2d,height,straight,curly,build n.,Main words,tall,heavy,thin,1a Match the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.,short hair _curly hair _long hair _straight hair _tall _short _medium height _thin _heavy _ medium build _,g,a,f,a,f,b,h,g,h,a,e,h,g,h,What does your brother look like?,Hes short.He has short hair and big eyes.,What does your sister look like?,Shes really tall.She has long straight hair.,Presentation,A:Is that your friend?B:No,it isnt.A:What does he look like?Is he tall or short?B:Well,hes really _.And he has _.,1b.Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures in 1a.Can you find Amys friend?,Listening,tall,curly hair,Well,I think h is Amys friend.,比眼力!,Hes tall.He has curly hair.,What does he look like?,Shes short.She has long straight hair.,What does she look like?,Shes of medium height.She has short curly hair.,What does she look like?,Hes tall and heavy.He has short curly hair.,What does he look like?,Hes thin.He has short straight hair.,What does he look like?,Shes of medium build.She has long hair.,What does she look like?,1c.One of the people in the picture is your friend.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him or her.,Pairwork,Hes of medium height.He has curly hair.,What does your friend look like?,Is it e?,Yes.Youre right.,Hes short.He has short straight hair.,What does your friend look like?,Is it f?,Yes.Youre right.,Shes tall and heavy.She has long straight hair.,What does your friend look like?,Is it a?,Yes.Youre right.,Is David tall or short?_Does Sally have long or short hair?_3.Is peter tall or short?_,He is tall.,She has long hair.,He is short.,2a.Listen and answer the questions.,Listening,curly hair,short hair,short,of medium build,of medium height,thin,long straight hair,2b.Listen again.Fill in the chart.,Listening,Hes heavy and he has curly hair.,What does David look like?,Pairwork,2c.Student A looks at the chart in 2b.Student B asks student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.,Shes thin and of medium height.,Is Sally thin or heavy?,Does she has long hair?,Yes.She has long straight hair.,Hes short and of medium build.,Is Peter tall or short?,Does he has long hair?,No,he doesnt.He has short hair.,cinema,glass,glasses,Main words,Where are Mike and Tony going tonight?_ 2.Where are they going to meet?_ _,2d.Read the conversation and answer the questions.,Theyre going to the movie.,Reading,Theyre going to meet in front of the cinema.,3.Who will Tony meet first at the cinema?_4.What does David look like?_ _,David.,He is of medium height,and has brown hair and wears glasses.,Mike:Hi,Tony.Are you going to the movie tonight?Tony:Yes.Were meeting at seven,right?Mike:Yeah,but I may be a little late.My friend David is going,too.Just meet him in front of the cinema first.,2d.Role-play the conversation.,Role-play,Tony:Oh,but I dont know him.What does he look like?Mike:Well,he has brown hair and wears glasses.Tony:OK.Is he tall or short?Mike:He isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height.Tony:OK,sure.See you later then.,1.curly 作形容词,意为“卷曲的;卷毛的”。其反义词为straight,意为“直的”。例如:Does she have curly hair or straight hair?她的头发是卷发还是直发?,Language points,【回顾】straight 作副词,意为“直地;笔直地”,例如:Go straight along and then turn left.2.height 作名词意为“高度”,例如:Whats the height of the tree?,【拓展】high adj.意为“高的”,通常用来修饰高大的建筑物。例如:Mr.Smith works in that high building.3.thin adj.意为“瘦的”,其反义 词可以是 heavy;也可以是 fat(有点褒义)。例如:,My cousin is a little thin.Mikes grandpa is very heavy.4.a little 意为“有点儿”,用来修饰形容词。例如:Its a little cold tonight.,【拓展】a little 意为“一些;少许”后 跟不可数名词。例如:Theres a little meat in the bowl.碗里有点肉。5.glass 作“玻璃”讲时,是不可数名词;作“玻璃杯”讲时为可数名词;而glasses则是“眼镜”之意。例如:,Glass is broken easily.玻璃很易碎。Theres no water in your glasses.你的杯子里没有水了。Does she wear glasses?她戴眼镜吗?,1.What does your aunt _ _?She has long _ hair.And she is _ _ height.Shes a little _.,look like,of medium,curly,小试身手,看图补全对话。,heavy,2.What does your math teacher _ _?He has _ straight _.Hes _ and of _ build.Does he wear _?Yes,he does.,look like,short hair,short,medium,glasses,总结所学过的描述人物长相的词汇,用英语写出来。编写三个小对话来描述一下你的家庭成员(爷爷/奶奶;爸爸/妈妈;哥哥/妹妹)。,Homework,Thank you!,


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