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    由北京锐得PPT论坛整理发布http:/,Unit 4 Grammar,The Past Participle used as Adverbial,过去分词作状语复习,If we had been given more time,we could have done it much better._more time,we could have done it much better.,Given,试卷没做完啊!杯具啊!,Adverbial Clause(状语从句),the Past Participle used as adverbials(过去分词作状语),When it is seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful._from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful.,Seen,Adverbial Clause(状语从句),the Past Participle used as adverbials(过去分词作状语),Because he isencouraged by the progress he has made,he studies harder._ by the progress he has made,he studies harder.,Encouraged,Adverbial Clause(状语从句),the Past Participle used as adverbials(过去分词作状语),Although he has been bitten by the dog,the boy is not afraidof it._ by the dog,the boy is not afraid of it.,Bitten,俺不怕!俺坚强!,Adverbial Clause(状语从句),the Past Participle used as adverbials(过去分词作状语),bite-bit-bitten,The little girl is walking along a muddy track,and is followed by three cute dinosaurs.The little girl is walking along a muddy track,_ by three cute dinosaurs.,followed,the Past Participle used as adverbials(过去分词作状语),(When)seen from the top of the hill,the park looks more beautiful.2)(If)given more time,we could have done it much better.3)Encouraged by the progress he has made,he studies harder.4)Bitten by the dog,the boy is not afraid of it.5)The little girl is walking along a muddy track,followed by three cute dinosaurs.,时间状语,条件状语,原因状语,让步状语,伴随状语,Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.,1.Badly beaten by his stepfather,we sent the poor boy to hospital.,2.Taught by two experienced experts,great progress was made by Betty.,3.Punishing by his boss,he was in a very bad mood.,4.Be warned of the possible snowstorm,they determined to stay at home for the holiday.,1.Badly beaten by his stepfather,we sent the poor boy to hospital.,主语不一致,the poor boy was sent to hospital(by us).,2.Taught by two experienced experts,great progress was made by Betty.,主语不一致,Betty made great progress.,3.Punishing by his boss,he was in a very bad mood.,状语形式不正确,Punished,4.Be warned of the possible snowstorm,they determined to stay at home for the holiday.,状语形式不正确,Warned of,_red,the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint)油漆成了红色,这栋建筑物跟其他的相比显得很突出,而且很吸引人。,Painted/Having been painted,Popularly _ American films ever made,the Godfather is a milestone of cinema.(regard)教父被普遍认为是美国有史以来最好的电影之一,是电影界的一个里程碑。,regarded as one of the best,Once _,a word becomes a promise.(speak)一言既出,驷马难追。,spoken,speak-spoke-spoken,Once _,water cannot be taken back again.(pour)覆水难收,poured,_ by the beautiful scenery,I forgot to go back home in time.(impress)流连忘返,Impressed,_ in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.(found)创建于1636年,哈佛大学是美国最著名的大学之一。,Harvard University,Founded,The super star stood there,_ by a large number of fans.(surround)这位超级巨星站在那,被大量粉丝围绕着。,surrounded,_ by the snake in the bush,the poor man was sent to hospital.(bite)被灌木丛里的蛇咬了,这个可怜的男人被送去医院。,Bitten,_ from the moon,the earth with water covering twenty percent of its surface,appears to be a blue ball.(see)从月球看,地球有20%被水覆盖,看起来像一个蓝色的球。,Seen,Although _by their enemies,those brave soldiers continued to fight.(defeat)虽然被他们的敌人打败了,那些勇敢的士兵们继续战斗。,defeated,Lets watch a video about hunting treasure!,_,our team started searching for the treasure.(equip)配备了所有需要的一切,我们团队开始寻找宝藏.,Equipped with everything needed,_,our leader observed the hole carefully.(surround)我们的队长仔细的观察着这个洞,其他队员围绕着他。,Surrounded by the rest of the team,_,the old couple in our team attempted to persuade our leader not to put his hand into the hole.(worry)因为担心队长的安全,我们团队的一对老年夫妇试图劝说我们队长不要把手伸进洞里去.,Worried about his safety,_,our leader decided to have a try and he put his hand into the hole.(determine)因为下定决心要找到宝藏,队长还是决定尝试一下,他把手伸了进去。,Determined to find the treasure,All our efforts paid off.At last,we succeeded in getting into the cave,_.(follow)我们的努力得到了回报。终于,我们都成功进入洞穴里面,队长在最后。,followed by our leader,lets retell the short story together!,1._,our team started searching for the treasure.(equip)2._,our leader observed the hole carefully.(surround)3._,the old couple in our team attempted to persuade our leader not to put his hand into the hole.(worry)4._,our leader decided to have a try and he put his hand into the hole.(determine)5.All our efforts paid off.At last,we succeeded in getting into the cave,_.(follow),Equipped with everything needed,Surrounded by the rest of the team,Worried about his safety,Determined to find the treasure,followed by our leader,高考链接,_ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.(lose)因为陷入沉思,他差点撞上前面的车.,Lost,2.If _ the same treatment again,hes sure to get well.(give)如果再次同样治疗的话,他一定会康复的.,given,3._ the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.(compare)跟整个地球大小相比的话,最大的海洋一点也不大.,Compared with/to,4._a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.(dress)穿着白色的制服,他看起来更像厨师而不像医生.,Dressed in,5.Unless _ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.(invite)除非被邀请讲话,否则你应该在研讨会上保持沉默.,invited,6.When _,the museum will be open to the public next year.(complete)完工之后,这个博物馆明年将向公众开放.,completed,7.The research is so designed thatonce _ nothing can be done to change it.(begin)这个研究的设计是一旦开始就没有什么能改变它了.,begun,begin-began-begun,9._ some officials,Napoleon inspected his army.(follow)有许多官员跟着,拿破仑视察了他的军队.,Followed by,10._ more attention,the tree could have grown better.(give)给予更多关注的话,这棵树本会长得更好.,Given,


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