,Period 6,I only eat food that tastes good.,What kind of food do you prefer?,I prefer food that can help stay healthy.that is good for my health.that is well cooked/fried.that is sour/sweet/bitter/hot/salty.that looks/smells/tastes good.that is delicious.,There are different types of food.,I cant stand food that is dirty/awful/not fresh that is too sweet/that smells smelly that can make me heavy,biscuits,drymake us feelthirsty,sweet,sugar,stay away from sugar,nuts,What do you think of them/it?,fast food,burnt barbecue meat,food that is cooked in oil,be bad for health cause cancer/dangerousmake more people get cancer=increase the risk of cancer,Are you in agreement with what he says?,Actually,some food that tastes really good is bad for our health.,Its important to eat a balanced diet.,LINDAS DIETShe prefers:to drink waterto eat brown bread and riceto eat fruit and fish,JACKS DIETHe prefers:to drink coffeeto eat white bread and riceto eat sweet desserts,Look at the diets of two people.Discuss which diet is healthier and why.,Reading,How many people are talking in the passage?What are they talking about?,There are three.They are Peter,Tony and Laura.,They are talking about the diets.,Fill in the form according to the passage.,Peter,Tony,Laura,food that tastes good;meat thats well cooked,food that he likes,food that is healthy;nuts,too much food that is fried;sugar,food that is cooked in oil;burnt food;meat,Are the following statements true or false?,1.Peter prefers too much fried food.2.Tony doesnt eat sugar.3.Some types of oil are bad for us.4.Laura eats meat.5.Burnt barbecued meat might cause cancer.,F,T,T,F,T,PeterLauraTONY,This person spoke last.,2.This person says tasty food is bad for you.,3.This person eats a balanced diet.,4.This person is a strict vegetarian.,5.This person doesnt mind eating burnt food.,6.This person is shocked by what others eat.,to be honesttaste goodbe friedstay away frombe in agreementactuallyincreaserisktype,be cooked in oildont eatagreeto tell the truthput something in the mouth and its deliciouskinddangerin factmakelarger,Match them with the right meaning,Really!,er,isnt it?,dont,Never!,Yes,it is!Oh!,well,hm,um,Dont you?is it?,shouldnt they?,Heres,Id,its,isnt,thats,Ive,shouldnt,Write down each type of food or drink from the reading in the correct column.,water,fruit,vegetable,nuts,some meat or fish,well cooked food,cola,fried food,French fries,sugar,sweet dessert,burnt barbecued meat,biscuits,hamburgers,oil,Do a class survey to find out of diets.Check()each persons answer under the YES or NO column.Discuss the results of the survey.,Further discussion,Whose opinions do you support?Why?,Write a report of what was said in the discussion by Laura,Peter and Tony.Use words like“agree”and“disagree”.,e.g.Peter wants to stay healthy but he thinks food that tastes good is bad for you.Tony agrees,Main phrases:1.更喜欢做某事2.保持健康3.相聚在一起4.老实说5.尝起来好吃6.对有好处/害处7.与保持距离8.意见一致9.增加的危险性10.即使,纵然,prefer to do/doing sth.,keep healthy,get together,to be honest,taste good,be good/bad for,stay away from,be in agreement,increase the risk of,even if/though,