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    Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?,Questions,Pairwork,Task 1,Task 2,Homework,Words,Exercise,Exit,情态动词can的用法 can表示“可以、能”,后面接动词原形,其否定句和疑问句的变化跟含be 动词的句子一样,不同的是情态动词不受人称变化的影响。例如:I can play the guitar.The old man can sing Beijing Opera.肯定句:He/She can play basketball.疑问句:Can he/she play basketball?否定句:He/She can not play basketball.,Sb+can+v原.Sb+cant+v原.Can+sb+v原+其它?回答疑问词+Can+sb+v原+其它?,Yes,sb can.(肯定),No,sb cant.,I can speak English.,Can you speak English/Chinese?,Yes,I can,No,I cant.,dance,swim,sing,They can dance.,He can swim.,She can sing.,Can they dance?,Yes,they can.,No,they cant,Can he swim?,Yes,he can.,No,he cant.,Can she sing?,Yes,she can.,No,she cant.,draw,画画,guitar吉他,a guitar,play the guitar,chess,play chess,球类:play football play baseballplay 棋类:play chess the 乐器:play the guitar play the piano,Explanation,精讲 1、play的用法:play和球类,棋类搭配时,中间不用任何冠词(a,an,the)。但它和乐器类搭配时,要用冠词the。如:play football play chess play the guitar play the piano,Phrases:,play,the piano the trumpet the drums the guitar the violin,弹钢琴,吹喇叭,打鼓,弹吉他拉小提琴,play,football basketball volleyball chess cards,踢足球,打篮球,打排球,下棋,打牌,Unit 1,section A,Can you play the guitar?,What can these people do?Match the words and the people.sing _2.swim _3.dance _4.draw _5.play chess _6.speak English _7.play the guitar _,1a,e,g,d,b,c,a,f,I can swim.,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3,A:Can you swim?B:No,I cant.,A:I want to join the art club.B:Can you draw?A:Yes,I can.,A:I want to join the music club.B:Oh,can you sing?A:Yes,I can.,1,2,3,参加;加入,join,join the _ club,俱乐部名称的写法,the swimming club 游泳俱乐部 the dancing club 舞蹈俱乐部 the music club 音乐俱乐部 join the art club 美术俱乐部加入 the English club 英语俱乐部 the chess club 象棋俱乐部 the sports club 体育俱乐部,B:I want to join the English club.,A:Can you speak English?,B:Yes,I can.What can you do?,A:What club do you want to join?,1、Lisa wants to join the chess club,but she cant play chess.2、Bob wants to join the English club.He likes to speak English.3、Mary likes music.She can sing and dance.Bob likes music,too.They want to join the music club.,2b,Complete the conversation with the words in the box.Then listen to the first conversation again and check your answers.,练习题,俱乐部名称的写法,the swimming club 游泳俱乐部 the dancing club 舞蹈俱乐部 the music club 音乐俱乐部 the art club 美术俱乐部 the English club 英语俱乐部 the chess club 象棋俱乐部 the sports club 体育俱乐部,根据汉语完成句子,1.I can(下国际象棋).2.She cant(跳舞).3.Can Bob(弹吉他)?4.They can(说英语)5.I want(参加音乐俱乐部).6.Tom wants to(参加游泳俱乐部).,play chess,dance,play the guitar,speak English,to join the music club,join the swimming club,Check in class(当堂练习),()1.Can you play drums?A.a B.an C.the D./,解析:drums属于乐器,所以前面用冠词the。答案为C。,()2.Can she basketball?A.plays B.play C.playing D.play the,解析:can在使用时无人称变化,所以应该用play的原形,又因为basketball属于体育项目,所以前面不用定冠词the。答案为B,C,B,()3.She can play _ basketball.A.a B.an C./D.the,()4.My mother can play _ piano.A.a B.an C.the D./,()5.Jack _ play the violin and he plays the guitar.A.can B.cant C.not D.dont,()6.can you _ chss?A.join B.have C.play D.do,()7.Tom can _ the violin.A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play,c,C,A,c,A,Can you fill in the blanks?1._ you swim?Yes,I can.2.Can your father play the guitar?No,he _.3.What club _ you want to join?4.Can Lucy and Alice dance?Yes,_ can.5.We want _ join the English club.,jump,Can,cant,do,they,to,*-Can you swim?No,I _.A.do B.canC.dont D.cant,D,选择填空,*-_ can you do?I can play volleyball./B.What doC.What D.What club,C,选择填空,*-What club do you want _?-I dont know.A.play B.to playC.join D.to join,D,选择填空,*Can you play_?A.guitarB.the guitar,B,选择填空,I want to _ the basketball club.I can play basketball.,join,据意填词,He joins the art club.He can _.,draw,据意填词,Li Fang can _(speak)English.,speak,用所给词的适当形式填空,-Can you _(swim)?-Yes,I can.,swim,用所给词的适当形式填空,你会打篮球吗?是的,我会。,Can you play basketball?Yes,I can.,译句子,你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加音乐俱乐部。,What club do you want to join?,译句子,I want to join the music club.,-What club do you want to _?-I want to join the _(swim)club.-What can you do?-I can _.,join,swimming,swim,补全对话,-I want to join the music _.-Can you sing?-No,I _.But I can _.,club,cant,dance,补全对话,-I want to join the _ club.-Oh,can you paint?-Yes,I _.,art,can,补全对话,1.Copy the new words and remember.2.Make a report:I want to join the _ club.I can _.3.Do workbook 1.,H o m e w o r k,Groupwork,I can play basketball,I want to join the basketball club.Jim can,he wants to join,Report:,Goodbye,everyone!,Teaching aims:,1).New words:,2),Listening practice.,3),Language goal:Talk about abilitiesA:Can you swim?B:Yes,I can./No,I cant.,1.dance 2.swim 3.sing 4.play chess5.paint 6.speak English 7.play the guitar,


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