A time of reunion,A time of reunion,Chapter4 More reading,Related words of Thanksgiving,turkey,Related words of Thanksgiving,pumpkin pie,Related words of Thanksgiving,stuffing,Related words of Thanksgiving,gravy,Related words of Thanksgiving,cranberry,cranberry sauce,Related words of Thanksgiving,mashed potatoes,Related words of Thanksgiving,overflow,touch football,Related words of Thanksgiving,parade,Related words of Thanksgiving,Related words of Thanksgiving,mad scramble,Text understanding,Thanksgiving:A time of reunion,Listen to the first Para.,1.When did this holiday start?2.What happened in 1620?3.Who helped the Pilgrims to farm and hunt for food?4.How did the Pilgrims celebrate their harvest?,It started 400 years ago.,Some Pilgrims left England and arrived at Plymouth,Friendly American Indians.,They set aside a day of thanks and had a big dinner with their Indian friends.,Say something about the origin of Thanksgiving,Pilgrims,arrive,leave,teach,celebrate,harvest,urkey,umpkin pie,ranberry sauce,tuffing,ravy,ashed potatoes,Scan the second Para.and fill in the table,There is a mad scramble at airports and highways,The roads are empty,All the shops and restaurants are closed,play touch football,watch a Thanksgiving parade on TV,sit around and catch up with each other,Summary of the passage,I._II._III._,The origin of Thanksgiving Day,How to celebrate Thanksgiving,The true meaning of Thanksgiving,Expressions on how to offer thanks,thank sb.for doing sthgive thanks to sb.for doing sthbe thankful to sb.for doing sthbe grateful to sb.for doing sthbe obliged to sb.for doing sthappreciate ones doing sthowe thanks to sb.for doing sth,Assignment:,1.Look up the following words:settle;survive;set aside;reunite2.Write a short paragraph about Thanksgiving The following points should be taken into consideration in your paragraph:A.The origin of ThanksgivingB.How to celebrate ThanksgivingC.The true meaning of Thanksgiving,Thank you,At one time,these two pictures touched the whole nation.Young as these children are,they understand the meaning of thanks.As long as everyone has a thanking heart,the world will be filled with love.No matter what difficulty we meet with,we can be united tightly together and beat it off.Our world will becoming more and more beautiful and more and more harmonious.Do you think so?Ok,Conclusion:Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks,of family gatherings and holiday meals.A time of turkeys,stuffing,and pumpkin pie.A time for holiday parades and giant balloons.On this day people express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love&support.Feasting with family is an integral&most delightful part of Thanksgiving Day celebrations.No matter how people celebrate their festivals,the festivals all present peoples best wishes for future.,感谢上天,让我拥有正常人的一切。感谢父母,给了我生命,给了我血浓于水的手足,给了我虽艰苦但快乐的童年,在艰难的条件下还一直给我求学的机会.感谢哥姊,帮助引导我健康成长,在我求学路上对我的关心和支持,让我能顺利完成学业.感谢老师,教会我知识和做人,使我有能实现自我价值的能力,教会我为人处事的道理.感谢朋友,成长中带给我许多泪水和欢笑,求学中给我许多自信和磨炼,生活中给我许多帮助,和提供给我施予帮助的机会,让我的生命更有意义.你们是我生活的一部分.感谢生活,让我在自己的人生道路上,始终能含笑面对风雨,坦然应对挫折,笑看风云,体验美好的人生。让我们怀着一颗感恩的心去生活!,