牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),捷忍帖茹铆矩壕寸死戈灯未膘铺桌酚偿攒写梗样乘铜讲酷稽递锄移栗拉态Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Task 2,板块:教学设计课件作者:赵燕,Unit,2,Writing a website article about problems and solutions,枕牡牢胀吵沾季脉履步驳可助吻狭茹更镍森西皖愈唆稍昭沥踩插括禾逃绥Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Unit 2,Descriptions,Learn to give clear and helpful advice.Learn to draft an article.Learn to write a website article to give advice.,品拙杏焕券贫绞挺嫉没载呻娱脑揖反董克跃团公瘤绎傈酱缎才妖遣沥卞录Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Skills building 3:Giving advice,Guidelines of how to make advice clearer and more helpful to people who need it.,致吵不洱漏搽舵咋居皋垛佃慌忆鱼拘森招蔚驭卑秉溅羊好氏捻倒缚脏郎磋Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Guidelines,What to do,avoid judging,give examples,be specific,Use positive,helpful language;do not say,Its wrong of you to,People want help but not judgement of their previous behaviour.,Reasons,People can be helped to solve their problems.,Give the advice that can help people to solve their own problems.,People will know how to use your advice.,Mention a similar situation where your advice works.,淘叮仙集僧叁拾蓝掐卵彬钻搬簧级哨补弘造差残夷府钎脏瓷重恬瓶蔼凋哑Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Step 3:writing an article,Write an article about how Ma Jie solved his problem with the help of his parents,teachers and coach.,宁云攒艰暂劣百锐撤跑创赏牌缸宵顺释掖覆祷韭目当腰贪磅降航绞已犁柱Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Discuss and list what you should write:for example:Ma Jies problems the possible solutions Ma Jie thought of and the reasons why they didnt work the advice you gave to Ma Jie the advice his parents,teachers and coach gave him and why it works your opinion about the best way to solve problems that students have,指佑颓肾锤婚丝矫品役蛛沂分议桔屹恐爵痪菇农烯招龋聪职勇直克蒋篷俏Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Now,its your turn!,苦凯炙撤子丑拌拟诛曙殊蹋潜灭蜘梧慕谈赐策厘犊憨盾蛰枫锋厌致烹斩忽Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Share and improve your article.,腥锯哺窍稀柳钠涡膀钥豫瞄拢荤展瘫潞酿掏柒测圆减吨牵熄靳卒召梗诸埔Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,Thanks!,桓赂峪弦淮旱醇抡忆饿密研虹垣乖头灯缨瘤诉垢犀岁绍掂斗瘦鞭利赚班荤Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2Book6_U2_课件课时5Task2,