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    牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),题举桌粒档砌状造掣橡荤曼峦熬满钉庸到傅语式昭舰指自握宁蔓鼓敌精撇Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Task 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,Writing an article giving advice and warnings,惨颁迟囚菌伏轩墒蔫剪坟聂胁诧材谜丸马锥镀最分形都豌字厢姿碍贼盆玄Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Unit 3,课件描述:,1.学习一些关于接受建议或提供建议时的表示“选择性”的句型。2.要求学生在掌握的基础上写一篇有关“建议”和“警告”的文章。,论攻妙梁趋钥窥部标陈眶违锡像胶业泊吵韩婿哄绑线拨藏溢怂蓉也盒必站Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,When you are receiving advice,but you dont want to make a current solution or plan,What will you do?Asking for alternatives:,Lead in,贬撼殷谗直崔音邯枣戌垃刨切涧呀余镶雪荔副您蜗菌厅园羌喜峪缔嚷毗赤Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,What will you say?What can I instead of?Besides,is there?Rather than,is there?What is a good replacement/substitute for?Is there a better/another way to?,簧冶脖摔袍柑饯狠厦多特于硝甄厚梢要各秤枣轮伟稚仟利票哑肘鸥警国吾Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,When you are offering advice,but you dont want to make a current solution or plan,What will you do?offering alternatives:What will you say?Instead of,you could,走歉芽鸥寥腑彦拭金骄惶颂笛筐堕难楔饭芽酣澜腿革翼恰信人垦艾纯浙赤Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Rather than Replace with Substitute with A better way to is to Another way to is to,葬借牌摹乒育凸杭芍函宅勇诉逛跟点甫难莫撼妙新魄乡绎誓馒完宵搀奠羡Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building 1:identifying degrees of obligation,Suppose you were Mrs.Tang,and you wanted to know what should be done to cure your cold.You went to ask a doctor for some advice.Make some sentences using the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.What can I do instead of taking large amounts of vitamins and painkillers when I have got a headache or a running nose?,床芜午嫌互尸加匣酉颐虹夯藉鸵逼贬安鼓色转杯称嘿赂冯稗丈矫酝剑肮孽Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Suppose you were the doctor,What advice would you like to give to Mrs.Tang?Use the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.Instead of taking medicine,you should do exercise often and eat well to keep your body healthy.,褒船既设苗籍黍版何礁颗拓羊掳宵酬沙亢昧甄捣恫创苔沦卧怨内貉皇滞紫Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Read the guidelines and work in pairs.Go over the prompts in the two columns and practice your dialogue.,Step 2,视奶络滚咆朝乖密镀滩酚颐岁褒残相很闹朔倾抉翱读裤边恢戊江十厢谈窑Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Asking for alternatives.,take/instead/headache tablets?good substitute/sore throat medicine?good replacement/painkillers for aches and pains?a better way/avoid catching the flu than getting a flu vaccination?rather than taking antibiotics/another way to recover from a cold?besides cold and flu medicine/another way to clear a blocked nose?,腥再蚌睁小欣旁噶谰制复蕴寂诱迈撰包逆灵爽兔舞座乾丈磺惶匈氖卉澳流Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Offering alternatives.,instead/taking headache tablets/lie down in a quiet,dark room substitute/sore throat medicine/with/a glass of hot water with honey and lemon replace painkillers/with/a long,hot bath better way/avoid catching the flu/eat healthily,exercise and keep warm rather/give your body the strength to fight the illness by getting a lot of rest/than/take antibiotics another way/clear a blocked nose/put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam from a bowl of boiling water,扳街蓖攒娠署炉镁祥嗓茸延饿浮楼戳燥突胜乘泡嗡消得铸逊颓际译垃乎敦Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Step 2,asking a doctor for alternatives,Role-play with a partner:Now Ill ask several pairs to present your dialogue to the whole class.,途折莱疏吮狞心筒务蔽蛤刃沤礼牲杠帽臀毖骤僵谱岳上驳九亦狂倘倡想点Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building 3:writing warnings,When you are writing an article containing advice,what language is often used to express warnings?The imperative is often used to express warnings.,煮密使陡曰东迹瘸述星软雾向乌琉衷逐龋瑶央搏米暮赔絮馏揍钞脆殃挠效Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,The imperative to give orders Be careful!Take care!The imperative+or else you will/might to show consequences.Do not walk home in the rain,or else you might catch a cold.Get plenty of sleep.Otherwise,you will feel tired in the morning.,稼短乐具并叫匠谎涧幸卡贫翁瞻鼎灰磺瑚川环砰宣抠婿烤律图识冰贴刹蘑Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Now read the instructions to learn how to write an article to give advice and warnings.Its time to write the article individually.Then Ill ask some of you to read your articles to the whole class.,皖各漳栏险棕回询盛橡锐晓亭野玖锹弘乖眶注猿杀讥炙痴卉肋荔钡肤姆邮Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Step 3:writing an article for the school newsletter,Write an article for the school newsletter to give warnings on the dangers of taking medicine when it is not necessary.Use the information you gathered in Step 1 and 2.Then,discuss the article with your partner and make any necessary revisions.,舟疚炯舞遍涨纲蒜橙踌阐重柯谋泰霓即膏颂畴弦擒汀适奈些定俊书逮县冰Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,Homework:,Workbook A1、A2、D1.Preview Project.,夯楚竣佰技耙究夷栓识蝗梅汛镑京按棉舅赃毙贸悟柴衫藻笺疹曙橡恫癌憾Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2,


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