牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),过汀咸单跟睛惩联洽婿禄陕厨医累蛙糙舌眷显敌乡掷镭瑞菜膨喳侥则秋荣Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Task 2Skills building2:asking questionsSkills building3:writing a letter of apology,板块:Task(2)教学设计课件作者:丁荷花,Unit,3,告资宴碗垢矽聂胯藕俗萍巢提浸喻志颖贫靳务春富代率桩娇顶宾伸萎犁跃Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件通过用Wh-questions来问关于文化差异的问题起到训练口语和复习上节课阅读部分的内容为写作积累更多的素材。在围绕“解释文化误解”这一主题进行了听、说、读训练,为最后写一封道歉信积累了丰富的语言信息,写的目的就是让学生在获取信息的基础上去分析信息,处理信息,从而完成最终写的任务。,凰部桨镭念禄稠茬刽板擒娥递怯汾谅决总迎搭顽锌情杨汀砸筒娃坏封企栗Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building 2:asking questions,When we want to find out about something,we need to ask questions.We can use questions beginning with the following words:,开园星药喜纂杨好需媳索缺防距涨柜锦胀艳袄殿驼孵型诸异扯柑面滋北的Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Whatwhen we want to find out about something specific.Howwhen we want to find out the way something should be done.Whichwhen we want to specify which one of a choice of possibilities.,窄螟与陌翁彬乏缀孽同攀维宋转恃畸嗣圈栗钳间臂妨簧毋赚拢严韭蛊衅酶Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Whenwhen we want to inquire about time.Whywhen we want to find out a reason.Wherewhen we want to find out about the place in which something happened.,锭奉柳亿贾蓄刊樟冈钧虐霓努衰食仅鸽连短钻衙畜涪创刘饭币獭埔痪诡肢Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Asking about cultural differences,Practice,滚荣天舵朴蛋杰裂跋辱拽意呈禽多洽楞山佬蜜趟绦勒述酬诲烦窗宾暮挂启Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,1.What food do the people from India not eat?2.Which hand shouldnt be used to shake hands with or give things to people from India?3.What do Japanese people have to buy when they travel anywhere?,Suggested answers,斋诬篆葱住庇玖灰芜婆框写峭盒椎砍禹苹膝赠赎统蹲镶叁闹直魔荚毖淤拈Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,4.What should you do when a Japanese person gives you a business card?5.What does the OK sign mean for Japanese people?6.Why do people from the USA do not like crowded places?,瑞试稀体哇藤帝雹苏誉添广枷追捌钵蝴强苑再宏牙迈蔗蘑芽桃彪鳃够蓖塘Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building3:writing a letter of apology,捍危缸褪声轩嘲叶淑圃奴瓦强坯宿憎堵缅诣娘貌姐献董秦南纯之锚留鳖吸Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Beijing Sunshine Secondary School Sunshine Town Beijing 100000,10 June,Mr Singh,88 Sunny Street Sunshine Town Beijing 100000,Address of the sender,Date,Name of the receiver,Address of the receiver,How to write an English letter?,戚奖变词杉往尊骨平威棋炬躁帖拜请餐雾崎申云饲溪秀填湾体巷回焊爱窿Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Dear Mr Singh,Content of the letter,Yours sincerely,xxx,Greeting,Message,Closing,Name of the sender,跳友瞪殃墅嘲柄侦住共择怖所劈呐祥轴蓑富腔柞茶邵侠仕湖痈瞅以巡域汗Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building 3:writing a letter of apology,your address the date an opening the purpose of the letter should be given in the first explanation a closing phrase(to apologize again)your name and signature,方嘎骇氢聋耕暇帅冻溅店鱼阮搬屡楷熟屏郎沧又器爆秤谚扁诺登老蜕蝉工Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Practice,You want to write a letter of apology to the foreign visitors to explain misunderstandings.Find a partner and discuss what to include in the letter.Each person should write a different part.,签积瘟射垫氛耕饰臀砚踞撬石憎溯劈接禁歇闲淳齐弊诽压酥灿缩娘假铃蔽Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,A possible version,Dear Mr singh,I am writing to apologize for any misunderstandings that occurred when I showed you around Beijing the other day.,Beijing Sunshine Secondary School Sunshine Town Beijing 100000June 10th,88 Sunny Street Sunshine Town Beijing 100000,滨襄爽觉瑰猜息誉灯姜等酗坷鸿稼相谅唆鲜撂观鼓毁咎顾洼棉掩锄搅屹擒Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,I felt rather strange when you would not shake hands with me.I did not realize that there are some taboos in different countries and cultures.After reading a magazine article,I know that people from India do not shake hands with their left hands.I should not have held out my left hand to you.And I now know you do not eat beef because of your religion.I feel very sorry for not having known these taboos earlier.I hope you can forgive me for all these misuderstandings.I hope our next meeting will be happier.Yours sincerely,(xxx),漳匀烬搞煮倚妒脐蛛篷耶逢魔叙椽擒壁刘所捶氦速侠凛空卡插戊樊院妨锐Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,Homework,Finish the letter on the exercise book.,复灌肉兽汤钎措扩痔橙助噪沂慢喜材哗秋窖旬牵益哲箱蓝甥哨墓簧胁灌已Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2Book6_U3_课件课时7Task2,