济源市教学研究室 冉慧霞2012.7.19,关注语篇教学 实施有效课堂小学英语会话、阅读教学有效性的探讨,关注语篇教学 实施有效课堂小学英语会话、阅读教学有效性的探讨,语篇教学的概念是什么?语篇教学的基本程序是什么?各个程序的教学任务如何设计、活动如何展开?如何在语篇教学中恰当地处理生词和新的语法现象?如何在教学中体现英语语言文化目标的教育和有机渗透素质教育的一般要求?如何在教学中正确处理听、说、读、写四项基本技能的关系?,小学英语语篇教学的概念小学英语语篇的特点与分类 目前小学英语语篇教学中存在的问题 如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,关注语篇教学 实施有效课堂小学英语会话、阅读教学有效性的探讨,(鲁子问,2008)“语篇”英语解释为discourse。对于“discourse”的概念,牛津高级英汉双解词典(Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary)对此有明确的解释,即“the use of language in speech or writing in order to produce meaning;language that is studied,usually inorder to see how the different parts of a text are connected”(A.S.Hornby,2004:484)。,小学英语语篇教学的概念,任何以特定文体整体呈现的语言材料的教学,在广义上都是语篇教学。语篇的表现形式可以是“书面语”(written discourse),也可以是“口语”(spoken discourse)。,A:Hello.Im Mike.Whats your name?B:Hello.My name is Tom.A:Nice to meet you,Tom.B:Nice to meet you,too.,小学英语语篇教学的概念,小学英语语篇教学的特点与分类,书面语篇:短文、故事、书信、日记等 短文阅读、故事叙述是学生非常感兴趣的活动。小学英语教材中的短文、故事篇幅短小、语言口语化、情节生动、结构完整。学生在学习语言的同时还能了解健康的生活方式,并懂得做人的道理,是学生比较喜爱的文体。书信、日记也是小学生常见的文本体裁,这样的语篇能够有效提高小学生运用语言做事的能力。话语语篇:对话、图语、童谣等 对话的形式有利于学生进行模仿和交流,是一种非常适合小学生年龄特点的语篇形式。小学英语各版本教材中收录的对话通常与学生的日常生活密切相关,是真实情景的再现。由于是日常情景对话,句子口语化的特点突出,而且矮小精悍,有些句子还包含了语气词,如“Whoops”,“Ugh”,“Aha”,“Ouch”等,符合真实的交际情景。同时,根据小学生的认知特点,低年级教材中话语常以图语、标识等体裁出现。随着年级的升高,对话的难度逐渐提高,趣味性也逐步增强,情景也更为复杂。,目前小学英语语篇教学中存在的问题,小学英语语篇教学=小学英语阅读教学?,目标定位不准,语篇理解不透语篇主题淡化,教学过程松散局限文本内容,缺少外延拓展学习策略不当,语篇价值虚化,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,(一)如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,Reading for language use.培养小学生初步运用英语语言进行交际的能力是会话教学的主要目标。课堂上,要关注话语语篇学习的基础性目标:学生能够准确掌握并运用目标语句。更要注意其提高性目标的达成:在准确运用目标语句的基础上,获得新的语用语境,实现新的交际功能。在语境中对话,实现对话的交际功能是最终的任务。,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,(一)如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,任务型教学法:任务前激活语言任务中学习语言任务后运用语言,五个环节:复习热身呈现新知趣味操练拓展运用总结评价,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,确立主题,求“整”不能散导入环节,求“简”能启思新知呈现,求“实”求整体巩固拓展,求“真”不走秀,(一)如何进行有效的小学语会话教学,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,确立主题,求“整”不能散,以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为线,逐步引导学生用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。,用话题这一主线把会话文本中的语言知识点串起来:从整体开始,进入部分,再回归整体。,该年级、该册书中涉及的话题有哪些,学生之前有没有学习过;本单元的话题是什么,学生已经知道哪些相关知识;本课时话语语篇怎样围绕话题展开;教材的话语文本与文本插图为我们提供了怎样的信息;我们需要创设什么样的主题情景让学生在整体的情景中感知和运用语言,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,确立主题,求“整”不能散,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,确立主题,求“整”不能散,从热身导入环节服装的讨论,到呈现过程中各种物品价格的询问,再到对话文本的整体感知呈现,以及巩固拓展环节学生在相关购物情景中语言的替换操练,再到会话的创编运用,每一个活动都用购物这一话题主线串起来,并紧紧围绕话题展开。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,导入环节,求“简”能启思,PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 Its Warm Today A Lets talk教师与学生共同吟唱歌曲Whos Wearing Yellow Today?复习表示颜色的词汇;手持表示衣物的单词图片与学生作问答练习:T:What can you see?S1:I can see a T-shirt.Its yellow.S2:I can see a 3.教师通过课件展示不同的天气及相应的衣物,引导学生练习句子Its warm today.I can wear my dress.Its cold today.I can wear my从而引入新课的学习。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,导入环节,求“简”能启思,PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 Its Warm Today A Lets talk教师用PPT依次播放有关我国主要城市北京、上海等城市天气的图片,让学生仔细观察并记忆,之后隐去图片,让学生回忆并说出相关城市的天气Its cold in Beijing.Its从而复习hot,cold,warm,cool等词汇,这一环节学生注意力集中,回答问题兴致高涨。通过Bingo or Uh-oh(教师所说的句子与实际情况相符时学生大声说“Bingo!”,不符时则说“Uh-oh!”)游戏复习句型Its cold today.和put on,take off等词组。这个游戏同样很好地调动了学生的学习热情。,T:Its warm outside today.Ss:Uh-oh!T:Its cold today.Ss:Bingo!T:Take off my sweater.Ss:Uh-oh!T:Put on my coat.Ss:Bingo!3.师生展开对话:T:Its cold today.can wear his coat.Can I wear my new coat?从而引出新句型Can I wear?Yes,you can.的学习。本节课授课老师设计的两个游戏活动,学生都需要细心观察、仔细聆听,经过思考后才能得出答案,不仅帮助学生复习了已学的知识,更激活了学生的思维,激发了学生的兴趣。对于小学四年级的学生来说,激发学生的学习热情不能仅仅停留在唱唱、跳跳的形式上,他们更需要品尝思考的乐趣。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,新知呈现,求“实”求整体,PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt?A Lets talk通过图片复习有关服装与颜色的词汇,引入clothes的主题(8);利用教师与学生身着的服装教学句型:Is this?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.并运用学生身边的文具进行操练(13);利用课件呈现一张夹克衫的图片,教学句型:Whose is it(the jacket)?并通过游戏进行操练(12);计划呈现并表演对话(7)。,教学目标:学生能理解对话内容,理清文中人物与衣物的关系;学习重点句型Whose is it?Its s.在理解的基础上模仿学说、角色表演对话,并基于对话中的核心句型进行适当的拓展延伸。教学方法及过程:教师可以运用任务型教学法,充分遵循任务型教学的“三任务”环节,在任务前运用句型Is this/that your?Yes,it is./No,its not.复习有关服装的词汇,激活语言。在任务中学习句型Whose is it?Its s.并整体呈现对话,通过听、读、模仿、角色表演等活动学习语言。在后任务阶段,基于所学语言,为学生创设不同的语境的拓展活动,让学生逐步由易到难灵活运用。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,巩固拓展,求“真”不走秀,PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?B Lets talk 某教师以师生对话的方式引出对话内容:T:Whats your favourite food?S1:I likeT:Me,too.Its What about you,?S2:I like T:I dont like Because(教师在黑板上贴出四张食物图片。)教师先领读两遍对话,然后请两位学生与教师示范表演,接着要求学生三人一组结对操练对话,最后选出四组学生上台表演。学生的反馈操练均紧扣教师示范的对话框架,围绕黑板上贴的四张食物图片展开。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?B Lets talk 对话学习之后,授课教师引导学生用“Whats your favourite food?Do you like?Why?”猜猜教师喜欢的食物或饮料,并鼓励学生尽可能用到所有学过的食物类词汇。S1:Hi,Do you like?T:I dont like Because S2:What about?S:Whats your favourite food?T:I like Because,在教师的示范引导之下,学生积极主动地投入活动,形成了如下对话:餐厅就餐Sl:Its time for lunch.Oh,Im hungry.S2:Whats your favourite food?S1:I like chicken.Its yummy.What about you?S2:I like fish.S1:Lets have some chicken and fish.S2:Great!Lets go.超市购物Sl:Whats your favourite fruit,Amy?S2:I like peaches,theyre tasty.S3:Me,too.Peaches are sweet.And I like grapes.S1:Oh,I dont like grapes,theyre sour.Bananas are my favourite.What about you,Tony?S4:I dont like fruit.But I like fruit juice.And I like chicken and beef.Theyre yummy.S1:Youre heavy now!Please eat more fruits and vegetables.Theyre healthy.,之后,教师通过课件创设了“餐厅就餐”和“超市购物”两个主题情景,让学生任选一个情景进行对话交流,要求尽可能用上本课主要句型和所有学过的食物类、饮料类单词。,如何进行有效的小学英语会话教学,在会话教学中,要注重语篇的完整性,强调会话的交际功能。要围绕会话语篇中的语言点,创设真实的交际情景,采用多种手段激活课前热身,呈现话题主线,开展层次操练,再创设生活情景。要采用先整体、后局部的方法,引导学生发散思维,鼓励学生创编对话,最大限度地发挥学生的主体性,使其形成自主运用语言的能力,从而实现课堂教学的优化。,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,(二)如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读是从书面语言材料中获取知识和信息的一种实践活动,包含了信息的识别、理解、转换和应用等复杂的过程。,小学英语阅读课的教学重点在于如何激发学生自主参与,积极思维,主动探究,逐步掌握阅读的技巧并获得自主阅读的能力。,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,阅读要求要分层教学方法要有趣策略培养要到位情感浸润要自然,(二)如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读要求要分层,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读与绘画相结合 阅读与手工小制作相结合 阅读和故事教学相结合 阅读和写作相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读与绘画相结合,阅读方法要有趣,阅读与绘画相结合,阅读方法要有趣,阅读与绘画相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,PEP小学英语五年级上 Unit5 My New Room Mikes room,阅读方法要有趣,阅读方法要有趣,阅读方法要有趣,阅读与手工小制作相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,PEP小学英语五年级下 Unit3 My Birthday,阅读方法要有趣,阅读和故事教学相结合,1.让学生观察图画,根据图画猜测故事的大意。2.阅读故事,找出疑难词语或词组,并通过查字典或小组合作讨论的方式解决。3.简单概括故事内容。4.师生、生生表演故事。,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读和故事教学相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读和故事教学相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读和故事教学相结合,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,PEP小学英语五年级上 Unit4 What Can You Do?,仿照短文给自己的笔友写一封信,介绍一下自己的家庭情况及爱好。,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,阅读方法要有趣,阅读和写作相结合,补全对话,完成下面习作。Dear _:Nice to meet you.My name is_.I am from_.I am_.I am _and _.I like_,_ and _.Tell me something about you.Your new friend,_,PEP小学英语六年级上 Unit4 I Have A Pen Pal B Lets read,策略培养要到位,能根据阅读目的确定不同的阅读策略;能根据上下文线索帮助理解并猜测不熟悉的语言现象;能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句;能理解文章主旨、作者意图和阅读材料中不同的观点与态度等。,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,Pre-reading 读前准备巧铺垫,培养学生英语思维能力,Binbin is a little boy.He is six.His mother is a street cleaner.She is 32.She is hardworking.She usually works in the morning.She likes her job because she can make the street clean and beautiful.Binbins father is a fireman.He is 34.His job is to put out fires.He likes his job because he can save people in fires.He is brave.Binbins uncle is a spaceman.Hes 37.His job is to fly rockets into space.He likes his job because its exciting.He wants to walk on the moon one day.He is strong.But Binbin wants to be a superman and help people in need.,He/She likes his/her job because,My name is May.Im your today.I like because its yummy.I like because theyre lovely.I like because theyre pretty.,I like my job because its exciting.,What other jobs do you know?,Mother,Uncle,Father,Bing Bing,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,小学英语阅读教学的目标是激发学生的阅读兴趣,让学生读懂简单的故事和文章,掌握基本的阅读方法和技能,养成良好的阅读习惯,形成有效地获取书面信息并对信息进行简单分析、推理、归纳、判断和评价的能力。,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,Binbin is a little boy.He is six.His mother is a street cleaner.She is 32.She is hardworking.She usually works in the morning.She likes her job because she can make the street clean and beautiful.Binbins father is a fireman.He is 34.His job is to put out fires.He likes his job because he can save people in fires.He is brave.Binbins uncle is a spaceman.Hes 37.His job is to fly rockets into space.He likes his job because its exciting.He wants to walk on the moon one day.He is strong.But Binbin wants to be a superman and help people in need.,浅层阅读,整体上了解课文大意和轮廓,Extensive reading Skimming Scanning,Mother,Uncle,Father,Bing Bing,Skim the passage and circle their jobs.Then check the answers with your predictions(预测).,street cleaner,fireman,spaceman,Scan the passage and try to underline the specific(相关的,有效的,明确的)information about the jobs.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,Eat well,stay healthy!Pit and Pat are in a new school this year.Pit likes to eat lunch at school.Monday is“PRC”day,he eats pork,rice and carrot.Tuesday is“CAR”day,he eats chicken,apple and rice.Wednesday is“PEN”day,he eats pork,eggplant and noodles.Thursday is“NBA”day,he eats noodles,beef and apple.Friday is Pits favourite day,he can eat“KFC”,for kale,fish and cake.He is healthy and well,because he has balanced diet every day.Pat doesnt eat lunch at school.He eats 10 lollipops,some ice-cream and lots of popcorn every day.His favourite food is chocolate and his favourite drink is cola.One year later.,浅层阅读,整体上了解课文大意和轮廓,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,浅层阅读,整体上了解课文大意和轮廓,Watch the video and answer the question:Who eats lunch at the canteen and who eats at the snack bar?,Scan the passage and fill in the table below.(斜体部分 需要学生完成),如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,深层阅读,了解语篇具体细节并掌握重点,Eat well,stay healthy!Pit and Pat are in a new school this year.Pit likes to eat lunch at school.Monday is“PRC”day,he eats pork,rice and carrot.Tuesday is“CAR”day,he eats chicken,apple and rice.Wednesday is“PEN”day,he eats pork,eggplant and noodles.Thursday is“NBA”day,he eats noodles,beef and apple.Friday is Pits favourite day,he can eat“KFC”,for kale,fish and cake.He is healthy and well,because he has balanced diet every day.Pat doesnt eat lunch at school.He eats 10 lollipops,some ice-cream and lots of popcorn every day.His favourite food is chocolate and his favourite drink is cola.One year later.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,深层阅读,了解语篇具体细节并掌握重点,Read through the passage carefully and find out the detailed information about Pits lunch.(斜体部分需要学生来完成)Then talk about Pats favorite food and drink.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,深层阅读,了解语篇具体细节并掌握重点,Binbin is a little boy.He is six.His mother is a street cleaner.She is 32.She is hardworking.She usually works in the morning.She likes her job because she can make the street clean and beautiful.Binbins father is a fireman.He is 34.His job is to put out fires.He likes his job because he can save people in fires.He is brave.Binbins uncle is a spaceman.Hes 37.His job is to fly rockets into space.He likes his job because its exciting.He wants to walk on the moon one day.He is strong.But Binbin wants to be a superman and help people in need.,Cleaners,cleaners,what do they do?Clean,clean,clean the city.Firemen,firemen,what do they do?Put out,put out,put out fires.Spacemen,spacemen,what do they do?Fly,fly,fly rockets into space!,Say a rhyme,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,深层阅读,了解语篇具体细节并掌握重点,常用的前缀和后缀:表示“否定”的:un-,dis-,表示“超级”的super-,表示“自动”的auto-,表示“人”的-er,表示“受动者”的-ee,表示“主义”的-ism,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,While-reading 读中讲解授方法,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧,重复阅读,整体把握篇章结构并内化语言,开展朗读活动,让学生先听录音跟读,之后齐读或单个练习。引导学生根据课文的关键词或线索来复述课文,对于一些故事或对话形式的语篇我们还可以让学生根据各自的理解来分角色表演等。,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,策略培养要到位,Post-reading 读后巩固活应用,发展学生语言运用能力,Timmys Family的阅读课 How many people are there in your family?Why do you love them?What do you think of your family?Thanksgiving is coming.What do you want to say to them.There are three people in Mays family.May loves her mum because she always plays with her.May loves her dad because he often tells her funny things.May has a sweet family.Thanksgiving is coming.She wants to say,“I love you!”,Whats the most important thing for families?,Treat your family like friends and treat your friends like family.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,情感浸润要自然,Binbin is a little boy.He is six.His mother is a street cleaner.She is 32.She is hardworking.She usually works in the morning.She likes her job because she can make the street clean and beautiful.Binbins father is a fireman.He is 34.His job is to put out fires.He likes his job because he can save people in fires.He is brave.Binbins uncle is a spaceman.Hes 37.His job is to fly rockets into space.He likes his job because its exciting.He wants to walk on the moon one day.He is strong.But Binbin wants to be a superman and help people in need.,All the jobs are important.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,情感浸润要自然,Friends Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are sports stars.They are from Shanghai.They like computer games,cartoons and TF.They are good friends.In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,Liu Xiang was so sad because of his foot injury.Yao Ming was very worried about that.He sent a message to Liu,“Come on!I support you!Youll be better.”When he came back to America,he talked with his doctor,Robert about Lius injury.Then he invited Liu to come to America to see Dr.Robert.When Liu went there,Yao got a big surprise gift:Two big TFS.Liu said to Yao:“Thank you,My brother!”Friends,they help each other,support each other.They share happiness together.They are friends in both good and bad times.,如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,情感浸润要自然,T:What are good friends?S1:Friends play together.S2:Friends share together.S3:Friends help each other.S4:Friends support each other.,ProverbsA friend in need is a friend indeed.A good friend is a good book.Give and take makes good friends.A good friend is like a poem.,如何进行有效的小学英语语篇教学,阅读要求要分层教学方法要有趣策略培养要到位情感浸润要自然,(二)如何进行有效的小学英语阅读教学,各个环节教学时间分配的合理性,尊重学生的主体地位,把握好在课堂教学中的主导地位,关注语篇教学 实施有效课堂小学英语会话、阅读教学有效性的探讨,谢谢各位!,