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    山西专版《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮课件 新人教版必修3-2.ppt

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    山西专版《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮课件 新人教版必修3-2.ppt

    .重要单词聚焦1 n&vi.日常饮食;节食2 vt.&n.平衡;权衡;天平3 n.好奇心4 n.醋5 n.顾客;消费者6 n.折扣7 n.缺点;虚弱;弱点,diet,balance,curiosity,vinegar,customer,discount,weakness,8 n.强项;长处;力量9 vt.咨询;请教;商量10 vi.&vt.消化n.摘要;概要11 n&vi.谎话;谎言;说谎12 vi.怒目而视;闪耀,strength,consult,digest,lie,glare,13 n.债;债务14 vi.,vt.&n.窥探;秘密监视;间谍;侦探15 vt.&n.限制;限定;界限;限度16 adj.有限的17 n.利益;好处 vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益18 vt.&vi.(使)联合;(使)结合,debt,spy,limit,limited,benefit,combine,.重点短语扫描1a diet 平衡膳食2lose 体重减轻;减肥3get with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚4 ones living 谋生5before 不久以后6be of 对厌倦、厌烦7win.赢回;重新获得8 a lie 说谎9in 欠债10cut 削减;删节11put on 增加体重,balanced,weight,away,earn,long,tired,back,tell,debt,down,weight,.课文原句突破1Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.信息提取as he always did在句中作方式状语。例句仿写正如我们所预料的,他成功了。He was successful,_ _ _.【答案】as we expected,2“Nothing could be better,”he thought.信息提取比较级的否定形式,实际上表示的是最高级的含义。例句仿写我想没有什么比旅行更令人愉快。I think_ _ _ _ _travelling.【答案】nothing is more pleasant than,3Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings.王鹏正在享用另一盘饺子信息提取a second在此相当于another。例句仿写你在三年级要学另外一门外语吗?Are you going to_ _ _ _in the third grade?【答案】learn a second language,4Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.信息提取“withn.形容词短语”构成。例句仿写他们睁大眼睛听老师讲课。They were listening to the teacher_ _ _ _ _.【答案】with their eyes wide open,diet(1)n.日常饮食,A proper diet and exercise are both important for health.适当的饮食和运动对健康都很重要。The doctor advised him to go on a diet to lose weight.医生建议他节食减肥。(2)vt.&vi.节食,使实施饮食疗法No sugar in my coffee,please.Im dieting.请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。,1Would you like some more chicken?No,thanks,I am_a diet and Im trying to _weight.Aon;loseBon;put onCin;have Din;lose【解析】on a diet节食;lose weight减肥;put on weight发福。【答案】A,balance(1)n.天平,平衡It is dangerous to break the balance in nature.破坏自然界的平衡是很危险的。,There is a nice balance between work and play in his life.生活中他很好地平衡了工作与玩的关系。Athletes need a good sense of balance.运动员要有良好的平衡感。,(2)v.平衡,权衡You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。,2A_diet should contain some fat,some fibre,a little salt and so on.Abalance BbalancedCbalancing Dbalance of【解析】a balanced diet意为“(营养)均衡的膳食”。【答案】B,strength(1)U 力量,体力build up ones strength增强体力He is a man of great strength.他是力气很大的人。He got his strength back slowly after his illness.他病后慢慢恢复了体力。(2)C 强项,长处You have many talents and many personal strengths.你很有天分和个人魅力。The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths.能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。,3(2006年湖北卷)To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their_and weaknesses.Astrengths BbenefitsCtechniques Dvalues【解析】本题考查词汇。strength此处意为“长处;优势”,根据句意“为了使体育队的成员在比赛中取得更好的成绩,教练首先要了解队员的强项和薄弱的地方”可判断出选A。【答案】A,4(2009年浙江卷)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character.Abring up Btake upCbuild up Dpull up【解析】句意为:练中国功夫不仅能增强人的力量,还能培养人的性格。build up ones strength为固定短语,意为“增强某人的力量”。【答案】C,limit(1)n.界限,限度Ill help as much as I can,but there is a limit to what I can do.我会尽力帮忙,但我所能够做的也是有限度的。His patience reached its limit.他的忍耐达到了极限。,(2)vt.限制,限定The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.你要消费的金额限制着你的选择。I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.我仅探讨这个问题的三个方面。Families are limited to four free tickets each.每户限发四张免费票。,(1)limited adj.有限的There is a limit to ones life but no limit to serving the people.人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的。(2)limitation n限制;局限This technique is useful but it has its limitations.这种技术实用但也有局限性。,5Is there any_to the time that I can stay here?Yes,you must leave here before he comes back.Anumber BlengthClimit Dmatter【解析】上句意为“我呆在这里的时间有限制吗?”表“限定,限制”之意。如:My mother sets a limit to the amount of food that I eat.我母亲限制我的饭量。【答案】C,benefit(1)v.使受益,得益于;得利于We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把钱花在大家都能得益的事上。I benefited from my fathers advice.我从父亲的建议中获益良多。,(2)n.好处,益处That experience was of great benefit to me.那个经验对我很有好处。We shall get much benefit from reading good novels.我们将从阅读优秀小说中获得很大好处。We should exercise regularly for the benefit of our health.我们应为了健康而定期锻炼。,6To my surprise,I never thought I_those kinds of books.Awas benefited by Bwas benefited fromCbenefited from Dbenefited【解析】本句要表达的是“受益于”的含义,benefit用做不及物动词。【答案】C,7完成句子(1)The organization was founded_(为了的利益)the disabled.(2)The new regulations will be_(对有很大好处)everyone concerned.【答案】(1)for the benefit of(2)of great benefit to,get away with(1)get away with sth./doing sth.(做成坏事/错事)被轻易放过/不受惩罚The child ought to be punished.You shouldnt let him get away with telling lies!这孩子应该受到惩罚,对他撒谎这事你不应该就这么算了!For such a serious mistake,he was lucky to get away with a fine.他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事。,(2)get away with sth.偷完某物后潜逃The thieves held up the bank and got away with a lot of money.盗贼抢劫银行,并带走了大量现金。get away from脱身,离开In winter some people go to the south to get away from cold weather.在冬天,一些人去南方避寒。,8Youre coughing badly,Martin.Why not give up smoking?Give up smoking?Easier said than done,Amy.Once you_the habit of smoking,it is very hard for you to_.Akeep up;break it away Btake up;drop it outCpick up;get rid of it Dbuild up;do away with it,【解析】pick up表示“沾染上习惯,学会”;而get rid of.表示“戒除习惯”。A项,keep up保持,维持;break away打破,脱离;B项,take up从事,拿起,继续;drop out中途退出;D项,build up逐步树立,建立;do away with废除,消灭,去掉。【答案】C,in debt负债In my opinion,the elegant woman with long hair cant have been in heavy debt.在我看来,那位优雅的长发女士不可能负债累累。You saved my life;I am forever in your debt.你救了我的命;我永远感恩不尽。,Being out of debt makes Tom a light mood.还清了债务使得汤姆心情放松。The couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts.为了还清所有的债务,这对夫妇夜以继日地拼命干活。,9Nowadays its hard for an ordinary family to stay_if they buy a new house.Aout of danger Bin dangerCout of debt Din debt【解析】句意为:如今对于一个普通家庭来说,如果买一新房子,很难“不负债”。【答案】C,He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉!(1)have sb.doing意为“允许某人做某事”时,常用于否定句中;意为“使某人做某事”时,多用于肯定句中。(2)have sb.do让某人做某事(3)have sth.done遭遇不幸;让别人做某事;完成某事I cant have you speaking to me like this.我不允许你这样对我讲话。I wont have you staying up so late.我不允许你熬夜到这么晚。,She had us laughing all through the meal.在吃饭期间,她让我们笑个不停。The teacher had his students read English every morning for half an hour.这位老师让他的学生每天早上读半个小时的英语。The poor old lady had her money stolen on the bus.这位可怜的老太太在车上被人偷了钱。,10(2008年全国卷)The director had her assistant_some hot dogs for the meeting.Apicked up Bpicks upCpick up Dpicking up【解析】句意为:主任让她的助手顺便买了些热狗(香肠面包)来参加会议。have sb.do sth.让某人干某事。如:Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.妈妈让我去商店买些食盐。【答案】C,11(2008年上海春招)If we have illegal immigrants_in,many local workers will lose their jobs.Acame BcomingCto come Dhaving come【解析】考查have的用法。句意为:如果我们让非法移民不断涌入,很多当地工人就会失业。此处是have sb.doing sth.结构,表示“让某人一直做某事”。【答案】B,12(2007年北京卷)Excuse me sir,where is Room 301?Just a minute,Ill have Bob_you to your room.Ashow BshowsCto show Dshowing【解析】此题考查动词have的用法;have sb.do sth.命令或安排某人做某事。【答案】A,13.Has John repaired his washing machine?He had because he was so busy.A.to repairedB.repairC.RepairedD.to be repairing【解析】句意为:约翰修好他的洗衣机了吗?他让别人修的,因为他太忙了。have sth.done让某事被做。【答案】C,14(2007年安徽卷)Did Peter fix the computer himself?He_,because he doesnt know much about computers.Ahas it fixed Bhad fixed itChad it fixed Dfixed it【解析】考查了句意理解和习惯表达以及时态用法。A项时态错误;B项无论是时态还是搭配上都不对;D项意思是他本人修了电脑,与后面的解释矛盾。【答案】C,Nothing could be better.再没有比这些更好吃的了。表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构:(1)never比较级(2)nothing(或no)so原级as.nothing(或no)比较级than.,I cant think of a better idea.我再也想不出比这更好的主意。China is larger than any country in Africa.中国比任何一个非洲国家都大。Did you sleep well last night?你昨夜睡得好吗?Never better,like a log.从没这么好过,睡得很死。Nothing is more precious than health.健康的身体是最宝贵的。No one is so deaf as those who wont listen.最聋者莫过于不听劝说的人。,15Who is your favourite basketball player in China?Yao Ming,of course.No one plays_.Abetter BbestCgood Dwell【解析】本句答语意思是:当然是姚明了,他打得最好了。否定词no one与比较级连用表最高级。【答案】A,16How beautifully she sings!I have never heard_.Athe better voice Ba good voiceCthe best voice Da better voice【解析】never better表示最高级,我从未听过这么好的歌声(嗓音)。【答案】D,17(2009年安徽示范性高中联考二)Did you have a good nights sleep,sir?Oh,exactly.It was such a comfortable bed.I could never have_sleep.Aa good Bthe bestCa better Da best【解析】考查形容词的比较级。从语意看,说话人表示“从来没有睡得这样好”,“a(n)形容词的比较级名词”用在否定句中表示最高级的含义。【答案】C,.单词拼写1Parents shouldnt always satisfy childrens _(好奇心)without limit.【答案】curiosity2He is in deep _(债务)in order to cure his mother of the disease.【答案】debt,3Our government hoped that these measures would _(受益)all the people.【答案】benefit4Each coin has two sides.We all have our _(弱点);also we all have our advantages.【答案】weakness5Perhaps with a _(折扣)and a new sign he could win his customers back.【答案】discount,.巧思妙解1(2008年福建卷)You have no idea how she finished the relay race_her foot wounded so much.Afor BwhenCwith Dwhile【解析】句意为:你根本就无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。这里是一个withn./pron.done/adj.的复合结构。要注意her foot wounded so much不是一个完整句子,所以不能用连词when,while,for引导。【答案】C,2(2008年上海卷)If theres a lot of work_,Im happy to just keep on until it is finished.Ato do Bto be doingCdone Ddoing【解析】句意为:如果有很多事要做的话,我会很高兴能留下来直到工作结束。to do可用来作a lot of work的定语,表示“将来”。【答案】A,3(2007年安徽卷)John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished【解析】本题考查with的复合结构,表原因,“由于工作完成了,John愉快地接受了邀请”。用过去分词finished表被动。【答案】A,4I couldnt do my homework with all that noise_.Agoing on Bgoes onCwent on Dto go on【解析】with所引导的结构在句子中作伴随状语。“withn.doing/done/介词短语”为固定结构。noise与go on之间为主动关系,故选A。【答案】A,5_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of【解析】前句说明主语I在本周末必须努力学习的原因,相当于Because I have two exams to worry about,故可用“with复合宾语”结构。besides还有,其后接名词、代词作宾语;as for关于,就而言;because of因为。它们都不能与句子结构搭配。【答案】A,.情景交际1(2009年温州检测二)Lets have a game of tennis;the loser has to treat the other to an icecream._.AIm afraid so BIts a dealCYouve got a point DI suppose not【解析】该题考查交际用语。Its a deal好,就这么说定了;Youve got a point你说的有道理;I am afraid so我恐怕是这样的;I suppose not我认为不是这样。根据句意可知B项正确。【答案】B,2(2009年浙江金丽衢十二校联考)I found my mom not feeling well this morning.Im afraid she is ill._.ADont worry too much BIts nothing at allCIm sorry to hear that DTake it easy【解析】考查交际用语。题干中提到“我”的母亲身体不舒服,回答时要表达出难过的心情。故C项符合题意。【答案】C,3(2009年潍坊检测二)Lets do something different._How about tennis?ASo what?BAll right.CWho cares?DIt depends.【解析】该题考查交际用语。Lets do something different意为“让我们做些不同的事情吧”。后文提出了建议,故可知此处是同意对方的建议,故B项正确。【答案】B,4(2010年成都第一次诊断)The moon cake is really delicious.Can I have another piece?_,since you are at your close friends home.AYou can BBehave yourselfCGo ahead DDo it yourself【解析】考查交际用语。go ahead“接着(做,吃),开始,进行,往下说”。句意为:月饼美味可口,我能再吃一个吗?行,吃吧。这可是在你密友家哦。behave yourself请检点一点,行为规矩些。【答案】C,5(2010年成都第一次诊断)Look!Im getting fatter and fatter.What can I do?_.Do more exercise and you will be all right.ASlow it down BDont worryCThats right DDont mention it【解析】考查交际用语。句意为:瞧!我越来越胖了。该怎么办?别担心,多锻炼就行了。Dont worry不用担心。【答案】B,.语法专练本单元语法情态动词()1(2010届江西师大附中、临川一中联考)Just as we were sitting down to have dinner,the telephone_ring.Amust BcouldCmight Dneed【解析】考查情态动词。此处的must表示“偏偏”。句意为:我们刚坐下来吃饭,电话偏偏就响了起来。【答案】A,2(2010年东城检测)The traffic is heavy now,so Mike_come late.Lets wait ten more minutes.Acan BneedCmay Dshall【解析】考查情态动词的用法。句意为:现在交通繁忙,所以Mike可能会迟到。那让我们再等10分钟吧。此处may表示“(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能”;can能够;need需要;shall用于第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示“警告、命令、威胁”等语气。【答案】C,3(2009年重庆第二次诊断)Youll have plenty of time tomorrow,so you_work too late tonight.Adont have to BmustntCcannot Dshouldnt【解析】考查情态动词。句意为:你明天还有很多时间,因此你今天不必工作得太晚。dont have toneednt,表示“不必”,合乎语境。【答案】A,4(2009年海淀一模)The purpose of education_be to provide students with a value systemnot to prepare them for a specific job.Awill BshouldCcould Dmay【解析】考查情态动词辨析。语境:教育的目的应该是为学生提供一套价值观,而不是让他们为从事某一项特定的工作做好准备。情态动词should表示“应该”,合乎语境。【答案】B,5(2009年东城第一学期检测)It_sound like a perfect destination,but it is really adventurous to go there.Ashould BmustCshall Dmay【解析】考查情态动词。依据语境“那儿听起来似乎是个完美的去处,但是去那儿真的很冒险”可知,该处用may,表可能性。should应该,理当如此,must一定,shall必须,必将,均不符合语境。【答案】D,


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