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    CMG 操 作 介 紹,CMG主畫面及重要欄位介紹Input/OutputIMEXResult 3DResult GraphInput Data File 詳細介紹,CMG主畫面及重要欄位介紹,進入CMG步驟選項(左下角)開始, Dell Server,進入CMG步驟選項 所有程式,進入CMG步驟選項 CMG,進入CMG步驟選項 Launcher 2002.10,CMG主畫面,摘錄自http:/,CMG所包括之程式,Current Project 欄位中可選擇已建立計畫之路徑,選擇及切換路徑至指定研究生資料夾,確認切換至正確研究生資料夾,CMG Input/Output,IMEX,*.DAT(Data Set),*.OUT(Output file),*.IRF(Index Result file),*.MRF(Main Result file),Input,Output,CMG Input/Output,Computing,*.RRF(Rewindable Result File),Indicates the rewindable-results-file(rrf)to which the restart data is written when the*REWIND option is used.,*.ses(Result Graph save file),*.3tp(Result 3D save file),*.fhf(CMGs field history file)Result Report,假設當我們要做history match模擬的時候,將現地生產的歷史資料,寫成特定格式,並且在*.rwd input data file宣告。*FILES*FHF sample.fhf,自定類型,*Ses.inc 內部程式控制碼,I M E X,跑IMEX程式,將Input data file(*.dat)“拖曳”拉至IMEX的圖示上,Result 3D,-利用*.irf檔拖曳至 Result 3D程式當中產生3D圖示,2-D平面俯視圖(I、J方向),2-D平面俯視圖(I、K方向),3-D立體圖,選擇預觀察之選項,在3-D立體圖上垂直/水平分割,顯示網格詳細資料、移動、放大/縮小、旋轉,模擬動態生產,Results Graph,-利用*.irf檔拖曳至 Result Graph程式當中產生圖表,進入畫面,增加曲線,選擇要增加何種曲線,繪製曲線,將曲線之數值輸出至EXCEL,將曲線之數值在EXCEL中與解析解比對做模式驗證,Input Data File 詳細介紹,1.I/O Control Section,檔案名稱編號輸入單位控制單元輸出單元,*mxnwp001.dat:Oil Well Water Coning*FILENAMES*OUTPUT*INDEX-OUT*MAIN-RESULTS-OUT*I/O CONTROL SECTION-*TITLE1 OIL WELL WATER CONING*used for project identification*TITLE2 Run by K.T Chou Jan 25th 2005.*TITLE3 National Cheng Kung University*CASEID MXNWP001*case ID number*INUNIT*FIELD*input data units*Range check*ON*controls the data range check feature*WPRN*WELL*TIME*WPRN*SECTOR*TIME*WPRN*GRID*TIME*WPRN=How often to write grid block data,sector&lease plane data,well data and numerical method control data.Sector=Information at every*TIME or*DATE keyword in the recurrent data section,*OUTPRN*WELL*LAYER*OUTPRN*GRID*SO*SW*PRES*OUTPRN*TABLES*ALL*OUTPRN*RES*ALL*OUTPRN=Limits what well data,grid data reservoir data and how many property tables are prints*WSRF*WELL*TIME*WSRF*GRID*TIME*WSRF=How often to write grid block,sector and well data.This information may be written.*OUTSRF*GRID*SO*SW*PRES*OUTSRF*WELL*LAYER*ALL*OUTSRF=Limits what grid data are printed.You may also ask to have special variables printed at given grid block information*OUTDIARY*PRESAQ*PRESNOAQ*WELLSTATUS*HEADER 20*OUTDIARY=controls some of the information written to the output-diary-file*,2.Reservoir Description,網格格數(Grid)井口半徑深度角度生產層淨厚孔隙率孔隙初壓i,j,k方向之滲透率。,*-GRID DESCRIPTION SECTION-*GRID*RADIAL 84 1 22(*CART)(*VARI)(*RADIAL)*Number of grid blocks in I=84 J=1 K=22 direction*RW 0.5*Wellbore radius*KDIR*DOWN*K index increases upward,so larger Kmeans shallower grid blocks*DEPTH*TOP 1 1 1 9000*indicates input of a reservoir depth for a single grid block*DI*IVAR*input of array of grid block lengths for the I direction*0.058 0.064 0.071 0.078 0.087 0.096 0.106 0.117 0.129 0.143 0.158 0.175 0.193 0.213*1.703*14 0.236 0.260 0.288 0.318 0.352 0.389 0.429 0.475 0.524 0.580 0.641 0.708 0.782 0.865 0.956 1.056 1.167*10.026*31 1.290 1.426 1.576 1.741 1.925 2.127 2.351 2.598 2.871 3.173 3.507 3.876 4.283 4.734 5.231 5.782 6.390*54.881*48 7.062 7.804 8.625 9.532 10.535 11.643 12.867 14.220 15.716 17.369 19.196 21.214 23.446 25.911 28.637*233.777*63 31.648 34.977 38.655 42.721 47.214 52.179 57.667 63.732 70.435 77.842 86.029 95.077 105.076 116.127*919.374*77 128 141 156 173 191 211 81*2000*84*DJ*CON 360.0*DK*KVAR 20*5 0.1 200,*POR*CON 0.17*(porosity=0.17)*PRPOR 14.7*THIS PRESSURE IS THE FLUID(PORE)PRESSURE AT WHICH THE VALUES INPUT USING*POR ARE TO HOLD*CPOR 1E-10*THE INPUT OF A ROCK COMPRESSIBILITY VALUE THAT WILL BE USED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MODEL*PERMI*CON 750*PERMJ*CON 750*PERMK*CON 30*input of an array of I,j,k direction permeability*,*SECTOR Production 1:84 1:1 1:20*SECTOR Interface 1:84 1:1 21:21*SECTOR Aquifer 1:84 1:1 22:22*AQUIFER*BOTTOM*THICK PORO PERM RADIUS ANGLE R-Ratio*AQPROP 200 0.1 50 2000 0*AQMETHOD*CARTER-TRACY*AQLEAK*OFF,3.Component Properties,選擇模式PVT參數(油,氣,水三相之)密度壓力黏度膨脹因子地層體積因子,*-PVT DESCRIPTION SECTION-*MODEL*OILWATER*MODEL=signals the input of the fluid component model to use for the simulation*OILWATER=use a two phase,oil and water model,with no modelling of free gas,or variation in solution gas*PVT*P psi RS scf/STB BORB/STB EG scf/RB VISO cp VISG cp 2000.0 0.0000000003 1.432 847.46 1.320 0.0150 2400.0 0.0000000004 1.432 1020.40 1.320 0.0155 2800.0 0.0000000005 1.432 1190.50 1.320 0.0160 3200.0 0.0000000006 1.432 1351.40 1.320 0.0165 3600.0 0.0000000007 1.432 1538.50 1.320 0.0170 4000.0 0.0000000008 1.432 1694.90 1.320 0.0175 4500.0 0.0000000009 1.432 1851.90 1.320 0.0180*P pressure psi*RS solution gas-oil ratio for saturated oil at pressurescf/STB*BO formation volume factor for saturated oil at pressureRB/STB*EG gas expansion factor at pressure scf/RB*VISO viscosity at pressure cp*VISG gas viscosity at pressure cp*,*DENSITY*OIL 45.0*Oil density at stock tank conditions lbm/ft3*DENSITY*GAS 0.07*Gas density at standard conditions lbm/ft3*DENSITY*WATER 63.14*Water density at stock tank conditions lbm/ft3*CO 15E-6*the input of oil compressibility 1/psi*CVO 0*the input of the pressure depence of oil viscosity cp/psi*BWI 1.0423*the input of the water formation volume factor RB/STB*CW 8E-6*the input of water compressibility 1/psi*REFPW 14.7*the input of reference pressure psi*VWI 0.395*the input of water viscosity cp*CVW 0.0*pressure dependence of water viscosity(cp/psi)/psi,4.Rock-Fluid Property,含水飽和度油-水相對滲透率氣-水相對滲透率。,*-ROCK-FLUID PROPERTY SECTION-*ROCKFLUID*the start of the rock-fluid data*RPT Relative permeability curves will be define by table.*SWT*the start of the water-oil relative permeability table*SW KRW KROW 0.25 0.000 1.000 0.40 0.190 0.520 0.50 0.352 0.300 0.60 0.551 0.108 0.70 0.795 0.000 0.80 0.960 0.000 1.00 1.000 0.000*SW=WATER SATURATION*KRW=RELATIVE PERMEABILITY TO WATER AT THE GIVEN WATER SATURATION*KROW=RELATIVE PERMEABILITY TO OIL IN THE PRESENCE OF THE GIVEN WATER SATURATION*,5.Initial Condition,起泡點壓力參考壓力參考深度氣-水界面深度。,*-INITIALIZATION SECTION-*INITIAL*THE BEGINNING OF INITIAL CONDITION VALUES*VERTICAL*BLOCK_CENTER*WATER_OIL*VERTICAL=pressure are determined from the hydrostatic equation and saturations from the capillary pressure table*BLOCK_CENTER=assign block saturations as the saturation prevailing at the block center*WATER_OIL=perform gravity-capillary equilibrium initialization of a reservoir initially containing no gas*,*PB*CON 1000.0*the input of bubble point pressure in array format psi*REFPRES 3000.0*input of reference pressure psi*REFDEPTH 9000.0*input of reference depth ft*DWOC 9000.1*input of water-oil contacts ft*,6.Numerical Control,選擇數值模式最大、最小生產時間。,*-NUMERICAL CONTROL SECTION-*NUMERICAL*the beginning of all numerical methods control keyboards*MAXCPU 360 sec*to specify the maximum number of CPU for the simulation run time*MAXSTEPS 9999*to specify the maximum number of timesteps for the simulation run*DTMIN 1.0E-8*the minimum time-step size*DTMAX 1.*the minimum time-step size*NCUTS 10*Controls the numbers of time-step size cut in a single timestep,7.Well and Recurrent Data,起始日期井的種類生產流體最大產量、最小井底流壓膚表因子穿孔區間、穿孔位置生產時間。,*-RECURRENT(WELL AND PRODUCTION/INJECTION DATA)SECTION-*RUN*the beginning of all well and recurrent data keywords*DATE 1995 01 01*the well change will occure at a specified data*WELL 1 PRODUCER*VERT 1 1*used to identify wells*PRODUCER(INJECTOR)1*the well identified by wellnum is a producer*OPERATE*MAX*STL 1000.0 STB/D*OPERATE*MIN*BHP 1000.0*STOP psi*The min Bottom Hole Pressure psi*OPERATE*MAX*STO 500.0 STB/D*STO=surface oil rate STB/day*,*MONITOR*WCUT 0.9*STOP*RAD GEOFAC WFRAC SKIN*GEOMETRY*K 0.5 0.5 1.00 0.0*re=GEOFAC*sqrt(areap)/(3.14159*WFRAC)*GEOMETRY=the well geometric characteristics to be used by the simulator to calculate the well index internally*K=the wellbore is parallel to the K axis*RAD=wellbore radius*GEOFAC=a real number specifying the geometric factor for the well element*WFRAC=a real number between 0 and 1*SKIN=the well skin factor*PERFV*GEO 1*kf ff 1:15 1.0,*PERF=specifies the location of the completion grid block*ff=it can be used to account for partial completions through a grid block*setn=relative permeability set to use when calculating the phase mobility in the well location*,*TIME30*TIME60*TIME90*TIME120*TIME150*TIME180*TIME210*TIME240*TIME270*TIME300*TIME330*TIME360*TIME390*TIME420*TIME450*SHUTIN 1*the well identified by wellnum is shut in*STOP,*INUNIT*FIELDUNITS TABLE*SI*FIELD*LAB*MODSITimedaysdaysminsdaysLiquid Volumesm3bblcm3m3Gas Volumem3ft3cm3m3PressurekPapsikPakg/cm2Absolute PermeabilitymdmdmdmdViscositymPa-scpmPa-smPa-sMass Densitykg/m3lbm/ft3g/cm3kg/m3Length,DistancemftcmmSolution Gas/Oil Ratiom3/m3scf/STBcm3/cm3m3/m3Polymer Concentrationkg/m3lb/STBg/cm3kg/m3PorosityfractionfractionfractionfractionSaturationfractionfractionfractionfractionTemperaturedeg Cdeg Fdeg Cdeg CGas Expansion Factorm3/m3scf/RBm3/m3m3/m3Surface Tensiondynes/cmdynes/cmdynes/cmdynes/cm,Back to I/O,GRID(*CART)(*VARI)(*RADIAL)*CARTa rectangular Cartesian grid,with uniform depth/uniform thickness layers.*VARIa rectangular grid allowing variable depth/variable thickness layers.*RADIALa radial-angular cylindrical grid.,Back to Reservoir Description,*POR*MATRIX*ALL 30*0.17 0 31*0.1,Back to Reservoir Description,*AQUIFER(*BOUNDARY)(*BOTTOM)(*REGION)i1:i2 j1:j2 k1:k2(*IDIR)(*JDIR)(*KDIR),Back to Aquifer,*MODEL signals the input of the fluid component model to use for the simulation.*MODEL(*BLACKOIL)(*LIGHTOIL)(*OILWATER)(*GASWATER)(*POLY)(*API-INT),Back to Component Property,*USER_INPUT*VERTICAL(*BLOCK_CENTER)(*WATER_OIL)(*WATER_GAS)(*WATER_OIL_GAS)(*DEPTH_AVE)(*WATER_OIL)(*WATER_GAS)(*WATER_OIL_GAS)(*EQUIL)(*NOEQUIL)(*TRANZONE)(*NOTRANZONE),grid,Average,Back to Initial Conditions,*OPERATE(*MAX or*MIN)類型 限制值(動作),類型(*STO)surface oil rate STB/day(*STG)surface gas rate scf/day(*STL)total surface liquid rate STB/day(*BHP)bottom hole pressure psi(*WHP)well-head pressure psi(*BHW)reservoir water rate bbl/day(*BHG)reservoir gas rate bbl/day(*BHF)total reservoir fluid rate bbl/day(*BHO)reservoir oil rate bbl/day(*DWN)draw-down pressure psi,(動作)(*STOP)(*CONT)(*SHUTIN),Back to Recurrent Section,Back to Recurrent Section,Results 3D,Back to JI,Back to KI,Back to PERFV 1:15,


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