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    Unit 9,Can you come to my party?,大石中学陈清华课件,Section APeriod One,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words review,prepareprepare forexamfluavailable,v.使做好准备;把准备好 为做准备 n.(=examination)考试 n.流行性感冒;流感 a.有空的;可获得的,Words review,another timeuntilhanghang outcatch,其他时间;别的时间conj.&prep.到时;直到为止 v.悬挂;垂下 闲逛,常去某处 v.及时赶上;接住;抓 住,Objectives,To learn to use the following structures about invitationsCan you come to my party on?Sure,Id love to./Sorry,I cant.I have to/mustTo learn to use the modal verb can for invitations and the modal verb have to for giving reasons,prepare for an exam,-What are you going to do this weekend?,go to the movies,-Im going to,have the flu,meet my friends,have a piano lesson,go to the doctor,-What is he/she going to do this weekend?-He/She is,help her mother,visit his aunt,play soccer,What are they going to do this weekend?They are,have a party,spend time with friends,This Saturday is my birthday.I want you to come to my birthday party.Can you come to my party?,Sure,Id love to.,Sorry,I cant.I have to see my aunt.,Sorry,I cant.Im going to the movies.,Match the phrases with the pictures a-e.,prepare for an exam a help my parents _ go to the doctor _ meet my friend _ have the flu _,e,d,b,c,Listen and write the names(Tim,Kay,Anna and Wilson)next to the correct students in the picture.,Tim,Kay,Anna,Wilson,You are the students in the picture.Student A,invite three students to your party.Student B,C and D,give answers.,A:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?B:Sure,Id love to.C:Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare for an exam.D:Im sorry,too.I must go to the doctor.,Listen and circle can or cant.,1.Jeff(can/cant)go to the party.2.Mary(can/cant)go to the party.3.May(can/cant)go to the party.4.Mei Ling(can/cant)go to the party.5.Paul(can/cant)go to the party.,Listen again.Who cant go to the party?Why?Complete the chart.,JeffMayMei Ling,He might have to meet his friend on Saturday.She has the flu.She must study for a math test.,Look at the reasons in the chart in 2b.Write some more.Then,Student A,invite your partner to do something.Student B,say you cant go and why.,too much,homework,Role-play the conversation.,Jeff:Hey,Nick,can you come to my house on Saturday?My cousin Sam from Xian is going to be here.Nick:Oh,Sam!I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.Jeff:Yes,thats right.,Nick:Id love to come,but Im afraid I cant.I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it.Jeff:Thats really too bad!Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Nick:Sure!Catch you on Monday,Summary,Make an invitation,Can you come to my party?Would you like to come to my party?,Accept(接受),Yes,Id love/like to.Thank you.Certainly,Id love/like to.Sure,I d love/like to.,Decline(拒绝),Im sorry,I cant.I have to(play the piano)Id love to,but I have to(go to the doctor),Language points,情态动词 can 的基本用法 情态动词 can 有一定的词义,但不能独立存在,它必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词 can 没有人称和数的变化。其具体用法如下:1.表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。如:I can speak English.我会讲英语。Jim can swim but I cant.吉姆会游泳,但我不会。,2.表示“可能”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。例如:Han Mei cant be in the classroom.韩梅不可能在教室里。Can he come here today,please?请问他今天能到这里来吗?3.表示“可以”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。如:Can I have a cup of tea,please?请问我可以喝一杯茶吗?You can go out.你可以出去了。,have to 的用法1.have(has)to+动词原形have(has)to 后面要用动词原形。当主语为第三人称单数时用 has to,当句子是过去时用 had to。We have to leave now.我们不得不现在就离开。He has to work on Sunday.他不得不在周日工作。I had to do my homework last Sunday.上周日我不得不做作业。,2.have to 的否定句句型:主语+dont/didnt/doesnt/wont+have to+动词原形You dont have to walk so fast.你不必走那么快。He will not have to buy a new coat next year.明年他没必要买新外衣了。3.have to 的疑问句句型:Do/Does/Did/Will+主语+have to+动词原形Did he have to ask the question?他非要问那个问题吗?Yes,he did.是的。No,he didnt(have to).不。,1.Im sorry.Im not available.真抱歉,我没有空。此句中的available表示“有空,不忙,有时间交谈、聊天”,其后还可用to do引出具体的事情。例如:Are you available tomorrow morning?明天早上你有空吗?Im afraid Im not available to help with the school show on the 19th.我怕是没空来帮着准备学校19号的演出了。,2.Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。在英语中,notuntil是一个常见句型,表示“直到才”。在口语中,还可使用till代替until,构成nottill结构。又如:Dont leave todays work till tomorrow.不要把今天的事留到明天去做。I didnt go to bed last night until past midnight.昨晚我过了午夜12点才睡。,3.Catch you on Monday!礼拜一见!这是英语中道别的另一种说法,相当于See you on Monday!类似的说法还有:Catch/See you later!(回头见),Review,课时重点回顾,1.-星期五你能来参加我的聚会吗?-对不起,我不能去。我有钢琴课。2.-你星期日能去看电影吗?-对不起,我不能去。这周末我有太多作业。,-Can you go to the movies on Sunday?Sorry,I cant.I have too much homework this weekend.,-Can you come to my party on Friday?-Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.,一、翻译句子,3.真遗憾,我没有空。4.安不能来我的聚会。5.直到11点他才写完作业。,Im sorry.Im not available.,Ann cant come to my party.,He didnt finish his homework until 11 oclock.,You are going to have a party on Sunday afternoon.First list your friends names you want to invite.Next go to invite them,find out who can come,who cant come.Then fill in the chart.,二、完成以下任务,Can you come to my party on Sunday afternoon?,Practise the conversation Can you come to my party.2.Remember the new phrases by heart.,Homework,Thank you!,


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