Three Label Check,Seven Rights,Injection Principles注 射 原 则,三查七对,Three Label Check 三查:Check label before demonstrating procedure Check label during adminstrating medication Check label after injection,Injection Principles注 射 原 则,操作前、中、后查。,Seven Rights 七对:Right bed number Right name Right medication Right concentration Right dose Right route Right time,Injection Principles注 射 原 则,指查对床号、姓名、药名、浓度、剂量、用法、时间,2.Disinfect the skin over the injection site.,Using swabs with aseptic solution to sterilize the skin in a circular motion from the center outward,with the diameter above 5cm.Rationale:No area should be omitted.No backward.,3Select appropriate injection site:选择合适的注射部位 1)Site should be away from nerves,bones,and blood vessels.避开神经、血管、骨隆突处。2)The skin surface of the site should be free of inflammation,bruises,nodules and scars.避开炎症、损伤、硬结、瘢痕处。3)For the client with long period of injection,the nurse should change the site frequently to protect tissue.长期注射病人应经常更换注射部位。,Injection Principles,4.Expel all air bubbles in the syringe before injection.进针前排气 5.Observe for flashback of blood after injection.进针后检查有无回血 6.Insert needle at appropriate depth and angle.掌握合适的进针深度和角度。,Injection Principles,7.Administrate painless technique.运用无痛技术 1)Explain the procedure and comfort the client to minimize anxiety and promote understanding and cooperation.2)Divert the clients attention from the injection through conversation.3)Assist the client to take an appropriate position to make the local muscles relax and reduce the discomfort of the client.4)Make skin taut during inserting the needle.5)Insert and withdraw the needle quickly.Inject the medication slowly and steadily.That is called two quicks and one slow and is less painful.6)As injecting several medications simultaneously,inject less irritating medication first and more irritating medications second.,Injection Principles,8Dispose of used equipment.使用过的一次性注射器、针头应妥善处理 1)Proper disposal of vials and used needles and syringes is very important.2)They should never be reused.3)Do not replace the needle cap after injection.4)Needles must always be discarded in a puncture resistant container.,Injection Principles,1.Cross method:draw a horizontal line from the top of gluteal cleft to left or right side,then draw a vertical line from the vertex of iliac crest.The buttock is divided into four quadrants.The upper outer quadrant(inner corner excluded)can be used for injection.十字法:从臀裂顶点向外侧作一水平线,然后从髂嵴最高点作一垂直平分线,将臀部分为四个象限,其外上象限为注射区(注意避开内角)。2.Line method:draw a line from anterior superior iliac spine to coccyx.The upper outer 1/3 area can be used for injection.联线法:取髂前上棘和尾骨联线的外上1/3处为注射部位。,The dorsogluteal site for intramuscular injection,The ventrogluteal site for intramuscular injection臀中、小肌注射区域定位方法,1.Triangle method:The ventrogluteal site is located by placing the index finger toward the anterior superior iliac spine,the middle finger toward lower edge of the iliac crest.A triangle area forms by the iliac crest,the index finger,and the middle finger.It is injection site.构角法:以食指尖、中指尖分别置于髂前上棘和髂嵴下缘处,这样髂嵴、食指、中指便构成一个三角形区域。此区域即为注射部位。2.Three fingers method:the site is in lateral area of anterior superior iliac spine.The width is 3 fingerbreadths(clients fingers).三指法:髂前上棘外侧三横指处(以病人自己手指宽度为标准)。,The deltoid site for intramuscular injection三角肌肌内注射部位,23 fingerbreadths below the acromion process on the lateral midline of the arm上臂外侧,肩峰下2-3横指处,The vastus lateralis site for intramuscular injection 股外侧肌肌内注射部位,Procedure,Prepare medication Take equipment to clients roomCheckExplain Select site,assume positionWash hands,wear maskCleanse area with Anerdian swab Check medicationTake a swab Expel air Make skin tautCall clients nameInsert 1/22/3 of the needle at a 90 angleFix syringePull back plungerNo blood returns inject medication Withdraw needle Hold pressure on the site for a moment Get equipment back Wash handsCheck Instruct client,Preparation,Inserting,Arrangement,Withdrawing,Injecting,皮内注射法,Intradermic injection(ID),Purposes and injection sites,First step of topical anaesthesia局部麻醉的起始步骤,Inserting(进针),90*,5*,1/2-2/3 of the needle,Bevel of needle,Quick,Slow,No,Need not,皮内注射操作主要不同点,1用物 2问过敏史3消毒禁碘4进针手法,5勿抽回血,拔针勿按6交代7守侯15-20,观察结果并记录。,皮 下 注 射 法,Hypodermic injection(H),Hypodermic injection sites,Area around the end of deltoid.Lateral aspects of upper arm.Abdomen,avoid umbilicus area.Scapular and waist area of back.Front and side of thigh.,三角肌下缘上臂外侧腹部(避开肚脐)后背(肩胛和腰部)大腿前外侧,静脉注射法,Intravenous injection(IV),Venipuncture sites,Vein should be superficial,and large enough for needle insertion and advancement.选择浅表的、粗直(能使得针头刺入并前行固定)的静脉。Distal end of vein should be selected first,reserving more proximal sites for future IV therapy.为保护血管,要有计划地自远心端向近心端选择。Veins in common use:,Venipuncture sites,Dorsal vein,Basilic vein,Cephalic vein,Median cubital vein,Equipment,操作要点-止血带的使用,一人一条注射点上6cm末端向上松紧适宜,1,2,3,20-30进皮,5-15进血管,进血管后再平行推进0.5-1cm,Steps of IV InsertingIV 进针手法分解动作,Procedure,distend vein fix veininsert needle,release tourniquet and fist inject medication withdraw needle,A,C,B,