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    Unit 12单元能力测试,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,一、单项选择(20小题,共20分)()1._!The tree is falling down.You can choose another way.(2013.贵州)A.Look for B.Look afterC.Look outD.Look up()2.Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her.(2013.山西)A.too;to B.enough;to C.as;as D.so;that,C,D,()3.There are lots of _ on the farm.(2011.黑龙江)A.horse B.sheep C.cow D.dog()4.I saw some snakes in the zoo and I felt _.A.scary B.excitingC.scared D.interesting()5.Is there _ in todays newspaper?A.interesting something B.interesting anythingC.anything interesting D.something interesting,B,C,C,()6.It took me two weeks _ reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.(2012.广东)A.finish B.to finish C.finishesD.finishing()7.-Who danced at the party?-Kate _.A.does B.is C.did D.was()8.-Everything is ready.Shall we start _?-OK.Lets go!A.to go boatB.going boatC.to go boatingD.go boating,B,C,C,()9.-Why are you late again?-Because my mother forgot to _.A.wake up me B.call up meC.wake me upD.woke me up()10.-_?-I went to the mountains with my friends.A.How was yesterday B.What did you do yesterdayC.Where do you want to goD.When was his birthday,C,B,()11.Children know _ telephone when they are in trouble.A.how useB.how for usingC.how to use D.what to use()12.Ten minutes ago,there _ an eraser,a pen and some hooks on the desk.(2011.四川凉山)A.was B.were C.is D.are,C,A,()13.My parents _ play cards after dinner _ last night.(2012.贵州北师大附中月考)A.didnt;at B.didnt;/C.dont;at D.doesnt;at()14.I found a little boy _ in the street.A.plays B.played C.to play D.playing()15.The boss(老板)made him _ 12 hours a day.A.to work B.work C.working D.works,B,D,B,()16.-_ he go to Central Park?-Yes,he did.(2012.山东枣庄)A.Do B.Did C.Does D.Is()17.-When _ you _ to learn to skate?-Five years ago.(2010.湖北武汉)A.do;startB.will;startC.had;startedD.did;start()18._ Sunday afternoon,we flew kites.A.In B.At C.From D.On,B,D,D,()19.-Your room is very dirty.You should keep it _.-OK.Ill clean it right now.(2012.湖北)A.clean B.dry C.quiet D.warm()20.-How was your last summer vacation?-_.(2014.河南洛阳)A.Thank you B.Good luck C.Its was really great D.Its great,A,C,二、完形填空(10小题,共10分)It was Sunday.I stayed at home with my 21.It was sunny outside and I really wanted to go outwith them.My mother 22 the windows.“How nice it is!”she said.“Yes.Lets take Henry to St.Louise Park.He 23 about going there for a long time,”said Dad.“Great!”I shouted.I was so 24 that my dream came true.We prepared everything 25 then started our trip to St.Louise Park.Wow!There were so,manyboats on the big lake in the park.26 we chose a cartoon boat.“Youll be the captain(船长)!”Dad said.“Great!”I said.Oh!I had the chance to drive a boatall by 27.“Please have a seat!”I told my parents.They 28 at the back seat.But unfortunately(不幸地),I was not 29 driving a boat,so the boat couldnt go straight.There were also many wild ducks on the lake.When our boat 30 them,they said“Crack-crack”to me.Maybe they were laughing at me.I had a happy and wonderful day.,C,D,B,D,A,C,B,C,D,B,三、短文填空(10小题,15分)I am Bill Smith.When I 31._ a boy,I loved my weekend very much.32._ weekends,I often played 33._ or went swimming.But yesterday I was very surprised when my eight-year-old daughter told me,“Dad,I dont 34._ weekends.”“Why?”I asked 35._.My little daughter said,“I am too busy 36._tired on weekends.I get up 37._ 6:30 a.m.After breakfast,Mom takes me 38._learn singing and dancing.In the afternoon,I practice the piano 39.,was,On,games,like,her,and,at,to,_ 1:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m.In the evening,I do my homework.I have no time to watch TV.I have no time to play 40._ my friends.Dad,I want a real weekend”.,from,with,四、阅读理解(5小题,10分),C,E,D,F,G,五、根据所给单词的中文意思或者根据所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(10小题,共10分)46.I think _(蛇)are too scary.I am scared of them.47.The cat _(跳)down from the tree and ran away.48.Bettys mother came to school and gave her a big _(惊奇).49.My sister is a student in a _(高中的)school.50.There is something wrong with my _(耳朵).I cant hear you clearly.,snakes,jumped,surprise,high,ears,51.Remember to _(wake)your father up when you go to school.52.When he was six,he _(start)to learn to play the guitar.53.Many _(butterfly)are flying happily in the garden.54.Look at the little boy,he must be from_(Indian).55.It is _(nature)for children to love their mothers.,wake,started,India,butterflies,natural,六、完成句子(5小题,共10分)56.昨天我呆在家为英语考试做准备。I stayed at home and _ yesterday.57.昨晚,我哥哥熬夜看足球比赛。My brother _ watch a football game last night.58.在故事中,老鼠爸爸冲猫大声吼叫,猫就匆忙逃跑了。In the story,Father Mouse _ the cat and it quickly _.,ran away,prepared for the English test,stayed up late to,shouted at,59.她上周末去了哪儿?_?60.昨天他们和谁去?_?,Where did she go last weekend,Who did they go with?,七、读写综合(本大题分A、B两部分,共25分)Last summer,Cathys whole family went to New York for their summer vacation.They stayed there for two weeks.New York has more than seven and a half million people.Its the largest city in the United States.Its also the home of the United Nations.First they visited the Statue of Liberty.Millions of people visit it every year.On the second day they went to the Empire State Building in New York.From the top of the building,they saw most parts of New York.On,the third day,they visited the Metropolitan Museum and saw lots of famous paintings.In the second week,the family visited Long Island.On the island,they spent most of their time swimming,sunbathing,and playing on the beach.They all had a good time.,Information Card,Last summer,New York,Long Island,Two weekends,Empire State Building,B.书面表达(1小题,20分)从上面的故事我们知道Cathy的暑假过的十分开心,我们的暑假还没有到来,那么请介绍一下上个周末你(Lisa)是如何度过的。要求:1.语句通顺,可适当发挥;2.70词左右,_,My name is Lisa,I am 14 years old.Last weekend,I had a good time with my friend.Let me tell you something about my weekend.On Saturday morning,I stayed at home and did my homework.I like English very much,so I did a lot of English homework.On Saturday afternoon,my parents took me to the beaches.We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball.It had lots of fun.On Sunday morning,I flew a kite with my best friend Lily in a park.Then my friend Maria asked me to come to her birthday party in the afternoon.,_,We sang songs and played games,and ate a big birthday cake at Marias house.It was great!Last weekend,I was busy but happy.,


    本文(【高分突破】2016七年级英语下册Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend单元能力测试课件(新版)人教新目标版.ppt)为本站会员(小飞机)主动上传,三一办公仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知三一办公(点击联系客服),我们立即给予删除!




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