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    【陕西专版】《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮 课件 外研版选修6-4.ppt

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    【陕西专版】《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮 课件 外研版选修6-4.ppt

    (2009年全国卷)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容:1.简况:长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺;2.位置:天安门广场南面;3.交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号钱;4.特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。,注意:1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street;当当车 trolley car;地铁 subway。Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.,Dear Sarah,Thank you for your letter asking about the rebui lt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old.Along this 800meter street,there are more than 300 shops.As the street is in the center of Beijing,just to the south of Tiananmen Square,its very convenient to get there by bus.You may take Buses No.17,69 or 59.Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops,,but also to theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life.Im sure youll like it.Yours,Li Hua,1prep.关于2 n.过路人,行人3adj.空的,空缺的4 n.柄,把手5 adj.有污迹的,有斑点的6 v.尊敬,敬重7 v.赠送,颁发(礼物、奖品等)8adv.因此,所以,regarding,passerby,vacant,handle,spotted,honour,present,therefore,9 n亲戚,亲属relation n关系relate v联系10v结合,联合combination n联合11 v使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷depressed adj.沮丧的depressing adj.令人沮丧的depression n沮丧,消沉12n志气,抱负,雄心ambitious adj.有志气的,有野心的13v规定,管理,整顿regulation n规则,条例,relative,combine,depress,ambition,regulate,14adj.自愿的volunteer v自愿,自告奋勇volunteer n志愿者15n(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂relieve v解除,减轻,缓和16v使放松,使轻松relaxed adj.放松的relaxing adj.令人放松的relaxation n放松17 n收藏;收藏品collect v收藏collector n收藏家,收集者18v吸引,使陶醉charming adj.有魅力的,迷人的,voluntary,relief,relax,collection,charm,combine v结合,联合(1)be combined with与相结合combine.with/and.把与结合起来(2)combination n结合,联合,合并,化合,化合物in combination(with)(与)联合起来(3)combined adj.共同的,联合 的,We should combine the theory with the practice.我们应该把理论和实践结合起来。In our daily life,we should combine work with pleasure.在日常生活中,我们应该将娱乐与工作结合在一起。He makes more money than everyone else in the office combined.他赚的钱比办公室里其他人加在一起的还要多。,relax v使放松,使轻松,使(身体某部位)松弛,放松(1)relax sb./sth.使放松relax ones hold/grip松开手relax ones concentration使注意力松懈(2)relaxed adj.轻松的,无拘无束的relaxing adj.使人懒洋洋的relaxation n消遣,娱乐,放 松,Ill only relax when I know youre safe.我唯有知道你平安无事才能放心。A holiday will help you relax after your exams.考试之后放个假有助于放松紧张情绪。I play the piano every afternoon for relaxation.我每天下午弹钢琴自娱。He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.比赛前,他显得镇定而自信。,collection n收藏,收藏品(1)U 收集,采集The collection of the data for this report took me a lot of time.我花了相当多的时间收集这份报告的资料。(2)C 收藏品,收藏物This museum has a fine collection of modern pictures.这个博物馆收藏了一批珍贵的现代绘画。There is a collection of rubbish in the corner.角落里有一堆垃圾。,honour U 荣誉,光荣;尊敬,敬意;C 使人感到光荣的人或事;vt.尊敬;给以荣誉(1)give/show honour to sb.尊敬(敬重)in honour of sb./sth.为了纪念;为向表示敬意;祝贺(2)be honoured for因而受到尊敬be/feel honoured by对感到荣幸honour sb.with.用表示尊重;把授 予,Children should be taught to show honour to their elders.应该教育孩子尊敬长者。She is an honour to our school.她是我们学校的光荣。Will you honour us with a visit?可否光临指教?I feel greatly honoured by the kind things you say about me.你恭维我的话使我感到十分荣幸。,Im honoured to be invited to speak at the meeting.被邀请在会议上发言,我感到非常荣幸。There will be a party in honour of his success.为庆祝他的成功将举行一个晚会。,1We_to have you here tonight.Thank you and it is_for me to be invited.Ahonour;honourable Bhonour;an honourCare honoured;honourable Dare honoured;an honour【解析】be honoured to do sth.很荣幸做某事;honour作“感到光荣的事”讲时是可数名词。【答案】D,2Washington,a state of the USA,was named_one of the greatest American presidents.Ain honour of Bin favor ofCin the honour of Dinstead of【解析】in honour of是固定词组,意为“为了纪念”。【答案】A,3Mr Smith owns_collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.Alarger Ba largerCthe larger Da large【解析】此题考查的是冠词在短语中的搭配及比较级结构。a collection of coins是钱币的收藏,也可以说a coin collection。故排除A、C项,而从题中比较连词than可排除D项。【答案】B,4(2008年天津卷)I just cant stop worrying about the result of the job interview._.Theres nothing you can do now but wait.ARelax BGo aheadCGo for it DGood luck,【解析】句意为:我总是控制不住自己担心面试的结果。放松(relax)些,现在你除了等,什么也做不了。根据语境可知第一个说话者太紧张了,因此第二个人劝对方放松点,耐心等待,故选relax放松。go ahead走在前面,前进或用于鼓励对方做某事,意为干吧,说吧,走吧等;go for it努力争取吧;good luck祝你好运。【答案】A,5The tired worker spent a_weekend and looked_then.Arelaxing;relaxing Brelaxed;relaxedCrelaxing;relaxed Drelaxed;relaxing【解析】句意为:那位疲乏的工人度过了一个轻松的周末后看上去放松多了。【答案】C,6If your knowledge can be in some way_with my experiences,we are sure to succeed.AjoinedBunitedCconnected DCombined【解析】combine结合,联合,常指两个或多个非物质事物相互结合;join连接,联合,强调原来是分离着的东西,现在连接并合并为一体;unite(使)联合,(使)结合,强调联合后形成新的整体,统一目标和行动;connect连接,联系,指两个不同的、分离的事物在某一点上相互接触,但各自仍保持原有的特性及独立性。【答案】D,1与进行来往2 突然间3 赋予生命(生命力,活力)4 伴着音乐跳舞5与情况相同6 与有关,make_contact_with,all_of_a_sudden,give_life_to,dance_to_the_music,(be)true_of/for,be_connected_with,7 依靠,依赖8除此之外9 一定会,肯定会10与情况相同11 利用,凭借,依赖,临近12 举办音乐会,depend_on,in_addition_to,be_sure_of,(be)_the_same_with,draw_upon,give_concerts,(be)true of/for与情况相同;对适用(1)come true(预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现hold true有效,适用(2)(It is)true,but.果然不错,但是(3)be true to忠实反映某事物,符合某 物,Students need a lot of practice and this is particularly true of teachers.学生需要大量的练习,教师尤其如此。By 2009 the worst economic predictions have come true.到2009年,对经济最糟糕的预测已经成为现实。The film is very true to life.这部影片非常真实。,draw upon/on利用,凭借,依赖,临近draw near/close(时间、空间的)临近draw a conclusion(from)从()中得出结论draw ones attention to sth.有意使某人注意某物draw ones eye吸引某人的目 光,He drew on all his savings to buy the car.他动用他所有的积蓄买这辆车。As an actor,you have to draw on your experience to create believable characters.作为演员,你必须利用自己的经验去塑造可信的角色。Christmas is drawing near.圣诞节马上就要到了,in addition to除之外(1)in addition另外,加之,In addition to English,he has to study a second foreign language.除了英语之外,他还要学习第二种外语。He speaks French in addition to English.他除了英语之外还会说法语。I paid 100 yuan in addition.我又付了100元。Apart from the cost,the dress doesnt suit me.姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我穿。,1Over one thousand people visited the exhibition_those who were present at the opening ceremony on the first day.Aexcept Bexcept forCwith the exception Din addition to【解析】in addition to相当于as well as,besides意为“除之外(还有)”;except for,except,with the exception of除之外(没有)。【答案】D,2In order to be a good writer,you have to_your imagination and life experience.Adraw up Bdraw uponCdraw in Ddraw for【解析】draw on/upon意为“利用;凭借;依赖”。draw up意为“写,起草”;draw in意为“到达,吸引来”;draw for意为“抽签”。根据句意“为了成为好作家,你得运用想像力和生活阅历”,可知答案为B。【答案】B,3_upon his own efforts,he succeeded in getting the job in that company in the end.ADrawn BDrawingCTo draw DDraw【解析】draw upon意为“利用;凭借;依赖”,与主语he之间是主动关系,因此用动词ing形式短语作状语。句意为“依靠他自己的努力,他最终成功地在那家公司找到了工作”。【答案】B,4Driving a car needs a lot of practice and this is true_studying English.Aof BtoCin Dat【答案】A,1She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,_ she also studied the guzheng in 1993.她毕业于上海音乐学院,1993年她还在那里学习弹奏古筝。【答案】where,2Its_ _ _classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。【答案】the same with3Its OK to have your own idea of how to complete the task,_ _ _its clear in your mind how you are going to finish.只要你有能完成任务的清晰思路,有自己的想法也不错。【答案】as long as,4_ _me feel very happy.它让我感到非常快乐。【答案】It makes,It is the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。It is the same with sb./sth.也是如此,也可用“So it is with另一主语”,表示前者的情况也适用于另一者。Its the same with your travels on the road to success.你们在迈向成功的路上,也有着相同的经历。,(1)“So(与前句相同的)主语助动词”表示赞同,so译为“确实”,主谓不倒装。,(2)nor/neither连系动词/情态动词/助动词主语,表示另一主语与前面所述的否定概念相同。意义为“也一样不也不”。My sister cant swim,nor/neither can her husband.我姐姐不会游泳,她丈夫也不会。I dont know and neither/nor do I care.我不知道,也不关心。,(3)so助动词主语,表示与前面所陈述的动作或情况有着相同的肯定概念,其中so代替上文所陈述的动作或状态,意为“也是这样,也是如此”。这一结构只用于肯定句。I study in this school and so does my brother.我在这所学校学习,我弟弟也是如此。,Im a teacher,and so is my husband.我是个教师,我丈夫也是。He has finished his homework,and so have I.他完成了作业,我也完成了。If you go to school early tomorrow,so shall I.如果明天你上学早,我也早去。,1Dr Johnson loves much music but doesnt like jazz and_.Aneither is his wife Bso is his wifeCso his wife is Dit is the same with his wife【解析】句意为“约翰逊博士喜欢音乐但不喜欢爵士乐,他妻子也是一样”。也可用The same is true of his wife。【答案】D,2You ought to have given them some advice._,but who cared what I said?ASo I should have BSo ought youCSo did you DSo I do【解析】句意为:我的确应该。上句中有ought to have given,所以这句中要用So I should/ought to have。【答案】A,3My mother does a lot of housework before going to work,but she has never been late._.ASo does my mother BNeither does my motherCNor has my mother DSo it is with my mother【解析】句意为:我妈妈也是这样。上句中是两个不同的谓语动词,所以用So it is with.或It is the same with.,故选D。【答案】D,4David has made great progress recently._,and_.ASo he has;so you have BSo he has;so have youCSo has he;so have you DSo has he;so you have【解析】“so主语助词”表示强调重复上文意思;“而so助词主语”表示上文情况也适合于下文。【答案】B,.单词拼写1He is a man full of_(抱负)to become a great scientist.【答案】ambition2Only when theories are_(结合)with practice can we know how they work.【答案】combined,3You seem much more_(放松的)since you changed your job.【答案】relaxed4He felt greatly_(沮丧)at the news that he has been turned down by the company.【答案】depressed5I always spare some time to visit some_(亲戚)during the Spring Festival every year.【答案】relatives,.选词填空1Dont worry.We will try to_other schools in the area to help your child.【答案】make contact with2He_his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories.【答案】draws upon,3Young Mozart,a phenomenal(非凡的)child,began_at the age of 5.【答案】to compose music4_a diet,she pursues various exercises on TV to lose weight.【答案】In addition to,.语法专练本单元语法现在完成进行时1(2009年湖北八校一联)My eyes are getting tired.I_for two hours.I think Ill take a rest.Ahave read BreadCwould have read Dhave been reading【解析】由Ill take a rest可知现在还在读,根据for two hours可断定用完成进行时。【答案】D,2(2009年西安二次质检)Hi,Tracy,you look tired.I am tired.I_the living room all day.Apainted Bhad paintedChave been painting Dhave painted【解析】本题考查现在完成时态在具体情景中的应用。答话者感到十分劳累,是“粉刷起居室”所导致的结果,故符合现在完成时态的用法;又由信息词“all day”可以判断出说话者同时强调动作的延续和不间断。【答案】C,3I have got a headache.No wonder.You_in front of that computer too long.AWork Bare workingChave been working Dworked【解析】考查现在完成进行时态的用法。由语境可以看出,work开始于过去持续到现在,且说话人带有较重的感情色彩,认为对方不该在电脑前呆太长时间。故用现在完成进行时。【答案】C,4(2008年江苏卷)Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.I think so.He_for it for months.Ais preparing Bwas preparingChad been preparing Dhas been preparing【解析】句意为:“我相信Andrew会赢得最后的比赛。”“我也这样想。他已经准备了好几个月了。”从对话语境可知prepare这一动作从过去一直持续到说话的现在,故用have been doing结构。【答案】D,5Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School,where she_English for a year.Astudies BstudiedCis studying Dhas been studying【解析】考查现在完成进行时态的应用。句意为“凯茜正在阳光学校作语法笔记,在那里她一直在学英语,到现在快一年了”。A项为一般现在时;B项为一般过去时;C项为现在进行时;D项为现在完成进行时。该句强调凯茜一年来一直在这个学校学英语,因此应该用现在完成进行时。,【答案】D,


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