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    【河南专版】《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮课件 新人教版必修4-3.ppt

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    【河南专版】《金版新学案》2011高三英语一轮课件 新人教版必修4-3.ppt

    (2009年江西卷)学校即将举行以“Turning a bad mood(心情)into a good one”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求写一篇100词左右的记叙文或议论文。,一、记叙文Turning a bad mood into a good oneOne day,on my way to school by bus,I stepped on a young mans foot accidentally/quite by accident/chance,I said sorry to him politely immediately,but he called my names rudely.I am in a bad mood the rest of the day.,Realizing my bad mood,my headteacher talked with me patiently about it.He said that in fact it is an insight attitude toward life.It is known to us all that there is a famous saying“Everything depends on ones attitude”Life is like a mirror,if you smile at it,it will smile back to yon.Through this matter,I realize that a good mood is actually an attitude toward life in essence,and that an active attitude toward everything is very important.Ill face everything unpleasant tolerantly from now on and let my soul full of sunshine.,二、议论文 Turning a bad mood into a good oneA good mood is very important in ones daily life.It is actually an attitude to ones life and it is a good quality inside oneself in essence.There is a famous saying that everything depends on ones attitude.If you have an active attitude toward what you have to face in life,you will deal with everything smoothly and successfully whether it is pleasant or not.,If we analyze the very cause of a good or a bad mood psychologically,we will find that it is an inner atmosphere in oneself.Whether you have a good mood or a bad mood depends on yourself indeed.A bad mood is a passive reflection to outer factors in ones daily life.So how can we control our moods becomes especially fatal,we must form an active attitude and learn to control ourselves.If we can do so,no matter what happens around us,we can tolerant everything and make our life happy and successful.,.重要单词聚焦1 n幽默;滑稽2 adj.&vt.满足的,满意的;使满足3 vt.使惊诧4 adj.幸运的;吉利的5 adj.平常的;普通的6 v.使欢乐;款待7 adj.无家可归的,humour,content,astonish,fortunate,ordinary,entertain,homeless,8 adj.用旧的;用坏的9 n.失败(者)10 vt.战胜;克服11vt.使信服12 v.导演,指挥13adj.突出的;杰出的14 n.姿态;手势15 adj.特别的;特殊的16 n.时刻;场合17 n.预算;开支18 v.滑动;滑行,worn,failure,overcome,convince,direct,outstanding,gesture,particular,occasion,budget,slide,19 vt.使发笑;使愉快20 n.解释;说明21 n.侦探22n&v.耳语;低语23 vi.作出反应;回应24 n.脏或乱的状态25 adj.醉的,amuse,explanation,detective,whisper,react,mess,drunk,.重点短语扫描1up now 直到现在2badly 穷的;缺少的3cut 切断;断绝4cut 砍倒,缩小,削减5Burst laughter 突然笑起来6feel content 对满足7pick 挑出;辨别出8star 担任主角;主演9pay attention 注意10 the open air 在户外,to,off,off,down,into,with,out,in,to,in,.课文原句突破1As time went by,he began making films.信息提取as作连词时,有“随着”之意,表示发展变化状况。例句仿写随着年龄的增长,他更有自信心了。_ _ _ _,he gained more confidence.【答案】As he grew older,2Watson tried a third time.信息提取a third time是“不定冠词序数词”结构,此处序数词并无与其他事物一一排比的含义,表示“再一,又一”。例句仿写你能再给我一次机会吗?Can you_ _ _ _ _,please?【答案】give me a second chance,3Unfortunately his father died,leaving the family even worse off,so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.信息提取leaving.为现在分词作结果状语。例句仿写我的车被交通拥挤堵住,所以延误了。My car was caught in a traffic jam,_ _ _ _.【答案】thus causing the delay,4By his teens,Charlie had,through his humour,become one of the most popular child actors in England.信息提取by表示“到为止”,句子经常用完成时态。例句仿写到你收到这封信时,我将已离开这儿。By the time the letter reaches you,I_ _ _ _.【答案】will have left here,content(1)adj.满足的,满意的,That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在乡下。He got a new job in a hotel and he is content with it.他在一家旅馆里得到一份新工作并对此很满意。,(2)vt.使满足content oneself with满足于;使(某人)自己对感到满足As he had to drive home after the party,he contented himself with two glasses of beer.由于晚会后要开车回家,所以他只喝了两杯啤酒就心满意足了。(3)content n(容器等的)内容,容纳的东西She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor.她的皮包掉下,里面的东西散落在地板上。,1Those who are not_with the progress they have made will have greater success.AproudBafraidCpopular Dcontent【解析】本题考查be content with的用法,be proud of表示“以为自豪”,be afraid of表示“怕”,be popular with表示“受欢迎”。句意是“那些不满意自己的进步的人,会取得更大的成功”。【答案】D,2Those who are_their present situations will surely make no more advances in life.Acontent to Bsatisfied ofCpleased to Dcontent with【答案】D,astonish vt.使惊诧That he passed the English test astonished everyone.他通过了英语考试使每个人都感到惊奇万分。They were all astonished to hear China won 51 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics.听到中国在北京奥运会上获得51枚金牌,他们全都很惊讶。,(1)astonished adj.感到吃惊的astonishing adj.令人吃惊的(2)astonishment n惊讶to ones astonishment使某人惊讶的是in astonishment吃惊地To our astonishment,he actually arrived punctually.What astonished us was that he actually arrived punctually.使我们大为惊讶的是他竟然准时到达了。,3To our_,the boss wasnt_at the _ news at all.Aastonishment;astonish;astonishedBastonishment;astonished;astonishingCastonish;astonished;astonishingDastonishment;astonishing;astonished,【解析】考查astonish的名词和形容词的用法。astonishment为名词;astonished表示“感到惊奇的”,一般修饰人;astonishing表示“令人惊奇的”,一般修饰物。类似的词语还有surprise,amaze,shock等。【答案】B,direct(1)vt.&vi.导演;指挥;指示,The police officers had been directed to search the building.警察奉命搜查这栋大楼。Can you direct me to the post office?你能指给我去邮局的路吗?(2)adj.径直的;直接的;直率的;adv.直接地The next flight doesnt go direct to Rome.It goes by way to Paris.下一班飞机不直飞罗马,要经过巴黎。,(1)in the direction of.朝方向under the direction of.在指导下in all directions(in every direction)朝四面八方(2)directly adv.直接地,也可作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“一就”。At the sound of the gun,the birds flew in all directions.听到枪声,鸟儿四处飞去。Directly the teacher came in,everyone was quiet.老师一进来大家都静了下来。,4_,I had no difficulty in finding the famous actors house.ADirecting by Jack BI was directed by JackCWith Jack directing me DJack directed me【解析】考查with复合结构作状语。B、D两项为句子,而后面分句前无连词,所以不选;A项形式不正确。【答案】C,particular adj.特殊的,特别的,挑剔的;n.细节,细目The girl is very particular about her food.这小女孩吃东西十分挑剔。She loves the song in particular/particularly,because her mother used to sing it.她特别喜欢这首歌,因为她妈妈过去常常唱。I have nothing particular to do today.今天我没有特别的事情要做。,5Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a blouse?Oh,she was very_about her clothes.Aspecial BparticularCespecial Dunusual【解析】下句意为“她对衣服非常讲究”,be particular about是一习语。【答案】B,6On Teachers Day,we all went to school_to see our teachers.Aespecially BspeciallyCparticularly Dattentively【解析】考查副词辨析。specially表示“专门地”。句意为“在教师节那天,我们都专门到学校去看望老师”。【答案】B,whisper(1)vi.&vt.低声说,耳语;把(秘密等)悄悄传开He is whispering to his neighbor.他向邻座的人耳语。The two girls were whispering in the library.这两个女孩在图书馆里低声说话。It is whispered that he has cancer.传闻说他身患癌症。,(2)n.耳语,低声in a whisperin whispersin a low voice耳语地,低声地They sat at the back of the room,talking in whispers.他们坐在房间的后面低声谈话。,7.(2007年四川卷)Mum_to us,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.”Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied【解析】本题考查动词辨析。句意为:妈妈小声对我们说:“安静!你们的小妹正在睡觉。”whisper低语,小声说;shout喊,大声叫,呼叫;explain解释;reply答复。根据句意和语境,因小妹正在睡觉,母亲怕惊醒她,所以低声对我们说要保持安静,故选whispered。【答案】A,convince v使确信(信服)(2)convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事(3)convince sb.that使某人确信We finally convinced them of our adventure.We finally convinced them to believe our adventure.我们最终令他们信服了我们的冒险经历。Her smile convinced him that she was happy.她的微笑使他确信她快乐。,(1)be convinced of/that.确信They were convinced of the result of the experiment finally.他们最终相信了实验结果。我确信他有罪。,(2)convincing adj.有说服力的,令人信服的There is now convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现有令人信服的证据说吸烟能导致肺癌。,8.(2007年江西卷)Scientists are convinced_the positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health.Aof;at Bby;inCof;on Don;at【解析】句意为:科学家们坚信笑对身心健康有积极影响。be convinced ofbe completely sure about sth.坚信,深信,确信;effect常与on连用,意为“对的影响”。以上两个均属于固定搭配,故选C。【答案】C,badly off穷的;缺少的Ive got quite a big room so Im not too badly off.我有一间蛮大的屋子,所以住得还不坏。The school is rather badly off for books and equipment.这所学校相当缺乏书和设备。,be well off境况很好;富裕be better off境况较好be worse off更穷的I went to her home and found her living condition was worse off than mine.我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。If he had worked harder when young,he would be well off now.如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。,9How are the things in your village?Modern farming methods have been brought in and the villagers are_now than before.Awell off Bbetter offCbadly off Dworse off【解析】根据前面的“引进了现代化的耕作方法”和连词than来判断,村民的生活比以前“更富裕了”,所以用well off的比较级better off。worse off是badly off的比较级。【答案】B,cut off(1)切断(电力、煤气、自来水);停止的供应Our water supply has been cut off.我们的水供应被切断了。(2)切掉,砍掉,剪掉He had his finger cut off in an accident.他在一次事故中被剪断了手指。(3)中断(电话)We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.我们的电话打到一半被中断了。,(4)使(人,城镇)孤立The village was cut off by the heavy snow.那个村庄被大雪封闭,与世隔绝了。,10He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was_from the outside world.Acut out Bcut offCcut up Dcut through【解析】本题考查cut相关短语的用法。cut out删掉;cut off隔离;cut up切碎;cut through刺穿。根据句意用cut off。【答案】B,pick out(1)挑出,选好Have you picked out the movie you want to see?你挑选出你想看的电影了吗?It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.玛丽花了很长时间才从那家商店挑选了一件新衣服。,(2)辨别出,认出,看清楚Bobs father is very common;you cant pick him out easily in the crowd.鲍勃的父亲很普通,在人群中你不容易辨认出他来。pick up拾起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;用车接某人;收听到;身体好转The bus picks up passengers outside the airport.公共汽车在机场外接乘客。,11.(2007年四川卷)It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly_my friend.Aturn out Bbring outCcall out Dpick out,【解析】本题考查的是动词短语的用法。turn out最终,结果是,生产、制造;bring out 使明显,显示出,推出(新产品/新书/新唱片等);call out大声说出,(在困难或危险情况下)下令出动;pick out认真挑选、分辨出、辨认出,弹奏。根据句意“我几乎不能辨认出我的朋友”,可知D项正确。【答案】D,12She_Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.Apicked out Bmade outCmade up Dpicked up【解析】本题考查动词短语的辨析。pick up偶然、无意中学会。【答案】D,13Youll soon_health when you get to the seaside.Apick out Bpick upCpick on Dpick at【解析】考查由pick构成的动词词组辨析。句意为:到了海滨,你就会很快地恢复健康。pick up表示“恢复健康,振作起(精神)”。【答案】B,Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.查理首先挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。本句as if引导方式状语从句,表示与当时状况不相符的状况,故用虚拟语气。,as if引导从句用虚拟语气的情况(1)从句动词表示的动作在时间上与主句动词表示的动作同时发生,从句动词用过去式。(2)从句动词表示的动作在时间上比主句动词表示的动作早发生,从句动词用had done。,(3)从句动词表示的动作在时间上比主句动词表示的动作晚发生,从句动词用would/could/mightdo。It looks as if it is going to rain.看起来像是要下雨了。He talks as if he knew where she was.他说的好像他知道他在哪里似的。He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.他说起罗马来好像他以前去过似的。,14.(2009年山东威海质检)You understand not only what the rule says but what it means,as if you yourself_it.Amake BmadeChave made Dhad made,【解析】此题考查虚拟语气。as if/as though引导的状语从句有时用虚拟语气,表明与事实相反的情况。as if从句的谓语动词用were/did,表示与现在事实相反;用had done,表示与过去事实相反。这句话的意思是:你不但理解规则所说的内容,而且理解它的含义,好像是你亲自制定的。由句意可知,规则已经制定出来,所以是表示与过去事实相反的假设。【答案】D,.单词拼写1We should never_(满足)ourselves with what we have learned.【答案】content2Many years later,he became a_(无家可归)person.【答案】homeless,3John,_(克服)the difficulty!Dont give up!【答案】overcome4That Zhou Chu killed the tiger_(使惊讶)the villagers.【答案】astonished5All his efforts ended in _(失败),because what he thought was not practical.【答案】failure,.选词填空up to now;be particular about;in a mess;be cut off;be content with 1.The child _food,which results in his poor nutrition.【答案】is particular about2Tom is very untidy;he always leaves his room_.【答案】is a mess,3I havent got any letters from him_.【答案】up to now4It is better to_ what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy.【答案】be content with5We_by the tide and had to be rescued by boat.【答案】were cut off,.巧思妙解1.(2008年福建卷)Whats the_of having a public open space where you cant eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?Asense BmatterCcase Dopinion【解析】句意为:在这样一个公共场所,你不可以吃、喝,甚至不可以走动,你会有什么样的感觉?sense感觉;matter问题;case情况,状况;opinion观点。根据题意选A。【答案】A,2I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good_of direction.Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense【解析】have a sense of.有的感觉,该句意为“我敢肯定戴维能找到图书馆,他有很好的方向感”。【答案】D,3No matter how I tried to read it,I just couldnt make_of this sentence.Ameaning BthoughtCsense Didea【解析】make sense of理解,明白。句意为“不管我怎么努力读,可就是不明白这个句子的意思”。【答案】C,4My aunt always loses her way when she is out by herself,because she has no_of direction.Asense BfeelingCtouch Dscene【解析】have no sense of direction是习惯用法,指没有方向感。sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch视/听/嗅/味/触觉。【答案】A,.语法专练本单元语法v.ing作表语、宾语和宾语补足语1(2010年东城检测)The driver braked hard to avoid_a child coming in his way.Ahit Bto hitChitting Dto have hit【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处谓语动词avoid后面要跟动名词作宾语,类似的动词与词组有enjoy,suggest,imagine,consider,dislike,risk,insist on,get used to,cant help等,据此选C项。【答案】C,2My favourite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse.Its so_that we often feel_ when we see it.Aexciting;exciting Bexcited;excitingCexciting;excited Dexcited;excited【解析】exciting令人兴奋的;excited(感到)兴奋的。句意为:米老鼠令人感到兴奋,我们见了它就感到兴奋。【答案】C,3Tom said something strange at the conference.His remarks left me_about his real purpose.Awonder BwonderingCwondered Dwonders【解析】本题考查分词作宾语补足语,leave sb.doing sth.为一固定句型,表示“使某人处于状态”,第二句句意为“他的话让我对他的真正目的迷惑不解”。【答案】B,4.(2009年南昌二模)The plan to be carried out next month needs_among the members of the labor union before_.Ato discuss;carrying outBto be discussed;carried outCdiscussing;being carried outDdiscussed;to be carried out,【解析】考查非谓语动词。need表示“需要”,主语是物时,其后可以接动词的ing形式,此时用主动形式表示被动含义;第二空前的before在此是介词,其后接名词或动名词,故答案为C。【答案】C,5.(2009年成都第一次诊断)At the airport,a man dressed in a black suit was caught_on the clean floor.Aspit BspittingCspat Dto spit【解析】现在分词作主语补足语。catch sb.doing sth.意为“发现某人正在做某事”。【答案】B,


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